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Wednesday, October 31, 2018

"Exactly" who encourages YOU

If God played the tune, how many of His children would know the words to His Song. sw

There's "Nothing" more refreshing for a father to see than his children singing praise to "Their" God as if unaware of their surroundings. sw

When your God has become your child's God and Father, your child has truly become something much greater either could have only imagined. sw

If it "Walks" like a child of God and Talks like a child of God, then for Gods sake call IT what IT is by name. sw

Ps 49:1-4
Hear this, all you peoples; listen, all who live in this world , both low and high,
rich and poor alike: 

My mouth will speak words of wisdom; the utterance from my heart will give understanding

I will turn my ear to a proverb; with the harp I will expound my riddleNIV

If a person chooses to accept that words mean zero to nothing how then can the power of the Gospel of God who is otherwise invisible find such a person. sw

Knowing that you've hurt someone while failing to understand where those wounds are, how can the applied healing balm somehow sooth the pain. sw

At what point does Love somehow sharpen itself to where it can penetrate the armor lack of Trust has put on. sw

If it takes time to trust a person, how long does it take the Love of God to out pace the type of Love humanity Trust and suggest they also completely understand. sw

What tangible evidence is there that can prove the Love of God never fails and the love of man wanes when the wind blows. sw 

If a man were only considered to be as "Good' as his last dealings, how important does it then become in deciding early why dealers are rarely Trusted. sw

While observing the slight of hand accompanied by the wink of an eye, what then should be expected is coming. sw

When does the worth of a good deed lose its value? Will it prove to be before or after the praise that never comes. sw

Being found to "Be" believable suggest what and to whom without the application of Good reasoning. sw

Is there a difference between being found in agreement and a 'Justifiable" reason that's worth nothing in this world. sw

How significant is a mans faith if such a man shapes his future by way of the flip of a coin. sw

What takes place when good and evil are placed in a hat whose mutual "Outcome" is left to the luck of the 'Draw". sw

Exactly how "Intense" is any purpose when the "Responsibility" for the outcome has been left to chance. sw

Exactly how many times does a thought have to "Be" revisited before it develops a life considered to Be all its own. sw 

Why is anything considered to be worth "While' when the source of what is "Being" considered is never weighed. sw

Does time or understanding somehow change the rules when a man cast his "Lot" in Life today. sw

How does a man develop a Vague understanding? Does he forget more than he's learned or does He retain in his heart only those type of thoughts that have been 'Cherished". sw

When does a person allow the melody of a song to somehow carry them away to a place where they also "Know" they don't belong. sw

When in "Deed" is a person also considered to 'Be" a stranger. sw

If a child is adopted only for the sake of "Profit", how soon will this child learn to respond based on what they've been taught to believe is True. sw

Who in this world can truly have an honorable Brother without also having the same father both have also recognized as more than worthy of the same type of respect. sw

Who in this world could anyone truly "Be" if it all depended upon knowing who your brethren are only by way of the Love of their Father has shown. sw

John 17:3
"Father, the time has come. Glorify your Son, that your Son may glorify you. For you granted him authority over all people that he might give eternal life to all those you have given him. Now this is eternal life : that they may know you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom you have sent.


Friday, October 12, 2018

The building of a "Definition"

"God has made a WAY"!

If a person chooses to "believe" God has made a way, who in this world or one to come would insist on over complicating such a thought?

If a person learns to "Freely Forgive" how much did Love truly have to do with it? What if the judgment of sinners were evidenced by those who have yet to see the Image of themselves in the "Sight of God"? As if "One" who deeply understands what it truly means to have been forgiven of "Much"?

To suggest those who are willing to learn how and why they too have need of loving Much in order so they too might understand the true Nature of the Father and God (creator) of their God Given spirit? The same spirit of God many only Claim they're possessed by?

 I clearly remember as a child my mother on occasion asking me whenever I would act "Outwardly" inappropriately, "What in this world Possessed you to say or do such a thing"? The type words that should have proved to be 'Alarming" because they had been heard in a "Divine Context" instead of them being relative to some movie I'd seen.

Who in your inner circle has assisted in the painting of a darker "Image' under the guiding terms of what you've also believed to be True? Exactly how "Much" of what anyone believes truly does shape and mold what each then chooses to say and do in this world?

The same being evidenced by way of some type accountability and/or judgment being passed on the lasting affects of what you say and "Do"? As if somehow causing doubt or you to be in opposition to the revealing of what God says is true? The "Net" results being what"? The resulting determination of those who do belong to God?

