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Thursday, May 31, 2018

Why Panic?

Why panic, especially if You're convinced God is in "Control". sw

There's a reason for the title of "Leader" as well "World Leaders", yet who becomes overly concerned and why on the day it's "Universally" accepted that the God and father of Our Lord Jesus also established those same Leaders and that WITHOUT getting into the discussion as to 'Why" and "How"?

The question could be asked "How relative to what God is doing in the earth in the Grand Scheme of "Things to Come" does the appointment of Leaders also affect Gods People? That also to assume the prayers of gods people are also heard? Prayers heard that do NOT go unnoticed or acknowledged because God's people as compared DO know the heart of their God and that He is attentive to the Prayers of His People? More importantly WHY god is attentive to the prayers of the "Righteous"?

Is it possible that a "World" that is opposed to the Will of God can also have it "Both" ways? Exactly "What' is the difference between the Righteous and the Unrighteous" who presently occupy this world? Is it the simple matter of people agreeing here on earth? Or is the greater concern Gods people have agreed with What God is DOING?

If God intended to reveal something that is of a much "Higher Order'? Something that God intended to reveal that can only be seen by those who DO believe that by the hand of God "Leaders" were also Appointed for a reason"? The reason being something that ONLY the words of God will also REVEAL once interpreted accurately?

Call me crazy if you like, but did "Israel" Gods chosen people also agree with and enjoy 400+ years of bondage to Egypt? Many years later Gods people having been set free from that same bondage by the hand of God only to find yet again a similar struggle with the Roman Empire?

Exactly why doesn't the "Imperfection" of mankind also interpret "Slow To Learn"? As if King Saul, His replacement David, Samuel are somehow NOT here to testify to what THEY supposedly gleaned from their "Life Time" under the hand of God while here?

What Good is any RECORD left behind for the sake of those wo were intended to :receive same if those intended to Glean from same also refuse to take heed? And if God does NOT change, who then is "Ignorant" enough to try and CHANGE the righteous narrative ONLY God can validate while expecting a different oriented "Outcome"?

Was it NOT also prophesied that God (Christ) would come (present Himself) to His own yet His Own did NOT receive Him? Did they NOT receive His person because they had NOT been told of His coming? Or is it more like mankind and His eternal enemy to instead change what God has said which in turn influences and affects WHY few recognized the presence of The Christ in their midst?

The same words that were "Before" that became Flesh and dwelt among all those who refused to SEE the MAN Jesus for WHO He was and STILL is to this DAY despite His Physical and momentary ADDRESS is assumed?

Who should these type of events also "Point To Today"? Whenever God speaks to His Own and few are "Observed" as though 'Listening"? And as such without taking into account who the Leaders are emulating or NOT?

Despite what those who are gathering in the Name of Christ are trying to "Profess" is taking PLACE here on earth as if a testimony of what God is doing in heaven according to His Living WILL, exactly what might a reflection of a type of Leader Gods people here on earth WANT look like if god were Trying to show those same ones anything of Eternal Value?

And that without also reviewing the type of thoughts as to "Who" Gods people are today and what justifies them as "God's People"!

Exactly who was David if NOT a God appointed King? Was David as King simply another leader of just any People or Gods chosen leader placed OVER Gods chosen People? Exactly when did David become King of Israel? The "Day" He was signed into Office OR the Day He was found in a field tending His earthly fathers herds and was anointed by Samuel the Prophet of God by way of mere WORDS SPOKEN from a mans mouth over him and the divine symbol applied in the Pouring of Oil on His head?

In terms In Gods Sight" and who Israel today truly "IS" verses WHERE Israel IS, what's the difference? Can there be Holy Ground if God is NOT also standing there? Is God the God of Property or isn't He? And to whom do the People of Israel as it concerns God the Father (Of Our Faithful and Eternal Hope) belong to and WHY?

Will everything that eventually PROVES exactly who Israel Is in terms of what GOD Honors prove to be a people who simply inhabit a specific piece of Land? Land that already belongs to the Lord as do ALL things? That being verified HOW? According to whose own words?

At what point is anything also established by way of 'Words" spoken? Words that also agree with and according to Gods words and faithful "Prophets"? Or will the consideration of the ISRAEL God is concerned with prove to be so much MORE than land and a people whom to this day continue to "Reject" Jesus THE only Christ as their Messiah? As do the Arab and other surrounding nations many of which to this day according to scripture still qualify as Gentiles?

Does openly rejecting Jesus as Lord and Christ somehow do away with the divinely important mention of a parcel of land (Jerusalem) namely the City of David sits on? By NO means, yet was that the original "Question" in terms of 'Exactly Who today is Israel in Gods sight? If NOT the entire consideration of who Gods PEOPLE are on ANY God Given Day then WHO?

Did the Prophet David leave out ANY attribute of god when honoring Him with mere words?

And if God speaking THROUGH a man is the only reason that qualifies them as a Prophet of God, how then do we  acknowledge the voice of David as a Prophet?

And exactly HOW LONG is a DAY that is also to be considered TODAY in the sight of God?

Heb 4:6-8
 7 Therefore God again set a certain daycalling it Today, when a long time later he spoke through David , as was said before

"Today, if you hear his voice, do not harden your hearts." 

1 Chron 29:10-13
David praised the LORD in the presence of the whole assembly, saying, 

"Praise be to you, O LORD, God of our father Israel, from everlasting to everlasting. 

Yours, O LORD, is the greatness and the power and the glory and the majesty and the splendor, 
for everything in heaven and earth is yours

Yours, O LORD, is the kingdom; you are exalted as head over all. 

Wealth and honor come from you;  you are the ruler of all things 
In your hands are strength and power to exalt and give strength to all. 
Now, our God, we give you thanks, and praise your glorious name. 


Monday, May 14, 2018

Public Enemy

If divine wisdom were only to be measured by way of those who enjoy hearing the voice of Christ, who today should also expect to be heard speaking anything of real value regarding the depth of the future.  sw

I personally can't think of a time where I "Enjoyed" the company of someone I deemed a true enemy in the moment. Given enough time and change of circumstances I can also say, those same enemies didn't seem to pose as much of a threat as before!

Would you say there is such a thing as having both Public and Private 'Enemies"?

Most believers in Christ who go about their daily lives under the "Impression" they're operating under a "Full" or "Increased" sense of awareness of "Christ In Them" 24/7 should easily understand what I'm about to suggest. As is anything that's "Part Time", who's to say beyond certainty how even a part time relationship with Christ doesn't also suffer in terms of a Keen sense of "Awareness" due to familiarity and/or 'Contempt"?

