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Wednesday, October 30, 2013

The haunt of blame (part two)

I want to begin part two of this thought by dragging the word "Guilt" to the front.

When blame has its way guilt will always join the conversation, yet when it does what does one then say or do in response?

Do you thank God for His tender Mercy as His Grace poured out or do you continue to debate with it?

Now lets talk about sincerity, honesty, authenticity, authority, truth and reality.

What is real? What is true? How do both of those show forth in our daily lives and NOT just when WE alone consider them necessary?

How is authority approved and who assigns it? Is it only demanded or is it followed? Is truth only what we want to consider (believe) as the truth or is authority what we do know to be the truth?

In our present reality who is worthy to speak such demanding words over such vast imperfection?

How does the person prove their sincerity and or authenticity? Is it not by way of evidence? Who decides what is right and who determines us to also be "Righteous" in our decisions made?

Are we judged by those left to our care only to find they don't find what's being said to be worthy of truly being heard? Has the world become a place where everyone IS their own judge and jury? God help us all in our floundering attempts to be like Him...

As a earth bound father I can testify to the incidence's where some of my children occasionally offered to me in the form (pictures) of words as what THEY wanted me to SEE.

But being a father who is also a son who also has limited insight, I knew I would also have to wait in order to SEE (interpret) how they then performed beyond that point in time before adjusting however need be my on going opinion and responses with respect to their said presentation (vision) of "Change".

Could there be more to the said family besides baseball, hot dogs, apple pie and a bunch of Chevrolet's in the drive way?

When a parent who is NOT also asleep at the wheel has had a child lie to them, there's rarely that semi quiet voice that affords you the opportunity to see, "This kid must think their father/mother is either blind, an idiot OR someone that does not know beyond doubt concerning the truthful interpretation about what really is taking place!

As a parent we might think we'd like for these subtle moments of knowing (insight) to stick around, but I rank that right up there with placing hidden nanny cam's throughout the home. What fun would that be right?

A home with no surprises, no getting blind sided, nothing unexpected arising due to deception, simply a home where the all seeing eye can survey and KNOW the facts.

I suppose that's one perspective, yet what if that were possible? What if that is how it was intended to be (the target vision of family)?

1 Peter 1:14-16
As obedient children, do not conform to the evil desires you had when you lived in ignorance. But just as he who called you is holy, so be holy in all you do; for it is written: "Be holy, because I am holy ."

So, are we only toying with this family concept while making excuses on "Behalf" of the influences the surrounding world is having on us as believers as while convincing ourselves we are the "Called out" (Church)?

Are we tempting others while cloaked in deceptive efforts to somehow cause everyone to somehow look like us (the same) so that we won't be found out? Wouldn't that be more accurately defined as camouflage?

Who will we allow to approach us in order to even ask such a question? Did the priest of old also have to offer sacrifices for their sins while serving in the temple?

Are the called out not also described as a kingdom of priest and don't we know the way into the throne room of grace where we too find forgiveness as we look to welcome those we see unclean? Do we only keep them close for obvious contrast or have we only insulted because of how they DON'T see us?

It's easy to preach to a murderer when you're not thought to be one, yet how hard is it to preach to a liar when your also thought to be one? Who has had a spiritual birthday where noticeable change speaks louder than the knowledge of ones past?

Are we relying on the wide spread imperfections we do see in ourselves as though our own excuse? Are we squelching the voice within those that do desire to consider themselves as Gods children who attempt to give the trumpet sound to move away from what the surrounding world looks like?

How different though is an Omniscient God (Father) that does know all things from the beginning to the end when we approach Him with our words? Pleading words of supplication as though an outward "Sign" of repentance hoping to find the goodness of His grace once more.

God's prophets were the (mouth) instruments used when He would verbalize a message to His people. They were notedly called seers.

This (below) was said to one king who also sat on the throne beneath the watchful eyes of God at one point in time, yet do we over look the same factual nuggets we can come to know about what God does "See" and His intention for having inquired with His eyes?

King Asa didn't like what the said "Seer" told him. He became so angry that he put the seer of God in prison.

If he could have, would he have also put God in prison cell (box)?

The word also goes on to say that he (Asa) brutally oppressed "Some" of the people. I wonder which ones though? Those that listened to the seer or those that agreed with Him?

Would the likes of Stephen be a seer when he spoke what he saw as he was being stoned having accused accurately?

Acts 7:56
"Look," he said, "I see heaven open and the Son of Man standing at the right hand of God."

Did he defend what his accusers suggested about him OR did he simply state the not so obvious as the message given to all mankind?

His message was met with an abrupt and aggressive defense also namely because he was not "Given" the authority to speak which could only come from the ones listening.

Acts 7:51-52
"You stiff-necked people, with uncircumcised hearts and ears! You are just like your fathers: You always resist the Holy Spirit! 52 Was there ever a prophet your fathers did not persecute?

Here we can hopefully see that king Asa also didn't like what He heard as well what was considered evil in the eyes of God as we read of his legacy as king.

2 Chron 16:9
For the eyes of the LORD range throughout the earth to strengthen those whose hearts are fully committed to him.

You have done a foolish thing, and from now on you will be at war.

Asa was angry with the seer because of this; he was so enraged that he put him in prison. At the same time Asa brutally oppressed some of the people.

As a parent are you one of Gods seers while caring for His little bundles of joy OR are you frustrated with the chip off the old block and now find yourself at war with them?

As compared to the earthly father, how different is this same "Knowing" when presenting your children with said wisdom and how is it then received?

Here is where many begin the Scuttling of their relation-ship.

The words concerning the heart of God have been given to mankind. They were offered as a symbol of His Love as though such that can not otherwise be seen except when we do believe what were told.

In the unfolding truth of His word we can read that it is "Impossible for God to lie" yet do we believe Him when we're presented with these words?

How important is sincerity and authenticity in our relationships, but maybe more importantly are we more not just calling what we do have a relationship even though we do have unwilling passengers on board with us?

We can also read "God does NOT change" yet how do we interpret those words too?

We'll read the history of this Gods interaction with humanity where he brings a flood and kills all but 8 people, yet will we also read how He describes these eight people He does NOT destroy?

How long does the effects of that information then last after we've tried to absorb it as if applicable in our lives today? Will we ever stop to consider what might be missing within us OR do we complete the definition of chaos as was already prophesied as to what chaos (lawlessness) appears as while telling ourselves we are righteous?

Picture an angel sent to wipe out ungodliness and then picture the personage of Lot trying to thwart their being destroyed. The angel then basically says "Step aside or else you too will be taken out".

God does not enjoy collateral damage yet when we like "Lot" (Sodom and Gomorrah) will not separate ourselves from the thing (evil) God intends to destroy what should we expect to also happen to our person when we try to call what is bitter sweet and vice versa simply because we too are their?

We then read how this same God allows mankind to continue forward in this thing called life only then to read mans history after about another 450 years go by and then see something else take place by way of the hand of God which also involves the killing and destruction of even more people (humans).

We'll read about this same God speaking to a man whom he also created through a burning bush while telling him (Moses) the very ground he's standing on is Holy Ground and that only because Gods presence is there in that moment.

Did we miss that part though? That part about Him being Holy?

We'll forget that God says that no murderer will enter the kingdom of God, yet we'll read further on where God uses  the murderer named Moses to do His bidding among men.

We'll fail to see it because we didn't read it that this same man (Moses) dropped completely off the radar we have recorded as the bible for some 40 years before God revisited him (Moses) in his life.

Did Moses simply cease to breath, eat and sleep between this time period? Did he cease to have thoughts and maybe revisit the last 40 years as he journeyed to the age of 80 where his interaction with this same God resumes?

We also fail to contemplate that what we read about this man before He was even born was prophesied through the mouth of Joseph.

What we read that is only in the form of words also spoken by a mere mortal. Words which we can only read or hear having them read to us, yet what was said that could lead us that read today to the conclusion God would have us to understand?

Gen 50:24-25
Then Joseph said to his brothers, "I am about to die. But God will surely come to your aid and take you up out of this land to the land he promised on oath to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob." And Joseph made the sons of Israel swear an oath and said, "God will surely come to your aid, and then you must carry my bones up from this place."

All Joseph said was that God would send his aid. He didn't say He would send them Moses, yet whose mind was Moses in before this event took place?

This is the life of only one man as great as he may be as highly esteemed in the site of God yet what about all the others we find within the pages of Gods interaction with humanity?