The very nature of many today who can't seem to "Escape" the torment brought on by way of their personal fear(s) which only have to do with an otherwise "Unknown" and "Living" nature of God?

What if the making of a Type love the 'Way" most understand Love to manifest through the flesh were truly interpreted as the "Making" of yet one more sinner? One more sinner whose only Real HOPE and future in terms of becoming "Relative" to the nature of God is to BE born AGAIN with one caveat, "Born of the spirit of God"?

The previous association with God being fleshed out as though what God intends for the longevity of your earthen Body?

Especially so while understanding "Why" the God of Love was compelled to also make known that "The flesh counts for Nothing"? What would you suggest more often happens once this massive collision of sorts occurs? What was the first question Jesus asked his own when He witnessed the out break of this Internal Struggle within them?

Whenever someone today reads that Jesus "Knew" which of them at that time did NOT believe and who would betray Him, how then does anyone choose to somehow interject their individual personality that's here today vicariously into this type of telling event and "Ability"?

Was Jesus talking about His flesh or the flesh ALL mankind since his introduction have also found their REAL person to have been adorned? As if to suggest that no man will appear before the judgmental and winnowing eyes of God adorned in their temporarily assigned flesh?

John 6:61-65
Aware that his disciples were grumbling about this, Jesus said to them, "Does this offend you What if you see the Son of Man ascend to where he was before! The Spirit gives life; the flesh counts for nothing. The words I have spoken to you are spirit and they are life. Yet there are some of you who do not believe." For Jesus had known from the beginning which of them did not believe and who would betray him. He went on to say, "This is why I told you that no one can come to me unless the Father has enabled him."  

Why are so many today so confident they are somehow able to interpret the full context of events whenever debating what took place thousands of years ago, yet they fail to recognize the relativity of those same events as compared to today as if they're still taking place "Today"?

In terms of what is natural, what qualifies the type of child that has been "Still Born"? If a person has never seen the spirit of God whose to say exactly how many fingers or toes a spirit is supposed to have? What does the said "Normal" spirit that is Of God" truly appear as without a standard of measure?

Have you ever considered how much more chaotic this world might look if God had NOT have sent His Son in Physical shape and form likened to mankind? Who then beyond doubt could then relate or NOT to the introduction to what had only been said to have taken place? In short, "No Living Example"?

If everything mankind suggest he does know so well were based on a time line, who is able to determine when the day that is TODAY God continues to speak about truly begins and ends?

When speaking about a type flesh that is incapable of doing anything of value in the sight of God aside from being momentarily "Lead" by the same spirit of God whose to say Who has been lead of that same spirit or NOT? The same Type of activities done despite the desires of the flesh that also agree's with what the voice of God has said through His holy Apostle's?

What 'If" it were clearly understood there is only One Way anyone can do NOTHING ...Wrong while also suffering through the modern times discourse about what has been done "Right"? Hence the "Making" of realized discovery of the living "Will of God"?

2 Cor 13:7-10
Now we pray to God that you will not do anything wrong. Not that people will see that we have stood the test but that you will do what is right even though we may seem to have failed. For we cannot do anything against the truth , but only for the truth.

We are glad whenever we are weak but you are strong; and our prayer is for your perfection. This is why I write these things when I am absent, that when I come I may not have to be harsh in my use of authority — the authority the Lord gave me for building you up, not for tearing you down.

Not only Born of the Same God as was Jesus, but also nearly as miraculous by way of the descending of His more often UNSEEN spirit? His same spirit that also manifested His presence and presented his person as "The Christ" through you and I?

And what does any reference to Landscape or Scapegoat truly suggest that is either considered to be Barren or wondering around Lost in a vast expanse?

Why does the birth of Adam NOT prove that God does NOT "Need" a physical 'Womb" in order to produce a SON?

What exactly is the difference between a "Fertilized" seed and the words of God that fall on soil that may or may NOT be fertile? A type of soil that will prove itself to be void/absent the otherwise invisible presence of His (Gods) regenerative spirit?

In terms of God "Knowing those who belong to Him" does this truth depend of the will of men or the evidence of a promise God has made and kept?

It was said of Christ, Today you have "Become" what? A son of the living God? And how did He become the son of God if His origin was not found to have been sourced from this same God? Is not the same also required of many who will try to make this same type of claim in order to gain this same type of Glory?

Who today has need of a "Visitation" of the "Spirit of God"? Who also has the "Need to Believe"? Having been "Awakened" within by that same Spirit of God? The ONLY type of spirit that can and does believe what God has said in that this type of spirit then proves it does have access to the deep things of God which can Only be "Given" of His same spirit?