Why might someone qualify as a 'Personal" enemy as if different from what "Qualifies" the same person to be an "Enemy" of God? Even if only a "Part" time enemy within the grand scheme of time? Does the recorded History of God made available to Believers in Christ disclose whether of NOT God does in fact test those He considers to be His friends?

Even when going as far back as Abraham and Moses?

Does the history of God ever display those who were seen doing things opposed to His will, who later turned back to Him at some point in the future given enough time & change of circumstances as if Full opportunity to Repent? Some of those same ones who in the moment were very convinced they too were DOING and Living within Goods Will?

And if the type of repentance only God accepts were the only "Real" dividing line, who then might come to understand the much broader scope of a "True" relationship with The Lord?

Is there truly such a thing in Gods sight where someone can honestly be considered TOO spiritual? Having been accused of same by the type of beings who are also "Imperfect"? Considered as being "Too" spiritual while also being reminded that God is "Spirit"? Also while remembering those who DO worship God must worship Him in Spirit and in Truth? Is there truly a difference in the two or does one simply compliment and reinforce the meaning of the other?

The economics of that question being steered by things God also says such as "To be Filled with the Spirit?  And if God has to remind someone WHICH type of spirit to be filled with, who has also clearly misunderstood what God intended? What happens when people who do suggest they worship God IN TRUTH do NOT believe there are different types of spirit's? Spirits that enjoy a degree of invisibility that surround, influence  and interact with humanity in many different ways?

To then try and process why the behavior and the "Favor" of that same behavior is always in QUESTION? All the above while trying to pin a name or a face on the multitude of different type of negative versus "Positive" type of influences we observe in this world?

Stop and think about it for a moment? Society that stems from "CULTURE will allow the STUDY of psychology to take their findings to the "News Media" in order to SELL their findings, whereas any other sector is NOT legitimized or HEARD as though HISTORY and LIFE somehow speaks DIFFERENTLY and quite possibly ONLY to them?

To then hear of late where "Believers" in CHRIST suggest Jesus speaks to them personally who are often considered to be borderline psychotic? Is there TRULY such a thing as a CONTROLLED STUDY? Under Control where EVERY considerable aspect has been TRULY considered?

The type of study that's also been carried out under CONTROLLED circumstances? To then think to ANY Church brought into QUESTION these days? Why is the field and study of SCIENCE NOT being seen as ILLEGITIMATE because it does NOT nor CAN NOT completely CONTROL what nature refuses to AFFORD them? Considered CONTROLLED while also suggesting to be UNDER the sovereignty of Gods CONTROL?

Some are assuming they're Spirit filled, but under the premise and rules of displacement who remains coupled to a over bearing living soul? The type of soul that has somehow allowed itself to be misguided while refusing the acceptable type of "Understanding" Only the spirit of God can provide?

What happens whenever ANYTHING is "Said" to be "Impossible" in this world? Is the testing of these type of boundaries Godly? What happens when anything is allowed to continue "unexplained"? or "Justified"? Exactly who is attempting to provide the "Unrighteous" narrative?

Especially as it applies to those who follow close behind someone else while watching their own steps so very closely while keeping their "Head Down"? Who then for ANY reason gives up or quits searching and "WHY" once they're convinced they're following the ONE they need to continue to follow? And without the periodic judgment of Self taking place, what happens to those who refuse to be conformed to the likeness they too see as if it belongs to this world?

And if there were a greater and more accurate set of scales, what would You suggest happens to those who attempt to speak ONLY about ALL that is ONLY possible WITH ...God all the Time?

What if it were no longer being taught the "Eyes" of the Lord to this day continue to roam the whole earth seeking to find and show himself strong on behalf of a pure Heart towards him? As if something to be considered of Great value in Gods sight? Who or what then has ANYONE placed their Faith and eternal "Hope" in?

Is the type of Faith God describes Truly Blind or does Faith NOT walk by sight? And if NOT By sight why NOT? Could it have anything to do with what can be seen can NOT ALWAYS be trusted? And who can paint the accurate image that's also to be valued of the Blind whose also leading the "Blind' if no one can SEE?

I believe a "Picture" can and is able to speak a thousand words, whereas i also know what God says about a man who speaks TOO much might also suggest, yet only when heard in the righteous context?

It was said of Christ that if everything He said and did was recorded, the world couldn't contain those books!

If faith is the "Substance" of things hoped for how then without further explanation can the faith God speaks of also be discerned? Have you ever wondered WHY many believers continue to struggle with the Godly definition of what Faith is? Believe it or NOT the Bible will inform you if you also are willing to accept what it DOES say in it's "Purest" state?

If Faith is the evidence of something greater than what may NOT presently be seen, who then stops LOOKING for more evidence once satisfied?

Faith being something also found to be pleasing to the very same resources oriented God, Father and rewarder of those who diligently Seek His person?

Just short of being "There" (the sweet spot in life no one wants to leave), exactly what is the difference between "Now and Then"? Whether looking back in time or Forward into those things that have yet to come? The type of things that are stated as being 'Taught'? How many things considered having been Taught are only because they've been "Prophesied"?

Exactly what is the difference between a person claiming to be a 'Prophet" and a "Prophet OF GOD" who ONLY declares what is True? Is there ever a true reason WHY a Prophet of God would have NOTHING further to SAY? Would it be more accurate to suggest GOD is being silent or the Prophet of God is being Silent because God is NOT speaking?

And if Mankind could ever find his person decided upon what is true how long before He would no longer be satisfied with same in terms his personage being "Fulfilled" based only upon everything he can NOT see with his physical eyes?

And if the type of reward only a Prophet or a Righteous Man can bring is also full of the sufficient evidence needed, wouldn't it also be nice to know who and exactly what actually does qualify either of the two? Especially in a world that's being over run with so many "Unverifiable" words being spoken?

Exactly How does someone discern between any two or more 'Considerations"? Especially while living in a world where very little of late seems worthy of deep "Contemplation, Consideration or Meditation"? Exactly how DEEP is the darkness of mankind and How revealing is the Light of truth allowed to BE?

All the above being outside of ALL that God says His acceptable and pleasing type of Hope Is that also been based on His Living Will? And if looking forward towards something does prove to have had nothing to do with remembering what God has shown and recorded for our "Examples" and Warning, truly who and what has any man "Followed or Feared" with any "Degree" of certifiable "Reverence"? Exactly why are those who rant and are said to rave on and on about God often despised?

Yet when the more recent public rave seems to be even more godly people supposedly Privately go and PAY to gain entrance into these type of Assemblies that openly dishonor what Gods words declare? The evidence of this type of behavior being the type of topics that are only whispered or spoken of in the third person only in the lobby or parking lot "At Church"? As if spoken of in the sanctuary ONLY a sinner would do such a thing?

