Luke 7:47
Therefore, I tell you, her many sins have been forgiven — for she loved much . But he who has been forgiven little loves little."
Purity in the earth used to be acknowledged as though it represented being innocent. It was also as though white was the color of choice when said "Innocence" hoped to be "Ob-served" as though pure.
What should the color of the "Day" today be if we COULD see just how Holy the Lord is? We didn't get to where we are now because we've been seen as Holy the same way Holy desires to be seen.
Maybe the color of the day should be blood "Red"?
Can we not see how Holy Christ is because of what we choose to ignore as the otherwise obvious?
Only when we've truthfully considered how Holiness was intended to be interpreted and how despised sin really is in the eyes of God, can we have any hope of realizing the endurance requirements of our own salvation as though the "Good" and unfinished work the Lord desires to do in us after we've received Him as Lord and Savior.
We are not saved so that we can simply walk guilt free in all that we do, we've been saved so that as believers found in Christ we CAN walk humbly before the Lord. We've been invited to the wedding supper, yet we haven't arrived there yet.
What the world was intended to see as the result of our being saved is the confidence we do have that Our savior will not leave nor forsake us. As believers in Christ we are to be the invitation sent and we are supposed to the words of God written upon human hearts which are flesh and blood that are also accessible.
IF we do backslide we can still FIND mercy when we repent (turn away from that which is evil and back to Him). If we willfully sin and are then reminded who we belong to , then don't expect guilt and the one who holds it reigns to give you a free ride until your mind has been renewed once more and your confidence in the Lord reestablished.
Is it painful? Only you can testify to that.
Is our confidence that we do remain willing to allow our overall being to be used (By God alone) according to His will and intent even to the point of death?
Has your spiritual tank been emptied? As a son of God, is your work here on earth done or do you still see it as a need go back into the burning building one more time to check for survivors?
Consider the robe we see people in commercials wearing that's usually "White".
The one that matches nearly perfectly white teeth that have been shown great care as if all natural. Both of which match the well groomed hair as if to make those viewing think that's how perfection rises every morning.
We've all either seen these avatar's or had the hopeful thoughts of one day ourselves of being seen in such a manner.
What about that white robe though?
The one that was perfectly white (Clean) that now maybe has a coffee or mustard stain in some obscure location we assume no one else will even take notice of.
Or maybe it has some big "UGLY" stain on it that jumps out from fifty feet away, but you tell yourself that you don't care what others think because it's YOUR robe and it only matters to you what it looks like.
Either way you've been reminded that you chose to wear it and without a care while knowing the stains can still be seen.
Why is it we always want to see ourselves as innocent? Is it only to maintain our confidence? Is that confidence based only upon all that we've believed? If yes, let me ask, "Who told you about what confidence before God looks like? Did the world tell you or did the one we're hoping to please tell us personally?
Is it because we DO know what thinking of ourselves as sinful might do to our "Self" esteem? Have we esteemed Christ above ourselves when we are accused? Do we see everyone as though the devil when they do accuse, or do we see the need to be silent before our accusers as we plead our case to Him alone while we wait on instructions as the "what to do next"?
Remember the brief exchange between the two thieves on the cross? Do we remember who the person was "Between" them is? We like to remember the thief that was received, yet what about the other one?
At one point we hear hostility speak towards God and then on the other side we hear Lord save me because I'm a sinner"? Notice Jesus did not address the enemy.
Why though?
Did Jesus banter back with, "Just wait you'll see who it is you're slandering in a few hours"?
Because he remains silent before His accuser(s) because He is innocent and is the ONLY acceptable sacrifice God does accept as though one that's been Humbled.
What if this image of three on a cross was intended to represent not only the struggle we all have when good and evil wage war within us, but also the sound of the saving voice which is able to rescues us from such torment as though "Peace be Still"?
There will be times in all our lives when receiving "forgiveness" from another person never comes. Often times only a pound of flesh will satisfy the cravings of justice within those that "Feel" they've been wronged.
There may be many different reasons one never finds forgiveness, but most all will usually fall under one or both of these categories "Death or Distance".
When one doesn't find forgiveness the silent rule of distance comes calling. If allowed when we do find ourselves to be without forgiveness, it has caused some to seek out Death as the only remedy.
