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Friday, December 28, 2012

"Beyond that of a seed" ...continued

If you're not struggling against the current, you're either already dead and floating "Down" stream or you've found no value in making the effort to swim up stream.

If spiritual fitness were the reflection of the continual exercise of giving thanks to the creator of our spirit in all things, is it any wonder why our spiritual man does not look like "Charles Atlas".

Ok, so they failed at making you laugh.

I've often thought how the life cycle of the salmon could symbolize the life of a devout believer in Christ.

Don't worry I'm not looking to beat you into the mood of "Guilt" so you'll send me a tithe offering. I just want to privately encourage you to invest more of "You" into considering how worthy of continual praise our Lord and Savior Jesus truly is by way of thoroughly examining His goodness.

Think of your spiritual being as that of a seed. Should you expect as a seed that you'll germinate and then grow if you're not being watered and fed the nutrients required day to day?

Believe it or not a seed taken from within said fresh "Fruit" must first die in all practical terms before it can then in turn be planted (buried) in order to produce life (more fruit)

I would like to pick back up and expound with this thought in terms of discussing an eternal seed, There is no sovereign "King" where lawlessness freely abounds.

In my own opinion the lawless mind as some choose to believe is not simply the personality that repeatedly breaks a said "Law". Laws are only presented and implemented in order to present the greater "Need".

The lawlessness as defined by the Lord as well the mind which follows is one that has become it's own governance.

Lawlessness only allows itself to be questioned by "Self". It is only willing to respond to "Self" and is only willing to be held accountable to "Self" and its reasoning.

This mindset no longer hungers and thirst for righteousness as if there is ALWAYS more substance to it or is willing to recognize any "greater"  need for the thoughts of righteousness in their life.

Such a mindset has lost sight of the value to know the Lord more than they did the day before having become satisfied and committed to what they've assumed as their future that's based on the events of yesterday.

The heart that becomes hardened due to the restraints of this world has set aside the promise found in the words below that would otherwise lead to relief which laws only attempt to present.

The diminished value of any words is when we forget or fail to believe in the "One" which spoke them.

Matt 6:33-34
But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own. NIV

Often times when I become complacent and satisfied in my vague conclusion(s) as to the depths of God's great "Love" do I then realize what I'd forgotten when I allow truth to revisit. Every day comes with its own set of needs and every need its own prescribed remedy.

With regards to life's weightiest consideration (facing the thought of death) as those moments of fearful anticipation regarding death, the Lord that is also good has already provided its remedy

Rev 2:11
He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches. He who overcomes will not be hurt at all by the second death

1 John 3:1
How great is the love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God!

Jesus as the believers prime example (as we make ourselves familiar with eternal matters) followed instructions being provided all the way to the time of his death and departure from the realm of this world.

As the first of the beloved, "How can we think on ourselves any differently in terms of our still being here from one day to the next as if the opportunity to encounter a death from an old approach thought to lead us into true life"?

Ps 116:15
Precious in the sight of the LORD is the death of his saints.

A living sacrifice is also a slow death.

Our death might not prove to be as sudden, abrupt or as full of impact as was His (Jesus), yet that should not lend itself in our thinking towards our being considered any less with respect to any unfinished business of our mutual Father and all that He has in store for us that do believe (as if our faith) in Christ.

That is to say that not ONLY on another day should we embrace that we are the beloved of the Lord as "The children of God", but instead embracing the thoughts and events of TODAY as if something which participates within a life considered as eternal.

When we don't consider today while moving forward as if a portion of enternity, the net result of today as it an event then loses value.

Nearly all religions believe there is a God that will reward eternal life, yet which "God" in that day will prove to you they're not only capable of providing a life that will not taste a second death, but also "Willing" to provide the "Remainder" of such a great gift as a promise made and kept?

Keeping your heart stayed upon Christ should mean spending less time considering what you are not or better still WERE NOT outside of Christ.

Does being reconciled to the Lord come at a cost to you or WILL it prove to you to be the opportunity to "Know" the Lord here and now? The opporunity to be reconciled to Him as such that's already been paid for without you lifting a finger before it's provided?

When someones heart can accept (believe) that they can Do nothing of themselves in order to receive such a great gift are they then that much closer to being able to recognize the goodness of God.

I believe one of the hardest things man can do for Himself is to do "Nothing" when he doesn't know beyond doubt what to do.

I also believe that when he (man) has become his weakest, he's realized that he can do "Nothing" of value on his own as if something tangible that will also arrive with him into the eternal realm (Kingdom).

That is to say as opposed to how humanity (the world around us) attempts to define "How" anything and everything we've received is a reward or repayment for all that we do.

I TRY to remember that God's goodness is something that I can never repay even if I had 10 life times. With each passing day that I do remember I somehow realize I'm one day closer to realizing what eternity is.

We're all born into the systemic (economic) environment where we've been programmed to think that we have to earn every thing we also consider as gain or wealth, yet we more often fail the test in discovering what the Lord envisions for us as true Prosperity through the discovery of true weakness.

If you do believe eternal life comes at a price, what price tag have you placed on it?

What defines the God you believe in and what does your belief in Him look like here in the earth?

What is heard when "Freedom in Christ" is proclaimed? Is it free reign to say and do as one wishes? How can one be "Free in Christ" while at the same time considering themselves a slave unto "Christ"?

While experiencing such a freedom, when does a person get to pick and choose (interpret) what they're willing to believe and obey at any given moment?

I'll say it as gently as I presently know how, "Welcome to a world of understanding that fortunately for You and I, we did not also create'.

Does the lawless mindset keep its own list of the minor infractions considered NOT to be as harmful as others or does it keep a list of "Cardinal" sins where there is NO room or tolerance for ANY violation?

In case you ever want to put what you believe to the test, simply look at all the earthly laws you also consider to be good (for your benefit) and then take away their perceived enforcement.

That to mean the element of enforcement that's (you agree with) based upon what you believe to be true as a common standard and then try to contemplate all that remains once the shield of enforcement has been taken away?

That dreadful place much like the story line in all these movies and and TV series of late have been based upon? You know, those where there is "Zero" threat of incarceration or zero penalty for breaching mutually understood "Laws"? Some might even go as far to suggest "Anarchy" or as an environment of total chaos?

Now ask yourself, "How much has Law(s) helped govern, shape and form who you are today as well all that you believe in to be "Good"? How much have laws help shape and or introduce you to your creator?

Now ask yourself "How much has the thought as the gift of eternal life helped shape and form who you've become to date? What value have you placed upon its conditions? Have laws and perfect obedience unto those laws somehow guaranteed the arrival of "Your Own" definition of eternal life?

Surely man has control over his decisions made, yet who does that leave in control over his found circumstance(s)?

Rom 8:5-8
Those who live according to the sinful nature have their minds set on what that nature desires; but those who live in accordance with the Spirit have their minds set on what the Spirit desires. The mind of sinful man is death, but the mind controlled by the Spirit is life and peace; the sinful mind is hostile to God. It does not submit to God's law, nor can it do so. Those controlled by the sinful nature cannot please God.

Part of being reconciled to God first requires God (as your Lord) showing you and I what is considered as "Sin" otherwise where would the thoughts concerning the "Need" for forgiveness lead us?

Is it enough that a man in his life time somehow restrain himself from lying, stealing, drinking alcohol, dipping, smoking, cussing, sleeping with prostitutes or associating with those that do?

Even further is it enough to have never committed adultery, fornicated, murdered remained wed to only one woman or at best remained a virgin to the grave while assuming having accomplished such things will then provide him access into the realm of Life eternal?

Having asked such questions I'm NOT hoping to lead you into a stronghold where a lengthy list of does and don'ts could get you anywhere. Instead I hope to reveal the fact that you and I were born into a life that was seeded (sired) by the sinful nature.