How would you suppose Moses found himself during those 40 years where we do not read where God continually spoke to Him about his future purpose as if to suggest that he knew beyond doubt that he would become the center piece used having fled from the thought of being a murderer back in Egypt?

My point is this, Is it the only crime committed where we discount what Jesus made available the truth (forgiveness that does clear ones conscience) having believed to the point it becomes a LIVING reality OR is the said "Crime" continuing to  see as though what God sees as ourselves as though sinners without the Hope that has been made available and that for the salvation of our souls.

We can "Blame" God for a while, yet how long will that maintain itself as the truth while saying we believe that it is impossible for God to Lie?

Continue to read the words of God, heed the words of God if you have any hope of Seeing Him as He is.

God has blessed your journey with the truth, yet it's your portion in this Life to believe and be found usable as an instrument where the direct result of those words are seen as alive in your life.

All of which are His innumerable expressions of Love shared with others who also hold out in this same Hope of our salvation in common. Our target? Maturity and that ONLY in the Lord. The place where childish notions as though potions are emptied from within our being(s).

Who is this God that exceeded our expectations of all that Love is? Jesus the Christ.

Who is he as compared to us all? He is the "The great I Am" that is the Love we sincerely desire for ourselves within.

Monday, October 28, 2013

The haunt of blame (Part one)

It is said among mankind that a prisoner that's served his time having since been set free has paid the price for his crimes committed against humanity, yet what about the price that's been paid for his conscience towards God that's TRULY been cleared?

John 8:31-32

To the Jews who had believed him, Jesus said, "If you hold to my teaching, you are really my disciples.Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free ."

As a kid I used to laugh when my father was attempting to paint a picture of contrast with regards to accountability. He would refer to this type of child that would deny having wet their britches even if they were still standing in them when confronted with the resulting evidence of the event.

How far has humanity come since this suggestion of a child who's yet to put away childish things?

Does this type of person that's supposedly matured cast blame ONLY once they've been confronted by someone outside of themselves?

Why the word confronted though?

What's the importance of being confronted? Wouldn't that usually mean an offense against another where harm is done?

What about when we've offended who we are (our own identity) and that as such understood as though one in or with the Lord?

I've grown to despise many things I've seen in this increasingly crowded world. Due to said crowding one that makes the top of my list is wasted space.

That along with some others which usually find themselves last to make the "Unwanted" list, simply because I refused to see those same things taking up otherwise "Good" space within myself.

Among those things is the drivel which presents itself as an excuse.

A close second might be the attempts made whenever I feel compelled  for some reason to verbalize those same excuses. I have to ask myself now, "Who would this excuse aid if all that I think, is already known and that of God"?

Why do we sense the need to verbalize as if to PRO-vide the excuse? Is it for for the ears of someone else or for our own comfort and deception?

One of those usually sounds like this, "It is what it is". This phrase usually gets said when someone see's themselves left holding the bag of the results of a decision made as though turning to the right or to the left and finding no one else is there with you to blame.

How much room though does that leave for cause, effect and the remedy to speak as such that has truly become knowledge?

Don't take what I say where it wasn't intended to go, because I too have heard these words come from my own lips. The context and importance of the surrounding perceptions reading the scenario also play an important role when such things are declared as though profound and all true.

I view this consideration an attempt to suppress that which is true.

One of the beautiful things about truth is, that no matter which direction its stated it will consistently maintain its nature.

One seemingly small example might be "God is Love" and when said in reverse "Love is God" what does one hear being defined? One and the same thing?

Another might be the context which describes a liar (i.e. "is a liar" vs "a liar is").

Now here's an ear bender, "I know Him and He knows me"? What's just been declared? Will it depend upon whether one or both is a liar or that both know that which is true?

Heb 6:17-7:1
Because God wanted to make the unchanging nature of his purpose very clear to the heirs of what was promised, he confirmed it with an oath.

God did this so that, by two unchangeable things in which it is impossible for God to lie , we who have fled to take hold of the hope offered to us may be greatly encouraged.

We have this hope as an anchor for the soul, firm and secure.

It enters the inner sanctuary behind the curtain, where Jesus, who went before us, has entered on our behalf.

He has become a high priest forever, in the order of Melchizedek.

Short of diverting off on another path I'll say this concerning who Melchizedek was. he was the high priestly order of godliness in the earth during his time (priesthood) as the shadow of servitude that was found acceptable unto God before the Law of Moses was placed into affect. 

This period was such a time when the sons of God (Angels) presented themselves before God as mediator(s) between man and God.

This era of Priesthood can be partially seen in affect in the life of Job and Abraham

After the first judgment of the descendants Adam (flood) this priesthood remained in affect between the time of Noah and the introduction of the Law ushered in by Moses (era of the Ten Commandments).

During the time and reign of the "Law of Moses" the sacrifice offered only externally cleansed (sanctified) the outward portion of the man that came before God to plead his case so that he might find his conscience cleared as the result of his actions that otherwise would have lead him to death.

Heb 9:13
The blood of goats and bulls and the ashes of a heifer sprinkled on those who are ceremonially unclean sanctify them so that they are outwardly clean.

How much more, then, will the blood of Christ, who through the eternal Spirit offered himself unblemished to God, cleanse our consciences from acts that lead to death, so that we may serve the living God! NIV

1 John 2:3-6
The man who says, "I know him," but does not do what he commands is a liar , and the truth is not in him. But if anyone obeys his word, God's love is truly made complete in him. This is how we know we are in him: Whoever claims to live in him must walk as Jesus did.

1 Thess 5:23
May God himself, the God of peace, sanctify you through and through. May your whole spirit, soul and body be kept blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.


Within the combined opinion(s) of humanity what would cause a man to be considered imperfect beyond the accusation made against him? It what he looks at, touches or taste? 

Is it when he (man) denies himself access to the Lord by denying what He see's at work within Him that God already knows about him having created him? Is it when a man tries to enter the throne room of Grace while assuming the Lord does NOT know the thoughts and attitude of his heart as if putting on a front?

If you haven't already, ask the same thing except this time lets tighten the parameters, " imperfect in the eyes of God"?

Is it the simple matter where man as a created being does NOT know from the beginning to the end God's purpose's or intentions in having created not only us, but also whatever it is that HE has already created and such without respect for how humanity understands time?

What if it IS God's opinion that He has made himself Known to all mankind and that by way of ALL that he has created and that to include His Son?

Where does that leave those that say they don't know God if that is found to be true in that day to come (Judgment)?

Will you argue for yourself about what was or wasn't available to those in history BEFORE your time as if to justify what you believe about God OR will you accept what has been made available for YOUR consideration during the time in which YOU now find yourself?

Rom 1:18-20

The wrath of God is being revealed from heaven against all the godlessness and wickedness of men who suppress the truth by their wickedness, since what may be known about God is plain to thembecause God has made it plain to them.

For since the creation of the world God's invisible qualities — his eternal power and divine nature — have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that men are without excuse .

Many struggle hearing what the author of Psalms tells us yet why?

As legal minds would have the rule of "Their days" what remains beyond their scrutiny which is to discredit the author, it's context or the hearer and what gets said there after is left in question which then must be interpreted as such that is then gets revealed as though "Reasonable" doubt.

Basically it strips the judge of his opportunity to over rule based only upon His wisdom.

I believe King David to be the author who is also a prophet of God.

Acts 2:29-30
 "Brothers, I can tell you confidently that the patriarch David died and was buried, and his tomb is here to this day. But he was a prophet and knew that God had promised him on oath that he would place one of his descendants on his throne.NIV

Ps 25:
No one whose hope is in you will ever be put to shame, but they will be put to shame who are treacherous without excuse .

God as creator is ONE that completely understands the concept of "One". He defines what being united appears as. He dictates and judges what division and or divisiveness also looks like before it manifest.

What is a mans business here in the earth and what was Jesus the son of man- the son of God business here in the earth? Was it not to destroy the works of the devil?

We must take God seriously concerning what He see's as evil even if such things be found within us. He has given us the rich and needed resource when we do see such things within ourselves.

He has given of himself His Son for our eternal benefit. That by way of accomplishing such a heavenly ordained victory whose gain can only be realized and found in Jesus the Christ whom our creator provided.

When we see evil and that within ourselves we do have an advocate yet we must not willfully look to rely on His goodness while knowing what we do stands opposed to such goodness.

