This is part two of The "Reward" of your faith".
"The War between the book ends of time has already been won, yet the battles between now and then are still yet to be truly fought and won where the same victorious faith is still required of the sons of God" sw
"What time is it when the words of God cease to have an affect on the hearts and mind of mankind and that within the hope of becoming One with Him" sw
"Is faith what you first believed concerning God or is faith the demonstration of what God has already placed in you because His spirit continues to dwell richly in you" sw
Should a child eat if he does not work? Should a man be considered a real father if he does not teach his son? What work is there that a man can do that's ever lasting except "Believe" every word that comes from the mouth of God which then manifest as his sons true and lasting prosperity? sw
[Now comes what should be a more sobering thought, who establishes our spiritual leaders and guides? Who anoints and then appoints them to be leaders? See any similarities yet?]
Who gives said leaders over Gods people manna from heaven so that they can in turn feed the sons (people) of God?
Is it possible to feed the spirit of God within without knowing what gives it strength?
Was Jesus insulting His disciples or was he using what they too did not know in order to teach those that would follow them because those that do follow will also suffer the same things? How is it possible for the teacher to teach unless he too be taught?
Once again the debate over Us and Them and what still remains alive for the benefit of the body of Christ raves on.
John 4:31-32
Meanwhile his disciples urged him, "Rabbi, eat something."
But he said to them, "I have food to eat that you know nothing about."
These were Jesus hand picked disciples, yet what was missing in their understanding? That He was the God in the flesh?
No, not exactly, because Peter responded correctly when asked who Jesus was and Jesus responded back.
Matt 16:
Simon Peter answered, "You are the Christ, the Son of the living God."
Jesus replied, "Blessed are you, Simon son of Jonah, for this was not revealed to you by man, but by my Father in heaven
Has the Christ been revealed to You by your "Father" in heaven?
It is written of Jesus that He is the word that became flesh and dwelt among men. How faithful are you when the word of God comes to you? Even further has the words of God come to you?
Were those words wearing a suit of flesh?
Was it you who picked and determined "Who" it is that presented the word of God to you? Did you determine whether that person was worthy enough to present to you anything as though from God?
Did you with all sincerity "Believe" their message?
What made it believable? Was it the one presenting or the fact that YOU believed what that person said only because you accepted that ONLY God is truthful and in all things?
Matt 16:16
From that time on Jesus began to explain to his disciples that he must go to Jerusalem and suffer many things at the hands of the elders, chief priests and teachers of the law, and that he must be killed and on the third day be raised to life.
What stood in the way of Jesus and the kingdom He preached?
Was it the requirement of a good confession? Was it the requirement of repentance? Was it the additional requirement of baptism in water for the remission of sins?
Were those things just mentioned simply more rules and requirements in order for a person to find relief in being considered guilt free?
What was it that drew them away from the customary laws (handed to them by Moses) enough that they now believed the sound of this new message being presented?
What was it that had "Power" sufficient enough to "Change" (renew) their minds to where they were willing to walk away from years of having been steeped in laws, rules and regulations their mothers an fathers passed on to them?
Basically, in the personal trial held within their mind, what evidence was presented that was strong enough to persuade their personage that this man named Jesus was THE son of God?
As believers in Christ today, has the question been ask about who you are? Maybe, "Who do they say that You are?
An orphan that's hungry to know his TRUE identity will travel to the other side of the world in order to find where he came from, unless he's become comfortable and satisfied with all that he sees within in himself.
Please join me later as I hope to further this continuing thought about a mutual faith and that In Christ Jesus as Lord and Savior of the true tried and tested sons of God.
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