Without contrast in this world how does one find value in anything? Knowing the opposite of a blessing to be a "Curse", who truly wants to "choose" being cursed over and above being "Blessed"?
It is never my hope to belittle anyone nor my intent for anyone to "Find" what I do say here offensive. The key word being "Find".
We're all looking for answers, yet more often is it about all the right or wrong answers, the questions that are being asked and by "Whom"? Or is it that many don't "Know" what it is they're looking for?
When a person "Hopefully" reaches a certain place in this livelihood they'll also realize "They" are the one(s) the circumstances of Time coupled with a vague understanding of True Life will prove to be the one who "Made" made all of the decisions they one day have to own and that from a very young age.
They may not want to own the results, yet the essence of their very nature in some way has affected decisions made whose results have since attached to their lives. In all this resides the story line few seem to want to face much like a denied reflection of a shadow they wish they never had.
At minimum when honest they should also "Find" in one capacity or another they've participated in the outcome (results) of those decisions "Made" whether willing or "Not".
I suppose one would have to believe that God did create with words before that person could somehow begin to fathom where they got their own creative nature from as well a "Desire" to drive their tongue to say or suggest all that it does.
In my latter years I have learned that when man runs out of his own idea's he begins to look "To" the creative nature of others. There once was a song about looking for Love in all the wrong places. A place verbalized where there's also "Too Many Faces" who are also looking for the accurate reflection of self.
It has also been written somewhere so that ALL men might find, The man who loves himself will Love His wife". Quite the mystery, yet one that HAS already been solved when a person knows what Love is before they start looking.
Sometimes this "Looking" does not have the purest driving desire, yet this "Type" of personage is still looking none the less.
The troubling notion any people or nation should fear is when this "Creative Nature" closely associated with the True definition of "Love" seems to have departed.
I also believe that when a person suggest to themselves they're bored, what they're really "Bored" with is the net results of their own desires. In so much they go in search of the desires of others and all that entails.
No one likes a thief, right, yet what do we see even in a economic environment in terms of Profit and marketability when people seem to have run out fresh new idea's?
We're rapidly approaching the end of the rope so to speak unless something "New" comes our way. We're beginning to see the grip tighten on "Intellectual Property" where words and ideas are being protected with great zeal and monetary investment.
Everyone that also suggest they're in the "Know" are in a scramble to try and "Copy Right" and/or "Patent" specific use of words "Idea's/Concepts". People are also becoming more and more sensitive and in turn "Defensive" because of the 'Way" certain words convey certain meanings.
Just think if "Everything" went the way of something as seemingly simple as the formula Coca Cola developed and has since managed to figure out "How" to keep it under Lock and key, just how small and tight world this world become almost overnight?
And we wonder why it seems not only are the Lawyers driving the bus, but why the legalistic machine self feeds as it does?
What are the freedom(s) the children of God should hope to come to know in terms of who Truly owns what in this world? Especially when it all boils down to intellectual property "Rights" and everything which stems from those rights in terms of the original thought(s)?
Bottom line is NO ONE will get out of this world without being blamed at least "Once" in their lifetime, yet blamed for what?
I was having a light conversation with an attorney the other day and the mention was made about how litigious the social setting these days has become. We got over into how easy is for someone to accuse another and "Bam" game on in the court room!
This attorney personality just got this little sparkle in his eye as he gently smiled with quite the look of confidence and said "Yep, you're Right and I'm GLAD you're RIGHT" because that's what it's ALL about after all isn't it"?
After soaking in the moment in for a few seconds it dawned on me exactly how right AND Wrong he was in the same moment. I just drew a bead on him and looked him in the eyes and said, "Is it?
I went on to ask him, "Is it only about being "Right" or is it ALL supposed to be about who WILL Ultimately decide when it's ALL been said and done "Who's Right and who was WRONG"?
Blame is a word that's only three letters away from becoming a word that takes ON a whole new meaning once tweaked by the tongue. It just so happens to be the not so distant cousin of the word "Name".
I've met many people with supposed crowns of silver and grey hair that have suggested one of their favorite mantra's in THIS life and world to be "Mean what you say an say what you mean"!
I have often wondered how that principle would pair up with Jesus and the fragrance of His wisdom and use of parables?
The type of speech He saw "fitting" that would allow for ALL that He does have to say and with the exactness with which He speaks to "Just" as easily convey what He was saying?
When a person begins with God is the True question how can they "Go" wrong or should it be WHY did they go anywhere else?
If the value God intended to be found in the Holy Spirit inspired words below are now dead (as many today choose to view not only the Apostles' of Christ but also their "Office" held) who then can hear what the "Spirit Of God" has to say today?
Does it truly matter if the author of a letter is still "Alive" when received? Is it truly a matter of how old a letter is when it's received that determines how applicable the words contained are?
To those who suggest "There are no Apostle's today", I would have to first ask why are you judging those words as you presently are? Secondly I would suggest, Not only wake up, but Grow Up and that in the spirited Love of Christ!
1 John 4:6
We are from God, and whoever knows God listens to us; but whoever is not from God does not listen to us. This is how we recognize the Spirit of truth and the spirit of falsehood.
Could the "We" and the "Us" mentioned above have possibly started their own replacement "Union" since?
One that now has a voice all its own and that by way of however many the "Magic" number proves to be needed in "Order" to sway what others believe to be True?
So, is it truly ALL about a power struggle or exactly "Who" it IS God says has been given the authority to "Say" and "Do" what is "Right"?
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