Mankind surely sets the world on fire by his tongue, yet the Man who sets his small world on fire still has hope if he finds himself "Able" to desire to please God especially when he see's evil within himself.

For those that love to hate, Hate what is evil and that in the sight of the Lord and do not cling to it nor let it cling to you. Hold every evil thought captive and those captive unto the Lord.

We must first know what causes a man to be considered righteous before we can know what causes him also to be considered "Unrighteous'.

Gal 3:6-7
Consider Abraham: "He believed Godand it was credited to him as righteousness ."   Understand, then, that those who believe are children of Abraham.

Prov 25:26
Like a muddied spring or a polluted well is a righteous man who gives way to the wicked.

Isa 5:20
Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for light
and light for darkness, who put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter.

John 15:15-17
I no longer call you servants, because a servant does not know his master's business . Instead, I have called you friends, for everything that I learned from my Father I have made known to you

You did not choose me, but I chose you and appointed you to go and bear fruit — fruit that will last. Then the Father will give you whatever you ask in my name. 

This is my command: Love each other. 

In terms of freedom being enjoyed most everyone from where they begin in this life want equality. They want the same opportunity as the next person to be able to pursue their portion of life unrestrained.

Coming from the womb we may not all physically appear the same way, yet our demands upon this world and those whose care we've been born into soon cause this world to realize how demanding these little people truly are.

Does the world recognize these same little creatures as does God?

Think for just a moment, within the context of what's considered a normal birth, what's one of the first things this world finds out about these little people once they exit the womb?

My own experience is that they're either demanding to be fed and when they're not they scream and kick or that someone outside of themselves gets to clean up their mess they've made in their diapers.

From a reverse angle and for those that failed to take hold of this reality on the front side many will also get to repeat this process yet from a feeble posture as they age and exit. The beauty of the design is that no one is without excuse having lived long enough to have also passed through this reality.

 I see this as though the lengths to which God is willing to extend His offer of mercy that no man should perish within His goodness as mercy shown forth as though one last opportunity.

It's a brilliant design, yet will we embrace it for what it truly is in order to see ourselves through the Holy eyes of God?

Both of ends of this life's spectrum were intended to participate in our mutual experience in our approach towards God. We place demands on those around us from the time we enter until the time we leave in some capacity or another.

On the front end that reality usually gets quickly washed over by the newness our physical presence presents for the worlds consideration.

That beautiful little bundle of joy is at that moment thought to be innocent yet as compared to what in the bigger picture and that as such that God destined for the greatness in being considered the apple of His eye?

How true does innocent prove to be when we as parents fast forward to the huge weight of what we may or may NOT see in them once they reach maturity?

I can hear the world preparing to argue it's case already, "Yes, but when does one mature and who gets to decide what evil truly is and who has repented"?

My response would be, I am not called to argue for the cause of what's wrong with the world, instead I've been called to support what God considers to be 'Righteous" even if it means condemning the evil I see within myself and that for the sake of a the clear conscience towards God in another.

There's very little in the world that remains untouched and tasted by man, yet having been touched, tasted and sanctified looks completely different when considering the truth and the sanctifying work of the holy spirit at work within a man as though all the above and each for the sake of freedom found in and afforded to us by Christ.

A said "Gate" can not prevail unless it remains closed, because if it is considered left standing open then there truly are no prisoners.

What we confess is not always what is ALREADY assumed to be true. There are times when what we think we've kept secret has NOT gone un-noticed which then gets "Ob'served" as though a form of righteousness and that before God.

Peter truly suffered having lied to the face of his Christ in the flesh, yet based on Peter's confession and latter attitude having realized the distance between the two is the bedrock upon which Christ is receiving those He's called out from among the worldly.

Matt 16:18
And I say also unto thee, That thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.

How great is the God that has also provided a way out from the place where we were once held captive?

to be continued..........

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

It's about time

It's easy to say I believe, yet how hard is it to convince another that you do? Can you convince someone else in one instance or one response that you do believe something they've said as though the truth?

Someone once said, 'Words are cheap" yet in whose economy does such a suggestion apply?

"I Love you" is a short and simple thing to say yet how true is the response, "I Love you too"?

As it pertains to the business world I once had a man tell me, "You're only as good as your last deal". How true is that in the realm where Love rules supreme?

1 John 3:16
This is how we know what love is : Jesus Christ laid down his life for us.

How does this supreme expression of love lose it's impact or effectiveness on a "Persons" perception when considering what Love is?

Is it by way of a life that's been "Devalued"? Is it because said "Life" that was purchased now has little value these days were in?

We'll hear it said, "Familiarity" breeds contempt, yet we'll over look the root word "Family" and how much contempt is being shown for the value of "family" these days when we fail to make the connection.

The author of this passage suggest to "Mark this" as if to say a book mark in time.

2 Tim 3:1-5
But mark this: There will be terrible times in the last days . People will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boastful, proud, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, without love, unforgiving, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, not lovers of the good, treacherous, rash, conceited, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God— having a form of godliness but denying its power.

Have nothing to do with them. NIV

What is the context in the above passage when we also know those outside of Christ already have a destiny with destruction even though they deny it?

Is this passage talking about said "People" outside of Christ or those who've managed (forced) their way inside the fold (sheep pen) trying to look and play the part?

Luke 16:16
Since that time, the good news of the kingdom of God is being preached, and everyone is forcing his way into it. NIV

The reason the author addresses them as "People" is because Gods people have a name that is also true.

2 Tim 2:19
Nevertheless, God's solid foundation stands firm, sealed with this inscription: "The Lord knows those who are his," and, "Everyone who confesses the name of the Lord must turn away from wickedness."

Look closely at that passgae of gods word again and consider who this shoe would fits more appropriately, "Having a form of godliness but denying its power".

It does NOT say "Believers" found in Christ will be...........

lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boastful, proud, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, without love, unforgiving, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, not lovers of the good, treacherous, rash, conceited, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God— having a form of godliness but denying its power. Have nothing to do with them.

Is Gods word telling us as believers to reject these people when it's said to have nothing to do "with them"?

People that are on the inside enjoying the glow and warmth of Gods glory (power) that is acting outward from within his people, yet from the other side of their mouth they are scoffing and living like the surrounding world which feeds the hunger of those outside who not only despise but have the highest contempt for hypocrisy?

Now ask yourself, "Am I my brothers keeper" as well "Does familiarity breed contempt"?

If "Nothing" were to interpret "Nothing whatsoever" would also mean NOT taking their money where its been broadcast to the hearers their said offerings have been dedicated to God as if partakers of the divine prosperity and that of the Lord?

Mixing their money with the monies of the saints of God while "claiming" Him as their "Lord" as if "One" people that God has divinely prospered?

How does a chosen people and that of God come out from among those that have chosen their own rejection as their reasoning that will also judge them?

Who will lead them in triumphal procession as the Apostle Paul suggest? Where is discernment? Where are the Shepherd(s)? Where is the strength of Gods people and who will be their voice here in the earth?

2 Cor 10:18
For it is not the one who commends himself who is approved, but the one whom the Lord commends.

How do God's people separate themselves from this world?

How did Abraham address the kings of Sodom when He found himself in "THEIR" land yet Him and his household spiritually still belonging to the the Lord?

Gen 14:22-24
But Abram said to the king of Sodom, "I have raised my hand to the LORD, God Most High, Creator of heaven and earth, and have taken an oath that I will accept nothing belonging to you, not even a thread or the thong of a sandal, so that you will never be able to say, 'I made Abram rich.'

Many forget that those that are lost and more than likely know it deep within their souls also have a destiny they're denying that will eventually come upon them. The difference is that those that "Say" they believe the gospel concerning Christ as their Saviour have also believed a lie while performing as though outside of Christ.

There is sorrow and there is Godly sorrow. Where there is Godly sorrow there is also confession and repentance because we do not want to somehow suppress the truth concerning Christ. It is the power of God exerting itself inwardly that now saves us when we do show forth the righteousness of God through what we say we believe concerning His Love poured out.

2 Cor 7:9-11
 Godly sorrow brings repentance that leads to salvation and leaves no regret, but worldly sorrow brings death

See what this godly sorrow has produced in you: what earnestness, what eagerness to clear yourselves, what indignation, what alarm, what longing, what concern, what readiness to see justice done. At every point you have proved yourselves to be innocent in this matter.

1 John 2:3-6
We know that we have come to know him if we obey his commands.

The man who says, "I know him," but does not do what he commands is a liar, and the truth is not in him.  But if anyone obeys his word, God's love is truly made complete in him. This is how we know we are in him: Whoever claims to live in him must walk as Jesus did.