Many have washed over (like a robe) what they've done wrong, yet the shadow of those stains can still be seen but only when you LOOK real close.
Who is it that usually comes along and reminds us that they can still see those stains?
Those OTHER sets of eyes that know the tough task of getting those deep set stains to come out OR those that have a robe "Just Like" yours hanging in the closet "At Home" they too couldn't get those stains to wash out?
When we find our approach to God to be one where we've failed to SEE where others have already gone through much the SAME things, is it any wonder why we continue to suffer?
We think that sin is a horizontal relationship issue only and truth be known we're right, yet only when we fail to SEE whose in those relationships with us or NOT.
Ps 41:4
I said, "O LORD, have mercy on me heal me, for I have sinned against you ."
Jer 14:7
Although our sins testify against us, O LORD, do something for the sake of your name.
For our backsliding is great; we have sinned against you .
Should a soul hear the words in that Day, "Away from me I do NOT know you", the words of Christ will strike terror once remembered.
Those that have mishandled the words of God will be confronted with the lie they've not only believed but JUST as they've dispensed such lies so too will they receive back recompense having convinced others to also Ob-serve such lies as though the truth.
Who are "You"?
Who is this person who studies the scripture and for what reason? Does it serve YOU alone or the ones that God so loved that He gave His only Son?.
Divine religion teaches dependence and that upon the Savior. The world teaches "Independence". False religion seduces it's hearers to become dependent upon the man that's heard as though God speaking. True religion teaches we can do all things but only when it is Christ who strengthens us.
When a disciple has truly been born of the seed of truth the Lord then becomes the teacher. Such a person can travel to the edge of the earth in the confidence he too can hear from the Lord.
He does not follow the man made formula to find God. He's been taught what the voice of God sounds like and is told to respond, "Here am I lord and I'm listening"
Isa 28:24-26
When a farmer plows for planting, does he plow continually?
Does he keep on breaking up and harrowing the soil?
When he has leveled the surface, does he not sow caraway and scatter cummin?
Does he not plant wheat in its place, barley in its plot, and spelt in its field?
His God instructs him and teaches him the right way.
The poorly instructed disciple has NOT been taught how to hear from God within himself and so he continually cowers in the shadows of fear because of what he does NOT know and that of the Lord.
This man has t return to the mirror every day in order to be retold who He is in the Lord. He has become drunk on the wine of the wretched and despised who rob from God
He finds himself back in the hands of mere man that have designed the maze leading into the the city gate. He pays the toll of his entry fee only then to willingly bear up under the tax levy's for his continued citizenship.
He's become yet another victim entangled in the web of deception as his otherwise divine livelihood is slowly drained from his being because he's been sent out yet WITHOUT the full armor and that of a faith in God that is true.
Being able to hear from the Lord IS what Love is and now does because He is LORD and one that desires to make Himself known. Such a man properly equipped goes forth knowing that what tomorrow holds in store should it come, that day will also be guided by the same voice as yesterday that has lead you by His spirit to the exact location where you presently find yourself.
The true disciple will not serve what his natural eyes alone see.
Instead he will interpret the will of God so that he can see which is aided by way of what he does NOT see according to the words of the Lord. Why, because this person has been taught to righteously divide the words of God which then divided the voices heard and the activity of living things which God causes to thrive.
The letter that is only symbolic says what it says, yet the voice that interprets what the letter says MUST agree with what the spirit of the Lord tells you IT see's.
Earthly schools will tell you what they know and can only teach you what they see within words when they are being presented. Do words always convey what someone is saying? Not if they are also to be "Known" liars if their personal needs see fit.
Heb 4:12
For the word of God is living and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart
Whose attitude and whose heart though? Yours only or also what can or can't be seen coming from the HEART of another?
None one man knows all things yet if we don't believe we at least have access to such wisdom, what hope can we have or what could cause us to pursue that which is also True?
I've been to weddings where it seems like it took forever before the bride kissed the groom. It's like a slow motion picture as the groom raises the veil.
How similar when the Old covenant is read and the New ignored or both are mingled whose results look alike?
Some thing is missing and something even more dreadful is coming. Don't be deceived, but learn what the voice of truth sounds like and take heed.
Heb 8:11-12
No longer will a man teach his neighbor, or a man his brother, saying, 'Know the Lord,'
because they will all know me, from the least of them to the greatest.
