The soul of man does many different things for just as many different reasons.
In one moment he might plunder his circumstances having failed to stop and consider how his desires and actions could "eventually" affect himself or others.
While in the next he allows the reckless abandonment that's been governed by surrounding opinion(s) to over ride sound reasoning without considering having departed the eyes of the Lord.
It's easy to say "God is watching", yet how easy is to know what God is thinking in terms of His response(s) having observed your behavior?
Is beautiful truly the state of "Ignor-ance" or is ignorance like casting only a "Glance" at something assumed to be of little value? When was the last time you bent over and picked up a lonely penny?
If only the thought that God was watching prevents us from acting a certain way, then corrupt reasoning might suggest specific ways to forget the weight of that very thought.
What is it about our creator humanity seems to Love so much more than the "All" they don't really want to know about Him?
Has man "Fallen" more in love with a God that is seemingly silent and or not present except in times where individual "Needs" are perceived?
In so much that his children continually refuse to get to know Him as if their creator as well His intent and purposes for having created them?
Is it not the path of least resistance taken when we paint God to be the personage that also desires that He remains a mystery within our lives because we consider such things as too "Personal"?
How can you Love what you don't know? Ask any small child to embrace and love two parental icons they also "Know" nothing about?
Matt 22:37-38
"'Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.' This is the first and greatest commandment.
Can sound reasoning throw all of the "Does and Don'ts" (laws) out the window and still have any real vision for what a creator wants?
More specifically as it pertains to hearing the "Yes and Amen" from God that's found embedded within His intentions for us?
Imagine having a parent that was "Deaf, Dumb and Blind"? If mischief found its way into your mind how easy would it be to see yourself getting "Away" with just about anything YOU wanted to do?
Where would respect find itself if "hot" is thought of without there being "cold"? Where would the day find itself without the night that approaches?
Where would "Yes" be without the respect that's due for the possibility of receiving a "No"?
We're told to resist the Devil and he will flee "From us as we turn to God (our creator), yet our corrupt nature seems to enjoy its own version of "Victory" from one moment to the next.
Do most just want to assume they've maintained there stealthy approach was quiet enough to where they're able to snatch their (God given) "Free Will" from His hand to then run away as fast as they can and do with that same "Free Will" as they so desire (however reckless that might be)?
Try to picture a large steel ball resting on the level crest of a steep graded hill. The weight of its mass keeps it balance stationary until something external comes along which also proves to be able to influences it's mass enough it then begins to move.
Mankind can grasp most of the prevailing laws of gravity, speed, inertia as long as the consideration of such laws pertain to observing something other than himself.
How aware is he though with respect to timing (time)?
Once he puts himself in motion while assuming he's also being pressed down upon the face of the earth being held safely stationary by that same force?
When do the "Laws" come into affect? Is it only where there is risk involved?
Man was made to move around or else we would resemble sticks with no movable joints.
Man was not created to be a robot either which is where the need for "Faith" comes in as we take up and put to use our "Free Will" to say, act and do.
The only "Will" that is also "Free" is found as the mind of Christ. One that only desires and does as it see's the Father doing. All other wills are those that do NOT perceive themselves as having been mastered.
Does man only forget until he falls down? Does he only remember when he jumps off ? Or is that he only remembers when the net results of his own (naked) reasoning are no longer comfortable?
From day to day most try to govern themselves by the said Golden rule, "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you" yet does that standard maintain its consistency in every scenario while passed along?
I'm not exactly sure about the context through which the above phrasing came into being , but it's definitely been misinterpreted in light of the way it's outward expressions are being broadcast and those "Net" results which are then passed along to the next person.
That rule of "self" was valid while the Laws was the government of that process, yet a greater rule has come because the Law as if the governance was taken away (fullfilled).
Col 2:13-15
When you were dead in your sins and in the uncircumcision of your sinful nature, God made you alive with Christ. He forgave us all our sins, having canceled the written code, with its regulations, that was against us and that stood opposed to us; he took it away, nailing it to the cross . And having disarmed the powers and authorities, he made a public spectacle of them, triumphing over them by the cross.
This was said of the mouth of Jesus our savior (Christ).
John 13:34
"A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another.
In terms of "learning" I'm of the opinion one can only follow the example that's been set before them, yet it still requires the inner desire (esteem) of the recipient to want to emulate that same example.
Is it because of the potential influence as if a "Controlled Substance" that has been revealed to them OR is it because this type of person only desires the net result(s) which then manifest because of what they have "Done"?
Eph 5:28
He who loves his wife loves himself .
What if the same fashioned thought was molded to fit how we consider God as if our Love? What if we were to think on Him in terms loving Him is to Love ourselves?
How much of "Self" can be given away before there is nothing left to give?
How much of God was given away at the risk of being thought a "Shame" (waste) in the eyes of many?
What of those that have a poor understanding and know little about the importance of loving themselves?
Where does it leave them within their understanding?
At what point does a persons reasoning recognize themselves as if an "Enemy" of Love?
That's not to mention the inability (unfamiliarity) of others that are unable to recognize the "Truest" expression of Love never having truly enjoyed its company.
A heart is hardened when that heart considers itself "Unloved".
What if they then take that same standard that's been drafted from their own reasoning to then exert that measure in their "Doing unto others" as if they are "Doing" unto themselves?
