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Thursday, August 29, 2019

Popularity versus "Calling Card"

Mark 7:6-7
He (Jesus) replied, "Isaiah was right when he prophesied about you hypocrites; as it is written:

"'These people honor me with their lips, but their hearts are far from me.

They worship me in vain; their teachings are but rules taught by men.' 

I wanted to begin this blog with the thought I can only hope will frame a picture of "Trust". The type image whose consistency must be revisited that will aid in leading as many as are willing into a deeper relationship with the "One's" you want nothing MORE than to make them aware of the amount of Love You trust God has place within You "For" them.

The development of a certain sense of security nearly ANYONE can eventually learn to "Bank On" provided God / Christ is Your Teacher!

"Why can't anyone who can read and somehow reason through the "Use" of words teach me all that I have need of knowing about God", some might ask? Because Love is ONLY intended to be judged by ALL that is True and not only by "Fleeting" feelings. Feelings which stem from the stirring of ones Emotions. Those same type of Emotions that will also encounter a sudden death having since Passed after the dust of the immediate commotion settles.

I also think it note worthy to suggest that no matter "How" much You and I "Feel" we love someone else, this feeling once left to the selfish whims of "Itself" is NO guarantee those you suggest you've Loved as does God will in turn love You back to the same degree.

Much like the Value of Divine Wisdom that "Should" have only been accredited as having come from the One True God. The type of wisdom that's been completely clarified, tested and "Tried" through divinely recognizable circumstances. In so much that these same type of (emptied) prayers that have been offered only after having been thoroughly wallowed in the proverbial "Mud".

A type of Prayer then offered to a personalized "God of Convenience" who otherwise in our day to day lives remains neatly tucked AWAY "Invisible and/or as if an absent "Father". As if to suggest, Out of Sight, Out of Mind"?

Who as if the "They" of today might somehow conveniently find their "Self" being painted differently having read this type of descriptive passage below? As if describing a "Poster Child" of this way of day to day life also being "Seen" on nearly every street corner? And shamefully so even those who claim to reside and pray from their divine address situated on "Straight Street"?

 Why does "Anything" being depicted by way of descriptive words (As if only the events that Take Place in this world) nearly always qualify as though describing the activities of "Someone" other than our SELF? The same Self whom indulges in same six days out of the seven that have been "Made Available" to us all?

Simply because some claim "They" are NOT like the proverbial "They" are, does that somehow square with the They being depicted below who also approve by (default) way of doing nothing to show or put on display their individual 'Disapproval" of such things? Even if it means in doing so (suffering) would then result in your "Own Hurt"?

Rom 1:28-32
Furthermore, since they did not think it worthwhile to retain the knowledge of God, he gave them over to a depraved mind, to do what ought not to be done. They have become filled with every kind of wickedness, evil, greed and depravity. They are full of envy, murder, strife, deceit and malice. They are gossips, slanderers, God-haters, insolent, arrogant and boastful; they invent ways of doing evil; they disobey their parents; they are senseless, faithless, heartless, ruthless.

Although they know God's righteous decree that those who do such things deserve death, they not only continue to do these very things but also approve of those who practice them.

As if a type of absentee Father whom ONLY reside in heaven?  The same being evidenced when "We" as though "Acting" like His children try to suggest "Your Will be done on Earth as it is in heaven". To then somehow sign Off or maybe close (out) by way of attaching the Name of Jesus to these same type of empty prayers?

Whereas to today this same wisdom rarely gets "Applied" according to its Godly design and origins. Especially when the designer and appointee of this same divine Wisdom is NOT the voice heard as if the first and the last thoughts that also define the divine "Goal" that also been placed in safe keeping (Mind of the Heart/Spirit).

1 Cor 7:17
Nevertheless, each one should retain the place in life that the Lord assigned to him and to which God has called him. This is the rule I lay down in all the churches.

If that be only that YOU somehow get to a place You've defined as Heaven, how lonely of a place might this prove to be if ONLY You are found in that same place? How might You describe Outer Darkness where You alone have been dispatched? Do you see Hell as a Party Pad where there will be the presence of many who WILL forever hold out in celebration of everything they've mutually REFUSED to Believe OTHER WISE??

I'll also offer this, Love is NOT an emotion that can somehow be measured accurately or watered down as if just short of a "Cup" of milk used in a recipe. Love that is found to be TRUE through it ALL......Truly is the God orchestrated "Recipe"!