Maybe more pointed is the question, who over sees this type of "Acknowledgement" within ANY ONE'S life in terms of what to 'Do" whenever the enemies of God are encountered? And if the Enemies of God, what should one who is trying to remain obedient to God also do or expect to find out when and if an enemy of God IS righteously "Called Out" out NOT so much for being an enemy of God, but ACTING as if a friend of GOD and as such in front of WHO?

With One significant "Reality" being added, the battle of those who believe in Christ is NOT against "Flesh and Blood"? So what does this mean and how should the organic nature of this truth also play out "According to Gods will? A battle that also being fought against otherwise invisible enemies of God, that can and often do manifest through Flesh and Blood? At what point should the question arise, how then does one not only do battle, but 'Win"?

Does a person ONLY seek to win once they've become fatigued with "Losing" time after time? Do they ever learn to ENJOY their own sense of WEAKNESS while losing? Who exactly is NOT asking what victory at the hand of God was INTENDED and PURPOSED to look like?

Is the answer only a matter of who keeps forgetting or who "Consistently" remembers because they HAVE BEEN well trained as is a GREAT SOLDIER? And what makes any soldier also GREAT in the eyes of God without also studying the WORDS that have come from Gods mouth?

In terms of an enemy of God, coupled with the reality of Christ In You", how then does the mind that has been "Anointed" to over see the affairs of the Soul and Body day to day learn to "Exercise" this reality without having been taught how"?

To truly consider prior to a True Conversion, most were unaware and/or were unwilling to accept of the potential affects of the influences of an enemy of God within their life?

Does a person who's truly experienced a divine conversion having been Sired by the words of God simply wake up one day and suggest they're following Christ? As such with little to zero noticeable differences? Noticeable changes maybe, but noticeable to who and to what end? Anyone can change periodically, but does Change also mean the type of Change that is also acceptable or simply something Different than was before?

In terms of the Habitual Realm and the type of "Change" that can OUT last the multitude of seductive desires this world can conjure, who can "Stand" under such pressure without giving their person over to do and become the labor force for these same misguided type of desires?

Are people looking for noticeable changes God acknowledges? Noticeable to THE ONE whose assumed the role of the teacher or only noticeable to the student (child) who's holding OUT in the hope of somehow being Taught?

At what point does the Role of the Holy Spirit engage and somehow get measured during the teaching process? How does the One who's truly responsible for doing the teaching measure the progress of the one assumed is "Learning"? And as such without their being a trusted personal relationship already in place or that's BEING established and periodically tested? Is there a true difference between being Tested and Tempted? Either or beyond doubt in between those periods of supposed change taking place?

Under the terms of "The Likeness of Christ" being TAUGHT as the Objective and the desired NET result(s), who's going to ultimately determine whether or not the lesson objective was valuable or NOT in terms of what has been taught also being "Effectual"? Having produced "Fruit that Last" might also be another way of suggesting same?

Is there ever a point reached within a learning process where the one teaching must also Sale themselves (their person) as if "Respectable" and worthy of teaching? What does "Apt" to teach mean to You?

As if asking the one teaching "Do YOU also truly believe in the teaching material you've been provided in order to "Teach" what is NEEDED or are you simply going through the "Motions" because someone else over you simply handed you some Type of teaching material and said "Go Teach'? Some type of unemotional training guide that seems void of "Personality" (Impersonal)?

Outside of the consideration where both the student and teacher are claiming to have the Spirit of God within them, exactly what eventually "Proves" who a Teacher should be? As if the entire Learning venue is somehow the simultaneous testing of both teacher and student that's taking place? That to suggest the teachers also never ceases to 'Learn'?

Is this person (student) also going to KNOW how to make all the needed CHANGES along the learning curve the spirit of God requires? How is the student going to KNOW beyond doubt what the teachers TEACHING is as though VERBATIM and applicable to them also directly from the spirit of God? As such without the spirit of God also testifying to the substance of what has been Taught to date?

And if those who desire to be the teachers in the Body Of Christ are going to be Judged MORE strictly, exactly HOW is this type of teacher(s) also to BE judged, by whom and when? Will they be judged Before or AFTER any type of damage has been done by way of wrong teaching?

And if GOD is to be assumed the ONLY one who's doing the judging and correcting, who then can be blamed except God when things do Go wrong based on what has been taught? Blamed for the net results whenever there is "Wrong Teaching" that's allowed to continue and be passed along from one generation to the next? Simply because something has been ALLOWED to continue, how does that in turn get Interpreted? That God is to BLAME because He as GOD is the one that allowed it ALL to TAKE place?

And if the teacher also secretly lives a separate life "Style" that's kept hidden from the church for a Long period of time? Namely homosexuality? Maybe Pedophilia, a Habitual Liar in the secular business dealings, a Whore mongers or a Lover of Money whose to say with certainty their day to day teaching habits will NOT somehow be "Biased"? Biased as if "Just Incase they were to get caught, they now have a constituancy that's been TaughtAre these area's going to prove to NOT somehow bias the totality of what gets taught for the Common Good of Gods people?

Why are there Biblical qualifications for the Leaders of the Church, yet the TEACHERS who prepare those to be lead by leadership are rarely qualified or vested in much the same 'Way"? Having forgotten what God says about every disciple born of Christ will also "Follow" only WHO? And that ONLY because His sheep DO hear His voice because they've been Taught WHAT?

How to hear His voice? If I as the father and head ship within my household say aloud to my children "Come to Me" and even though they each hear my voice "No One" responds in a reasonable amount of time, what then should I discern that will also speak on behalf of what I've assumed I've also effectively taught each of those members?

Exactly how many Loving Mothers, Parents and Relatives also over look certain types of behavior for the sake of HOW and WHAT they've been taught Love is and DOES in ALL matters? Is being a sinner only a matter of doing what is wrong or does it include "Approving" of what is wrong in order to somehow "Make Room" for ourselves at some point in the future in area's where Christ could otherwise CURE ANYONE who is WILLING?

Cured of the type of desires that are also said to be COMMON to man? Common to MAN to insist that NO ONE is exempt despite what their mind and mouth has decided to Campaign For or Argue against?

The type of desires of ones own heart that GOD did NOT place in the Heart?

Exactly what does God say also qualifies as a type of suppressing what is TRUE? Does sweeping things under the Proverbial Rug somehow HIDE such things from the sight of God? What does the SEARCH of ones TENT also reveal when Gods servants come looking for the things that might defile the People of God as if the WHOLE?

Is there No One to be found trust worthy in any setting who's then given this type of authority to search out private matters? Ii it that authority has failed OR the authority has NOT been delegated due to Lack Of Trust? And if lack of trust does prove to have everything to do with the "Net results" and guidance of the Interpretation, "Who" then has been entrusted as well given the Authority to teach and/or LEAD?

Are there no recorded stories in the words of God that reveal what happens whenever someone tries to hide the things that also defile the whole of Gods People in the privacy of THEIR OWN tents? As if somehow KEPT hidden from the sight of GOD?

And if I or anyone else also has to remind YOU there are such truths, who then by default has fallen short and why? Is it the fault of The Leaders, The Preacher, The Evangelist, The Teacher or the "Student"? Why is there no such thing as Spiritual Homework being taught today? As if all that was Intended to Be a Type of common Knowledge among Gods people has also been left up to those who desire to be considered A friend of God whom also knows what pleases god or NOT?

Exactly what type of doors does that also Leave Open that Christ also "Opened"? Especially in terms of anointed Teaching that has come to the body of Christ by way of the teachers God has also GIVEN to the Church for edification and sanctification?

Have you ever had a teacher or professor where at some point in proving their point who didn't find they too had to somehow borrow some aspect of their teaching STYLE from the ONE who taught them? That is unless this teacher also came from the WOMB a naturally born TEACHER whom also teaches by way of their very NATURE?

If Not, exactly who's going to teach them? Even more important, who's making the determination what is being taught is also "Of the spirit of the Lord"? Who can be trusted and exactly whose teaching why NOT everyone or just anyone who claims to BE a teacher may NOT be qualified?

 'Why" without there FIRST being a relationship in place? And if the one in need of being taught has yet to come to know what "sound doctrine also sounds like, is it any wonder why "being lead astray" today is the FIRST thought that comes to mind yet the WHY is the last thing to be fully CROSS examined and/or investigated?

If the One who needs to be taught is also the SAME One who's going decide who they CAN trust enough to be "Their" teacher, at what point could an objective observation be made in order to see yet  pattern beginning to "Redevelop"?

What if making disciples that are strict followers of Christ was intended to be NOTHING more than training others HOW to hear From the Spirit of God? Why then would it matter "Who's doing the Teaching that is also OF Christ? WHy then would it matter if Christ is properly taught is also the ONLY one who has been given ALL authority in Heaven and on Earth?

To then try and figure out exactly WHY there are so many DIFFERENT conclusions being drawn within a Body of people who's mandate and marching orders emulate a type of people who can barely Agree on what the "Church Budget" should look like at the end of each Year or who gets to decide the thermostat setting for building should be on Sunday Mornings?

 the spirit of God also suggested?

Not if the need to CHANGE has NOT been righteously considered and completely acknowledged as a type of need that has no visible END in SIGHT?

Some of the least observed icons in the Bible were 'Who"? The true Prophets of God?

Ps 36:1
Contend, O LORD, with those who contend with me;fight against those who fight against me. 2 Take up shield and buckler;arise and come to my aid. Brandish spear and javelin against those who pursue me.Say to my soul,"I am your salvation."
4 May those who seek my life be disgraced and put to shame;may those who plot my ruin be turned back in dismay. 5 May they be like chaff before the wind,with the angel of the LORD driving them away; 6 may their path be dark and slippery,with the angel of the LORD pursuing them. 7 Since they hid their net for me without cause and without cause dug a pit for me, 8 may ruin overtake them by surprise — may the net they hid entangle them,may they fall into the pit, to their ruin. 9 Then my soul will rejoice in the LORDand delight in his salvation. 10 My whole being will exclaim,"Who is like you, O LORD?You rescue the poor from those too strong for them,the poor and needy from those who rob them."
11 Ruthless witnesses come forward;they question me on things I know nothing about. 12 They repay me evil for good and leave my soul forlorn. 13 Yet when they were ill, I put on sackcloth and humbled myself with fasting.When my prayers returned to me unanswered, 14 I went about mourning as though for my friend or brother.I bowed my head in grief as though weeping for my mother. 15 But when I stumbled, they gathered in glee;attackers gathered against me when I was unaware.They slandered me without ceasing. 16 Like the ungodly they maliciously mocked;they gnashed their teeth at me. 17 O Lord, how long will you look on?Rescue my life from their ravages,my precious life from these lions. 18 I will give you thanks in the great assembly;among throngs of people I will praise you.
19 Let not those gloat over me who are my enemies without cause;let not those who hate me without reason maliciously wink the eye. 20 They do not speak peaceably,but devise false accusations against those who live quietly in the land. 21 They gape at me and say, "Aha! Aha!With our own eyes we have seen it."
22 O LORD, you have seen this; be not silent.Do not be far from me, O Lord. 23 Awake, and rise to my defense!Contend for me, my God and Lord. 24 Vindicate me in your righteousness, O LORD my God;do not let them gloat over me. 25 Do not let them think, "Aha, just what we wanted!"or say, "We have swallowed him up."
26 May all who gloat over my distress be put to shame and confusion;may all who exalt themselves over me be clothed with shame and disgrace. 27 May those who delight in my vindication shout for joy and gladness;may they always say, "The LORD be exalted,who delights in the well-being of his servant." 28 My tongue will speak of your righteousness and of your praises all day long. NIV

Is this life only about "Motive, Purpose, Intent, under the terms of somehow being ALL you can be?  Is Being a Christian here and now only about one day "Going To Heaven"? Under those terms, will being your "Best" while "Here" in whatever chosen field your're in prove to be enough?

IF this is true , how then would you consider what Gods Will has to say about being the Best Thief, Best Liar, best Prostitute, Best Drunkard, Best Swindler or the Best Adulterer there ever was! What about being the best Mom, Dad, Grand Parent or BFF? In terms of being the "Best" at ANYTHING, wouldn't it depend on WHO you've been compared to and "Why"?

What happens when the "Schemes" of an enemy as though talking about an "Eternal Enemy" are factored into the equation? At what point is a part time enemy truly been converted into a "Full" time "Friend of God"? Exactly who is it God has determined "Who" the friends of God are and "Why" they are?

In terms of the "Net results of this Life", exactly who gets to determine who's done their best at whatever especially if God did NOT assign or instruct such a person to do the "Same"? The same being determined by as many as are "Lead" by the Spirit of God in ANY given moment?

Assuming a person knows God in one hand has reserved eternal "Destruction" for some and in the other "Hand" God also holds something greater? In terms of Knowing God and choosing which hand also holds your reward having "Made" your choice(s) to date, how important then would Knowing the person of God factor into this type of 'Scenario"?

At what point does being possessed by the spirit of God include the Mind of Christ as the "Sovereign" certainty within ALL believers who are IN HIM (Christ)?

Will our reward held in store be based on what You and I choose? Will our choice(s) made also have ANYTHING to do with what each  "Has Believed is True" from one moment to the Next? Some might suggest THIS IS A RIDICULOUS example! Lets review and put what we think we do know about God to the test?

Lets assume in One hand are the Blessing and in the other a Curse? If you don't enjoy those words In one hand God holds Life and in the other "Death"? Or if you don't enjoy those choices one hand holds the tolerance found in Heaven and the other here in the Earth?

The same God who even goes as far to Give us a hint which is the better Choice made by suggesting to "Choose life" and WHY this is the much wiser choice! What if a person has a poor understanding of the differences and their consequences in this Life as if somehow just the 'opposite" of an Eternal existence that's YET to COME?

Today where mankind finds his well informed person, here is the one Caveat (advantage/opportunity) a person has today the FIRST of ALL mankind may NOT have considered (Adam & Eve)? Who else besides Your SELF will also benefit from our the choice(s) we MAKE? As well how we DO SEE the inner compulsion that causes us to REPENT and WHY?

Not only that but the opportunity to Know the Love of God on a much more intimate level in terms of experiential "Knowledge" by way of a sacrifice MADE?

Deut 30:19-20
This day I call heaven and earth as witnesses against you that I have set before you life and death, blessings and curses. Now choose life, so that you and your children may live and that you may love the LORD your God, listen to his voice, and hold fast to him. For the LORD is your life, and he will give you many years in the land he swore to give to your fathers, Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. NIV

And if the LENGTH of a persons VISION extends only as far is the length of his nose, is it still any TRUE wonder why the fabled Pinocchio had need of having a LONGER nose that grew with each LIE?

Despite how many choose to interpret this World and Life God also Created and is Lord Over because He has been given ALL authority over same, some actually do believe that God is In ALL, and through ALL and by Him are are ALL things held together WITHOUT trying to OVER look even the smallest of details.

Which is easier, give credit to the devil for every other thing observed who's also seen sitting on every fence post OR to SEE not only WHO the enemies of God are by way of knowing WHY only SOME will be considered Gods "Friend(s)"?

Now try and reconsider what is more often required whenever a Friend NEEDS you to FEEL the SAME thing they're FEELING in order to mutually "EXPERIENCE" the sense of Mercy and Compassion within an otherwise Lonely world?

A Lonely world being defined as a place where EVERYTHING else you might POSSIBLY think of in ANY single life time has been provided, otherwise made available and placed at your disposal? Everything EXCEPT for ONE THING?

To then consider WHY God in ALL His wisdom somehow reached the determination it is NOT Good for Man to be ALONE? And should GENDER differences and those supposedly historical benefits of a spouse somehow get in the WAY, WHO then will ultimately still CHOOSE ....God in the Moment"

And what are the qualities of ANY true Leader? Would tasking the One whose been CREATED with the IMPOSSIBLE seem even remotely RELATIVE? Not if this Created Being doesn't understand the importance in making the true discovery of "Relativity or Relationship"? Even more under the CRYSTAL clear terms in knowing beyond doubt that EVERYTHING that has been created is also FULL of MEANING?

The type of meaning that ultimately POINTS back to One and the Same easily IDENTIFIABLE SOURCE as well WHY?

Is the hope filled substance of this life only based on what we each Believe? Or will what is, was and forever will be REAL also prove to YOU and I to have been TRUE no mater where in time this type of 'Inquiry" has been made?

Surely, woman came from where if NOT the side (rib) of man? Yet does that somehow do away with the Highest of thoughts as to exactly where MAN came from? Who's very LIFE and Being belongs to WHO? And as such first and foremost?

What type of person would EVER hope to somehow derail the thought "Pattern" under the CLEAR terms of WHO else might follow the unique sway of individual power to INFLUENCE? These same ones who follow WILL either choose likewise or NOT based on what if NOT what each generation chooses to believe is TRUE?

Are question such as these ONLY aimed at a persons Body and Soul? Or have they been precisely aimed straight at the body and soul that continually refuses to AGREE with and be Taught WHY Only the Spirit of God can LEAD Only the Soul into a Life Of Godliness? This truth being made evident by way of the death and decay of our mortal bodies as compared to the soul and spirit birthed of God that will NEVER die in the same fashion....

A feeble attempt at a humerous image might be that of a small child who's leading his Life Long friend down the road behind him who's also still chained to his "Dog House"!

Friday, May 11, 2018

Traced "Out" or 'Out Sourced"

I wanted to delve into an area in this particular blog about something I personally believe ALL men are instinctively aware of, yet many only vaguely "Understand".

I'll just say this and let the words land where they do, "I love kids, but I love kids who are willing to pay attention even more". The full press of that comment residing in the thoughts of children who not only want to mature, but even greater the stage of life where children begin to understand what is required of them in order to be "Considered" mature.

The type of child who is NOT aware of the type of fear of being "Rejected" and as such for ALL the RIGHT reasons.

The type of child who does understand they're being taught HOW to MASTER the otherwise made powerful type of thoughts that only come by way of the Power Of Sin. This same type of power to be found where if not ONLY in the reinforcement of the Law(s) God at one time loosed upon mankind.

The same echoing sound of a Heavenly Father who once said to the first recorded murderer BEFORE HE committed his person to murder his brother what Cain needed to consider? The murderous spirited nature whom still to this DAY speaks what, how and TO WHOM as if His own?

And if God is NOT seen or HEARD as the One who has given man not only the RIGHT but also the Power needed to become the Sons of God, who then has any person listened to other than the Lord?

And if taking matters into your own hands does a have a physical representation, whose hands are NOT also "Blood Stained"? Not only blood stained but with "Whose Blood"?

Gen 4:6-7
Then the LORD said to Cain, "Why are you angry? Why is your face downcast? 7 If you do what is right, will you not be accepted? But if you do not do what is right, sin is crouching at your door; it desires to have you, but you must master it." 

Not a sense of maturity that has been ESTABLISHED and appointed by way of a temporary Guardian, but the type of Maturity ONLY THE Father of ONE Mutually understood spirit promotes?

Let's face it society as a whole will "Abandon" the type of child who doesn't "Belong" for a multitude of "Reasons", whereas a parent (Guardian) who've also been duly labeled on a much higher level is somehow "Bound" and must be willing to OWN not only the "Good" things "Children" do but even more the mistakes they make.

How easy is to merely suggest that "It takes a Village to raise a child", yet without the RIGHTEOUS example of the TYPE of village any child has also COME FROM also being CLEARLY made KNOWN, whose to say where ANYONE has TRULY come from?

As if to suggest, "Oh, you're One of Them or That Group"!