What if such a person is only "doing" (operating) in the fashion in which they were shown how to do?
Would that make their "Teacher" responsible or should it cause the question to arise "Were they ever taught differently"?
Eph 5:25-28
Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her to make her holy, cleansing her by the washing with water through the word, and to present her to himself as a radiant church, without stain or wrinkle or any other blemish, but holy and blameless. In this same way, husbands ought to love their wives as their own bodies. He who loves his wife loves himself .
I can understand trusting "Doing unto others" as if unto the Lord, yet not always unto mankind as he has done unto us. That is to say the very words many pray daily. Why though? Is it because others have been found unworthy at our own discretion?
What if the Lord followed such a rule to the place where He only loved us when we were lovable? Would we then still find Him on the cross?
Luke 11:4
Forgive us our sins, for we also forgive everyone who sins against us.
What if we are doing nothing more than what we hate most when others do the same thing?
Enough to where we hear, "Who are you to tell me anything" or "Who gave you the right to tell me anything"? As if their telling you and I, "I've peered into your life and your ways and I don't see the evidence of God's grace at work being exhibited through you"!
Stop and think for a moment about what was just shared.
Is their own summation about the contrast between Gods Grace and your behavior not enough to convict what they in inadvertently just admitted knowing enough to judge you?
Rest assured of this, that no matter how crafty a man thinks he is through his own reasoning he will not escape what God knows about him.
Today in lite of there being so many different opinionated theology's, how (in the scope of sanity) might adopting this rule ever have any real hope of also "ruling" over (influencing) the behavioral habits of an ever growing population which seem to be in love with "Justifying" their own actions?
Why are people so afraid of different factions when they do come along? Whether politically motivated or religious based ideology, how influential are they and why? Is it that such a mindset looks to protect the freedom found within our own choosing?
Jesus came into this world to accomplish specific things. He also made it known to man the "Why" he would be put to death and for no reason other than to silence Him having found himself as hated by a specific faction of humanity.
Here's what is recorded as His own words concerning the interest of all His activity while here on earth.
John 15:24
If I had not done among them what no one else did, they would not be guilty of sin.
How often do said infractions (sin) we seem to worry about when others perform in such a way do those same things eventually become our own "Secretly" realized responses towards each other?
Maybe instead of using buzz word such as "Infractions" to describe them maybe they should be labeled "Infections"?
I remember hearing for the first time years ago in the late 60's and early 70's, "If it feels good do it"! Today I can see where the adoption of that same mentality has crept its way into the homes and minds of many.
When I say into the homes and minds of many I'm not suggesting those who already reject Jesus as Lord and their Savior while doing all that they choose to do.
My question is, "Does the Golden rule need rewording to fit contemporary said "Christian" reasoning OR does the standard embedded within the Golden Rule need to be revisited?
John 13:34
"A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another.
Jesus also said, It's easy to Love those who Love you" yet he did not say those that loved Him were the only ones that that He would Love. In His wisdom He defines those that Love Him as those that will obey what He taught.
Do children outside of a stable home have any real chance of finding the right way among such confusion? Without a the foundations of Christian like mindedness, how "Could" they make sense of the ocean of opinions?
I use the word confusion in an effort to describe an environment that has become so very cluttered with as many different opinions as there are people.
Today due to so many different opinions it would depend upon "Who" is being asked to define the said "Stable" home environment? Who is right (righteous) and who is in error?
Unfortunately in order to answer that question the home would first have to be redefined as such that is also acceptable before the inquiring minds could respond. Otherwise it would be back to business as usual.
That same "Who" then becomes the watchful eye that helps shape and form the delicate minds of so many that need more time, guidance and training in order to establish their own "reasoning" abilities which are then placed up for consideration as if they are "Righteous".
So many different opinions that have found themselves on the "Loose" are going not only after the minds (opinions) of children, but also at a much younger age.
Children are being handed this said "Golden" rule as if they are those which are also in their "Golden" years as if they already know so much more.
If there were a spooky part, it's that they (youth) actually "Believe" the empowerment of that rule as if they are the standard of "measure" being applied (unto themselves). As if that notion will protect them from all the bad possibilities that are "Out there".
The sad part in the form of a question is, "Who has seduced them with such reasoning abilities enough that that measuring instrument now rules them in their decisions being made"?
Much like the progress of the industrial age, those that have managed themselves to the point and place in time where they find themselves not only in control of the natural resources but also the needed labor force this epidemic seems to follow.
As do most good things in life most things start out with the best intentions, yet once the notion of the underlying "Influential" power truly gets realized all reasoning that was "Good" then gets thrown out.
I'm of the opinion that some of the most corrupt minds out there have since come to realize, "We can sell anything to the people because they'll see it as something they also assume they need".
What are they abusing? What they know all to well as the weaknesses of our humanity.
It has been said of the Gospel of Christ and His kingdom that it's the "Almost Too Good to be True News".
Jesus was once asked by a representative of humanity what must be done to inherit eternal life?
Was this man called a certain ruler because He too assumed that he "Ruled" over his own life and the requirements that need be met in order to receive eternal life?
How well do you Know God?
Better yet "How well do you assume He Knows You" as a reflection of himself?
Luke 18:18-20
A certain ruler asked him, "Good teacher, what must I do to inherit eternal life?"
"Why do you call me good ?" Jesus answered. "No one is good — except God alone. You know the commandments: