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Wednesday, October 24, 2012

continuation of "Complexities of man or the seeming silence of God"

This is a continuation of a previous post titled "Complexities of man or the seeming silence of God".

The previous thought I was hopefully conveying was the growth phase which should occur between the thought(s) of being "Created to praise" and "Created for Praise".

Both are important in a thriving relationship with the Lord yet what usually suffers as part of that relationship is the Joy of the Lord being realized as if the "Only" true source of inner strength.

Because the church in western culture has adopted the ways of "Democracy" it has allowed the thought of  Christianity as a religion to be more about staying in control over the ceremonial process  of the "How to go about getting into Heaven".

It reminds me of a movie script where the mother of the bride and groom are fighting over how the wedding of their child is going to be staged and adorned.

Having realized the importance of every component of the body of "Christ" what can be seen while observing the unique appearance of the shadow as it depicts the one that cast it?

It would be like asking a large group of people what each thinks the shadow of God looks like not to mention what He looks like face to face. How could they know?

Much like the image of God as such that is hard to realize without the physical representation of the son that appeared, try to compare that to the limitless shapes water can take on once placed into a container?

Not having seen the physical image of their savior, how does someone depict what they think the body which the Lord will ultimately indwell will look like?

To now borrow from that metaphor, consider not only the presence of Jesus while he walked the face of this earth but also what He came to accomplish?

If you were to take away all the miraculous things Jesus performed as well all that he prophesied while here how many at that time would have received and accepted His claim as the Son of God?

Now take that one step further and ask yourself  "How many after several years beyond His departure would have believed His hand picked apostles (witnesses) if they could NOT replicate the same things Jesus did such as heal the sick and raise the dead?

Not that there is a correct answer, but try to imagine how many people beyond His visitation could be convinced by way of the message (Gospel) they hear from present day said believers that the message they're hearing was also sent to them from the "Son of God"?

Now as one last measure of reasoning ask yourself this, How many people did Jesus NOT heal when asked if He was willing?

It's easy to say "Give God the Glory or To God be the Glory", yet maintaining the joy of the Lord can more often be seen as the enjoyment of others as they witness God's glory at work for themselves.

What makes anything seem to grow old are those situations where the old doesn't welcome the unique ways in which the movement of God makes all things new as if a 'New Creation" that just been made.

Being able to stand back and marvel at the unique expression's of a new born believer that's now celebrating the well received revelation of Jesus as Lord is something many can't resist the temptation to try and manipulate.

Too many want to try describe and or dictate to those desirous to know more concerning the Kingdom of God of their own version of that same process. As if to suggest "If it doesn't happen for you in the same fashion it did for me then what your claiming can't also be real and true"!

Now ask yourself "what does a new creation that's been made in Christ look like"?

Does it look like the expression of "Love" you're familiar with and do you know what the growing pains as the result(s) of suffering will look like at every phase as such which brings about change?

If not, then what does Love look like?

If you don't presently know "How will you ever know"?

If you don't know who then will you ask?

And if you don't know who to ask how can there be any real hope of being persuaded beyond more suffering that may not be necessary?

There will come a time when trusting who you do ask will be more important than having asked all the wrong questions.

Investigate for yourself first "Who God is" as the God that is Love. Then ask of Him, "How do I become more like you each passing day that you've given me"? You'll then begin to see why we all have the Need in common as that of a "savior".

Please join me in the future Lord willing as we investigate how Christ is formed in you 'Beyond that of a Seed"

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