The mere fact that you encountered a second thought concerning any of the above temptations that would have otherwise lead you to do any of those things mentioned should draw attention to the inner war that wages in all humanity.

Simply knowing that being aware that there is a wrong and a right way of considering anything in this world should cause you to question "Why"?

Is it simply because of the "Who" said there is a wrong or a right way or is that such things can lead you into greater harms way and or prevent you from seeing a greater "Good" over and above what you've historically observed as a reality?

Would there have been a beginning to your salvation process without first being made aware of what "Sin" is having then realized the great need for a savior and His mercy?

Without maintaining reverence for the "Need" for a savior that truly is "Holy", how then could that person maintain a degree of respect for someone as "Lord" as if their "Savior" from one moment to the next?

I think it safe to suggest that same person would also have to understand and revere what the word "Lord" means? To the point where said "Lord" is then proved capable of leading you to the place where you also maintain as your Hope to eventually find your combined (spirit/soul) presence there.

Mercy desires to define this same Lord and His Grace proves to be His power and ability to lead you.

Forgiven suggest something that's already taken place while "Forgiveness" lends itself more towards the thought as something "Yet to be obtained".

Forgetting what you were saved from is not as easy as one might assume.

As those which do continue struggling from day to day in order maintain what we say we believe, we also have an adversary (enemy) that has mastered the otherwise invisible influence (deception) that's also been appropriately labeled as the "Accuser of the Brethren".

As if a part of our process (being brought to spiritual maturity) we as believers have the obligation when we are accused to NOT try and defend the reasoning (deception) which lead us into such behavior because deep in our hearts we know it is wrong.

Instead and  because to the One that has established that such behavior is unrighteous we once again realize the NEED for a savior.

Building yourselves up on your most Holy Faith on the other hand requires remembering the nature you have been saved from while looking forward to the fulfillment of such a "Great" salvation as the "All" that it accomplishes.

When the mind (even if only for a moment) remembers just how sinful our being is capable of at any given moment, there should then become a realized need for "Armor" in order to protect you while moving forward in life. Here is where true humility before the Lord then serves you best.

How so one might ask?

How can the mind of your being weigh anything as if from God? Can the things from God be investigated without the highest regard for His righteousness? Who remains the judge of such things as to whether they are true or not? Is it not still you?

Here is where the word "Holy" gains its strength as well our reverence as believers for His ability to live a perfect (Sinless) life as if proof of "Who" Jesus was and is as our God (creator).

What many forget is that the end of all that we presently know having "Learned to trust" through our given years (evidence by all that we say and do) it will all face a day of reckoning (judgement).

What will be judged? The evidence of not only what we've believed, but also "Who" we've chosen believe as if our God (Father).

Reconciliation as a thought that's found outside of Christ Jesus as Lord would suggest a period of time which frames a process which occurs before that dreadful day comes. Whereas "Reconciliation as a thought that's found as "Christ in You" is the sweet reward that's been based upon all that His visitation was intended to accomplish as the net result in His coming to begin with.

Today is the day meaning everyday you continue to draw breath having believed and accepted the advance notice given.

When the acknowledgement of God comes by way of the seed that's been sown, it first "Informs" the mind of the spirit of it's identity (ownership) enough to where the soul has now been informed with the wisdom that Jesus is "The Father" of that new spirit given.

How the Soul continually responds beyond that "News" then interprets as part of the condition(s) under which the remainder of your life lived out (from a perspective that thrives from within your combined being of spirit, soul & body) here on earth.

Rom 8:15-17
For you did not receive a spirit that makes you a slave again to fear, but you received the Spirit of sonship . And by him we cry, "Abba,  Father." The Spirit himself testifies with our spirit that we are God's children.

In my opinion when God is first of all feared within the terms of how He expresses said "Fear" only then will the things of God begin to have any hope of coming into alignment in ones reasoning having endured our past which was (by way of deeds) lived outside of Christ.

Your day of awakening (reconciliation) is like a mix between waking up from a knock out punch while trying to get everything your eyes see to come into focus and or as when the new born opening its eyes in this world for the first time.

Until one has been born again God remains an external consideration that's never experiential and only as such that is heard "About" from the outside in.

Secondly, unless Jesus alone is the only true representation of all that is "Good" and in all instances, there is little hope that's also "REAL" while desiring to come to "Know" His person as if the One to now follow.

Ask yourself this while reminding yourself that no one is perfect, "What are you left with to compare Jesus the Christ to if He has not been made "Sovereign" within the midst of everything you hear and see?

If your asking, "Then How does God become more defined"?

It begins with thought(s) in the form of a question(s) accompanied by hearing the word(s) "Of God" which then express "Who He Is".

How does it come? God gives (serves) it to you as if the desire of your heart. It becomes your personal beckoning which is then fueled by a hunger and thirst for more of its nourishment. More specifically that same nourishment as it pertains to the "Truth" concerning everything and everyone you encounter

Many assume in error that God should not be questioned.

If that were being said of a child of God that's also considering themselves "More" mature than one of their under studies then I would be in "Full" agreement.

1 Sam 3:18
So Samuel told him everything, hiding nothing from him. Then Eli said, "He is the LORD; let him do what is good in his eyes."

I pray that you'll come back and join me as I hope to be able to continue in thoughts concerning the incorruptible seed of God that desires to bloom within you. Believing is the beginning while our faith requires the continued process in our maturity as "Christ is formed In you".

Try to remember that a relationship between fear, an unknown God and how an unknown God functions and operates are not a healthy mixture outside of the truth.

An unknown God leaves a lot of room for anything and everything that desires to fit the mold as "Fear of the unknown". Love that's being perfected can not drive out fear unless the God that is Love has made Himself known and revealed Himself unto you. The evidence of that?

The guarantee as the deposit of His Holy Spirit.

Friday, November 9, 2012

"Beyond that of a seed"

1 Cor 3:6-7
So neither he who plants nor he who waters is anything, but only God, who makes things grow.

Righteously applying the above Godly principle to our own lives should cause a believer not to become overly dependent upon others. That to mean becoming too dependent upon them for our own spiritual growth while considering that it is God which makes Godly things grow.

It is my belief that if we're not careful having lost sight of exactly who it is that does feed and cloth us we can promote others that do meet certain needs which can evolve into "Idols" of sorts.

I also believe that a parent operating in error can get to a place where they see themselves in their own eyes as the God of their child's life while lording the same notion over their children.

Think for a moment the next time you revisit the statement, I brought you into this world and I can take you out of it just as fast"!

In terms of what is true, was it that God brought them into this world having simply used the biology of your human form as the result of having chased your spouse around the bedroom in your youth? Or was it that when you were chasing them it had nothing to do with how You see the future value in that child as the investment and informing of Christ in them?

What is a shame and more often true when confessed is the latter is usually an after thought once they arrive and now you find yourself ill equipped in the midst of the process of trying to raise them along with yourself in God's sight.

Sometimes unaware we can actually temp and or burden others unnecessarily if we find them to be our providing source with regard to desires. When a parent is operating in harmony with God while raising a child their view should be that of Jesus which repeatedly stated, "I only do as I see the father doing".

A child of god that now finds themselves responsible for the raising up of yet another of Gods children should be increasingly aware of God's presence in their life. Basically don't hinder what you CAN see God doing in their lives and don't wing it if you don't know.

Here is where the body of Christ in the earth was intended to operate at it's best having found itself in God grace as if able to make disciples.

What we forget sometimes is that short of finding buried treasure or diamonds growing in the back yard the majority of earthly riches find their way to us through others. Often times those same riches get presented to us through our children, but only when our eyes of understanding have been opened so that we can see them as such.

Surely we thank God but do we forget to thank them as well if thanking God in a moment of respect that's due to their obedience having done the "Right" thing.

Now ask yourself this "Have we made a mess of things or not in terms of being made Holy as God is Holy?