For I will forgive their wickedness and will remember their sins no more."
If we were to approach God's word as though Only He is true and every man is a liar or man at his worst all have the propensity to be a liar at any given moment, what could be seen? That no one is trustworthy OR that only God words tells us what AND who to trust?
When we believe that to be true not only what will we see, but also "Who" can we "See" also operating within the same boundaries of divine wisdom?
How broad is this said "ALL"?
Scripture gives believers a peek at the broader spectrum of this "ALL" and from both sides of the realm we're now in.
James 2:19
You believe that there is one God. Good! Even the demons believe that — and shudder.
Acts 19:15
...the evil spirit answered them, "Jesus I know, and I know about Paul, but who are you?
If what the Lord IS doing is misunderstood, should one expect to be able to hear and or see what they're supposed to be following? How did the wise men know which star to follow unless they knew (believed) what such a star represented?
Did this make them wise within themselves or are they thought to be wise because what we read is astounding because what they believed then lead them the manger (Christ)?
Who called them wise and why? Because they could discern the activities and those of the Lord?
They surely studied scripture that was available during their time, yet their scripture not being what we have today also lead them to the same Christ believers say we're following today.
Were the wise men simply doing a "Road Trip" out of boredom? Or did they apply wisdom because of what they're journey would allow the eyes of their spirit to "Behold"?
John 5:39-40
You diligently study the Scriptures because you think that by them you possess eternal life. These are the Scriptures that testify about me, yet you refuse to come to me to have life.
Do we have to know ALL things before we believe in Christ? No!
Do we need to know day to day what to believe so we continue to follow Christ? Yes!
Do we need to know Who sins and who wins in the end? Yes!
Why? Because we still have to travel day to day before we arrive there. What lies ahead?
Only those that can remain confident that God will show them from one day or from one moment to the next.
How will you "Know"?
Only if you can "Hear His voice".
Matt 24:
As Jesus was sitting on the Mount of Olives, the disciples came to him privately. "Tell us," they said, "when will this happen, and what will be the sign of your coming and of the end of the age?"
Jesus answered: "Watch out that no one deceives you.
(True Christians (those that know the truth) could probably stop right there and review the essence of deception, yet the equality of truth will still confront what they claim they CAN also "See" (discern). Consider what "Deceived" (you) looked like leading up to the moment of past deception? Not so much the felt pain that seized your emotions in the moment. but because of what and who you allowed to drowned out the voice of the Lord as such which then in turn lead you to being deceived? Not only what you failed to acknowledge, but try to remember the "How" truth tried to get your attention just before whatever it was that prevailed over that same knowing. Is the Lord more than a gut feeling?
If He is then acknowledge Him as such to let Him and yourself (as though one) know that you're at least Now listening. Give Him glory internally and externally at every opportunity. Don't shrink back from what others refuse to believe, and yes know that you will be all but burned at the stake the next time you "Missed" the mark.
If He is then acknowledge Him as such to let Him and yourself (as though one) know that you're at least Now listening. Give Him glory internally and externally at every opportunity. Don't shrink back from what others refuse to believe, and yes know that you will be all but burned at the stake the next time you "Missed" the mark.
For many will come in my name, claiming, 'I am the Christ,' and will deceive many.
( I think many have only viewed this passage as though someone claiming to be the person of Jesus in name only. Yet if one remembers who the "Truth" is as though a person, they might see much more when they remember Jesus saying "I am THE truth" and "My sheep hear my voice".
You will hear of wars and rumors of wars, but see to it that you are not alarmed.
The word used is "Hear" of wars. He did not say you will see wars, hence "Do not be alarmed" as though to mean don't "See" something only because you've "Heard" (false sound). He even stresses the point next by saying "Such things must Happen" as though rumors are going to be used to strike the chord of fear)
The word used is "Hear" of wars. He did not say you will see wars, hence "Do not be alarmed" as though to mean don't "See" something only because you've "Heard" (false sound). He even stresses the point next by saying "Such things must Happen" as though rumors are going to be used to strike the chord of fear)
Such things must happen, but the end is still to come. ("Still" like the calm before the storm)
Nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom.
(Kingdom & Nation? When will a "Kingdom of priest" and "Holy nation" ever find its significance? Don't allow what's being "Claimed as a nation in the natural sense to rob you of this spiritual truth in terms of a war that's fought over who's considered Holy (been justified) and who's NOT.)
