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Wednesday, October 24, 2012

continuation of "Complexities of man or the seeming silence of God"

This is a continuation of a previous post titled "Complexities of man or the seeming silence of God".

The previous thought I was hopefully conveying was the growth phase which should occur between the thought(s) of being "Created to praise" and "Created for Praise".

Both are important in a thriving relationship with the Lord yet what usually suffers as part of that relationship is the Joy of the Lord being realized as if the "Only" true source of inner strength.

Because the church in western culture has adopted the ways of "Democracy" it has allowed the thought of  Christianity as a religion to be more about staying in control over the ceremonial process  of the "How to go about getting into Heaven".

It reminds me of a movie script where the mother of the bride and groom are fighting over how the wedding of their child is going to be staged and adorned.

Having realized the importance of every component of the body of "Christ" what can be seen while observing the unique appearance of the shadow as it depicts the one that cast it?

It would be like asking a large group of people what each thinks the shadow of God looks like not to mention what He looks like face to face. How could they know?

Much like the image of God as such that is hard to realize without the physical representation of the son that appeared, try to compare that to the limitless shapes water can take on once placed into a container?

Not having seen the physical image of their savior, how does someone depict what they think the body which the Lord will ultimately indwell will look like?

To now borrow from that metaphor, consider not only the presence of Jesus while he walked the face of this earth but also what He came to accomplish?

If you were to take away all the miraculous things Jesus performed as well all that he prophesied while here how many at that time would have received and accepted His claim as the Son of God?

Now take that one step further and ask yourself  "How many after several years beyond His departure would have believed His hand picked apostles (witnesses) if they could NOT replicate the same things Jesus did such as heal the sick and raise the dead?

Not that there is a correct answer, but try to imagine how many people beyond His visitation could be convinced by way of the message (Gospel) they hear from present day said believers that the message they're hearing was also sent to them from the "Son of God"?

Now as one last measure of reasoning ask yourself this, How many people did Jesus NOT heal when asked if He was willing?

It's easy to say "Give God the Glory or To God be the Glory", yet maintaining the joy of the Lord can more often be seen as the enjoyment of others as they witness God's glory at work for themselves.

What makes anything seem to grow old are those situations where the old doesn't welcome the unique ways in which the movement of God makes all things new as if a 'New Creation" that just been made.

Being able to stand back and marvel at the unique expression's of a new born believer that's now celebrating the well received revelation of Jesus as Lord is something many can't resist the temptation to try and manipulate.

Too many want to try describe and or dictate to those desirous to know more concerning the Kingdom of God of their own version of that same process. As if to suggest "If it doesn't happen for you in the same fashion it did for me then what your claiming can't also be real and true"!

Now ask yourself "what does a new creation that's been made in Christ look like"?

Does it look like the expression of "Love" you're familiar with and do you know what the growing pains as the result(s) of suffering will look like at every phase as such which brings about change?

If not, then what does Love look like?

If you don't presently know "How will you ever know"?

If you don't know who then will you ask?

And if you don't know who to ask how can there be any real hope of being persuaded beyond more suffering that may not be necessary?

There will come a time when trusting who you do ask will be more important than having asked all the wrong questions.

Investigate for yourself first "Who God is" as the God that is Love. Then ask of Him, "How do I become more like you each passing day that you've given me"? You'll then begin to see why we all have the Need in common as that of a "savior".

Please join me in the future Lord willing as we investigate how Christ is formed in you 'Beyond that of a Seed"

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Complexities of man or the seeming silence of God?

Laughingly I say this, "If only I knew another way to express with fewer words what I believe I would".

I don't know that I've ever gone on record in saying that I'm not anything greater than your brother in the Lord. As one that only hopes to encourage you to further investigate what you believe concerning the savior of man. 

I've not been appointed to be anyone's father except to those which God has given to my temporary care. 

As if the other half of becoming a father, I've learned all that I'm really capable of is sharing with those that now find themselves willing the further details as to why I believe what I do to be true. 

If there be a tragedy within the entire process of becoming a father, I would consider that to be the truthful details as to "Why" no one is willing to listen (to include my own children).