If you have time some day sit and contemplate how one single tangible item (aside from a pay check) eventually finds its way into your possession that meets your need(s). Notice also I didn't use the term "desires".

1 John 5:21
Dear children, keep yourselves from idols

Jude 20-21
But you, dear friends, build yourselves up in your most holy faith and pray in the Holy Spirit. Keep yourselves in God's love as you wait for the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ to bring you to eternal life.

Using marriage as the stage prop (symbol of Godly relational dependence) husbands, wives and or children can actually over burden the unity of a marriage. The trouble is there always has to be someone to blame when things don't go the way they were intended.

If we begin at the head and work our way down is God flawed as the head of Christ? Is Christ flawed as the head of man? Or is man flawed as the disobedient head over what he's been placed over?

One can choose to pursue that thought further through the remaining members of their household, but if they'll stop where their responsibility begins with themselves, there they will find that's all they're really in control over.

I once heard a man state as if his personal request for a wife, "Lord send me a woman that loves You more than she loves me". He then added, "How can that be wrong"? Maybe we should pray for children in advance in much the same way?

We always hear talk about a 50/50 share yet the reality still remains as our example, God tells us by way of Jesus that we are individually and corporately as His people to Love Him with ALL that we are.

For those that are not fond of redundant expressions, Jesus made sure while expressing that "All" means all.

Mark 12:29-31
"The most important one," answered Jesus, "is this: 'Hear, O Israel, the Lord our God, the Lord is one.   Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.'

The second is this: 'Love your neighbor as yourself.' There is no commandment greater than these."

There are those circumstance's where the Lord has given us all that He understands we need in the form of others yet we'll over demand those same person's in times of selfishness.

It's too easy to sometimes to get caught in the trap (lie to self) where we want compensation for the time we "Feel" that we've served righteousness. Righteousness does not serve according to time because having been born again we are "Now" children that only relate to earthly dealing(s) under the terms of the eternal realm.

Instead we should learn to enjoy His kingdom as such that is "Being" established just as we are also human "Beings" that are increasingly being reconciled through the mind of Christ as each then becomes the different forms of enrichment sent forth in His name and timing.

Too much is built upon the earthly understanding of reward(s) and more precisely to mean how we have each been blessed.

Learning to know when you are observing a blessing that is from God comes by way of divine (personal) revelation as such to where you'll often find that you alone with God may be the only one in that moment that's found "Able" to enjoy that blessing as such.

It's easy to say stuff that goes over the head(s) of children such as "Patience is a virtue" yet if there is no understanding or value placed on the more closely defined meaning of virtue (God instilled) we miss the intent and purpose for patience that have also been well managed.

Somehow when we find ourselves loaded down as if responsible for someone else's state of joy and contentment it's forgotten that our own prosperity as said believers comes from the Lord.

The best repetitive method (if there is such a thing) when torn between something tangible in your personal life and the Lord is to simply "Give the thing away". Yes, your read right just give "It" away.

Peace is so much more sufficient when it comes to being tormented because what's attempting to be robbed of you is not the thing you have in hand, but the Joy that comes having given it away as the result of having acknowledged your "Source" (Provider).

Short of the consideration of being physically robbed when situations do present, rather than thinking in terms of something being taken from you by some form of mental and or physical manipulation simply give it away if you feel your joy is also being stripped away.

By nature and without individual restraint(s) we can drowned those around us with our seemingly insatiable desire for "More" of what we assume we don't already have as a plate that's also full. Being a glutton does not only apply to food, in so much it's simply the desire for 'More" while in possession of "Enough".

I find it more than curious that God didn't express to woman to "Love" their husbands as if already equipped with the insightful knowing of "How to Love" especially once accompanied with the processes of child bearing.

Once having become a mother of kindred heart as the Lord appoints, what more often seems to be naturally evident (Abundantly) where love can be witnessed in contrast to the nature of men?

God's kind of love understood by Solomon while king having the wisdom God bestowed upon it relates to the recognized inseparable bond between a mother's love for "Her" child.

1 Kings 3:24-25
Then the king said, "Bring me a sword." So they brought a sword for the king. He then gave an order: "Cut the living child in two and give half to one and half to the other." The woman whose son was alive was filled with compassion for her son and said to the king, "Please, my lord, give her the living baby! Don't kill him!"

He specifically instructed men to Love their wives as Christ loves the Church. If a man finds himself in the place where he needs to experience Love that is alive, who would that then make the teacher as a living example as it speaks to him "How to love"?

I personally despise one sided opinions which suggest "Happy wife means a happy life". There is far too much temptation embedded in empty comments such as this. If accepted at face value statements such as this would suggest zero need for observing what the Lord has to say as if the need to be washed in His word.

Eph 5:25-28
Husbands , love your wives, just as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her to make her holy, cleansing her by the washing with water through the word, and to present her to himself as a radiant church, without stain or wrinkle or any other blemish, but holy and blameless. In this same way, husbands ought to love their wives as their own bodies. He who loves his wife loves himself.

God also expressed to woman to submit to their husbands as to the Lord, yet who would that make the teacher in terms of who to learn from the full scope of respect (being respectable)?

The corrupt nature of the surrounding world rips and tears at these principles as those things which do corrupt which then leaches into believing households. Basically "Someone" left the door open which let the flies inside.

I'm not sure in this increasingly corrupt world "Who" has the tougher task. Is it the husband or the wife? Not that knowing should promote a viable excuse for either, yet it needs to be broadcast there is great need for teachers in the home that understand the God appointed task of someone being raised up within the body of Christ.

Far to often and prior to either husband or wife finding themselves fully committed to the obligation of their office held one or both will more often demand that they get treated as the Lord instructed their mate to do. As if to suggest, 'You first then I will follow your likeness".

If either needs their spouse to first demonstrate the call of their identity in marriage before they perform as prescribed, they need to remember who's example they're following (Christ) without weighing what others may or may not be doing in the moment.

How empty would the cross be if the Lord had placed a prerequisite on each of us that said, "Become Lovable in all things and only THEN will I love you"?

The more that each begins to accept counsel the Lord has provided as if "Good", following that counsel will promote the marriage He subscribes to especially when we remember the words of Jesus, "Why do you call me good? No one except God alone is good". (Mark 10:18)

Submitting should not mean only to opinion of the person. Instead it involves acknowledging the others struggles as they "learn" to gracefully accept their marital role which in turn promotes a Godly blessed marriage.

As each learns in harmony as if for the same cause (Christ) they soon find themselves equally yoked because of whom their vows are tied to as their "First Love".

Eph 5:21-22
Submit to one another out of reverence for Christ.

22 Wives, submit to your husbands as to the Lord.

Take a look around today and assess what you do see more often in the form of poorly trained godly household teachers (husbands and wives). Who were their teachers and how embittered were their students?

When divorce is chosen often times it was chosen far in advance of its manifestation when one or both make the choice to abandon principles Christ established by example.

I won't attempt to reach for statistic's in order to skew your opinion instead I would offer the counsel of Christ to guide your perspective.

Said believers should never draw upon those outside of Christ as if a believers example to follow, but only those which do make up the church (body of Christ). The word tells us that when one part suffers, every part suffers.

This suffering does not exclude the Church (Body of Christ) as a whole the world is still observing and taking notice of as if their gauge of all that is considered as "Good".

There is yet another myth that needs busting and that is, simply staying (remaining) married is not the objective for a believing household. As we can see many poor examples of failed married environments accomplishing that task by tolerance both in and outside the church.

I've met many couples through the years that do not confess Jesus as Lord, yet they'll go to the ends of the earth to protect what they understand to be said "Marriage". It's always in the "Why" we choose to do what we do as believers in Christ having learned how to be enjoined in matrimony that's also Holy.

Marriage was intended to be a living organism where mutual worship towards Christ continues to grow and flourish, because of all the great things He has done for us and through us. Each member gets to enjoy watching the Lord fulfill his promises through their lives in the form of "Change" (transformation).