Will this Divine event somehow prove to be the due diligence of the mere words of a Known Liar (namely a mans soul) or because the only trust worthy Promise Keeper does deliver what He has promised that would follow as if a type of evidence?

The type of promise keeper as One who does 'Delivers" what He not only "Purchased" but promised He WOULD Deliver unto the mankind if he would only "Believe" with ALL that God has said his (reborn) spirit truly is and consist of?

Thank God UPS or FedEx are NOT Gods choice(s) of a delivery service. Is there truly a difference between a man who suggest he is able to interpret all that his own soul is as well all that the spirit of God has said man should learn to expect from either?

Is man more concerned with who, what, when, where, how and Why OR knowing the person of God in terms of Trusting ALL that God has said He is and is willing to do on behalf of man who was made a little lower than the Angels God also created?

The 'Created", what exactly is anything god also created that is without "Roots" that can be traced......


  1. 1.
    a long, leafless flower stalk coming directly from a root.

Ps 25:3
No one whose hope is in you will ever be put to shame, but they will be put to shame who are treacherous without excuseNIV

In terms of remaining an infant verses willingly being "Made" mature, who can Honestly claim they never Knew while "Making" the claim their "Given" life "Time" was worth the investment of His person God has also "Made". sw

In terms of being satisfied, who in this hour is not asking themselves "Is there anything wrong with suggesting or being satisfied in who you've presently "Become"? That to include being satisfied with anything also considered to be "Less" than all that God says He's made available" namely the assessment of God being presented/made by the limits of ones "Soul"?

Who is honestly going to get "Away" with anything while claiming ignorance if not the "Child"? And if a child "Whose" child is making such a "Claim"?

When a person suggest they're in the "Know", what have they claimed in the MUCH larger picture of Life? And those who do "Know" that deny "Knowing" Christ what else have they denied or "Rejected" without the "Full" affect(s) of true repentance also having its "Way" with them?

Full of "What" though?

Heb 8:10-13
This is the covenant I will make with the house of Israel after that time, declares the Lord.
I will put my laws in their minds and write them on their hearts. I will be their God, and they will be my people.

No longer will a man teach his neighbor, or a man his brother, saying, 'Know the Lord,'
because they will all know me , from the least of them to the greatest.

For I will forgive their wickedness and will remember their sins no more." 

By calling this covenant "new," he has made the first one obsolete; and what is obsolete and aging will soon disappear.

Is it a matter of somehow being "Less" or the failure to recognize and/or acknowledge exactly where it is 'Godly Provision" does come from and WHY?

What exactly today might suppressing what is True not only look like, but as compared to what? What event took place in the "Garden" where mankind also suffered from his chronicled greatest "Fall?

All the above while today as if an added advantage in "Knowing' now that it is "Impossible" to please God without "Faith"?

What exactly is the proverbial IT that has been made available to all who have believed every word that has come from the mouth of God? And what of the man who suggest he believes in God yet rejects the Divine role the Son continues to have in the entirety of the "Eventuality" and reality of what is to "Come" ONLY because of this ONE and only SON?

When God supplies things such as bread (Manna) for His people who then asks, "What is it"? Without first considering WHO the bread had to have come from as IT did fell from above? Why NOT just give them wheat and tell them to go and MAKE bread FOR themselves?

Much like later having been subjected to captivity and were forced to not only MAKE bricks, but also provide the materials needed?

Having been "Subjected" to a ruler who was also considered to be 'Foreign"to them?

In terms of keeping a distance, is there a difference between living above or below what God says He's willing to "Do" for the sake of being known as THE promise keeper. sw

In terms of being "Filled", who also in their "Right" mind would want to attempt to redefine what "All" of your heart, mind, soul and strength looks like in the sight of God and why? Especially when honestly trying to discover what an "All" sufficient savior is willing to "Do"?

Many are being filled today but much like the apostle Paul suggest in terms of the value of 'Dung" will this same difference today also prove many today to be full of same? Full of same due to who and what they've chosen to Believe otherwise? Being informed with bad information instead of having Christ formed in them? The type which now has them positioned firmly in the grip of present circumstances?

If Christ has been formed within by the living WILL of God and is being brought to maturity, who then also has the "Mind of Christ" dwelling richly within them? As if the substance that ONLY God can INSTILL?

And if God is ALL wise despite the opinion(s) or lots cast by MANY, who then could argue for the sake of same without the need presenting itself in "Need" of being proved differently?