I once heard a preacher comment on what he didn't like about being a preacher.

He said, "What I don't like is knowing that the listening audience has only given me 30 minutes to speak what I trust that God has given me to share. Especially since it's taken me years to clearly understand the same thing".

One might think it hard to understand the mind of the Lord. That is to say, the absolutes of His reasoning as to why He does all that He does and in the way(s) in which He performs at any given moment.

That stand alone statement will most assuredly prove to be true IF that's all there is to be considered about Him. What more could be learned though if one were to consider that no matter what does happen God loves you?

Add to that the trusted thought, the Lord has provided the precise way, means and methodology you and I need to consider all that love is and does at any given moment.

As that notion is increasingly elevated in our crucial thinking, you will then begin to discover more about Him as the original intent for having created you.

If one were to assume their God is silent or only speaks part time, the question remains then "Who has been handed such a great task as if the instrument(s) used to teach in so much that we find ourselves willing to listen to them as we go through the events of this life?

Do we perform as if orphans or as those that do have a heavenly "Father" whom we also listen to moment to moment despite the "Person" through whom He may choose to speak through?

Matt 25:23
His lord said unto him, Well done, good and faithful servant; thou hast been faithful over a few things, I will make thee ruler over many things: enter thou into the joy of thy lord.

Humanities problem as one that is without God, is one of perception. That is considering the deepest notion that "God Is Love" in that He alone is in all truth the ONLY one that will ultimately define what Love is, does and has done here on earth.

It's easy to try and manipulate the meaning of the word "Love", yet as long as God is constantly perceived as if the ONLY one that is capable preserving the essence of love, only then do any of us as created beings have any hope of realizing his activities within ourselves while in varied circumstances.

A question which should drag the bottom of your being might be, "Were you created to praise God" or "Were you created for the praise of God"?

The answer is "Yes"!

Many people confuse the two terms "Created For Praise" and "Created To praise".

When the term "Created To praise Him" is heard it speaks more about you as to the "Why" that caused you to see Him as if He is your God".

Understanding that you have been "Created For Praise" speaks to Gods performance "Through You" as if the evidence of rejoicing in heaven that does take place, because another sinner repents and turns to God.

2 Cor 1:19
 For no matter how many promises God has made, they are "Yes " in Christ. And so through him the "Amen " is spoken by us to the glory of God.

Often times when the word repent is heard the realization gets over looked that it was US that turned from God and not the other way around. Whereas being restored (reconciled) refers to the former standing humanity enjoyed before his fall.

We hear all the time about the "Fall of man", but the question rarely gets asked "What did man fall from and as the direct result what did he then "Fall into"?

Luke 15:7
I tell you that in the same way there will be more rejoicing in heaven over one sinner who repents than over ninety-nine righteous persons who do not need to repent. 

Isa 43:6-9
Bring my sons from afar and my daughters from the ends of the earth —  everyone who is called by my name, whom I created for my glory, whom I formed and made."

Lead out those who have eyes but are blind, who have ears but are deaf. All the nations gather together and the peoples assemble. Which of them foretold this and proclaimed to us the former things? NIV

Understanding "Why" the Lord has provided a way that leads back to Him is a consideration that each of of us accompanied by our own free will must choose to discover.

The former things refer to God's original intent for the sons of God to manifest (manifest as sons and then be brought to maturity).

Within the said church many are hesitant to know more of and about their Lord because they do know deep inside that more would be required of them as a result.

That is to further suggest NOT ONLY within the thought(s) of being in presence of God here in the earth, but as a God that is just and true to His word has at the same time also reserved a judgement for us all.

How easy is to remain aloof or to ignore weightier truths especially while having to consider the weight of the specific personage across from you on the other side of the scales of life?

The result of the response of obedience through faith in Christ coupled with the understanding the process of Godly ordained suffering will produce the sons of God can be painted in many ways.

Obviously one should not want to rush into death, yet more importantly they should realize the chance of  missing the opportunity to mature, to know and to become a more "Attractive" witness concerning Gods affairs here in the earth.