As such where we first and foremost witness the increase of the kindred heart that resembles Jesus as we hope to find ourselves surrounded by as if a cloud of witnesses.

Many see the words "Be fruitful and multiply" as simply their right to put to use their chosen biological encounters.

As God's children we were not simply intended to be "Lovely" as the surrounding world would have it to mean, instead we were intended to become "Lovable" towards each other having been transformed through the renewal of our minds.

The reality concerning Godly "Fruit" is that when He causes fruit to grow, it always has "Seed" within it for future planting and those seeds contain the direct result of Gods word that prove to be "Effectual" because they do contain the "Life" of God within them.

What kind of a future does any fruit have that also has no seed(s) inside?

We must remember "Faith" comes by what? Is it not "Hearing" and that hearing needs be the effectual word of God? We need to ask ourselves as believers "What are we hearing and possibly why not when the result(s) as the "what" we say we have heard doesn't then perform as as if the substance (evidence) of "what we were intended to hear"?

If this passage were the only righteous description of the successful rearing of a child, who should then find themselves troubled at heart?

Some manuscripts substitute the word "Start" for the word 'Train" used below.

Prov 22:6
Train a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not turn from it.

Is what we say we're also hearing being observed as "Ineffectual" in the life of those teaching"? Being fruitful and multiplying in the natural sense is one thing yet producing spiritual "Children" that have been righteously trained up in the Gospel that's also full will become a undeniable thing in the future lives of God's children.

Multiplication is about fruit that's produced which comes forth from the tree of "Marriage". Much like the functionality of the church God intended which was originally intended to produce (fruit) disciples that become "Effectual" having been fathered by way of the abundance of Gods word.

The marriage environment being a shadow of the Church should also bring forth children that have been taught how to depend upon God in "All" things. One of the best ways to teach is to allow our children to hear our prayers for them which come from the same naked heart we approach God with.

Whether it be a child's approach for more attention, affection, money or property there is balance in all things especially while remembering who holds all things together.

It's easy to say to our children on the other side of problems "we're not perfect as parents" yet it's even more important our children see how all of God's children were intended to handle the thoughts and actions which speak to Him about our own imperfection.

Any of the above mentioned can become a form of over taxation if the desire for them is not taught how to be held in balance in the fashion of learning "How" to patiently wait on certain things especially while considering our own obedient expressions facilitate their manifestation in those we hope we are also teaching.

There's an older hymn that's sung which suggest one must "Take time to be Holy". Stop and think for a moment as to just how much of what we desire gets placed before the "Attention" of the Lord and then consider how much of that gets observed by our children day to day?

As those claiming to be believers in Christ we say to ourselves that He hears us, yet do we always get the immediate results of our petitions? Do prayers always get answered the way we've asked them to be?

What could possibly hinder someones prayers? Do you have and hold something "Against" your brother or sister in the Lord while asking the Lord for His forms of blessings?

How much more pressure do we place on those we say we also love here in the earth when they don't "Give or perform for us" as what we assume we need and on our time line?

More often most pray to God and then almost without being aware we go drowned those around us in our lives as if they are the ones we hold "Responsible" for the delivery of everything we've petitioned God for. Do we forget how we ourselves were supposed to participate as part to those same prayers?

Have you ever been that kid in the candy store that can't make up his mind because he's surrounded by the over abundance of "Goodies"?

The goodness of God when forgotten will not serve well in times of need. As part of a true recognition for salvation one must remember it's a process after first receiving the Gospel. How do you know? Are you still here and happy about it or will you ever sin again while still here in the flesh?

My suggestion would be not to dwell on yourself, but instead contemplating just how Holy the Lord truly is.

In doing so you might actually get closer to the greater reality over and above anything you might otherwise assume or encounter as the surrounding things of this world which try to crowd in on you.

I hope to continue this at a later time so please join me......

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

continuation of "Complexities of man or the seeming silence of God"

This is a continuation of a previous post titled "Complexities of man or the seeming silence of God".

The previous thought I was hopefully conveying was the growth phase which should occur between the thought(s) of being "Created to praise" and "Created for Praise".

Both are important in a thriving relationship with the Lord yet what usually suffers as part of that relationship is the Joy of the Lord being realized as if the "Only" true source of inner strength.

Because the church in western culture has adopted the ways of "Democracy" it has allowed the thought of  Christianity as a religion to be more about staying in control over the ceremonial process  of the "How to go about getting into Heaven".

It reminds me of a movie script where the mother of the bride and groom are fighting over how the wedding of their child is going to be staged and adorned.

Having realized the importance of every component of the body of "Christ" what can be seen while observing the unique appearance of the shadow as it depicts the one that cast it?

It would be like asking a large group of people what each thinks the shadow of God looks like not to mention what He looks like face to face. How could they know?

Much like the image of God as such that is hard to realize without the physical representation of the son that appeared, try to compare that to the limitless shapes water can take on once placed into a container?

Not having seen the physical image of their savior, how does someone depict what they think the body which the Lord will ultimately indwell will look like?

To now borrow from that metaphor, consider not only the presence of Jesus while he walked the face of this earth but also what He came to accomplish?

If you were to take away all the miraculous things Jesus performed as well all that he prophesied while here how many at that time would have received and accepted His claim as the Son of God?

Now take that one step further and ask yourself  "How many after several years beyond His departure would have believed His hand picked apostles (witnesses) if they could NOT replicate the same things Jesus did such as heal the sick and raise the dead?

Not that there is a correct answer, but try to imagine how many people beyond His visitation could be convinced by way of the message (Gospel) they hear from present day said believers that the message they're hearing was also sent to them from the "Son of God"?

Now as one last measure of reasoning ask yourself this, How many people did Jesus NOT heal when asked if He was willing?

It's easy to say "Give God the Glory or To God be the Glory", yet maintaining the joy of the Lord can more often be seen as the enjoyment of others as they witness God's glory at work for themselves.

What makes anything seem to grow old are those situations where the old doesn't welcome the unique ways in which the movement of God makes all things new as if a 'New Creation" that just been made.

Being able to stand back and marvel at the unique expression's of a new born believer that's now celebrating the well received revelation of Jesus as Lord is something many can't resist the temptation to try and manipulate.

Too many want to try describe and or dictate to those desirous to know more concerning the Kingdom of God of their own version of that same process. As if to suggest "If it doesn't happen for you in the same fashion it did for me then what your claiming can't also be real and true"!

Now ask yourself "what does a new creation that's been made in Christ look like"?

Does it look like the expression of "Love" you're familiar with and do you know what the growing pains as the result(s) of suffering will look like at every phase as such which brings about change?

If not, then what does Love look like?

If you don't presently know "How will you ever know"?

If you don't know who then will you ask?

And if you don't know who to ask how can there be any real hope of being persuaded beyond more suffering that may not be necessary?

There will come a time when trusting who you do ask will be more important than having asked all the wrong questions.

Investigate for yourself first "Who God is" as the God that is Love. Then ask of Him, "How do I become more like you each passing day that you've given me"? You'll then begin to see why we all have the Need in common as that of a "savior".

Please join me in the future Lord willing as we investigate how Christ is formed in you 'Beyond that of a Seed"

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Complexities of man or the seeming silence of God?

Laughingly I say this, "If only I knew another way to express with fewer words what I believe I would".

I don't know that I've ever gone on record in saying that I'm not anything greater than your brother in the Lord. As one that only hopes to encourage you to further investigate what you believe concerning the savior of man. 

I've not been appointed to be anyone's father except to those which God has given to my temporary care. 

As if the other half of becoming a father, I've learned all that I'm really capable of is sharing with those that now find themselves willing the further details as to why I believe what I do to be true. 

If there be a tragedy within the entire process of becoming a father, I would consider that to be the truthful details as to "Why" no one is willing to listen (to include my own children).