What if ANY group also being scrutinized by a surrounding world were NEVER seen as having anything of "Immediate" (Temporal) value to offer the said "OUTSIDER"?

What would you suppose a particular type of village would also WANT the OUTSIDE world to "Hear, SEE and understand does take place INSIDE the walls of a GOD ESTABLISHED...."Village"?

Case in point on ans even smaller scale, whenever a semi-private conversation unfolds about a Son who does do something "Stupid"? We've all at least heard of the type of Father/Husband, who informs his "Wife" that it was , YOUR child did this or that'! Maybe something said under the premise of tongue in cheek, never the less something that gets "Verbalized" just loud enough, yet for the sake of WHOSE understanding?

When suggesting having done something MEANINGFUL and FOR the ETERNAL SAKE of someone else to Include the possibility of Christ also residing within such a person, what could POSSIBLY transpire as well be revealed were someone to HUMBLY approach another ONLY in order to CONFESS their OWN wrong doing?

Who says what about those type of moments that DO suggest, When God is Made Strong" and why in terms of another's appearance of "WEAKNESS?

As is OUR human nature I believe that we as a species can choose whether or Not we're willing to take the time in order to "Understand" something, someone and/or OUR mutual circumstances, but how many are willing to take the time in order to course correct because the said "Guardian" do SEE the matter at hand as an "Eternal" matter?

Surely God said it is better to GIVE than to RECEIVE, yet whose truly giving WHAT to others if NOT by way of the token of a divine EXAMPLE? Is there a more TRUE reason others to NOT subject the outward (Projected) IMAGE of their person to the whims of another? The same type of IMAGE this same person has assumed MIGHT be REJECTED if they DID?

The same Image many have spent years, maybe countless amounts of money and energy somehow BUILDING? Only to what? Somehow envision seeing that same Image Fail to PROJECT all that GOD said that same Image should be PROJECTING in this world?

Is it because of what some also know what will happen should they SUBJECT their investment in this IMAGE of their Persona as if WEAK in the eyes of an otherwise ENEMY? And against WHAT does anyone also weigh the "Outcome" of ANY type of God Given OPPORTUNITY?

I personally believe there are many things that will directly result in a child "Going" to Hell, yet I also believe there are few things that will result in a True Child of God whom also 'Wills" themselves to Go to Hell. The type of child who remains willing to submit their person to God established authority, Godly rebuke, Godly correction, Godly admonishment and Godly chastisement.

The type of Child who does NOT shoot the messenger before they've at least heard EVERYTHING a messenger has to say. The type who does NOT look at the outward appearance without the counsel of KNOWING what the TRUTH sounds like in ANY God given type discourse or SCENARIO.

What happens when ANYONE fails to see the Goodness of God? Whether clothed in the Flesh or visited By Gold plated Angelic beings with WINGS or by way of the SOUNDINGS of His voice being read from the bindings of a Book?

Try and HONESTLY explain to GOD what HE does NOT sound like without also finding out what He DOES sound like? Either you DO know or You've only manufactured your OWN excuse!

Surely it has been said in times before the visitation of Gods sent Christ that No man Has seen God, yet what type of man can honestly say they've NEVER heard the voice of God Speak that also explains HOW to hear and SEE Him as THE LORD?

 John 17:2-3
Now this is eternal life : that they may know you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom you have sent. NIV

Rom 1:20
For since the creation of the world God's invisible qualities — his eternal power and divine nature — have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that men are without excuse.

How can I or anyone speak as if WITH the "Confidence" only God can provide? 

What would You suppose would be the "Outcome" if a child at some point along the lineage of their maturation process did begin to understand they too were ALSO being raised by a CHILD of God? 

What might take place if they too were to witness their own Guardian being disciplined based on the SAME governing Principle they were being tasked with following? As if to suggest whenever their particular Guardian has DONE or SAID something Wrong within their Own walk and position of "Over Sight" within the Purview of the Same God?

Nearly as equal, what if an immature child of God observed their Guardian getting away with the same SPIRITED type of things some choose to also SAY and DO WRONG? To then hear the Guardian later preaching about the type of man that does NOT KNOW his own history is BOUND to what........Repeat it?

Granted ALL men have sinned and have fallen short of the Glory of God, Yet who should know BETTER the Divine power of Forgiveness than THOSE who have over ran the PULPIT and continue to preach as if Foreigners to ONE and the same Process ALL men have been subjected to?

Are believers men MADE Holy or are they men who are TOO proud to CONFESS their sins they so desperately go to GREAT lengths to HIDE? Pedophilia's whose wandering and haunting eyes suggest they clearly ARTICULATE God's undiminished Message over the FULL depth of Gods people? Some who've Yet to be flushed out of their assumed Secret society "Whore Mongers" who disqualify and often deny others a seat at that the wedding supper of the Lamb of God?

Those who endlessly bind others to THEIR past sins by continually exulting and talking about the power of SIN the LAW ushers in, while barely mentioning the POWER of Forgiveness and ALL that comes WITH that same God Given status of "Forgiveness"?

Is there a TRUE reason why CHRIST own did NOT receive Him for Who He IS when He did Come? And who was it that did NOT prepare those who were intended to RECEIVE his person without regard to HIS physical appearance?

Is there more to the Power of His name than simply audibly invoking or attaching it to a series of words that have NOT been based on ALL that is TRUE? Once again who's said what to the people of God and WHY if the people of GOD are also task with KNOWING the ONE TRUE GOD and the ONE God has sent? 

John 1:11-13
He came to that which was his own, but his own did not receive him. Yet to all who received him, to those who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God— 13 children born not of natural descent, nor of human decision or a husband's will, but born of God. 

And who in this world has truly been willing to take the time to "Understand" the divine value and depth of the true meaning of words such as "Transparency"? Who has been made able to look PAST what their physical eyes are NOT able to SEE in a person in order so they can SEE the ONE who is otherwise speaking> Is it enough to suggest one does know whenever the devil is speaking only then to deny being able to HEAR the Voice of the Lord?

The same type who claim to SEE with such clarity the reflection of Christ, yet only when looking at themselves in their CHOSEN type of  Mirror?

Do said believers truly HEAR what they're confessing these days? some will say Miracles have passed away, yet in the next breath they scream ALL things are possible with God? The same one's who purchase the newest, shiniest and latest version of Gods words (bible) yet the same ones who have to repeatedly be TOLD where God said what He did and in what Context?

The same ones who suggest they TRUST their hand picked Preachers, Teachers, and elders yet they won't do what they're preachers suggest they NEED to BE doing unless they find their person In the Mood?

