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Friday, August 30, 2013

Signs that get ignored

There are signs in this world and there are SIGNS that are not of this world.

How much of what we do see from one moment to the next has spiritual application and how much gets missed and ONLY later it's attempted to then get re-applied to what happened as though spiritually applicable?

We spend too much time talking about our words and many other things being taken out of context, but what about our "Post" assessment of ourselves?

How do we make sense of what we do see from one moment to the next?

Do we really vacillate that much in our attention span from one point of interest to the next? What is interest and what is an investment and that of ourselves?

I personally don't think being spiritually minded is ONLY about how we see ourselves as spiritual beings. That consideration could be lassoed and corralled by the words "High Minded".

I think being spiritually minded is to be in such a place where the importance as though the being that is the "Mind of Christ" which then dominates our every consideration that passes our physical line of sight and ear shot.

Maybe because our primary investment made is One day or two at best a week in our "Formal Training" do we then find ourselves inept and lacking.

As spiritual beings what do we need in order to experience, encounter or put off this world as though "Primarily" a spiritual existence instead of a being that's focused on how the world see's physical personage as though we alone have hand "Crafted" it?

Some say and accuse in their saying "You're Being is TOO spiritual (or spiritually minded) while trying to understand and find enjoyment in this world"!

Are they not really speaking the truth while leaving OUT a couple of word in that, "Your Being is  TOO spiritual so much that I can't hear where you're coming from"?

The Apostle Paul "Attempts" to speak in his time while here on earth to those left to his care by God. We can read him through and only by way of what he wrote as though studying his person OR we'll try to visualize the ones he was speaking enough that we hope to familiarize ourselves (get comfortable) enough to where we think we understand what he's saying.

How can the unspiritual mind accept what Paul does have to say as though he is a form of a father here on earth? Especially when that same mind that's reading him knows (understands) themselves the same way?

No Church wants to be found like the Church of Corinth do they? If no what must they do in order to hear differently?

Not only What but also How do we see ourselves today as compared?

Which is it though while we "Try" to examine this said "Spiritual minded person" Paul was writing about? Is Paul with us today?

Can you truly answer that without first qualifying whether he is in spirit or physically present?

We can catch a glimpse of this person that needs to be heard in another passage of holy writ, yet only if we're focused on what it is we're looking for. How does someone focus on an invisible spirit if they don't KNOW what they're looking for?

Sometimes the glaringly obvious needs to momentarily fade so that we CAN SEE what may only be being WHISPERED.

I hope that it eventually gets asked though, "How does one SEE what they can ONLY hear?

Acts 8:28-29
The Spirit told Philip, "Go to that chariot and stay near it."   NIV

Acts 8:34
The eunuch asked Philip, "Tell me, please, who is the prophet talking about, himself or someone else?" NIV

First one must answer, is God spirit and does His spirit still speak to men today in any form? The next thought should be "Can I know what His appearance will ALWAYS be LIKE when he does speak"?

As believers we need to know that God is present when his said angels speak. How? Because His angels are only true to HIM and because of that they can only speak what He tells them otherwise they are NOT of Him.

Yet where doubt seems to RULE and steal the moment is in the question, Is God's spirit a direct extension of His person in any form that simply CLAIMS to be speaking for Him?

Are we now without Hope because of what we seem to know better about what our enemy is capable of above and beyond a God we "Say" we know?

There is no other mention of this particular eunuch mentioned in the bible that I've found, yet what are we left to assume that happened in his life beyond his encounter with the words and baptism preented by God's faithful servant in the moment "Phillip"?

Friends taking the time (taking  = wasting time) to assume is a risky investment. Often times such that consumes the true value in being able to hear the voice we NEED to hear which CAN rob from the gift hearing itself.

There are times when the inquiry must be made, but just as important the one we're asking must be entrusted with our spiritual set of ears so that our spiritual eyes can see? 

Not such an easy task these days is it, especially in a world of when and where so many different sounding voices are stating what they claim is the same thing in the Name and for the sake of said unity to be found In Christ (a corporate Being that's compelled by the voice of one mind)?

Is Christ divided? Absolutely Not! 

Did Christ come to to divide? 

We must individually decide if that's what He truly said to our spiritual existence and as if for the futures sake of our Soul we personally love to "Love" so much more.

When we leave something or a place behind what does that suggest we've done? We've left for the sake of  "What"? 

Now ask the same question about the same thing yet only differently, "Did we abandon something having left it behind as though open acknowledgement to our claim of ownership? 

How important then does our "Intent" in doing so rush into that same consideration? How can we hide our intent? 

Who will know "Who" we were thinking about should our intention(s) be found out?

Humanity will only follow his own logic so far, yet at what point does it prove to be "wisdom" where we've abandon the logic that lead us to where are?

It is written that Jesus the Christ the Son of God that was crucified IS the Power and WISDOM of God. 

Are we now without excuse for what we are as though absent the availability of true wisdom in ALL things? 

Can we say in all truth when we do what we do, "I did not Know" or is the truth "I denied Knowing as if the HOPE that I would not be found OUT? How long will we deny Christ through our claims made concerning what we all seem to know better then the Christ we say we serve?

John 17:3
Now this is eternal life: that they may know you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom you have sent.

Found "Out" of what though? 

That we've been out of a cage like some wild animal or "Out of The will of God as though our truthful life and eternity In Him depended on it"? 

Surely there is repentance and thank God daily for it too, yet we've not only been called to repentance have we? What about acceptance of what we once were and who we now ARE having been first made AWARE of having been found to BE IN CHRIST and Christ In us?

If what we say is True in that we simply forgot when we do sin, what have we confessed and just confirmed with our own words? Do we then become the poster child of forgetfulness who continues in that forgetfulness as though rulers in a world of insanity?

Are we simply reading words on paper? Are we being told what words on paper are REALLY saying above and beyond what the spirit of God is saying? Take a little here and add a little there to take the edge off the sword?

Are we as believers being trained to hear the voice that is trying to speak to us AND be HEARD above and from beyond all voices that are speaking at what seems to be the same time?

If you understand God the way He's explained Himself by way of ALL and through ALL that He's created, you can hear a blade of grass tell you what you need to know in any moment He's also given.

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