I once heard a preacher comment on what he didn't like about being a preacher.

He said, "What I don't like is knowing that the listening audience has only given me 30 minutes to speak what I trust that God has given me to share. Especially since it's taken me years to clearly understand the same thing".

One might think it hard to understand the mind of the Lord. That is to say, the absolutes of His reasoning as to why He does all that He does and in the way(s) in which He performs at any given moment.

That stand alone statement will most assuredly prove to be true IF that's all there is to be considered about Him. What more could be learned though if one were to consider that no matter what does happen God loves you?

Add to that the trusted thought, the Lord has provided the precise way, means and methodology you and I need to consider all that love is and does at any given moment.

As that notion is increasingly elevated in our crucial thinking, you will then begin to discover more about Him as the original intent for having created you.

If one were to assume their God is silent or only speaks part time, the question remains then "Who has been handed such a great task as if the instrument(s) used to teach in so much that we find ourselves willing to listen to them as we go through the events of this life?

Do we perform as if orphans or as those that do have a heavenly "Father" whom we also listen to moment to moment despite the "Person" through whom He may choose to speak through?

Matt 25:23
His lord said unto him, Well done, good and faithful servant; thou hast been faithful over a few things, I will make thee ruler over many things: enter thou into the joy of thy lord.

Humanities problem as one that is without God, is one of perception. That is considering the deepest notion that "God Is Love" in that He alone is in all truth the ONLY one that will ultimately define what Love is, does and has done here on earth.

It's easy to try and manipulate the meaning of the word "Love", yet as long as God is constantly perceived as if the ONLY one that is capable preserving the essence of love, only then do any of us as created beings have any hope of realizing his activities within ourselves while in varied circumstances.

A question which should drag the bottom of your being might be, "Were you created to praise God" or "Were you created for the praise of God"?

The answer is "Yes"!

Many people confuse the two terms "Created For Praise" and "Created To praise".

When the term "Created To praise Him" is heard it speaks more about you as to the "Why" that caused you to see Him as if He is your God".

Understanding that you have been "Created For Praise" speaks to Gods performance "Through You" as if the evidence of rejoicing in heaven that does take place, because another sinner repents and turns to God.

2 Cor 1:19
 For no matter how many promises God has made, they are "Yes " in Christ. And so through him the "Amen " is spoken by us to the glory of God.

Often times when the word repent is heard the realization gets over looked that it was US that turned from God and not the other way around. Whereas being restored (reconciled) refers to the former standing humanity enjoyed before his fall.

We hear all the time about the "Fall of man", but the question rarely gets asked "What did man fall from and as the direct result what did he then "Fall into"?

Luke 15:7
I tell you that in the same way there will be more rejoicing in heaven over one sinner who repents than over ninety-nine righteous persons who do not need to repent. 

Isa 43:6-9
Bring my sons from afar and my daughters from the ends of the earth —  everyone who is called by my name, whom I created for my glory, whom I formed and made."

Lead out those who have eyes but are blind, who have ears but are deaf. All the nations gather together and the peoples assemble. Which of them foretold this and proclaimed to us the former things? NIV

Understanding "Why" the Lord has provided a way that leads back to Him is a consideration that each of of us accompanied by our own free will must choose to discover.

The former things refer to God's original intent for the sons of God to manifest (manifest as sons and then be brought to maturity).

Within the said church many are hesitant to know more of and about their Lord because they do know deep inside that more would be required of them as a result.

That is to further suggest NOT ONLY within the thought(s) of being in presence of God here in the earth, but as a God that is just and true to His word has at the same time also reserved a judgement for us all.

How easy is to remain aloof or to ignore weightier truths especially while having to consider the weight of the specific personage across from you on the other side of the scales of life?

The result of the response of obedience through faith in Christ coupled with the understanding the process of Godly ordained suffering will produce the sons of God can be painted in many ways.

Obviously one should not want to rush into death, yet more importantly they should realize the chance of  missing the opportunity to mature, to know and to become a more "Attractive" witness concerning Gods affairs here in the earth.

Otherwise what has your whole life been about once weighed?

Consider this question in all truth, "Is there really such a thing as a mid life crisis"?

That is to suggest that a man knows the full number his own days "To be" here on earth to where he can forecast with a degree of confidence that he's at the half way mark?

Having been brought through any crisis that was also God ordained, the believer considered as righteous in heaven goes about their days with an increased depth of character while understanding their Fathers business.

The Holy words of God informs believers that those that are also "teachers" of God's word will also be judged more strictly. Many try to apply this passage below only to those behind the pulpit, yet they'll ignore the part that says "We all stumble in many ways".

If you lived any amount of time on this earth your life as a footprint will either be used to teach or as an instrument used in order to teach the things of God.

James 3:1-2
Not many of you should presume to be teachers , my brothers, because you know that we who teach will be judged more strictly. We all stumble in many ways. If anyone is never at fault in what he says, he is a perfect man, able to keep his whole body in check. NIV

As if a history that does repeat itself many continue to misinterpret the seeming silence of God leading into their own epoch as if He's not presently making anything about Him "Known" through that same silence.

History puts on display and has been recorded for our learning as what not to wrongfully consider however the full context must be brought into focus before anything can be reasoned.

1 Sam 3:1
In those days the word of the LORD was rare ; there were not many visions.

Having been entrusted with the revelation(s) which comes only by way of the Holy Spirit (Spirit of Truth) without regard to their vintage shouldn't be something that believers shy away from once received especially while comparing ourselves among ourselves.

What if a large percentage of today's preachers and church leaders were considered as infants from the perspective of heaven when considering their fruit as if from the same vineyard that's been cultivated for 2,000 years?

What if instead the level of maturity of the disciples they're turning out into the world were going to be used to demonstrate just how far away the Church has wandered from the heart of what God intended them to be today?

What could possibly be a small test to see if what they're preaching were from the heart of God?

Jesus was not persecuted simply because he spoke words, healed the sick, fed and ministered to thousands. Instead He was persecuted and then murdered because what He did preach stood and still stands in direct opposition to something more sinister at work behind what couldn't otherwise be seen.

Defining the essence of "Evil" while standing in the midst of it is what Jesus did.

The work of the devil Jesus came to destroy is everything that sets itself up against the words spoken from the mouth of our heavenly Father. As such which continues to be the direct result of the single lie (seed) that was spoken in the Garden of Eden.

That is to say, "Anything that gets said or done in order to serve itself by way of obscuring the Gospel (truth) Jesus came to make known. He made it available so that as many that are willing might also be saved from the coming wrath of God.

What has been mans best defense to date when considering the coming wrath of God?

He chooses not to believe that he does have the more immediate need of a "Savior" nor has their been one sufficiently provided. That same savior being named and appointed by God as Jesus the Christ.

Why though? Some might suggest that I'm wrong because they've been made or put together differently, uniquely and wonderfully made. Others might add to my being wrong the notion that I'm missing further details about our God which is also true.

All that Truth is will not only prove that He was denied by some but will also prove the result of having denied Him as something that is inescapable on another day.

Truth tells us many things in as many differing moments while using limitless methods, yet none of which defines anyone as if "Different as seen in Gods eye's".

If anything aids our own deception, it's how each of us have mismanaged the "Scope" of all that we've been given as we perceive the venue of life as the world in which we now live. Despite earthly popular opinion that looks to undermine the intentions of God the essence of which God will reveal as to what then has defined them as His enemies.

One and the same creator as well His divine intentions for all humanity are not divided nor were we created to become divided enough that Our God then appears as if "Divided".

Because man doesn't see his brother or his brothers keeper the way God sees them how can man expect to see that God as our witness defines the very thought that "We were created for praise"

1 Thess 2:4-6
You know we never used flattery, nor did we put on a mask to cover up greed — God is our witness. We were not looking for praise from men, not from you or anyone else.