We've all heard the expression, "Deal Breaker", yet what does that suggest? Has humanity now become the Love bank where the original Love "Mint" is safely kept from the reach of counterfeiters?

Matt 7:21-23
"Not everyone who says to me, 'Lord, Lord,' will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only he who does the will of my Father who is in heaven. Many will say to me on that day, 'Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name, and in your name drive out demons and perform many miracles?'

Then I will tell them plainly, 'I never knew you . Away from me, you evildoers!'

We'll hear excuses come forth sometimes from our own mouths, "We always hurt the ones we Love the most", yet how does that fly hand in hand with our perception of a God we say we serve who "Is Love"?

Are we still content with the notion that Love hurts the most ones it also says it loves?

There is suffering and there is hurting. God heals the broken hearted yet He also brings brings forth through the maturing process those He also considers as His sons through chastisement (disciplining which strengthens their faith in Him)

How busy has mankind been in his attempts to redefine the meaning of love? 

In his relationships does he (man) depend on flowers, diamonds and chocolate covered gifts with colorful bows? What about a man relationship with God, does he show forth the same methodology and mannerisms?

Does he pattern his personalized symbols of affection based on what's in vogue in terms of a unanimous cultural vote that's been cast through a chosen medium where its been accepted as "Popular opinion"?

I hear men say to their wives in jest, "I told you once at the alter that I love you and nothing has changed since then". Is this a true statement though?

 I suppose you would have to ask the recipient of that version of "Love"?

God said it once and that with meaning, yet through Faith in Him He continues to reward those who diligently seek Him as their Lord and Savior.

What does that look like as Love?

Ask the one that will ultimately define what Love is and does in the that day.

That day which  many keep hoping never comes and that because they are so good in their day to day and moment to moment expressions of who God truly is.

The question is , who will be found out and revealed to be a liar once the sons of God have been revealed for who they are in the sight of the Lord and Savior the "Christ"?

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

The "Reward" of your faith (conclusion)

A man can not wear the suit he does not possess.

Rom 13:12
So let us put aside the deeds of darkness and put on the armor of light.

Heb 11:1-4
Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see. This is what the ancients were commended for.

By faith we understand that the universe was formed at God's command, so that what is seen was not made out of what was visible.

By faith Abel offered God a better sacrifice than Cain did. By faith he was commended as a righteous man, when God spoke well of his offerings. And by faith he still speaks, even though he is dead.

Is this a fair assessment of ONLY those that were before us in time? Would it not also depend upon who's making such an assessment? Trust that there is more said, yet I'll leave further investigation to the value of your interest gain.

Jer 9:5-6
They have taught their tongues to lie; they weary themselves with sinning.
You live in the midst of deception; in their deceit they refuse to acknowledge me,"
 declares the LORD.

There are times when a righteous mans discernment concerning Godly things which includes "People" as part of all created things,  must also be accompanied by the ability to interpret what is not being seen with the spiritual eyes. Sometimes we can only see what we do see because of what what we do not see as though the truth.

In this last segment I hope to weave together the previous three segments of the The "Reward" of your faith.

I probably could have began and ended with "Christ In You" in terms of ones faith and have righteously said all that needs to be said in terms of it being the truth.

It could also be said "The earth IS round" at any given point in time, yet where would that comment find itself among what the popular opinions of people were 'Willing" to believe to be true?

Supposing the shape of the earth were still considered an "Unknown beyond doubt" within popular opinion, would the declaration that the earth is "Round" be a revelation before or after the images of the earth had been broadcast back to earth from space?

As long as time remains intact, there is and will be the opportunity for an "After thought", yet what closes the chapter of time in a persons life? Many people rely on that notion as if tomorrow will come by way of having "Faith" that it will actually present itself just like the day before.

Let me introduce a man that in fact did come on seen "After" the arrival of a great revelation. That revelation was NOT one received by popular opinion either yet why was this revelation so unpopular?

Was it unpopular because of what it might disrupt if it were believed to be true?

One of the greatest men of biblical defined Faith after the coming of Christ is the Apostle Paul. Paul though great in the faith still had to overcome many things he had previously believed to be true in order to find himself walking in the abilities later exhibited as the Grace of God upon his life. The same could be said of Peter, or Phillip or any of the Apostles of Jesus the Christ.

I can't recall ever reading where Paul was asked if he was willing to perform a miracle. I also don't recall where he (Paul) said, "Yes, I am willing" as did Jesus when asked to heal someone. They could only give what others did NOT have yet each had to discern the said "Faith" OR they had to deal with the surrounding effects of "Unbelief" in the moment.

There's wisdom to be found in everything Jesus said and what IS said from the mouth of man that IS also inspired by the Holy Spirit. Why? Because they have been united as though one in what they say and do.

Question to consider, Who today is it that determines exactly "Who" is being inspired by the Holy Spirit when they speak or do ANYTHING in the name of or for the sake of Christ?

Is it You or me? How will either of us know beyond doubt that what we see or hear is in fact the result of the inspiration Holy Spirit and that of God?

Is it easier to give the Glory to God when we DO think we see His hand involved in our lives OR when we FAIL to see Him at work in our lives do we then blame what we can't see or hear on someone else?

What has plagued humanity from the beginning? Blaming our mutual problem (in common) on others?

Titus 1:1-3
Paul, a servant of God and an apostle of Jesus Christ for the faith of God's elect and the knowledge of the truth that leads to godliness— a faith and knowledge resting on the hope of eternal life, which God, who does not lie, promised before the beginning of time, and at his appointed season he brought his word to light through the preaching entrusted to me by the command of God our Savior,

Many see "Faith" the bible talks about as either some have it OR some don't as though talking about a light switch. 

I would agree with that ONLY if it were fine tuned to mean instead, either they do have the regenerated spirit of God resting on the inside of them or they don't.

Anything we do have from God in terms of His spirit within us is FOR the benefit of the "Faith" that is held in common within the Body of Christ here in the earth.

Titus 1:4
To Titus, my true son in our common faith 

I'll say this the only way as I have been given it to say, Faith does NOT come from acquired knowledge alone. That (knowledge) would be the results ones education concerning that which is wicked and that which is righteous according to the law of the spirit of "Life". 

The former as such, that ALL who confesses the name of Jesus MUST turn away from.

How much of what a man does have to say actually opposes said "Faith"?

Rom 8:1-2
Therefore, there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus, because through Christ Jesus the law of the Spirit of life set me free from the law of sin and death.

2 Tim 2:18-19
They say that the resurrection has already taken place, and they destroy the faith of some

Nevertheless, God's solid foundation stands firm, sealed with this inscription: "The Lord knows those who are his,and, "Everyone who confesses the name of the Lord must turn away from wickedness." 

The Faith of God comes from the knowledge of Christ that's been given and that by the Holy Spirit of Christ Jesus. Faith only comes by way of the Holy seed that's been righteously planted in the womb of your being.

Because you can't see it with the natural eyes that should interpret that it's a spiritual working (activity)

Others confuse (divine) faith as if to suggest that if you don't have it you must NOT believe in Jesus as your savior. No, that would be "Unbelief" as the spirit from which all sin originates.

Faith requires being willing to accept beyond human reasoning certain things do exist and have influence upon our day to day lives (decisions made). Much of this said influence has to do with ones concern for what is gained from the faith as well what is lost where faith is not present.

Many are fearful of quoting scripture for many different reasons and probably good reason(s). The curious notion though is that they'll hesitate to quote it to someone outside of themselves, yet they will choose to believe the limits of what they do not know beyond doubt as applicable for themselves.

If you do remain silent about what you've based your faith upon, what hope is there for that same faith to become a Faith in Common? That is to suggest its reward?

We love to toss around the notion of such phrases, "It's JUST common sense" yet how often does that common sense then serve you with justice?

Have you ever thought that your enemies tactic's can be used as validation about what you do believe about the God you say you serve?

In one moment we'll bless the word of God as though Manna from heaven, yet if we read Jesus and Hear Jesus the way He wants us to receive from Him, are we then offended when we hear otherwise?

How would Jesus admonish YOU if you're approach towards God looked the same as the slow progress his hand picked disciples did? Are you any different than they are?

Are the said leaders of GODS people given anything more than what anyone else can read for themselves so they can feed Gods people? What separates the "Lay" person from the scholar? Is it only acquired knowledge that intimidates?