The same ones having waited til the last moments (Sunday Mornings) whenever they're supposedly attentively listening to and for the TRUTH by WAY of what is being PRO-nounced over them as though TRUE...AND as though the CHILDREN of God?

Because when God has been the Central component of a labor of that is of "Love" that ONLY God has defined, it is that same Love (Mercy) that will go on to prove itself once that same type of Love drives OUT truly life ENDING "Fear'! The ONLY type of "Fear" that is spiritually healthy!

Many claim to be followers of Gods words, yet how often do many see Gods words Failing to "Accomplish" what God has said his words were sent to DO? Is there anything more eternally potent and spiritually thought provoking than "Seeing" a prophecy of God fulfilled? As opposed to NOT being ALLOWED to SEE the fruit of ones efforts?

Is there TRUE reward that will Also be found in the end, simply because a person has allowed themselves to be convinced they're DOING Gods Bidding here in this "World"? Exactly WHO is that has Convinced YOU? The empty words of ungodly people or those who were so compelled and were allowed to compel YOU to the point where YOU also enjoyed see what others also "Prophesied" and/or "Testified" to in some fashion?

Because it ALL resides under the roof of "Oneness" in terms of there being One spirit, Father, One Household, One Family and One Body under the terms of the bonds of "Peace and Unity".

I also believe anything a man of said "Sound Mind" does NOT understand is the fault of the one who refuses the type of "Proof" or evidence that does prove what is "Right". Proved right is one type of consideration, yet proved right for "How Long"?

That is unless something more persuasive comes along and somehow displaces the previous conviction?

What happens whenever a man is said to have "Let Go" of anything?

In terms of anything to be considered "Right", what one question should confront all mankind? That question being asked under the very premise this nation has labored to continually prove for How long in that all men were created 'Equal"? Claimed to have been created Equal, that is until the point of his Own Hurt?

Exactly what is there to be gained from this world in terms of somehow becoming or being a FAST learner? Think about it?  What has a person confessed with their own mouth and heard with their own ears if a person suggest aloud they've "Learned' something of everlasting and meaningful value at an early age such as "Love Hurts"?

Is it that Love Hurts or will TRUE hurt prove to BE the LOSS of something that ONLY HURTS because it wasn't real to begin with? Something that is so easily taken from You and I? Will a persons hurt also depend on who also defines ALL that Love is and does? Will Hurt eventually prove to BE everything a person and/or humanity as a whole was NOT willing to believe to be TRUE?

Believe it or NOT, Hate has a purpose. A said "Hater" is only a bad HATER when they've hated the wrong things while in this world. Hated the wrong things depending upon WHO you choose to believe? Hate can produce a GOOD thing, yet something GOOD that can only come and FIND you or I as if the result(s) of WHAT?

 And who is God as Lord who is also YOUR Savior? And without knowing what He as God saves you from, who has any man woman or child also BECOME if NOT a Child who has since been reborn OF God? And without a meaningful PROMISE we can hold on to, what is the difference between those who simply SAY they Believe and those who do find relief because they DO BELIEVE in His Promise(s)?

Hurt is the result of true "Transition and Transformation". Hurt is the pain felt when doubt and unbelief otherwise attempt to Rob a believer who does reside at the INN of Christ of the type of reward ONLY the DIVINE promises GOD can deliver!

Don't care to know what a precept is? Maybe you should care enough? Maybe you should begin by caring enough about your own soul FIRST? You, I or anyone is worth NOTHING without the TRUE message of salvation that also includes our own soul?

Ps 119:104
I gain understanding from your precepts; therefore I hate every wrong path.

Ps 50:17-23
You hate my instruction and cast my words behind you.
When you see a thief, you join with him;
you throw in your lot with adulterers.

You use your mouth for evil and harness your tongue to deceit. You speak continually against your brother and slander your own mother's son. These things you have done and I kept silent;
you thought I was altogether like you.

But I will rebuke you and accuse you to your face.

"Consider this, you who forget God, or I will tear you to pieces, with none to rescue:
He who sacrifices thank offerings honors me, and he prepares the way so that I may show him the salvation of God." 

Perceived as such ONLY because GOD has revealed HIS person? And who is any God that is NOT....LOVE? A Grand parent, Mother or Father, Brother, Sister, Aunt, Uncle or distant Cousin?

Think on Love this way maybe, yet only it it Can be accepted the WAY it HAS BEEN presented. God is Love, God so loved and Gave His Only Son right? The same son whom also said just prior to his departure, "It is better that I should Go'!

Have you ever tried debating the origin of ANYTHING with someone only to discover your debate comes full circle BACK to some previous talking point? Have you ever truly sat and considered why so many people INSIST on certain principles they refuse to let go of?

The one at the top of my personal life list which also tries to suggest as if placing ALL mankind on TRIAL in that 'No two people will ever AGREE on EVERYTHING"?

I wanted to revisit something I think that flies in the face of a type of very BAD INFORMATION, yet as goes the WAY of any hypothesis or assumption your personal CONCLUSION .....REACHED will prove to have everything to do with WHAT?

What you and I also BELIEVE to be TRUE?

I find it MORE than curious the words Genus, Genius and the book duly named the book of Genesis somehow fails to reveal ANYTHING of lasting value as if tied to EVERYONE in this Life all men otherwise share?

I believe it is IMPOSSIBLE for mankind to be reconciled back to God without man finding the one who has been Given and does "Contain" the RIGHTEOUS narrative (testimony) that DOES explain how things not only ARE, but were and WILL manifest in a future Tense! A type of future tense that will only make "SENSE" to those who willingly received same as if FROM the mouth of God!

Then and ONLY then will ALL that God has promised come to PASS as the lasting result(s) of ALL He has GIVEN unto man God has already decided?

I think where men go astray along ANY talking point is whenever they "ASSUME' how something PREVIOUSLY situated also came to pass (Manifest) in this world. The same world man did NOT create or HELP create.

Is there any component of mankind that was also a living part of God prior to Man being assigned and confined to the living quarters of his skin and bones? Even if only considering the breath of God as such, how limited is any man who under values ANY aspect or attribute that did come from the person of God?

No less the type of being who fails to see the value in having been formed from a MERE rib that also came from a type of creature later to be considered Inferior by some other socially accepted standard(s)? And what has anything become that was once considered to BE.....ONE or whole?

And when any ONE thing is "Divided" and especially if when having been EQUALLY divided, is there truly any chance of defending against the invading thoughts in hope of somehow finding a WAY to somehow DOMINATE the other HALF?

Is there a reason the Son of God did NOT consider it to be a sin to be considered as though equal with His Father? The same Father who declared He would place ALL things of this world under the Authority of Son of God? Did God who is also THE GOD of mercy have ANY other Choice as CREATOR? The same God and Creator who decides BEFORE He then creates?