(Kingdom & Nation? When will a "Kingdom of priest" and "Holy nation" ever find its significance? Don't allow what's being "Claimed as a nation in the natural sense to rob you of this spiritual truth in terms of a war that's fought over who's considered Holy (been justified) and who's NOT.)
There will be famines and earthquakes in various places. All these are the beginning of birth pains.
(Survival by whatever means "Deemed" necessary will be the localized concern where these are found as well the response(s) both individually and corporately. Do NOT be deceived by appearance alone as the work of benevolence parades as an angel of light by not giving all GLORY to Jesus OUR Christ as the ONLY reason why they do what they do.)
(Survival by whatever means "Deemed" necessary will be the localized concern where these are found as well the response(s) both individually and corporately. Do NOT be deceived by appearance alone as the work of benevolence parades as an angel of light by not giving all GLORY to Jesus OUR Christ as the ONLY reason why they do what they do.)
"Then you will be handed over to be persecuted and put to death, and you will be hated by all nations because of me.
(Maybe read this message in reverse order before you reach for it. Sometimes we must know the why (because of me) something takes place before we can "SEE" what we're going through "because" we understand the why.)
(Maybe read this message in reverse order before you reach for it. Sometimes we must know the why (because of me) something takes place before we can "SEE" what we're going through "because" we understand the why.)
At that time many will turn away from the faith and will betray and hate each other, and many false prophets will appear and deceive many people.
(The one that seeks all glory as the "False" savior (God) has drawn up the plans that will suit this cause. He will send forth his messengers among them and divide the opinions as to why people are where they are in the moment. The ultimate act of what's more modernly being called "Narcissism". As such that creates and brings THE problem to pass only so that they're personage is "Ob-served" by those in the midst of the problem as the solution (their savior).
Because of the increase of wickedness, the love of most will grow cold, but he who stands firm to the end will be saved.
(Because of the sinful misrepresentation of the rapture God drafted, many will be lead to the tip of the sword as if to ask "Where is this rapture"? As if to somehow escape persecution for what is and was believed yet while inthe midst of what IS still true (real).
And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come.
(In the midst of this chaos the message will be broadcast and much like a secret note passed among the people it will spread like wild fire. Some will accept it and many will reject it and many will be betrayed. Even as Christ descended in order to preach to those held captive so to must the son(s) of men follow in His likeness. Pray for those who have been destined to endure this strengthening of OUR mutual faith in the future.
At this point no man will be without excuse. Even more it will be clearly understood as those that have rejected not only the gospel, but the One that was "Willing" at one point in time to show them mercy.)
In terms the of "The Love of many growing cold" I think far too many individuals that get into ANY relationships that are only 'Luke warm" are well on their way to becoming Cold. Why? Because they only warm themselves by another's "Fire" instead of keeping their own fire burning.
Its like mourning the a tragedy of having to burn all the stuff in your house just so you can stay warm because it is cold, yet what will they do when they run out of "stuff" (idols) to burn?
I think most get into a relationship only because of what the other person can do for them (consider Christ).
Is this wrong? Absolutely Not unless that person also rejects the reward such a personage makes available in the thought of two becoming ONE.
Why is it said and that of Christ, "It is better to give than receive"?
Could this be so that we too might show forth that we do Know (acknowledge Christ) for who He is by way of being partakers of this great "spiritual truth" as though our First Nature?
And why does a "Man" crave praise (reverence) the way God created Him?
Why is God jealous and jealous of what? Why does He demand all Glory?
Man that desires to be acknowledged as if the shadow of God here in the earth, what right does he have to request to be revered as such when He does not display this same nature?
What is shame and who has branded what God considers to be righteous shameful?
Let not this mark be found on You man of God, for your reward will be great when your enemies are put to shame.
Remember you were called a child, but when you've put away childish things, only then can you be expected to be seen as a son of God not to mention the Hope of being considered a Man GOD made in order to put on display the "Principles" of His kingdom.
We are saved by grace alone through faith alone in the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ as the only Way to Heaven. Yet He saved us for His purpose, and faith without works is dead.
ReplyDeleteYour blog is a blessing and I am now following it, and I invite you to follow Saved by Grace also:
God bless,
Laurie Collett