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Friday, January 6, 2017

Jacobs "Well"

What has any man become once the spirited considerations also found acceptable by man kind as if also gleaned from Gods word are no where to be Found In Him. 

As though everything in this world has seemingly taking up its rightful place in time, how does all that a man suggest by way of what he says and does somehow then as though mysteriously finds those same things harmless? 

Not only to his own long term hurt, but to the hurt of others as if those others will also find themselves drinking from this same "Well" at some point in time in the future?

 If everything said in "Jest" were assumed to have been heard by "No One" as if harmless, to whom do those assumed to be carelessly listening then pay tribute to in terms of their own "Hope" that's also TRUE? 

As if what has been said and heard also came from a specific "Type" of reasoning (Wisdom)? 

As if those who are "Understood" to be listening "For" what is true AND as though able to somehow sustain a mans soul unto eternal life beyond the realm of a "Mystery"?

Whose proverbial "Time Table" is any man on and exactly what does get said by those who are seated around the shadowy image of this Divine" Table"? As if the predominate celebratory "Post" commentary about what has already been "Accomplished"?

Exactly "What" does the suppression of the truth look like at ANY given moment of time in this world? That same "Time" given and that as though time and opportunity also given of the Lord?

When the Lord of heaven and earth has been envisioned as though sitting in heaven and laughing, what exactly would He be laughing at if not the foolishness of this world which thinks more highly of itself than it ought to. sw

How many see the process of "Sanctification" as though a mystery Only God understands?

How could a personal revelation the likes of the Apostle Paul had find its more complete version serving as if ONLY a serving suited for "One" if it truly were intended to serve MANY and then some?

Would the individual(s) perspective of the ones being taught then "Prove" to have everything to do with the same type of manifestation(s)?

The type where many see the same things and that ONLY because they do share the same inner beauty because of the greater depths and potential of that same "Revelation?

In terms of justification, what type of man (kind) also fails to take hold of how short any mans time on earth TRULY is? That same amount of time that has also been scaled down from the greater amount of TIME as though ONLY a perspective "In the sight of The Father in Heaven"?

And what if Jesus whom God said was made perfect by the things He suffered ALSO failed to understand the "Overshadowing" objective while "suffering" that was also in the heart of a HIS true "Father"?

The same mystery many suggest they've "Believed" and as such with ALL that God has made them to "Be" since "Rebirth" in "In Him"?

The same ONE where it was said of His person that He (Jesus) was the "First Born" of the beloved of God?

It's one thing to make a mistake while at least trying, yet how often does "Motive" truly get addressed on the other side of ANY mistake?

And what "Good" is discipline that leaves the one being disciplined without a clue as to "Why" beyond "Doubt" they have been or are in the process of being disciplined?

When was the last time any good parent throttled their child without ALSO going to great lengths to make sure they DO "Understand" the overshadowing "Objective"?

At what point does ANY type of discipline also produce the specific type of change? The type of change that also satisfies the very reason for the rendering of that same "Discipline" as if an "Objective"?

If history is mankind's teacher, how does the mistakes of any "First" born in any family somehow "Serve" the other siblings seated around the same table who ARE observing the heart of the matter "Unfold"?

 The overshadowing objective being "How" the Father not only sees ANY matter at hand without repspect for the relationship somehow interfering with the process, but also how valuable the "Lesson" proves to be the "First Born" had to endure (as if the sacrificial lamb)?

The same ONE who also had to "Absorb" the wrath of the "Father" in order so that the objective (reasoning) would be "Made known" to everyone seated at HIS table?

To those who have children they also claim they "Love", have you ever told a particular "Child" NOT to do something "Specific"? The child then nods there head in agreement, gives you a big warm hug yet as soon as they get supposedly "Out of YOUR Sight" that's the very thing they go and do?

Now, if you can find it possible, Honestly ask yourself "What would God do as if He is the earthly "Headship" over ANY particular scenario you're also a privy principal to (participant)?

How will You or anyone You suggest You also suggest You have Loved find out anything TRUTHFUL that is also of "Eternal Value"? As if more about who their God is and less about YOU being their God?

And as such without You also having been placed in the shadowy fringes of His "Position" (office held) of headship?

Especially as if headship over a VERY FAMILIAR (Family) matter now (replayed) seemingly endlessly taking place in this world?

