Is it only the crazy minds or those that get caught committing "Crimes" that eventually find themselves in Lock-Up?
Do we consider ourselves as though something greater because we are the ones on the outside looking in?
I can safely say I didn't coin the phrase, 'Think outside the box" yet I can say that I can see more out here than the blind man named "Seymour" could see while in the womb.
I hope to give several different looks at the essence of what I hope to convey and largely because of the mounting evidence which suggest its something that's obviously still on the loose.
Yes, it will require NOT falling asleep and probably at least two or three cups of some form of caffeine in order to keep that from happening.
That opener is a loaded question because it requires a clearer picture which defines the said "Reward".
Now let me ask, where is the reward for what you have believed?
Most all religions try to respond to these types of questions with such things as riches (gold), virgins (pleasure), promises of utopia (bliss) of some sort, yet each still must be realized as though a gift that's been delivered.
What if I challenged all of that with, "The real reward is the "Promise made" that in fact proves that you'll receive anything?
That evidence being the trustworthy character of the One that did make such promises?
What's remains beyond delivery and receipt of the promise made? The enjoyment of the gift that's been given?
Not knowing yourself as compared only to "All" that is true about you will be the very thing that disappoints this mindset.
Disappointment will always point its finger at the one they've accused of "Lying", yet will it also point out the one that believed the lie and that being ONLY because they denied hearing the truth?
Jesus the son of man and son of God is the gift that was given as the foundation of the faith also known as Christianity. This event has already taken place in time. Most all other promises different religions make still require the arrival of the one that made the promise upon which their faith has been founded.
The only requirements for the person that hopes to receive the reward of all that's been promised is that they first be willing to hear and believe that which is true about the promise AND believe what's said about Him ONLY because the promise comes from Him.
How many can already SEE a huge problem with that suggestion?
The thought of God that's also accepted and understood as the ONE that created all mankind is a huge step in the right direction, and many have taken that huge step, but is that far enough?
Now if you combine all those that do "Believe" that there is ONE and only one creator, what has been arrived at? That you still only have a "Mass of people" that at least are willing to believe mankind did not evolve from some primordial soup?
What then separates them and prevents them from approaching ANYTHING in this world while at the same time remaining in agreement with each other through whatever it is that presents itself as a MUTUAL problem?
The bible (words of God) Christians choose to esteem above all others says "Faith comes by hearing".
Yes I know there's more said but lets camp hear for just a minute.
Hearing what though?
Is the scripture which is said to be Holy suggesting the answer to what most all mankind have been in search of? That being better understood as the "Truth"?
What are any of us hearing these days? Are we only hearing watered down versions of the truth?
If you were a drunkard addicted to wine, how would watered down wine satisfy that addictive cry? Even the drug dealers understand what they do in order to increase their profits when they are said to 'Step" on their product in order to stretch it into something more profitable.
Is our faith only hearing a combination of what uncle Bob, Grandma or three of your BBF's (best friends forever) have to say? Words that have little to zero life in them and even less to do with the "Principles" God desires to be established as a way of life?
There is proof that Gods word never fails, yet man may not be willing to hear the truth concerning the proof NEEDED in order for him to believe it.
I guess one would have to know what a "True" life is in order to ask or even begin on a quest as if to go in search of such a thing?.
If you can allow this question, when does life end?
Is it only when your body has been placed in a box and both of those in the ground?
Is it only your body that ceases to be aware of its involvement in this world OR is there also a part of you beyond this concept being called "Death" that is still aware of its existence that's now found itself to be "Without" a body?
Are you able to discuss the possibility such an existence that does continue to thrive OR do you find it easier to deny such a reality exist?
Have you come up with your own version (belief system) that explains away what you presently are not sure of mainly because you're not there yet?
There to mean where enough evidence has manifested which then allows you to prove to others this greater reality on the other side of death does exist?
Some might even suggest such place (address) as eternity?
It's these type of questions that rarely find a warm welcome within a mind that finds itself now attached to this world. A world where opinions are given for the most part the freedom to believe and (act) influence how each captain of each personage "See's" appropriate (right).