A simple explanation should not undo what is true nor should a lofty explanation surpass what is also otherwise considered to be true.

Is faith steadfast?Yes. Is faith unyielding? No, unless of course you know all things. What prevents faith from prospering? Pride

If God is the only one that can truly weigh a mans heart, why is man so quick to jump on the scales when someone else is being weighed in order to skew what those scales say?

Are the affects of this life and its circumstances only for you?

Prov 3:5-6
Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight.  

There was a time in this mans life before the Apostle Paul was identified and confirmed as an Apostle, yet specifically God chose this man as if a "Tool" to be used to serve His (Gods) purpose. We see Paul teaching yet while he was teaching and being used was he not also being Taught?

What can YOU see your teachers being taught and what have your teachers learned well enough that they can then pass on to you that added benefit as though a Faith in common?

If everything begins at the top and God is at the top, much like water why is it being determined that the flow is arriving undiminished to the intended recipient(s)?

Man seems to love the trickle down affect theory, but such would always point to the top as though to blame.
Whether it can be accepted or not God is Good in ALL that he does yet if his sons (children) can't recieve Him as such, what should His children expect in return?

It's easy to cast blame and we all seem to have mastered this method when certain things do not resemble the tree from which we been hand picked

How have we Recognized God instead of Him ONLY being a good fig tree? Who is the tree of Life from which a man will eat and have everlasting life?

Luke 6:43-44
"No good tree bears bad fruit, nor does a bad tree bear good fruit. Each tree is recognized by its own fruit.

Is it still any REAL wonder why Jesus saw Nathanael for not only who he was as seen through Gods eyes as someone that sat UNDER the fig tree that also recognized who it was that was NOW talking to Him?

John 1:48-49

"How do you know me?" Nathanael asked.

Jesus answered, "I saw you while you were still under the fig tree before Philip called you."

Then Nathanael declared, "Rabbi, you are the Son of God; you are the King of Israel."

What was Nathanael's reward based what Jesus already saw in him which aligned with what Nathanael confessed?

Was it what he could see or would see because of what He believed?

John 1:50-51
 Jesus said, "You believe because I told you I saw you under the fig tree .You shall see greater things than that."  He then added, "I tell you the truth, you shall see heaven open, and the angels of God ascending and descending on the Son of Man."  

Do you still want to know what Faith is and that of God? Take to heart and accept that which is TRUE!

2 Tim 2:19
Nevertheless, God's solid foundation stands firm, sealed with this inscription : "The Lord knows those who are his," and, "Everyone who confesses the name of the Lord must turn away from wickedness."

Friday, October 11, 2013

The "Reward" of your faith (part three)

We ended the last segment with the question, "Who do they say that You are?

What do I mean by they?

The they could be anyone that's been asked about you. The they are the ones that testify about you to others.

Here's yet another sobering thought in terms of generalized religion and its affects on people.

Some of the calmest, nicest and gentle natured people I've encountered are either sitting on the fence in terms of being willing to admit there is a God, or some say they do believe in a God or some idea of a Deity, but even fewer believe ONLY upon Christ Jesus as their one and only savior.

Why is Christianity so insistent upon the importance of  not only acknowledging there is a God, but also as part of that same acknowledgement the attachment of this man named Jesus who is called the "Christ"?

Mankind and his history is known for attempting to sweep the identity of some people under the rug over time. Many understand the importance of denying or undermining the legacy of some as if they hope to erase their personage from the mind of humanity.

There is great importance in knowing specific details of a persons life such as who their friends were as those that might have had influence in their life and thinking. Maybe the consideration of family, (blood line) genealogy, relatives.

But I ask is that all there is and where might anything else about Jesus the Christ be stored for the next generation should they even care to know about Him?

How many supposedly great people have written biographies or have had others tell their story, yet how many have you read where Jesus the Christ was accredited as the "Why" these people did what they did in this life as a clearly documented testimony about them?

Where did the cause and effect theme go?

Historians understand the importance of well documented facts captured in time. Well knowing that dates and times can either confirm or negate certain things as to their accuracy as if either fact or opinion that have been based on supposition.

The bible is very different in terms of clear dates and time lines being laid out so that your average lay person can somehow make use of such information should they also be asked for specifics when they try to tell (convince) others about about this seemingly systemic belief being presented called "Christianity".

Non-believing historians also have a field day with that same lack of factual substance.

What I'm trying to focus on is that no matter how well documented any person is, the further down the line of time humanity travels, the easier it gets to blur their identity. Yes, we will still hopefully have books or at least until the tree's run out and electronic documentation takes over (that's a whole sobering thought in itself, but I won't go there for now).

These important people in history seem to lose a part of their identity from one generation to the next.

If you'll remember, I mentioned previously a mass of people that managed to escape the primordial soup theology as though a cluster of humanity that have taken a huge step towards a said God, yet I asked What would separate or divide out an even more finite (specific) group of people?

Now consider the number of God that are thought to be in the mind of humanity? How are they separted one from another?

The God of Abraham, Issac, and Jacob in Christianity narrows it down somewhat, yet don't some other religions still argue over their lineage as to who's who in this one and the same Gods eyes? As though who's the favorite (chosen) children in the eyes of this God?

How much of any religion has to do with a person also being accepted by their "God"? What requirements would this type of vague God place upon anyone hoping to be recognized in their eyes?

Keep in mind we've reached the forgone silent conclusion in so much we're only talking about what man considers in his mind and Not all creation as though one creator is being (divided) decided upon through this exercise.

The God of Christianity says many and as many places in His message to humanity, I will be their God and They will be my people", yet how does this God and this people agree upon one another and where is the evidence of this agreement kept?

Now let me ask this, "How valuable is your faith and where is it kept for safe keeping?

It's been ask about the creator of a life that's been lived. It's been ask about what happens after that said life ends, but what gets determined "during this life "Time"?

I'll reintroduce the opening question once more, Why do we do what we do and do we do whatever that is for the reward?

Hopefully in the next portion I'll find the words to sharpen what some already sort of know, and maybe introduce some questions others may not have truthfully considered about who they think they know that's been based on why they believe all that they do believe.

The "Reward" or your faith (part two)

This is part two of  The "Reward" of your faith".

"The War between the book ends of time has already been won, yet the battles between now and then are still yet to be truly fought and won where the same victorious faith is still required of the sons of God" sw

"What time is it when the words of God cease to have an affect on the hearts and mind of mankind and that within the hope of becoming One with Him" sw

"Is faith what you first believed concerning God or is faith the demonstration of what God has already placed in you because His spirit continues to dwell richly in you" sw

Should a child eat if he does not work? Should a man be considered a real father if he does not teach his son? What work is there that a man can do that's ever lasting except "Believe" every word that comes from the mouth of God which then manifest as his sons true and lasting prosperity? sw

We can pick up from here where the following question was posed at the end of part one of this blog.

 [Now comes what should be a more sobering thought, who establishes our spiritual leaders and guides? Who anoints and then appoints them to be leaders? See any similarities yet?]

Who gives said leaders over Gods people manna from heaven so that they can in turn feed the sons (people) of God?

Is it possible to feed the spirit of God within without knowing what gives it strength?

Was Jesus insulting His disciples or was he using what they too did not know in order to teach those that would follow them because those that do follow will also suffer the same things? How is it possible for the teacher to teach unless he too be taught?

Once again the debate over Us and Them and what still remains alive for the benefit of the body of Christ raves on.

John 4:31-32
Meanwhile his disciples urged him, "Rabbi, eat something."

But he said to them, "I have food to eat that you know nothing about."  

These were Jesus hand picked disciples, yet what was missing in their understanding? That He was the God in the flesh?

No, not exactly, because Peter responded correctly when asked who Jesus was and Jesus responded back.

Matt 16:
Simon Peter answered, "You are the Christ, the Son of the living God."

Jesus replied, "Blessed are you, Simon son of Jonah, for this was not revealed to you by man, but by my Father in heaven

Has the Christ been revealed to You by your "Father" in heaven?

It is written of Jesus that He is the word that became flesh and dwelt among men. How faithful are you when the word of God comes to you? Even further has the words of God come to you?

Were those words wearing a suit of flesh?

Was it you who picked and determined "Who" it is that presented the word of God to you? Did you determine whether that person was worthy enough to present to you anything as though from God?

Did you with all sincerity "Believe" their message?

What made it believable? Was it the one presenting or the fact that YOU believed what that person said only because you accepted that ONLY God is truthful and in all things?