1 Cor 4:5
He will bring to light what is hidden in darkness and will expose the motives of men's hearts. At that time each will receive his praise from God .

To be continued.......

I wish to continue this post at another time and Lord willing I will. I also prayerfully hope that you find it helpful in your own walk and progression as part the maturing process God intended for all those to be considered the "Son's of God".

Monday, October 8, 2012

What does the soul and hope of man look like "Without" Christ?

I'm of the opinion, "There are times when specific things have to be moved out of the way before you find yourself able to see what you really need to see".

What man is not able to see without the spiritual placement of the eyes and ears that are in the favor of the Lord, is the "True" image of his combined being as his own spirit, soul and body.

"True" meaning as God see's them.

Despite what popular opinion might suggest I think it important to hear, "There are still the same number of letters in the English alphabet yet only God and those which choose to believe know their value".

Those same letters having been shaped and formed into the words He spoke. Words which we also "Hear" enough to where we respond accordingly.

There are seemingly endless reasons why people can't seem to find the "Way" to relate to each other much less agree upon any one thing at any given moment, yet there is only one reason that's also true why man can not find himself able to relate to the Lord at any given moment.

Their differences as seen through the uniqueness of the individual should also prove that to be true. Enough to where one finds themselves at odds at nearly every turn with the very creatures God also created.

All the more because each hasn't found themselves apply fitted as the "Way" his words have gone to great lengths to express that same image of agreement (what Unity was intended to manifest as according to the will of God).

If all men have been created equal, then every man's words and actions would then prove and point to the "Way" of the Lord.

What does man more often look to as the reason(s) so many seem so different? Does man look to his own imperfection he's gone to great lengths to repeatedly make "Himself" aware of? What happened to putting such things to death by way of the leading of Gods Spirit having remained willing to die to self?

Imperfection to mean the combined thought(s) of humanity he alone has invested energy and time into shaping the who and how God see's him in his own mind. Man has become more confident in the impulses of his own "Imperfection" that he has forgot the task at hand.

The task which only the Lord Jesus can accomplish having become your LORD and Savior.

What task might that be? The same task the Lord said that He came to accomplish which was to "Destroy the works of the Devil". Where man needs to begin in his own task oriented "Mission" is to first consider his own actions that might have been motivated by the voice of a mutual and eternal enemy.

First conceived as a thought to then be given into through birth by way of his own responsive actions (as if the life that's been given over or handed over to the seeming demands of temptation).

Notice he doesn't say the devil who goes on sinning because some where else it's recorded that he (devil) has been sinning from the beginning. What does Gods word say though?

1 John 3:8-10
The reason the Son of God appeared was to destroy the devil's work. No one who is born of God will continue to sin, because God's seed remains in him; he cannot go on sinning, because he has been born of God.

This is how we know who the children of God are and who the children of the devil are: Anyone who does not do what is right is not a child of God; nor is anyone who does not love his brother.

How so one might ask? Allow the Lord to sweep your house clean to then allow his ministering servant(s) sent to protect the household of the Lord that's yielded their own will to Him.

This requires reverent trust, yet a "trust" as something that is impossible to see without faith towards God and his will for you to include any hope filled thoughts of His protective angelic beings created for just that.

Luke 11:24-28
"When an evil spirit comes out of a man, it goes through arid places seeking rest and does not find it. Then it says, 'I will return to the house I left.' When it arrives, it finds the house swept clean and put in order. Then it goes and takes seven other spirits more wicked than itself, and they go in and live there. And the final condition of that man is worse than the first."

As Jesus was saying these things, a woman in the crowd called out, "Blessed is the mother who gave you birth and nursed you."

28 He replied, "Blessed rather are those who hear the word of God and obey it."

All men have not been created equal with respect to their abilities much less finding themselves able to hear from the Lord without having been drawn to Him. There is little hope of being able to continually hear from Him as Lord unless one is born again having become a new creation in Christ as if He is their savior. 

There is however a level playing field where each are considered as equal. That playing field then becomes the equally vested interest in all that God has to say as if there is NO other way.

While attempting to understand anything the Lord has to say, it must first be understood as a more exact picture to whom He continues to speak to.

In order to hear his words the way He intended them to be received it must also be understood as if an identity when we read the words "They, Their, Your Fathers and That Generation" which are speaking to you at some point of the time line of a life which has been given and lived.

Was it only "They" that went through a rebellion"? Was it only "Their" plight as the reason they did rebel? Was it only "Your Fathers" fault as the reason you have rebelled? Was it only "That Generation" that did or has rebelled against what the Lord does have to say?

The eternal reality is that the "They" are the "Them" of today. We are the same as the "They" back then in terms of the family of God, that is when we respond today the same "Way" they did in "their generation".

The said "They" will not enjoy His rest if we all have not responded to Him the one and the same 'Way" the Lord pre-scribes.

Heb 3:7-11

So, as the Holy Spirit says:

"Today, if you hear his voice, do not harden your hearts as you did in the rebellion, during the time of testing in the desert, where your fathers tested and tried me and for forty years saw what I did.

That is why I was angry with that generation, and I said, 'Their hearts are always going astray, and they have not known my ways .' So I declared on oath in my anger, 'They shall never enter my rest.'"

Don't allow yourselves to be deceived. Find the one that is true and listen to Him.

This proverb is not describing the child of God that DOES believe every word which comes from His mouth.

Instead it's describing the mindset of an orphan that doesn't know who his father is or where his next meal will come from with any degree of confidence as if that same voice of confidence was also speaking the "Truth".

Prov 28:21

To show partiality is not good — yet a man will do wrong for a piece of bread.

Know the "Way" that He depicts and not some fabricated "Way". Such a way to where man alone can somehow convince himself that he remains in control over the "Way" which leads to the one and only "Heavenly Father".

Mere men without the counsel of the lord have been busy building the tower of their own understanding as they hope it will reach to the heights of the heaven they hope to enter and then possess.

Does the statement "No one comes to the Father except through me" sound as if man has control over that process?

In terms of what is True, man does maintain one thing and that is his own will whether to live or die according to the intent and purposes the lord has set forth which His word will accomplish having been received (and then conceived).

 John 14:6-7
Jesus answered, "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. If you really knew me, you would know my Father as well. From now on, you do know him and have seen him."

The lives of the patriarchs as if our Father(s) was used as the instrument and as our example so that today we might also come to 'Know" the way into the land that has been "Promised". That promise as such that will come to pass, yet the question remains will YOU get to enjoy its presentation?

Deut 30:15-18
See, I set before you today life and prosperity, death and destruction. For I command you today to love the LORD your God, to walk in his ways, and to keep his commands, decrees and laws; then you will live and increase, and the LORD your God will bless you in the land you are entering to possess.

But if your heart turns away and you are not obedient, and if you are drawn away to bow down to other gods and worship them, I declare to you this day that you will certainly be destroyed. You will not live long in the land you are crossing the Jordan to enter and possess.

Now ask yourself in a moment enjoined with the truth, how important is the family of God realized "Today" once placed in that perspective?

How beautiful is the message of the New Order that's been paid for in full as the message of reconciliation we now find enjoyment in today?

Begin your quest for the "Truth" and ask not only yourself but the Lord that can save you. Start with the examination that only He can provide. That examination will lead you to the only answer where you will more than realize "Jesus Is Lord of all".

Ask of Him for ears that CAN hear so that the eyes of your soul can then see why you do need a savior. He will lead you into all truth and HE will baptize with the spirit of truth and power that will lead you to the salvation that He has promised.

There is only one place to begin and that is to "Begin" with His word(s), because in them can be found His living will and power that will deliver the promises contained within them.

You will recognize the one that was appointed as Lord by what He wears. When you know Him you will also understand why His name has been endowed with the power that proves Him as "The Lord".