What exactly defines a peculiar people that Only God can 'Produce'~ sw

John 12:44-13:1
Then Jesus cried out, "When a man believes in me, he does not believe in me only, but in the one who sent me.

When he looks at me, he sees the one who sent me. I have come into the world as a light, so that no one who believes in me should stay in darkness. 

"As for the person who hears my words but does not keep them, I do not judge him. For I did not come to judge the world, but to save it. There is a judge for the one who rejects me and does not accept my words; that very word which I spoke will condemn him at the last day.

For I did not speak of my own accord, but the Father who sent me commanded me what to say and how to say it. I know that his command leads to eternal life. So whatever I say is just what the Father has told me to say."  


Friday, October 5, 2018

Like Minds that think as if One

As I began to meditate on what I wanted to share I also realized this nearly overwhelming sensation. One that I'll describe it as if an awareness where steely judgmental eyes and hyper critical ears began to crowd the room.

The type of audience that doesn't necessarily show up because of a need to hear what I had to say for its content, but more for the sake of the opportunity to be "Critical"? As if a Lion that's been waiting on a "Specific" type of prey to pounce on!

I can only assume this is normal when you're out spoken and do try to say something even in a semi-public venue. If I was ever given the opportunity to meet my worst critics face to face my question might be, why do public platforms NOT cause a person to pause before stroking the "Publish" key? To give pause as if asking exactly who's "Behind" those invasive eyes as well exactly how "Attentive" will those ears prove to be?

That very proof being how will what I meditate on somehow affect not only my person, but anyone else who chooses to "Directly" get involved in what has been shared?

As if doing a build "Out" on something in terms of steering, directing of somethings that's not only "Greater" than us all but hopeful of gaining momentum? Especially while trying to steer away from all those otherwise dark places where wisdom finds itself "Under attack"?

Have you ever given deep consideration to what it means to not only serve, but more pointedly 'Serve" only "One"? Having somehow reached the conclusion we're ALL participating in some type of servitude capacity? The consideration of serving only One while living in a world filled with countless out spoken opinions?

Do you think it's possible to ever 'Out Grow" certain fears? What exactly is it that makes certain fears disappear or go away? Have you ever wondered why anyone might be afraid of the type of person who does serve Only One? That is to say without finding you have to "Revert" back to thoughts that have only to do with some type TRADITIONAL religion?

I'm NOT talking about a selfish type of person most are familiar with, but the type of person who somehow seems to "March" to a different beat when opposition hits them from every angle. This Type of person remains True to whatever it is they're convinced they do see beyond each horizon that dawns others may NOT be seeing? Something, someone or some cause that divinely captivates their loyalty?

Serving only One instead of the trying to serve the misleading type of thoughts as if serving MANY at the same time? How exhausting does that even "Sound" in saying it? What exactly is a Win-Win situation?

Exactly HOW MANY could possibly benefit in any situation when there is ONLY one who gets served? One who is served without getting bogged down with the concern over other different SPECIAL INTEREST that somehow take away from the "Original" cause, purpose and "Living" example?

Getting so bogged down you actually do "Lose" sight of your "Self" in the midst of ALL you're "Supposedly" doing? Doing maybe, yet doing it ALL for WHOM? What would you suggest might take "Place" should the proverbial "Self" one day find that self has since been replaced?

To then honestly weigh the thoughts of serving One Lord? Exactly how many others are also then served nearly by "Default" through this type of mindset? What exactly would You consider when you then read or hear, "My burden is easy and My yoke is Light"?

Have you ever stopped to think what some "One" might look like who thinks they have to do it ALL? The type who try to DO everything for every "ONE"? Often times causing other loved ones who are caught up in someone else's sense of success or accomplishment? Others who suffer for all the wrong reasons who are still dependent on this type of person for their immediate Needs?

How would you suggest a person might become "Polluted" by the surrounding world? Can you alone feed ALL those who are Hungry? Does dying while trying to feed them all suggest "Greatness? What if the mindset of merely TRYING were also at the heart of the Christ who KNEW more than any EXACTLY what He was sent to DO and WHY? Does this corrupt world seem to have a replacement standing in the shadow of every ONE who is hungry or who is willing to accept a dollar for doing "Nothing"?

What if Jesus did feed the hungry for no other reason but to take their MINDS off of their Stomachs even if only long enough so they could hear what He momentarily had to SAY to them?

DOES feeding without TEACHING Produce fruit? Only later to blame God when it's ALL been said and DONE? AT what point HAS God truly SHOWN himself without also PREACHING and dispensing His SPIRIT filled words that also PRODUCE? His words that DO contain
the essential SEEDS needed in light of all that TRUE Life is that's also been planted?