Matt 16:16
From that time on Jesus began to explain to his disciples that he must go to Jerusalem and suffer many things at the hands of the elderschief priests and teachers of the law, and that he must be killed and on the third day be raised to life.

What stood in the way of Jesus and the kingdom He preached?

Was it the requirement of a good confession? Was it the requirement of repentance? Was it the additional requirement of baptism in water for the remission of sins?

Were those things just mentioned simply more rules and requirements in order for a person to find relief in being considered guilt free?

What was it that drew them away from the customary laws (handed to them by Moses) enough that they now believed the sound of this new message being presented?

What was it that had "Power" sufficient enough to "Change" (renew) their minds to where they were willing to walk away from years of having been steeped in laws, rules and regulations their mothers an fathers passed on to them?

Basically, in the personal trial held within their mind, what evidence was presented that was strong enough to persuade their personage that this man named Jesus was THE son of God?

As believers in Christ today, has the question been ask about who you are? Maybe, "Who do they say that You are?

An orphan that's hungry to know his TRUE identity will travel to the other side of the world in order to find where he came from, unless he's become comfortable and satisfied with all that he sees within in himself.

Please join me later as I hope to further this continuing thought about a mutual faith and that In Christ Jesus as Lord and Savior of the true tried and tested sons of God.

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

The "Reward" of your faith (part one)

Why do we do what we do and do we do whatever that is for the reward?

Is it only the crazy minds or those that get caught committing "Crimes" that eventually find themselves in Lock-Up?

Do we consider ourselves as though something greater because we are the ones on the outside looking in?

I can safely say I didn't coin the phrase, 'Think outside the box" yet I can say that I can see more out here than the blind man named "Seymour" could see while in the womb.

I hope to give several different looks at the essence of what I hope to convey and largely because of the mounting evidence which suggest its something that's obviously still on the loose.

Yes, it will require NOT falling asleep and probably at least two or three cups of some form of caffeine in order to keep that from happening.

That opener is a loaded question because it requires a clearer picture which defines the said "Reward".

Now let me ask, where is the reward for what you have believed?

Most all religions try to respond to these types of questions with such things as riches (gold), virgins (pleasure), promises of utopia (bliss) of some sort, yet each still must be realized as though a gift that's been delivered.

What if I challenged all of that with, "The real reward is the "Promise made" that in fact proves that you'll receive anything?

That evidence being the trustworthy character of the One that did make such promises?

What's remains beyond delivery and receipt of the promise made? The enjoyment of the gift that's been given?

Not knowing yourself as compared only to "All" that is true about you will be the very thing that disappoints this mindset.

Disappointment will always point its finger at the one they've accused of "Lying", yet will it also point out the one that believed the lie and that being ONLY because they denied hearing the truth?

Jesus the son of man and son of God is the gift that was given as the foundation of the faith also known as Christianity. This event has already taken place in time. Most all other promises different religions make still require the arrival of the one that made the promise upon which their faith has been founded.

The only requirements for the person that hopes to receive the reward of all that's been promised is that they first be willing to hear and believe that which is true about the promise AND believe what's said about Him ONLY because the promise comes from Him.

How many can already SEE a huge problem with that suggestion?

The thought of God that's also accepted and understood as the ONE that created all mankind is a huge step in the right direction, and many have taken that huge step, but is that far enough?

Now if you combine all those that do "Believe" that there is ONE and only one creator, what has been arrived at? That you still only have a "Mass of people" that at least are willing to believe mankind did not evolve from some primordial soup?

What then separates them and prevents them from approaching ANYTHING in this world while at the same time remaining in agreement with each other through whatever it is that presents itself as a MUTUAL problem?

The bible (words of God) Christians choose to esteem above all others says "Faith comes by hearing".

Yes I know there's more said but lets camp hear for just a minute.

Hearing what though?

Is the scripture which is said to be Holy suggesting the answer to what most all mankind have been in search of? That being better understood as the "Truth"?

What are any of us hearing these days? Are we only hearing watered down versions of the truth?

If you were a drunkard addicted to wine, how would watered down wine satisfy that addictive cry? Even the drug dealers understand what they do in order to increase their profits when they are said to 'Step" on their product in order to stretch it into something more profitable.

Is our faith only hearing a combination of what uncle Bob, Grandma or three of your BBF's (best friends forever) have to say? Words that have little to zero life in them and even less to do with the "Principles" God desires to be established as a way of life?

There is proof that Gods word never fails, yet man may not be willing to hear the truth concerning the proof NEEDED in order for him to believe it.

I guess one would have to know what a "True" life is in order to ask or even begin on a quest as if to go in search of such a thing?.

If you can allow this question, when does life end?

Is it only when your body has been placed in a box and both of those in the ground?

Is it only your body that ceases to be aware of its involvement in this world OR is there also a part of you beyond this concept being called "Death" that is still aware of its existence that's now found itself to be "Without" a body?

Are you able to discuss the possibility such an existence that does continue to thrive OR do you find it easier to deny such a reality exist?

Have you come up with your own version (belief system) that explains away what you presently are not sure of mainly because you're not there yet?

There to mean where enough evidence has manifested which then allows you to prove to others this greater reality on the other side of death does exist?

Some might even suggest such place (address) as eternity?

It's these type of questions that rarely find a warm welcome within a mind that finds itself now attached to this world. A world where opinions are given for the most part the freedom to believe and (act) influence how each captain of each personage "See's" appropriate (right).

All "Systems" whether based on economic's or belief's first require the dependence of more than one person in order to be considered systemic in their nature.

Beyond that those that are participants within these said "Systems" also have to discover "How" to remain in agreement in order to thrive. Otherwise they're met with the resistance of the surrounding world as the larger of these two establishment that are now in a "Face off".

It's a very basic premise yet one that needs to be reviewed from time to time in order to also see the very nature of the system(s) that we've allowed to attach themselves to our being(s).

Just because there's a building on the corner, that doesn't define or restrict what type of business takes up residency in that building.

The zoning ordinances on the other hand can dictate who the occupants are because of the "Type" of business that hopes to thrive from within that particular location.

 2 Cor 6:16-18
What agreement is there between the temple of God and idols?

For we are the temple of the living God. As God has said: "I will live with them and walk among them, and I will be their God, and they will be my people."

"Therefore come out from them and be separate, says the Lord.

Touch no unclean thing, and I will receive you."

"I will be a Father to you, and you will be my sons and daughters, says the Lord Almighty."

If there is wisdom to be found even the saying those in the real estate circles understand and because it is wisdom speaking out, what is it many fail to see in terms of spiritual dynamic's, "Location, Location. Location".

What is faith and what is this (deceitfully) seemingly silent battle being fought over ones faith?

Because there is still such debate or maybe infighting about what faith is and and does (accomplishes), that fact alone should "Scream" volumes as though commentary about the overall present day condition (spiritual location) of the said Body of Christ.

Some two thousand years ago the Apostle Paul was trying to teach more about spiritual maturity to a local portion of the overall church (called out) of that time, yet his writing conveyed that they were not ready to receive what he otherwise could have told them if they had prepared themselves so they could receive (share) what God had placed in him (revelation).

The crying out that the Lord will respond to, is such where the bride has made herself ready to be received and that of Christ the Lord.

We can spew empty words that suggest "Lord come quickly", yet the bride that has made herself ready by way of the law of LOVE (obedience) says this in a more excellent way.

We all need mile markers to help gauge our spiritual growth, yet what are we using as those spiritual mile markers? Those around us we fellowship with? Have we become guilty of comparing ourselves among ourselves as if by ourselves?

Why is that we go the way of the rule of the crab bucket?

Why is it that we weight each other down with our own sins? Why is the publicized knowledge of our own sins, the very weapon others use in order to defend themselves in their personal efforts to be viewed as if the "Whole" consideration of the body of Christ that's being perfected (united and that by way of the influence of the Love of God put on full display)

Has being separated from the world only become the matter as to "Who hides their sin the best"? Are those the ones that are now doing the teaching on how to be whatever it is the opinion of "Popularity" is able to "SEE"?

Politicians these days are pretty much expected to be liars and most of them are from the tight knit community of  law makers (lawyers).

Yes I realize politicians are not spiritual clergy, yet the venue through which they are appointed presents itself as an example against which believers can compare.