Otherwise what has your whole life been about once weighed?

Consider this question in all truth, "Is there really such a thing as a mid life crisis"?

That is to suggest that a man knows the full number his own days "To be" here on earth to where he can forecast with a degree of confidence that he's at the half way mark?

Having been brought through any crisis that was also God ordained, the believer considered as righteous in heaven goes about their days with an increased depth of character while understanding their Fathers business.

The Holy words of God informs believers that those that are also "teachers" of God's word will also be judged more strictly. Many try to apply this passage below only to those behind the pulpit, yet they'll ignore the part that says "We all stumble in many ways".

If you lived any amount of time on this earth your life as a footprint will either be used to teach or as an instrument used in order to teach the things of God.

James 3:1-2
Not many of you should presume to be teachers , my brothers, because you know that we who teach will be judged more strictly. We all stumble in many ways. If anyone is never at fault in what he says, he is a perfect man, able to keep his whole body in check. NIV

As if a history that does repeat itself many continue to misinterpret the seeming silence of God leading into their own epoch as if He's not presently making anything about Him "Known" through that same silence.

History puts on display and has been recorded for our learning as what not to wrongfully consider however the full context must be brought into focus before anything can be reasoned.

1 Sam 3:1
In those days the word of the LORD was rare ; there were not many visions.

Having been entrusted with the revelation(s) which comes only by way of the Holy Spirit (Spirit of Truth) without regard to their vintage shouldn't be something that believers shy away from once received especially while comparing ourselves among ourselves.

What if a large percentage of today's preachers and church leaders were considered as infants from the perspective of heaven when considering their fruit as if from the same vineyard that's been cultivated for 2,000 years?

What if instead the level of maturity of the disciples they're turning out into the world were going to be used to demonstrate just how far away the Church has wandered from the heart of what God intended them to be today?

What could possibly be a small test to see if what they're preaching were from the heart of God?

Jesus was not persecuted simply because he spoke words, healed the sick, fed and ministered to thousands. Instead He was persecuted and then murdered because what He did preach stood and still stands in direct opposition to something more sinister at work behind what couldn't otherwise be seen.

Defining the essence of "Evil" while standing in the midst of it is what Jesus did.

The work of the devil Jesus came to destroy is everything that sets itself up against the words spoken from the mouth of our heavenly Father. As such which continues to be the direct result of the single lie (seed) that was spoken in the Garden of Eden.

That is to say, "Anything that gets said or done in order to serve itself by way of obscuring the Gospel (truth) Jesus came to make known. He made it available so that as many that are willing might also be saved from the coming wrath of God.

What has been mans best defense to date when considering the coming wrath of God?

He chooses not to believe that he does have the more immediate need of a "Savior" nor has their been one sufficiently provided. That same savior being named and appointed by God as Jesus the Christ.

Why though? Some might suggest that I'm wrong because they've been made or put together differently, uniquely and wonderfully made. Others might add to my being wrong the notion that I'm missing further details about our God which is also true.

All that Truth is will not only prove that He was denied by some but will also prove the result of having denied Him as something that is inescapable on another day.

Truth tells us many things in as many differing moments while using limitless methods, yet none of which defines anyone as if "Different as seen in Gods eye's".

If anything aids our own deception, it's how each of us have mismanaged the "Scope" of all that we've been given as we perceive the venue of life as the world in which we now live. Despite earthly popular opinion that looks to undermine the intentions of God the essence of which God will reveal as to what then has defined them as His enemies.

One and the same creator as well His divine intentions for all humanity are not divided nor were we created to become divided enough that Our God then appears as if "Divided".

Because man doesn't see his brother or his brothers keeper the way God sees them how can man expect to see that God as our witness defines the very thought that "We were created for praise"

1 Thess 2:4-6
You know we never used flattery, nor did we put on a mask to cover up greed — God is our witness. We were not looking for praise from men, not from you or anyone else.

1 Cor 4:5
He will bring to light what is hidden in darkness and will expose the motives of men's hearts. At that time each will receive his praise from God .

To be continued.......