And exactly when was the Lamb of God slain? Before, during or after God made mankind? How does ALL else within the imagination of humanity hang in the balance of what You and I choose to believe is TRUE with the HIGHEST regard to  such questions?

The type of informative words such as these below that were INTENDED to broadcast and compliment what else God has said?

Gen 11:6-7
The LORD said, "If as one people speaking the same language they have begun to do this, then nothing they plan to do will be impossible for them. Come, let us go down and confuse their language so they will not understand each other."

In any field of expertise there is some form of diagnostic approach required when things don't go as planned. Why? Simply put because things break or they wear out whenever they've been exposed long enough to the exhaustive and often "Course" nature of circumstances that can only be seen "Through" the scope of time.

The question is how durable and/or fragile is anything to include "Mankind"? Have you ever sat and considered in terms of longevity that maybe Water, the Sky, Trees, Mountains and the Rocks might have a thing or two figured out that man has yet to realize.

If you're on your "Religious game you can probably guess the "Single" topic that is also a three letter word that should encompass anything and everything that is NOT perfect.

That small word being 'Sin"?

I obviously don't know everything but what I do know is whenever I do see things that are similar in their nature I try NOT to Ignore what I do "See". Would you be willing to agree mankind is addicted to "Drama"? Drama in its rawest form being what? Anything that catches the eye(s)? Anything that muses and/or entertains the mind even if only momentarily?

For anything to somehow be measured, what is also required? Some type of standard?

I Believe answers all mankind needs and will eventually be confronted with are "All Around Us" on any given day, yet it's up to the individual to be willing to recognize these "type" of things for what they truly are.

Saturday, May 5, 2018

Searching for "Evidence" in the dark

Is there a time that's coming or that may be fast approaching humanity where words such as these will not only have renewed "Life" breathed into them, but words that are also found to have "Power" in them?

And if the "Power" of words have been under estimated, devalued or compromised in some way, to whose "Hurt"?

Isa 49:2-4
He made my mouth like a sharpened sword, in the shadow of his hand he hid mehe made me into a polished arrow and concealed me in his quiver .

He said to me, "You are my servant, Israel, in whom I will display my splendor."
But I said, "I have labored to no purpose; I have spent my strength in vain and for nothing.

Yet what is due me is in the LORD's handand my reward is with my God."

What if men (namely those who are trying to define themselves as the church that is also sent OF GOD) were attempting to displace the burden ALL men have been subjected to back unto God? As if somehow trying to defend against their own Frustrations brought to bare against their own decisions made to date?

Is there truly a difference between the children of God and created beings? Created beings who've simply been "Born" into this world and for "No other  Reason" aside from all that the diplomacy of this world suggest?

 If refusing to accept a type of divine sense of responsibility did have a characteristic "Poster Child", exactly how might this type of "Character" somehow be seen? Seen for WHO they are or NOT? A type of child whose not only been polished because they have been made ready, but one who groans from within, "Here am I send me"?

The type of polished arrow the Lord has also made, reaches for from within His quiver that has been made ready the Lord then "Strings" in His Mighty Bow as He takes aim and defends against His eternal enemies?

Exactly WHO is it that is making the determination WHO the enemies of God are in ANY situation God has also "Orchestrated"? Will "Your" answer also depend upon not only WHO you've believed, but WHY? And without a righteous comparison being MADE?

Who decides not only are all the RIGHT questions being asked , but who among however many other responses heard today are also the right answers? Which is easier to suggest? God chooses for man to be ignorant of Life and Godliness or that mans hearts have become calloused and unwilling to hear what is True?

What if THAT DAY many stand in Hope is coming when not only the SONS of GOD are to be revealed and Marveled at, but also the DAY when Gods enemies will not longer be SEEN because they've refused to hear the voice of the Lord? A place of darkness prepared for those who've chosen to yield to the ways of imperfection and be USED in order to somehow Justify individual "Motives"?

What happens when the person of God is presented as if in Control of "Absolutely" everything? The one who is somehow to be HELD "Responsible" for everything that takes Place here on earth? Who then could be judged for any wrong doing(s)?

What if those who were created with a purpose in the mind of God are attempting to shove back into the lap of God the blame for "Unfinished Business" He as God has orchestrated and brought into being alongside the full awareness of a Righteous Response?

As if a man in darkness whose eyes have become so adjusted to darkness, that when he does catch a glimpse of light his best response is, "What is it'? And truly what is Manna?

A venue where there's not only created beings, but also specific circumstances only to be seen when God has also been given the credit in having caused those circumstances to manifest in a specific "Fashion"? Who then is left to decide and "Perform" (or Not) in these type of situations without struggling with the shadow of doubt and unbelief?

A type of struggle intended to produce a specific type of response which then helps decide those who've truly sought out "Righteousness" with ALL that God says he's designed his children to accomplish in this Life?

Exactly what was it that made Jesus' performance "Perfect" while in the "Flesh"?

Was it only that He was the Son of God? Was it that He as the son of God also Knew the Will of the Living God and Father of His spirit? The same TYPE of son who said, "I only DO as I SEE the Father DOING? The same One who said, "I only speak what I hear the Father Saying? The same One who said, My sheep Hear My Voice? The same One who said, "If you Love Me You will Obey My commands"?

Is it Only a matter of remembering God may or may NOT be in control in any "God Given Moment" or does what every person chooses to believe somehow then affect the "Outcome" of the circumstances each will eventually find themselves in?

Much like self induced suffering, exactly what does self righteousness 'Produce" that God also acknowledges as if His Own Doing(s)?

Is there a difference between trying to earn your own salvation and laboring so that others also might be saved? At what point does what every man chooses to DO or say as if the Net Result(s) somehow affect their own salvation?

Is there such a thing as "Impeding" the salvation process or would it be more accurate to assess undermining the very process intended for our own Good? While honestly asking these type of question without also expecting at some point a righteous response?

Is there a reason why mankind is always portrayed as running AWAY from God? What is the reason for why God is NOT portrayed and SEEN standing and or running towards while waiting for his children to return?

Exactly WHO is it that is also TRYING to decide as if a JURY what the Suppression of the Truth looks like in the earth?

Is it possible to have it both ways AND for it ALL to turn out the WAY man wants everything to?

What is the value of true Power without "First" establishing the 'Source" of that "Power"? And if the source of ANY type of  power can NOT be established, who can somehow measure their own distance from it as well it FULL potential? Who then "Dominates" all else that has merely been spoken from the mouths of mere men? The very origin of WORDS that refuse to come "Under" the authority of that same "Power"?