The question the spirit of God has been asking all men since his fall in the Garden is, "Who told You"?
Have you found it difficult to understand the collective word(s) of "God" as if what you assume you do know has been based upon what man has taught you?
What can a man teach about a "Person" as if the Love of God unless he too has encountered the Love that is also of God?
Even then is that man's ability to translate his own encounter the exact thing which limits the more complete explanation and commentary concerning the Lord (God)?
In terms of an even more accurate depiction of God what has ANY person assumed they can teach you as it pertains to the Son of God?
The same Son of GOD said "Christianity" has been trying to "Represent" for several centuries?
If the primary task as if placed upon the individual and the collective church were in question, what would that task be if not "Believing"? Yet what does that involve if not everything that we claim to be?
In terms of failure, how would one know IF Christianity is failing or falling short in the attempts made as if the Church (physical body OF Christ) which goes about the daily affairs as if the continuance of the daily business carried out on behalf of the Son of GOD?
Couldn't the simple test be, does the collective church look and or perform like the Son of God yet on a larger and MORE wide spread scale? Are the same qualities found at the same address where He (Jesus) has said he will also be in their midst in terms of believers?
Are there recorded reports of thousands at a time being converted as was after Christ was crucified? As though we're still reading the history of the body of Christ in the making?
Just how difficult is it to hear different teachings that conflict with each other? Those which fail to come into agreement with the remainder of what's being presented as if on God's behalf?
More often all that's accomplished is ones own frustration when conflict (strife) rears its head. Once this takes place 'Pride" steps in and has its way with you which then leads you right back to where you were before you were while being "Introduced" to the word "GOD" which stands in order to represents his person.
Why does most teaching about God and His Son find conflict whenever the original design of everything God also created has been painted as the perfect picture which was intended to represent His person?
The same God who created ALL things great and small to include everything that enjoys breath and life?
Have you ever heard it said in terms of God being confusing, "It requires someone other than God to complicate what God has otherwise gone to great lengths to make plain to man"?
I believe that whatever it is that's being taught that goes against what God has otherwise explained through ALL that He's created is a lie.
As if someone that's just beginning to step out and discover who God is what could you conclude about God if all you were to first read is the following words ABOUT God? recorded words as if God spoke them to mankind so that He could share those words with his fellow man?
What would you consider to be missing?
Could it be "Belief"? That to mean believing what has been said about GOD is also True?
Ps 146:9
The LORD watches over the alien and sustains the fatherless and the widow, but he frustrates the ways of the wicked.
Prov 22:12
The eyes of the LORD keep watch over knowledge, but he frustrates the words of the unfaithful.
Just for the record, what God has created includes His son Jesus the Christ who God also purposed as the savior of man!
Let NO man say to you and you then believe what's been said as if about GOD, if that same voice includes the inference "I don't know God or There is NO God"! That's no more factual in terms of stating the truth than is someone that says there is a GOD who sent His Son some two thousand years AGO.
Especially when neither can be seen without first "Believing" what's been said ABOUT any type of a GOD for that matter.
Is there any difference between some one who denies the truth and someone who looks to "Suppress" the truth" so that person won't be forced to accept what's said as IF it is the "Truth"?
When the said truth of a matter eventually does show up, does that always mean everyone involved automatically accepts "Truth" as if absolute?
Is there truly anything "Worse" than someone who thinks they only suppress knowledge?
Now, a question aimed at those who do believe in Jesus the Christ and Son of God, "Is there anything worse than the person or voice who finds personal comfort by way of suppressing what is TRUE concerning God or Christ Jesus?
If "NO", who then makes the determination concerning what is true among any said "Group" of believers? Who ultimately decides what is true and what is false if NOT that same group (congregation) as IF one opinion that gets expressed?
If that be true how does each sitting member then cast their personal ballot (Lot) concerning not only what is corporately being taught, but more importantly 'What is true that is Being Taught" which then gets taxed with expectations which are then placed upon what Christ is WILLING to do on behalf of WHO He is?
Not to dwell there, but it is food for thought.
The higher point is, what should those same congregates (members) then expect the Lord to manifest as if what they say they believe is NOT true concerning His person?
Who then among that same group gets to enjoy the intimacy of a TRUE relationship with Christ while in the midst of such things? Just how much of a struggle comes along when an individual chooses to think otherwise concerning who Christ Is AND all that He is WILLING to do and why?
There is no accuracy in corporate prayer unless everyone believes the same thing. Accuracy to mean who did Jesus respond to in terms of ones Faith, belief and absolute confidence in Him (Christ). How so?
It's too easy for one person to then come along and explain away how or what Jesus is being accredited for.
Those that Represent God were NOT intended to be or become politicians. The despised "World already has enough of those".
You truly want to find out who are the righteous people are in ANY congregation?
The "First" issue you'll need to flesh out is "What qualifies a righteous man in God sight"!
Where would you find such qualifications?
In the very Book you're claiming you consider to also be Holy!
Playing with the words of God historically has always proven fatal when given ENOUGH time, yet same can only be seen when each event has been truthfully examined and pieced together according to ALL that is True.
Some still enjoy playing with words AND time simply because God is merciful and has NOT struck them dead on the spot and yes it is proving to be fatal within the body of those who say they believe what Jesus said.
We do have an enemy and his MO is to kill, steal and destroy what might otherwise have proven to be the manifest truth God's word was intended to produce.
It's easy to explain away what's not being heard, yet it's proves to be much harder to try and explain the unexplainable.
What is Faith and what Is does the word Believe" truly mean? Even more what is the end result?
Has God's word(s) become "Old news" or just news that keeps getting older and fading away OR is it still your daily bread?
Occasionally God will give you enough bread that last for two days, yet the real strengthening comes day to day in our dependence upon everything God's word supplies daily and in accordance with what we perceive to be our NEED.
Heb 11:1-2
Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see. This is what the ancients were commended for.
To be continued.....
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