I wish to continue this post at another time and Lord willing I will. I also prayerfully hope that you find it helpful in your own walk and progression as part the maturing process God intended for all those to be considered the "Son's of God".

Monday, October 8, 2012

What does the soul and hope of man look like "Without" Christ?

I'm of the opinion, "There are times when specific things have to be moved out of the way before you find yourself able to see what you really need to see".

What man is not able to see without the spiritual placement of the eyes and ears that are in the favor of the Lord, is the "True" image of his combined being as his own spirit, soul and body.

"True" meaning as God see's them.

Despite what popular opinion might suggest I think it important to hear, "There are still the same number of letters in the English alphabet yet only God and those which choose to believe know their value".

Those same letters having been shaped and formed into the words He spoke. Words which we also "Hear" enough to where we respond accordingly.

There are seemingly endless reasons why people can't seem to find the "Way" to relate to each other much less agree upon any one thing at any given moment, yet there is only one reason that's also true why man can not find himself able to relate to the Lord at any given moment.

Their differences as seen through the uniqueness of the individual should also prove that to be true. Enough to where one finds themselves at odds at nearly every turn with the very creatures God also created.

All the more because each hasn't found themselves apply fitted as the "Way" his words have gone to great lengths to express that same image of agreement (what Unity was intended to manifest as according to the will of God).

If all men have been created equal, then every man's words and actions would then prove and point to the "Way" of the Lord.

What does man more often look to as the reason(s) so many seem so different? Does man look to his own imperfection he's gone to great lengths to repeatedly make "Himself" aware of? What happened to putting such things to death by way of the leading of Gods Spirit having remained willing to die to self?

Imperfection to mean the combined thought(s) of humanity he alone has invested energy and time into shaping the who and how God see's him in his own mind. Man has become more confident in the impulses of his own "Imperfection" that he has forgot the task at hand.

The task which only the Lord Jesus can accomplish having become your LORD and Savior.

What task might that be? The same task the Lord said that He came to accomplish which was to "Destroy the works of the Devil". Where man needs to begin in his own task oriented "Mission" is to first consider his own actions that might have been motivated by the voice of a mutual and eternal enemy.

First conceived as a thought to then be given into through birth by way of his own responsive actions (as if the life that's been given over or handed over to the seeming demands of temptation).

Notice he doesn't say the devil who goes on sinning because some where else it's recorded that he (devil) has been sinning from the beginning. What does Gods word say though?

1 John 3:8-10
The reason the Son of God appeared was to destroy the devil's work. No one who is born of God will continue to sin, because God's seed remains in him; he cannot go on sinning, because he has been born of God.

This is how we know who the children of God are and who the children of the devil are: Anyone who does not do what is right is not a child of God; nor is anyone who does not love his brother.

How so one might ask? Allow the Lord to sweep your house clean to then allow his ministering servant(s) sent to protect the household of the Lord that's yielded their own will to Him.

This requires reverent trust, yet a "trust" as something that is impossible to see without faith towards God and his will for you to include any hope filled thoughts of His protective angelic beings created for just that.

Luke 11:24-28
"When an evil spirit comes out of a man, it goes through arid places seeking rest and does not find it. Then it says, 'I will return to the house I left.' When it arrives, it finds the house swept clean and put in order. Then it goes and takes seven other spirits more wicked than itself, and they go in and live there. And the final condition of that man is worse than the first."

As Jesus was saying these things, a woman in the crowd called out, "Blessed is the mother who gave you birth and nursed you."

28 He replied, "Blessed rather are those who hear the word of God and obey it."

All men have not been created equal with respect to their abilities much less finding themselves able to hear from the Lord without having been drawn to Him. There is little hope of being able to continually hear from Him as Lord unless one is born again having become a new creation in Christ as if He is their savior. 

There is however a level playing field where each are considered as equal. That playing field then becomes the equally vested interest in all that God has to say as if there is NO other way.

While attempting to understand anything the Lord has to say, it must first be understood as a more exact picture to whom He continues to speak to.