All "Systems" whether based on economic's or belief's first require the dependence of more than one person in order to be considered systemic in their nature.
Beyond that those that are participants within these said "Systems" also have to discover "How" to remain in agreement in order to thrive. Otherwise they're met with the resistance of the surrounding world as the larger of these two establishment that are now in a "Face off".
It's a very basic premise yet one that needs to be reviewed from time to time in order to also see the very nature of the system(s) that we've allowed to attach themselves to our being(s).
Just because there's a building on the corner, that doesn't define or restrict what type of business takes up residency in that building.
The zoning ordinances on the other hand can dictate who the occupants are because of the "Type" of business that hopes to thrive from within that particular location.
2 Cor 6:16-18
What agreement is there between the temple of God and idols?
For we are the temple of the living God. As God has said: "I will live with them and walk among them, and I will be their God, and they will be my people."
"Therefore come out from them and be separate, says the Lord.
Touch no unclean thing, and I will receive you."
"I will be a Father to you, and you will be my sons and daughters, says the Lord Almighty."
What is faith and what is this (deceitfully) seemingly silent battle being fought over ones faith?
Because there is still such debate or maybe infighting about what faith is and and does (accomplishes), that fact alone should "Scream" volumes as though commentary about the overall present day condition (spiritual location) of the said Body of Christ.
Some two thousand years ago the Apostle Paul was trying to teach more about spiritual maturity to a local portion of the overall church (called out) of that time, yet his writing conveyed that they were not ready to receive what he otherwise could have told them if they had prepared themselves so they could receive (share) what God had placed in him (revelation).
The crying out that the Lord will respond to, is such where the bride has made herself ready to be received and that of Christ the Lord.
We can spew empty words that suggest "Lord come quickly", yet the bride that has made herself ready by way of the law of LOVE (obedience) says this in a more excellent way.
We all need mile markers to help gauge our spiritual growth, yet what are we using as those spiritual mile markers? Those around us we fellowship with? Have we become guilty of comparing ourselves among ourselves as if by ourselves?
Why is that we go the way of the rule of the crab bucket?
Why is it that we weight each other down with our own sins? Why is the publicized knowledge of our own sins, the very weapon others use in order to defend themselves in their personal efforts to be viewed as if the "Whole" consideration of the body of Christ that's being perfected (united and that by way of the influence of the Love of God put on full display)
Has being separated from the world only become the matter as to "Who hides their sin the best"? Are those the ones that are now doing the teaching on how to be whatever it is the opinion of "Popularity" is able to "SEE"?
Politicians these days are pretty much expected to be liars and most of them are from the tight knit community of law makers (lawyers).
Yes I realize politicians are not spiritual clergy, yet the venue through which they are appointed presents itself as an example against which believers can compare.
If the whole consideration concerning ones faith were to focus on the end result periodically, one would have to conclude that those that do have sufficient ability to spiritually reason with God, that because of their refusal to believe in the ONE true God already have an appointment with the destiny set aside for those that do reject their appointed Christ (savior) prior to the grave.
Most all say that we know these things BEFORE they even take the office of leadership, yet isn't that primarily due to the fact that those that do vote them in CAN'T gain "access" to their "Real" lives in order to see "Who" it is we're "Appointing" or it could even be suggested "Anointing" them as leaders and guides over us as a Mass of people?
Now comes what should be a more sobering thought, who establishes our spiritual leaders and guides? Who anoints and then appoints them to be leaders? See any similarities yet?
Who's casting lots by way of the raised hand or the sound of the 'Amen"?
How would that same process look if teachers in our school "systems" were voted in by the students"?
I suppose as long as there's a degree or pedigree on the wall, that's all that gets counted worthy of a vote while setting aside how they actually manage what they say they also know an understand because of their tenure at the school of "Higher learning"?
I've taken the advice of some that are close to me in deciding to break up some of these more lengthy thoughts I have within me.
That said, please consider this part "One" of more to come...I hope you'll meet me there when what I have to say finds the words that are fitting. ............To be continued
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