If the whole consideration concerning ones faith were to focus on the end result periodically, one would have to conclude that those that do have sufficient ability to spiritually reason with God, that because of their refusal to believe in the ONE true God already have an appointment with the destiny set aside for those that do reject their appointed Christ (savior) prior to the grave.

Most all say that we know these things BEFORE they even take the office of leadership, yet isn't that primarily due to the fact that those that do vote them in CAN'T gain "access" to their "Real" lives in order to see "Who" it is we're "Appointing" or it could even be suggested "Anointing" them as leaders and guides over us as a Mass of people?

Now comes what should be a more sobering thought, who establishes our spiritual leaders and guides? Who anoints and then appoints them to be leaders? See any similarities yet?

Who's casting lots by way of the raised hand or the sound of the 'Amen"?

How would that same process look if teachers in our school "systems" were voted in by the students"?

I suppose as long as there's a degree or pedigree on the wall, that's all that gets counted worthy of a vote while setting aside how they actually manage what they say they also know an understand because of their tenure at the school of "Higher learning"?

I've taken the advice of some that are close to me in deciding to break up some of these more lengthy thoughts I have within me.

That said, please consider this part "One" of more to come...I hope you'll meet me there when what I have to say finds the words that are fitting. ............To be continued

Friday, October 4, 2013

Boundaries of True Love

Luke 7:47
Therefore, I tell you, her many sins have been forgiven — for she loved much . But he who has been forgiven little loves little."

I don't believe the depth of Love in a human heart can be accurately measured without the truthful consideration as to how Holy the Lord truly is.

Purity in the earth used to be acknowledged as though it represented being innocent. It was also as though white was the color of choice when said "Innocence" hoped to be "Ob-served" as though pure.

What should the color of the "Day" today be if we COULD see just how Holy the Lord is? We didn't get to where we are now because we've been seen as Holy the same way Holy desires to be seen.

Maybe the color of the day should be blood "Red"?

Can we not see how Holy Christ is because of what we choose to ignore as the otherwise obvious?

Only when we've truthfully considered how Holiness was intended to be interpreted and how despised sin really is in the eyes of God, can we have any hope of realizing the endurance requirements of our own salvation as though the "Good" and unfinished work the Lord desires to do in us after we've received Him as Lord and Savior.

We are not saved so that we can simply walk guilt free in all that we do, we've been saved so that as believers found in Christ we CAN walk humbly before the Lord. We've been invited to the wedding supper, yet we haven't arrived there yet.

What the world was intended to see as the result of our being saved is the confidence we do have that Our savior will not leave nor forsake us. As believers in Christ we are to be the invitation sent and we are supposed to the words of God written upon human hearts which are flesh and blood that are also accessible.

IF we do backslide we can still FIND mercy when we repent (turn away from that which is evil and back to Him). If we willfully sin and are then reminded who we belong to , then don't expect guilt and the one who holds it reigns to give you a free ride until your mind has been renewed once more and your confidence in the Lord reestablished.

Is it painful? Only you can testify to that.

Is our confidence that we do remain willing to allow our overall being to be used (By God alone) according to His will and intent even to the point of death?

Has your spiritual tank been emptied? As a son of God, is your work here on earth done or do you still see it as a need go back into the burning building one more time to check for survivors?

Consider the robe we see people in commercials wearing that's usually "White".

The one that matches nearly perfectly white teeth that have been shown great care as if all natural. Both of which match the well groomed hair as if to make those viewing think that's how perfection rises every morning.

We've all either seen these avatar's or had the hopeful thoughts of one day ourselves of being seen in such a manner.

What about that white robe though?

The one that was perfectly white (Clean) that now maybe has a coffee or mustard stain in some obscure location we assume no one else will even take notice of.

Or maybe it has some big "UGLY" stain on it that jumps out from fifty feet away, but you tell yourself that you don't care what others think because it's YOUR robe and it only matters to you what it looks like.

Either way you've been reminded that you chose to wear it and without a care while knowing the stains can still be seen.

Why is it we always want to see ourselves as innocent? Is it only to maintain our confidence? Is that confidence based only upon all that we've believed? If yes, let me ask, "Who told you about what confidence before God looks like? Did the world tell you or did the one we're hoping to please tell us personally?

Is it because we DO know what thinking of ourselves as sinful might do to our "Self" esteem? Have we esteemed Christ above ourselves when we are accused? Do we see everyone as though the devil when they do accuse, or do we see the need to be silent before our accusers as we plead our case to Him alone while we wait on instructions as the "what to do next"?

Remember the brief exchange between the two thieves on the cross? Do we remember who the person was "Between" them is? We like to remember the thief that was received, yet what about the other one?

At one point we hear hostility speak towards God and then on the other side we hear Lord save me because I'm a sinner"? Notice Jesus did not address the enemy.

Why though?

Did Jesus banter back with, "Just wait you'll see who it is you're slandering in a few hours"?

Because he remains silent before His accuser(s) because He is innocent and is the ONLY acceptable sacrifice God does accept as though one that's been Humbled.

What if this image of three on a cross was intended to represent not only the struggle we all have when good and evil wage war within us, but also the sound of the saving voice which is able to rescues us from such torment as though "Peace be Still"?

There will be times in all our lives when receiving "forgiveness" from another person never comes. Often times only a pound of flesh will satisfy the cravings of justice within those that "Feel" they've been wronged.

There may be many different reasons one never finds forgiveness, but most all will usually fall under one or both of these categories "Death or Distance".

When one doesn't find forgiveness the silent rule of distance comes calling. If allowed when we do find ourselves to be without forgiveness, it has caused some to seek out Death as the only remedy.

Many have washed over (like a robe) what they've done wrong, yet the shadow of those stains can still be seen but only when you LOOK real close.

Who is it that usually comes along and reminds us that they can still see those stains?

Those OTHER sets of eyes that know the tough task of getting those deep set stains to come out OR those that have a robe "Just Like" yours hanging in the closet "At Home" they too couldn't get those stains to wash out?

When we find our approach to God to be one where we've failed to SEE where others have already gone through much the SAME things, is it any wonder why we continue to suffer?

We think that sin is a horizontal relationship issue only and truth be known we're right, yet only when we fail to SEE whose in those relationships with us or NOT.

Ps 41:4
I said, "O LORD, have mercy on me heal me, for I have sinned against you ."

Jer 14:7
Although our sins testify against us, O LORD, do something for the sake of your name.
For our backsliding is great; we have sinned against you .

Should a soul hear the words in that Day, "Away from me I do NOT know you", the words of Christ will strike terror once remembered. 

Those that have mishandled the words of God will be confronted with the lie they've not only believed but JUST as they've dispensed such lies so too will they receive back recompense having convinced others to also Ob-serve such lies as though the truth.

Who are "You"?

Who is this person who studies the scripture and for what reason? Does it serve YOU alone or the ones that God so loved that He gave His only Son?.

Divine religion teaches dependence and that upon the Savior. The world teaches "Independence". False religion seduces it's hearers to become dependent upon the man that's heard as though God speaking. True religion teaches we can do all things but only when it is Christ who strengthens us.

When a disciple has truly been born of the seed of truth the Lord then becomes the teacher. Such a person can travel to the edge of the earth in the confidence he too can hear from the Lord.

He does not follow the man made formula to find God. He's been taught what the voice of God sounds like and is told to respond, "Here am I lord and I'm listening"

Isa 28:24-26
When a farmer plows for planting, does he plow continually?

Does he keep on breaking up and harrowing the soil?

When he has leveled the surface, does he not sow caraway and scatter cummin?

Does he not plant wheat in its place, barley in its plot, and spelt in its field?

His God instructs him and teaches him the right way.

The poorly instructed disciple has NOT been taught how to hear from God within himself and so he continually cowers in the shadows of fear because of what he does NOT know and that of the Lord.

This man has t return to the mirror every day in order to be retold who He is in the Lord. He has become drunk on the wine of the wretched and despised who rob from God

He finds himself back in the hands of mere man that have designed  the maze leading into the the city gate. He pays the toll of his entry fee only then to willingly bear up under the tax levy's for his continued citizenship.

He's become yet another victim entangled in the web of deception as his otherwise divine livelihood is slowly drained from his being because he's been sent out yet WITHOUT the full armor and that of a faith in God that is true.

Being able to hear from the Lord IS what Love is and now does because He is LORD and one that desires to make Himself known. Such a man properly equipped goes forth knowing that what tomorrow holds in store should it come, that day will also be guided by the same voice as yesterday that has lead you by His spirit to the exact location where you presently find yourself.