In order to hear his words the way He intended them to be received it must also be understood as if an identity when we read the words "They, Their, Your Fathers and That Generation" which are speaking to you at some point of the time line of a life which has been given and lived.

Was it only "They" that went through a rebellion"? Was it only "Their" plight as the reason they did rebel? Was it only "Your Fathers" fault as the reason you have rebelled? Was it only "That Generation" that did or has rebelled against what the Lord does have to say?

The eternal reality is that the "They" are the "Them" of today. We are the same as the "They" back then in terms of the family of God, that is when we respond today the same "Way" they did in "their generation".

The said "They" will not enjoy His rest if we all have not responded to Him the one and the same 'Way" the Lord pre-scribes.

Heb 3:7-11

So, as the Holy Spirit says:

"Today, if you hear his voice, do not harden your hearts as you did in the rebellion, during the time of testing in the desert, where your fathers tested and tried me and for forty years saw what I did.

That is why I was angry with that generation, and I said, 'Their hearts are always going astray, and they have not known my ways .' So I declared on oath in my anger, 'They shall never enter my rest.'"

Don't allow yourselves to be deceived. Find the one that is true and listen to Him.

This proverb is not describing the child of God that DOES believe every word which comes from His mouth.

Instead it's describing the mindset of an orphan that doesn't know who his father is or where his next meal will come from with any degree of confidence as if that same voice of confidence was also speaking the "Truth".

Prov 28:21

To show partiality is not good — yet a man will do wrong for a piece of bread.

Know the "Way" that He depicts and not some fabricated "Way". Such a way to where man alone can somehow convince himself that he remains in control over the "Way" which leads to the one and only "Heavenly Father".

Mere men without the counsel of the lord have been busy building the tower of their own understanding as they hope it will reach to the heights of the heaven they hope to enter and then possess.

Does the statement "No one comes to the Father except through me" sound as if man has control over that process?

In terms of what is True, man does maintain one thing and that is his own will whether to live or die according to the intent and purposes the lord has set forth which His word will accomplish having been received (and then conceived).

 John 14:6-7
Jesus answered, "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. If you really knew me, you would know my Father as well. From now on, you do know him and have seen him."

The lives of the patriarchs as if our Father(s) was used as the instrument and as our example so that today we might also come to 'Know" the way into the land that has been "Promised". That promise as such that will come to pass, yet the question remains will YOU get to enjoy its presentation?

Deut 30:15-18
See, I set before you today life and prosperity, death and destruction. For I command you today to love the LORD your God, to walk in his ways, and to keep his commands, decrees and laws; then you will live and increase, and the LORD your God will bless you in the land you are entering to possess.

But if your heart turns away and you are not obedient, and if you are drawn away to bow down to other gods and worship them, I declare to you this day that you will certainly be destroyed. You will not live long in the land you are crossing the Jordan to enter and possess.

Now ask yourself in a moment enjoined with the truth, how important is the family of God realized "Today" once placed in that perspective?

How beautiful is the message of the New Order that's been paid for in full as the message of reconciliation we now find enjoyment in today?

Begin your quest for the "Truth" and ask not only yourself but the Lord that can save you. Start with the examination that only He can provide. That examination will lead you to the only answer where you will more than realize "Jesus Is Lord of all".

Ask of Him for ears that CAN hear so that the eyes of your soul can then see why you do need a savior. He will lead you into all truth and HE will baptize with the spirit of truth and power that will lead you to the salvation that He has promised.

There is only one place to begin and that is to "Begin" with His word(s), because in them can be found His living will and power that will deliver the promises contained within them.

You will recognize the one that was appointed as Lord by what He wears. When you know Him you will also understand why His name has been endowed with the power that proves Him as "The Lord".

Being born again and becoming a new Creation would suggest that a New seed is required in order for this creation first be conceived.

Once born of His spirit his word will not remain a riddle or parable unless you reject or resist the nourishment found in it. Much like the small child that needs to eat, you too will hunger and thirst for more as does all the true children which belong to Him.

Luke 8:11
This is the meaning of the parable: The seed is the word of God

Rev 19:13
He is dressed in a robe dipped in blood, and his name is the Word of God.