How do we Know the deeper value of these the type of Ingredients and their subtle flavoring(s)? Very simply stated yet always in need of validation in that, "God is Love" and that the very being of  "God .... is "Spirit"!

In a word picture we who do suggest we've believed not only in the Lord but in the words spoken from the Mouth of the Lord will Live ONLY because of the One who inhabits our personalized "Spiritual Meal" we eat and set before men who have been seated at the SAME table.

Why? Because the very Spirit of all that Love is (Namely The Lord of Host) will not allow trees that do Not bear fruit to remain in His Garden that can only be Found in the full scope of Eternity only Christ Jesus as Lord and Savior is able define under Absolute Godly Terms.

 In terms of anything that also fades once compared, what would You suggest could minimize the type of Love You and I also Totally understand? Why exactly do men Love to cling to as if they've OWNED their self made and imperfect Identity?

What has and will "Become" of the New Creation Only God can TRULY define? The type of New Creation ONLY the One True God is capable of "Creating"? Having created this New creation that is also dominated by way of this same Spirit? The type of Spirit that's not only been made, yet even greater made in His "Likeness"?

Having been made by way of the creative NATURE of His spoken words? The specifics of this Creative potential having COME FROM....His Mouth to Your Ears? More precisely because without the ears that are attached to the spirit only He can give, is it truly any REAL wonder why some do NOT have the ability to Hear His voice?

How exactly might this mindset somehow compare should there truly BE a greater reality? A greater reality also believed "God Sent"?  As if Sent as the only one who could satisfy the purchase price demanded of God? Namely the price paid the "Lord and and savior of ALL men Christ Jesus" that compelled Jesus to Suffer and Die any type of meaningful "Death"?

A type of death mere mortals can only make a conscious choice to willingly participate so they Can see the Value of this same Life, Death and Resurrection? Made able to see  ONLY because of ALL that was accomplished through each of these same events that require being REALIZED? Having realized more than part of that choice was to continue to Listen to and REMAIN willing to learn from this One and SAME voice so that the manifestation by way "Maturation" can Run its course of ACTION? And as such while IN THIS WORLD.....

Surely there is a reason why some find it to be a Need where DEATH has need of being seen/observed as if minimized in terms of a "Realized" eternal value or NOT?

Simply because some "Choose" to "Believe" there are ALWAYS two sides to every story told, does this somehow VOID what is otherwise TRUE? Why do some only hear the word History instead of hearing the true "Rest" of "His Story" being revealed from Heaven?

Is there a TRUE reason why some choose to state the DEVIL is found in the Details as if God did NOT establish EVERY detail known to mankind?

Especially if there's also a TRUE reason that also explains "Why" some should never truly expect they'll ever find a NEEDLE in a "Hay Stack"?

I didn't coin these phrases, yet who do YOU say DID? "Seek and YOU will Find" or "Knock and the DOOR will be opened"? The question is what does this Seeking and Knocking Look Like in the Eyes of God?

Seek with ALL Your Heart, Mind, Soul and Strength? That should more than "Pretty" cover all there is to Know about YOU, shouldn't it? To suggest You're ALL IN?

Jesus spoke man shall LIVE by EVERY word that comes from the Mouth of God didn't He? Not only SOME but EVERY word?

If your're not sure, how then can you truthfully convince/persuade your SELF that He as the One True Gods Son and messenger who also specifically spoke ANYTHING that is fully capable and "Proves to BE" worth your FULL investiture while here?

How would the perspective of ANYONE in this conditional world somehow change if it could ever honestly ALLOW it's SELF to be analyzed and in turn 'Accepted"? Accepted to interpret allowing the souls of MANY to find their place of Permanent Residency among the Beloved of God?

At what point does ANYONE also find they have NEED of  "More Details' in terms of a point that's also been MADE? Use of the word MADE to also suggest words that are also TRUSTWORTHY not only because they've been spoken, but more Importantly words of Promise also spoken "By Whom"~

Surely there's a GOOD reason the Proverbial messenger should NOT be ...Killed on sight! At least NOT before we become ABSOLUTELY convinced any type of messenger was NOT sent of God and for the sake of Good Reason?

Surely, God does have need of the "Donkey". Especially in Light of what the otherwise naked minds of the souls of mere men conclude as if forever and always 'Alone" in this world or any other that might arrive on scene by way of the Long Arm that's also directly connected to the Right Hand of God. sw