Being born again and becoming a new Creation would suggest that a New seed is required in order for this creation first be conceived.

Once born of His spirit his word will not remain a riddle or parable unless you reject or resist the nourishment found in it. Much like the small child that needs to eat, you too will hunger and thirst for more as does all the true children which belong to Him.

Luke 8:11
This is the meaning of the parable: The seed is the word of God

Rev 19:13
He is dressed in a robe dipped in blood, and his name is the Word of God.

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Interpreting the evidence at work

I laughingly admit that I never really finish sharing what I write as much as I usually have to try and find a stopping point. So please know that this one tops the list off long and could be prove to be enough for a short book.

Gen 18:25-26
Far be it from you to do such a thingto kill the righteous with the wicked, treating the righteous and the wicked alike. Far be it from you! Will not the Judge of all the earth do right?

The office (mind) of a corrupt world seems glad to offer up their certifiable doctorate in discernment as such that will interpret an individuals thought life as to all that they do see and hear while participating in this world.

With regards to "who" the self proclaimed church is here in the earth today, it's getting increasingly harder making heads or tails out of what one hears or sees without some investment made in God's word.

Heb 4:12-13
For the word of God is living and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart. Nothing in all creation is hidden from God's sight. Everything is uncovered and laid bare before the eyes of him to whom we must give account.

Could that be the cause of a limited ability to hear and see things as we should according to the intentions of one sovereign creator that is over all humanity?

1 Thess 2:13
And we also thank God continually because, when you received the word of God, which you heard from us, you accepted it not as the word of men, but as it actually is, the word of God, which is at work in you who believe.

The scary consideration is that "Dust shadow" as if undeniable evidence as to where the words of God in most people's lives ultimately finds as a resting place. The place of rest intended for Gods words is in the heart of man, yet how will it get there without the Love and desire for it having also placed it their?

That's not even to mention maintaining some degree of respect for the patriarch's through whom God also chose to preserve those same words so that we today might have them available.

I don't know about you but I have no problem finding something sweet to eat when I get a sweet tooth. Unfortunately my girth provides the evidence of  how frequently I've tried to satisfy that same sense of taste.

The problem is not everything that is thought to taste sweet will satisfy that urgent "Sense" of our individual taste once consumed. When the sense of satisfaction does come some might say, "It hit the spot"!

Ps 119
How sweet are your words to my taste, sweeter than honey to my mouth! I gain understanding from your precepts; therefore I hate every wrong path.

In case you're asking what does he mean, I'm simply contemplating how someone can differentiate between Christians and unbelievers "By what one Observes" having taken note of others going about their day to day ritualistic lives.

That is to suggest in the "Light" of truth, what do the righteous and unrighteous here in the earth appear as as seen through Gods eyes?

That is to further acknowledge that "Yes" while we are considered as human "beings" and not just human "doings" there is still much to consider as to how our beings do participate in a shared existence once Christ inhabits and then becomes the "central" portion (Lord) of that same being.

I placed emphasis on the word "do" to hopefully stress that while we do observe others in action what we've also observed are the combined result(s) of a the thought life of their said "being" (spirit, soul & body).

Some might suggest that all God can see is Jesus when he looks at man, yet I'm suggesting what if the "Evidence" of the presence of "Christ in you" can not be seen (observed)?

What if you were to reverse that visual. What do you then see as you reflect on your day(s)? Do You see Jesus within you in ever possible scenario in all that you do or in the midst of all that you think?

2 Cor 10:5
We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.

Better yet, what is the immediate thought or visual of yourself once we do allow truth to revisit? Does that visual then have you alone on your knee's because of "Who" you did not see acting outward towards others?

2 Cor 13:5
Examine yourselves to see whether you are in the faith; test yourselves. Do you not realize that Christ Jesus is in youunless, of course, you fail the test?

Is it that all you do see are others standing round about you (outside of your being) while comparing?

What do you see in every scenario when you look at your ways, means and methods of doing whatever it is that you do from one moment to the next?

Are we only able to see the patterns of what we do as if the need to see (those around us as if the world)  once taken to task by someone else? Do we continue to govern ourselves while comparing ourselves to other worldly bound citizens or to the pattern of Christ as given to us by way of the knowledge of God?

What does the "Pattern" of your human nature try to say to you when you look around in order to compare yourself? Do you observe others in order to find comfort or do you rely on the Love of Christ contained within you?

In one context (love) the Apostle Paul advises the church to make a comparison of our own earnestness with that of others as if something of value in our Christian walk. Paul wasn't speaking about observing those which live according to the pattern of this world as he was acknowledging the value of others that have been reborn of Gods spirit (as if one and the same womb).

In the flesh one is not considered your brother unless they too came from the same womb, yet how different having been born of one and the same spirit? Where is the value of the brethren in the form of like minded brethren?

2 Cor 8:8
I am not commanding you, but I want to test the sincerity of your love by comparing it with the earnestness of others.

Rom 12:1-2
Therefore, I urge you, brothers, in view of God's mercy, to offer your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God — this is your spiritual act of worship. Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is — his good, pleasing and perfect will.

Since we do not have the aid of knowing another's (reasoning) thoughts we tend to rely on what they're actions display as if the information needed which fills in the gray area's of all that we've assumed as if the net result of  a persons reasoning ability(s).

It's easy to summarize what do we see in terms of a God that doesn't seem to have feelings the way we do as physical beings, yet what is the net result of all that we have assumed in such a way? Could the sum total of what we do once making the good confession of Jesus as Lord be the response to how we each do see Him as God?

Some have even gone as far to try and portray Him as a God that is sitting on a throne eating grapes while His servants polish his endless supply of lightning bolts in preparation for His bi-annual inspection of earthlings.

An earth bound version of that might sound like, "You better be on your best behavior NOW, because your father just pulled into the driveway"!

With respect to what Christianity claims to believe that same belief should include the understanding that "Jesus is God" and as our God one that is "Present, Alive and Aware" of more than we're willing to acknowledge at times.

Otherwise a mans every action would have been governed accordingly in light of that same state of awareness. A tainted version of that might be "Be careful what yo do or say because God is watching" or maybe "God's gonna get you if you..."!

I almost hate suggesting such, but that's just the opposite of a relationship that is true and heart felt. Heart felt to mean as if He's your faithful Husband or Wife to whom we remain loyal (faithful) even out of their immediate sight or range of hearing.

Short of going into a tail spin on this point that very approach towards a heart felt relationship could describe the early signs as to what leads many today into withdrawal, separation or even divorce from their spouse and or family members at some point.

Rom 9:5
Theirs are the patriarchs, and from them is traced the human ancestry of Christ, who is God over all, forever praised! Amen.

Grief is something mankind has become a master at doling out at any given moment, yet where is such grief encountered? Isn't it in the depth all that makes up ones soul?

Jesus expressed in words several times what man today accepts and understands as his emotions and in others times He exhibited what humans clearly interpret through the expression when tears fall.

As is every word that Jesus spoke, there are a multitude of different things to consider, yet in this piece I wish to stay focused on the more obvious in that He as a man actually "Felt" as we do.

Matt 26:37-38
He took Peter and the two sons of Zebedee along with him, and he began to be sorrowful and troubled.

Then he said to them, "My soul is overwhelmed with sorrow to the point of death.   

Have you ever wondered whether being able to know what someone else was thinking at any given moment whether that full experience would be realized as a curse or a gift? I suppose that would depend upon the intent of the heart and how "what" you know in advance were then used?

Certain things in this world interpret however they do and for just as many reasons, yet what about someone that "KNOWS" exactly what they're looking at?

Rev 3:16
I know your deeds, that you are neither cold nor hot. I wish you were either one or the other! So, because you are lukewarm — neither hot nor cold — I am about to spit you out of my mouth.

I think many misread the following passage and in most instances only because they too have only heard it expressed the same way (traditionally). Having done so the weight of a persons thought life gets catalogued as if something God may or may not know at any given moment.