The true disciple will not serve what his natural eyes alone see.

Instead he will interpret the will of God so that he can see which is aided by way of what he does NOT see according to the words of the Lord. Why, because this person has been taught to righteously divide the words of God which then divided the voices heard and the activity of living things which God causes to thrive.

The letter that is only symbolic says what it says, yet the voice that interprets what the letter says MUST agree with what the spirit of the Lord tells you IT see's.

Earthly schools will tell you what they know and can only teach you what they see within words when they are being presented. Do words always convey what someone is saying? Not if they are also to be "Known" liars if their personal needs see fit.

Heb 4:12

For the word of God is living and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart 

Whose attitude and whose heart though? Yours only or also what can or can't be seen coming from the HEART of another?

None one man knows all things yet if we don't believe we at least have access to such wisdom, what hope can we have or what could cause us to pursue that which is also True?

I've been to weddings where it seems like it took forever before the bride kissed the groom. It's like a slow motion picture as the groom raises the veil.

How similar when the Old covenant is read and the New ignored or both are mingled whose results look alike?

Some thing is missing and something even more dreadful is coming. Don't be deceived, but learn what the voice of truth sounds like and take heed.

Heb 8:11-12
No longer will a man teach his neighbor, or a man his brother, saying, 'Know the Lord,'
because they will all know me, from the least of them to the greatest.

For I will forgive their wickedness and will remember their sins no more."

If we were to approach God's word as though Only He is true and every man is a liar or man at his worst all have the propensity to be a liar at any given moment, what could be seen? That no one is trustworthy OR that only God words tells us what AND who to trust?

When we believe that to be true not only what will we see, but also "Who" can we "See" also operating within the same boundaries of divine wisdom?

I alone did not say it but God did when He said "ALL know me?

How broad is this said "ALL"?

Scripture gives believers a peek at the broader spectrum of this "ALL" and from both sides of the realm we're now in.

James 2:19
You believe that there is one God. Good! Even the demons believe that — and shudder.

Acts 19:15
...the evil spirit answered them, "Jesus I know, and I know about Paul, but who are you?

If what the Lord IS doing is misunderstood, should one expect to be able to hear and or see what they're supposed to be following? How did the wise men know which star to follow unless they knew (believed) what such a star represented? 

Did this make them wise within themselves or are they thought to be wise because what we read is astounding because what they believed then lead them the manger (Christ)?

Who called them wise and why? Because they could discern the activities and those of the Lord?

They surely studied scripture that was available during their time, yet their scripture not being what we have today also lead them to the same Christ believers say we're following today.

Were the wise men simply doing a "Road Trip" out of boredom? Or did they apply wisdom because of what they're journey would allow the eyes of their spirit to "Behold"?

John 5:39-40
You diligently study the Scriptures because you think that by them you possess eternal life. These are the Scriptures that testify about me, yet you refuse to come to me to have life.

Do we have to know ALL things before we believe in Christ? No!

Do we need to know day to day what to believe so we continue to follow Christ? Yes!

Do we need to know Who sins and who wins in the end? Yes!

Why? Because we still have to travel day to day before we arrive there. What lies ahead?

Only those that can remain confident that God will show them from one day or from one moment to the next.

How will you "Know"?

Only if you can "Hear His voice".

Matt 24:
As Jesus was sitting on the Mount of Olives, the disciples came to him privately. "Tell us," they said, "when will this happen, and what will be the sign of your coming and of the end of the age?"

Jesus answered: "Watch out that no one deceives you

(True Christians (those that know the truth) could probably stop right there and review the essence of deception, yet the equality of truth will still confront what they claim they CAN also "See" (discern). Consider what "Deceived" (you) looked like leading up to the moment of past deception? Not so much the felt pain that seized your emotions in the moment. but because of what and who you allowed to drowned out the voice of the Lord as such which then in turn lead you to being deceived? Not only what you failed to acknowledge, but try to remember the "How" truth tried to get your attention just before whatever it was that prevailed over that same knowing. Is the Lord more than a gut feeling? 

If He is then acknowledge Him as such to let Him and yourself  (as though one) know that you're at least Now listening. Give Him glory internally and externally at every opportunity. Don't shrink back from what others refuse to believe, and yes know that you will be all but burned at the stake the next time you "Missed" the mark. 

For many will come in my name, claiming, 'I am the Christ,' and will deceive many. 
( I think many have only viewed this passage as though someone claiming to be the person of Jesus in name only. Yet if one remembers who the "Truth" is as though a person, they might see much more when they remember Jesus saying "I am THE truth" and "My sheep hear my voice".

You will hear of wars and rumors of wars, but see to it that you are not alarmed.

The word used is "Hear" of wars. He did not say you will see wars, hence "Do not be alarmed" as though to mean don't "See" something only because you've "Heard" (false sound). He even stresses the point next by saying "Such things must Happen" as though rumors are going to be used to strike the chord of fear) 

Such things must happen, but the end is still to come. ("Still" like the calm before the storm) 

Nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. 

(Kingdom & Nation? When will a "Kingdom of priest" and "Holy nation" ever find its significance? Don't allow what's being "Claimed as a nation in the natural sense to rob you of this spiritual truth in terms of a war that's fought over who's considered Holy (been justified) and who's NOT.)

There will be famines and earthquakes in various places. All these are the beginning of birth pains.

(Survival by whatever means "Deemed" necessary will be the localized concern where these are found as well the response(s) both individually and corporately. Do NOT be deceived by appearance alone as the work of  benevolence parades as an angel of light by not giving all GLORY to Jesus OUR Christ as the ONLY reason why they do what they do.)

"Then you will be handed over to be persecuted and put to death, and you will be hated by all nations because of me. 

(Maybe read this message in reverse order before you reach for it. Sometimes we must know the why (because of me) something takes place before we can "SEE" what we're going through "because" we understand the why.)

At that time many will turn away from the faith and will betray and hate each other, and many false prophets will appear and deceive many people. 

(The one that seeks all glory as the "False" savior (God) has drawn up the plans that will suit this cause. He will send forth his messengers among them and divide the opinions as to why people are where they are in the moment. The ultimate act of what's more modernly being called "Narcissism". As such that creates and brings THE problem to pass only so that they're personage is "Ob-served" by those in the midst of the problem as the solution (their savior).

Because of the increase of wickedness, the love of most will grow cold, but he who stands firm to the end will be saved. 

(Because of the sinful misrepresentation of the rapture God drafted, many will be lead to the tip of the sword as if to ask "Where is this rapture"? As if to somehow escape persecution for what is and was believed yet while inthe midst of what IS still true (real).

And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come. 

(In the midst of this chaos the message will be broadcast and much like a secret note passed among the people it will spread like wild fire. Some will accept it and many will reject it and many will be betrayed. Even as Christ descended in order to preach to those held captive so to must the son(s) of men follow in His likeness. Pray for those who have been destined to endure this strengthening of OUR mutual faith in the future. 

At this point no man will be without excuse. Even more it will be clearly understood as those that have rejected not only the gospel, but the One that was "Willing" at one point in time to show them mercy.)

In terms the of  "The Love of many growing cold" I think far too many individuals that get into ANY relationships that are only 'Luke warm" are well on their way to becoming Cold. Why? Because they only warm themselves by another's "Fire" instead of keeping their own fire burning.

Its like mourning the a tragedy of having to burn all the stuff in your house just so you can stay warm because it is cold, yet what will they do when they run out of "stuff" (idols) to burn?

I think most get into a relationship only because of what the other person can do for them (consider Christ).

Is this wrong? Absolutely Not unless that person also rejects the reward such a personage makes available in the thought of two becoming ONE.

Why is it said and that of Christ, "It is better to give than receive"?

Could this be so that we too might show forth that we do Know (acknowledge Christ) for who He is by way of being partakers of this great "spiritual truth" as though our First Nature?

And why does a "Man" crave praise (reverence) the way God created Him?

Why is God jealous and jealous of what? Why does He demand all Glory?

Man that desires to be acknowledged as if the shadow of God here in the earth, what right does he have to request to be revered as such when He does not display this same nature?

What is shame and who has branded what God considers to be righteous shameful?

Let not this mark be found on You man of God, for your reward will be great when your enemies are put to shame.

Remember you were called a child, but when you've put away childish things, only then can you be expected to be seen as a son of God not to mention the Hope of being considered a Man GOD made in order to put on display the "Principles" of His kingdom.