As compared to what? Those who truly are "Making" disciples and those who only have feeding programs for the sake of the Glory that truly belongs to God alone? Did Christ suggest making disciples who are Like You and I OR making disciples who are LIKE HIM?

Exactly how MUCH of ALL that You Or I do is seen as if the DOINGS of Christ and How much of what we hope is NOT seen is being seen for ALL that it is NOT with respect to that same Person who is "The Christ"?

As if having a foot in both worlds with little to zero concern for what does somehow CANCEL out what the Beloved of God DO SEE us doing, SAYING or NOT? Who's NOT asking WHY there are NOT more disciples being made as the DIRECT results of ALL the said DOINGS many are claiming GOD is doing through their person here in the earth?

What might any man doubt if  a child said to be his own never even remotely started to physically look or act like Him, much less think Like him?

And if GOD is NOT the one doing ALL that does get done in His Name, who then should be blamed in terms of a claim made that has yielded such poor returns on the investment MADE by CHRIST?

Exactly how easy would you suggest it is to not only follow, but somehow get bothers to follow you into a state of near "Oblivion" or obscurity? The same type of place where others ONLY see Misery, Pain, Exhaustion, Hollowed out Dark eyes with bags, Bodies that are worn down to nearly nothing at the end of each day? Bodies moving so much slower than most seem to be ALL because of ALL they are supposedly DOING for others who in turn only end up WANTING more of you or FROM YOU?

The Words of God surely say be "Doers" of the word, but that same bible also says what? To make "Disciples"? Disciples who are not only in this world nut are "LIKE Him in this world"?

Exactly how many people would you suggest would be hold outs in their claims of not only multitasking, but proficiently? The same type who are NOT doing any ONE thing with ALL their heart, ALL their Mind and ALL their strength to include "Listening" or "Hearing" why the word ALL has been emphasized by the Lord?

To then contemplate finding "Rest" amid words such as "Do ALL things as if unto the Lord"?

Many suggest Facing their fears, but what does that truly look like in real time? Is it only a matter of convincing your self it is possible to dangle from a "High" wire while also being possessed by the "Fear of Heights"? Dangling by a rope or wire that's been tested and rated by some certified society to support "X" amount of weight?

Having totally ignored the importance of "Quality Control" and the possibility every single rope or wire put into the field ALL may NOT meet this same standardized testing? What if Quality control only tested every other wire or rope unlike God who disciplines all those he considers to be his own?
His stamp of approval also being what without consideration for the flesh that Counts for NOTHING?

Even further maybe only randomly testing every other "Lot" that leaves production? Exactly how safe would "Knowing" ALL the details make You feel before putting to use the rope or wire in Your hands? Thoughts such as will it Hold? Will it break or fail me at the worst time?

Does this person who does have this type of fear also have need of inspecting or somehow "Testing" the particular cable they've purchased before trusting its "Individual" capabilities?

Another example might be purchasing a ladder that's placed on the market with it's maximum capacity rated at 250 lbs? Only at the most critical moment noticing that little sticker on the top most step? ONLY in that moment conveniently remembering you've recently put on a few pounds and are now 290 lbs?

That said, where does FEAR truly come from if not based on what we may or may NOT know beyond doubt and unbelief? What we choose to ignore OR maybe more importantly ..."Remember?

Have you ever wondered why some people have need of knowing and/or visualizing God in a Gender specific capacity? To then somehow transfer or superimpose this same importance in real time when comparing their own gender specific personage to others we share this world with and God?

Exactly WHEN does from NOW on truly begin if we have NOT also Forgotten? What if the NEW never comes and stays and the OLD lingers and refuses to LEAVE? Who then has failed? God or His words? Who also needs a convenient EXCUSE that always seems to be available on seemingly on DEMAND?

When God says that He as God was reconciling the world to himself, why exactly would those same words NOT somehow Find and include EVERYONE? While also knowing God also prepared Hell in advance of declaring this Good News to the whole world?

2 Cor 5:16-19
So from now on we regard no one from a worldly point of view . Though we once regarded Christ in this way, we do so no longer.

Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come!

All this is from God, who reconciled us to himself through Christ and gave us the ministry of reconciliation: that God was reconciling the world to himself in Christ, not counting men's sins against them. NIV

Have you ever considered  exactly WHY a seated "Judge and Jury" has need of being Unbiased in their decisions made when examining the Evidence presented,Why exactly might a sitting Judge have to recuse himself not to mention the removal of jurist who have already reached a conclusion ~