Think carefully for a moment about when someone does want to clearly convey the essence of a thought towards another. Maybe they'll scowl with furrowed brow or as a dog want to dredge fear from within the one that's approaching by the show of teeth as if a universal language spoken.

I think it even more of a precise consideration when weighing the notion of being sifted on a threshing floor where our thoughts and our actions find themselves separated from each other at least to the point to where the opportunity arises where a glimpse of a repentant heart could be recognized.

Some might even recognize such as the evidence of humility or truly humbled heart.

Rom 5:8
But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners , Christ died for us.

I might add to that thought the word(s) "Struggle or Struggling". That to mean something that's attempting to be defined as if a "Struggle" without there being some form of resistance which can be discerned.

More often than not I think we can convince (justify) ourselves that God doesn't know or has forgotten what a struggle looks like? Anyone can put on an outward display (act) as if they are struggling with something enough to convince or manipulate someone outside of themselves, yet have they or can they make a fool of the Lord?

Matt 5:28
But I tell you that anyone who looks at a woman lustfully has already committed adultery with her in his heart 

I had to think about some event that might have turned out differently enough to where knowing something in advance would have caused me to respond differently. Doing this required that I put that whole consideration on a much smaller scale in terms of knowing someones thoughts before they actually acted in a certain way towards me.

It proved to be much easier rather than trying to fathom knowing something ion's in advance (in terms of eternity).

Isa 59:7
Their thoughts are evil thoughts; ruin and destruction mark their ways.

Matt 12:25
Jesus knew their thoughts and said to them, "Every kingdom divided against itself will be ruined, and every city or household divided against itself will not stand.

What if a mans kingdom (personage) were made up of the combined substance of both his thoughts and his actions? Would he then be perceived as if torn at the seams at any given moment?

Trying to move ahead let me ask this question, if Christians were producing an "Outcry" to God today what would it sound like?

Gen 18:20-21
Then the LORD said, "The outcry against Sodom and Gomorrah is so great and their sin so grievous that I will go down and see if what they have done is as bad as the outcry that has reached me. If not, I will know." 

What allows someone to interpret right from wrong when they do observe something taking place or while interpreting the evidence of a said criminal act "After" something has already been done?

Don't we always hear from human prosecuting office, "We're looking for motive/intent"?

This all might sound very elementary, but how "Easy" is it to recognize when a bank is getting robbed, when someone is being beaten or when a rape is taking place?

Is it only because of the alarms that go off or is the obvious easily discerned simply because we see someone being harmed or hurt while "Taking" something by force? Do we only recognize such because we remain sensitive to those particular types of offensive behaviour?

My hope in presenting all this was to take us to some of those NOT so obviously dark corners of our own lives.

Have you ever been asked, "What has lead mutual reasoning to the point where getting caught has become the focus concerning whether or not a crime was "Actually" committed"?

Have you also noticed that evidence that also paints a clear enough picture that eventually "Proves" the guilt or innocence of someone is now being considered more of a science? Have you also noticed that it is getting harder and harder to even find such evidence and have you asked yourself why?

We all know or at least acknowledge what prison life looks like on the inside thanks to reality shows or TV documentaries. It's hard to miss the dense atmosphere while in the midst of such personalities.

I rate that scenery right next to walking the streets of almost any major city after dark where there's prostitutes or dark shadowy figures on every corner as there's just a thick sense of a spooky element in the air.

Such images make the phrase "A den of thieves" somehow come to life in our minds.

One doesn't have to have the spiritual gift of discernment in those type of environments in order to see or discern what they need to because it's abundantly obvious, yet what about the more subtle instances where said corruption lurks?

Science has been trying and continues to probe the minds of such criminals for years, yet their science has yet to prove itself widely accepted beyond physical evidence through DNA testing, ballistics's and other more specific forensic studies.

Let me ask this, "Why haven't the results of those years of study become more widely accepted or concrete to the point where their science rules the day in any courtroom in America"?

Just how corrupt and how deep does this human element run within any of us once put in play as if the seen and unseen dynamics of ones soul at work?

Am I suggesting that a persons salvation (being saved) is based only upon ones behavior? 

My short response, "No". But I am suggesting that it was the report of their behavior that caused God to come down and see for himself something the inhabitants of Sodom and Gomorrah were doing enough to then determine their (actions) behavior deserved death.

What I would like to keep at the fore front of this thought is that first Abraham was the one that did draw the comparison yet he left it up to the one that did have the power to destroy that would also make the ultimate decision whether or not to go through with it.

In the above passage it's as if Abraham is negotiating with God. It's not only the comparison he (Abraham) draws that made my jaw drop, even more it was the part where he suggest something else in asking God, "Will not the Judge of all the earth do right"?

My point is this, "What if today lets say the population of just one major city were being faced with this same comparison as to whether some were considered righteous or unrighteous? To then add to that God came to destroy only those He considered as the unrighteous?

Did those living in Sodom know the Lords servants were on the way there? Did they get an advanced warning that fire was about to fall from the sky on them? Lot's son-in-law's did.

 Gen 19:14
So Lot went out and spoke to his sons-in-law, who were pledged to marry his daughters. He said, "Hurry and get out of this place, because the LORD is about to destroy the city!" But his sons-in-law thought he was joking. 

What is considered as being righteous and how does Gods consideration weigh in as to who the righteous versus the unrighteous are in the earth? Was Lot mentioned as being righteous or was it because of Abraham that Lot and his two daughters were spared?

Gen 19:29
So when God destroyed the cities of the plain, he remembered Abraham, and he brought Lot out of the catastrophe that overthrew the cities where Lot had lived

Abraham draws a fairly clear line in the sand in saying "Treating the righteous and the wicked alike" which doesn't leave much wiggle room when considering that God is the one on sight that's (deciding) distinguishing the differences between the two.

Keep in mind as you consider what Abraham does say while pleading with God, that at this time in history there was no "Written" Law on record as there was during the future reigning oversight of Moses.

The only previously recorded widespread judgment that had been handed down by the Lord prior to the episode in Sodom and Gomorrah was the "flood" where God destroyed all but Noah and seven others (his wife, their sons and their wives).

2 Peter 1:3-4

His divine power has given us everything we need for life and godliness through our knowledge of him who called us by his own glory and goodness. Through these he has given us his very great and precious promises, so that through them you may participate in the divine nature and escape the corruption in the world caused by evil desires.

The question that should come to mind with respect to how man was governed during the life time of Abraham is, "What was in place instead of the a written code or law"?

Well, if the bible is believed in whole it would prove to be the "Priestly order of Melchizedek". 

Does that mean we have to know every detail about this personage of Melchizedek from the time of his birth? 

My short answer once again is, "No".

Allow me to ask this, "Before Jesus was introduced to humanity as named "Emanuel", how much beyond or without faith do you know about His previous existence in heaven as the entirety of all that has taken place before and after you?

Is Jesus not named as the Great High Priest forever in the order of Melchizedek?

Heb 7:14-17
And what we have said is even more clear if another priest like Melchizedek appears, one who has become a priest not on the basis of a regulation as to his ancestry but on the basis of the power of an indestructible life. For it is declared:

"You are a priest forever, in the order of Melchizedek ."

Gen 4:7
If you do what is right, will you not be accepted? But if you do not do what is right, sin is crouching at your door ; it desires to have you, but you must master it."

There are external laws written on tablets of stone and there are laws that have been written upon ones heart and mind in the light of the only One (Jesus) that will make all things "New".

Find rest in knowing that God does know you as well all that finds it's way into the mind as the thoughts you give life to and those you Choose to put to death.

Also know what Jesus tells us all together with that same consideration.

Mark 7:15
Nothing outside a man can make him 'unclean' by going into him. Rather, it is what comes out of a man that makes him 'unclean.'"