Is it too deep of a consideration to try and fathom there could be such a thing as a type of "Spiritual" Gene Pool?

Enough to where this type of thought can and does promote the possibility as to "Why" the Lord made it a requirement to NOT ONLY be "Spiritually Born Again", but the much higher wisdom which then points ONLY to the type of knowledge that specifically suggest the need to BE...."Born Again of the Spirit of God"?

What if the WHY god does anything within a persons life also takes that same amount of time in order to prepare them for ONE single eternally oriented moment of Service?

Consider John, a great man of God ALL his life as we get to hopefully enjoy reading about TODAY, yet what if those who do read of His life spent miss out on the story that had need of telling that made his ONE great moment stand out?

What if the ONLY component of Johns entire life story revolved around the Introduction he did make?

Behold the Lamb of God? 

In terms of 'ETERNITY" and those things considered to be of eternal "ORIGIN, are there truly those "Specific Times" when time must be compressed and others where time must be slowly unfolded in order to somehow see the value within TIME given?

In terms of contrast that also serves an eternal purpose, exactly who is the "father of ALL Lies" as if this father also has a type of spirit?

Exactly what obvious dynamic component(s) also proves itself in terms of defining ANY type of spirited and/or spiritual existence (Identity) in this world?

How often do we hear Jesus addressing His own while teaching them not only how to interpret what they're seeing at in a God given moment, but how GOD SEE"S the same set of circumstances?

After Him hearing a certain type of speech come from their mouths, how does their "Christ" (Lord and savior) address them?

Does his tone sound like many earthly Fathers as if suggesting they are in His immediate care as if sons in that they should, "Mind their manners" in these same momentary assessment(s) being "Formed"? Formed in them "Hopefully", yet what was He trying to form IN THEM having spoken to them within the multitude of differing ways that He did?

Differing to also suggest Christ NEVER deviating from and/or vacating the "Main Objective" in all that He did do?

Did Jesus come out the womb teaching? Absolutely He did, yet to whom today does He still Teach having come from the womb of a woman? Was He able to teach his Mom (Mary) and Dad (Joseph) as a Child?

Absolutely, yet wouldn't the history of their lessons learned have ONLY proved to the result of having also TOO believed what was "spoken" of Him prior to His entry into this world? And yet what is ANY "Prophecy" found within ANY generation that WILL also prove itself to be "TRUE"?

And what does the expectation of any MATURE "First Born" look like when siblings have been left to the care of this TYPE of individual who's also found themselves in His type office presently "Held"? Temporary to suggest "Short term care takers" (keepers)?

What is the difference between a brothers "Keeper" and a brothers "Teacher" whenever the "Father" is perceived as physically "Absent"?

And Who is wise enough having Himself been TAUGHT How to TEACH a man HOW to be HIS brothers KEEPER?

Why does the church "Today" find it an agreeable topic ONLY when someone else is being used as the example, yet when the very essence of the SAME "Objective" has need of being reviewed as if still needed "Today", these same (Elementary) principals no longer seem to "Apply" today?

How many empty pews would You suppose the Apostle Paul could empty in as few as ONE sermon that sounded the SAME today?

Could the heart of the ETERNAL matter be the ONLY True "Objective" has everything to do with the principal pattern where TRUE "Authority" must be "Given"?

As if the principal component TRULY being spoken of when it is heard in a multitude of ways when being taught? In that it is better to Give than to receive?

The same type of authority that TRULY proves itself to be of ANY real eternal "Value" to those it was intended to "Serve" once it TRULY had been "Given"?

Heb 5:12
In fact, though by this time you ought to be teachers , you need someone to teach you the elementary truths of God's word all over again

Luke 9:54-55
And when his disciples James and John saw this, they said, Lord, wilt thou that we command fire to come down from heaven, and consume them, even as Elias did?

But he turned, and rebuked them, and said, Ye know not what manner of spirit ye are of.

And what is a New Creation if that New creation does not also come from "New" Beginnings? And truly where can this type of New Beginning then LEAD anyone who has FAILED to allow themselves to be "TAUGHT" as though describing SOMETHING NEW?

Who then CAN teach anything NEW when this NEW objective in ONLY speaking of a NEW Creation ONLY the Lord can cause to manifest? And as such while claiming God is a Aged and distant Teacher (Old)?

Why would Jesus suggest, "It is better that I should Go"? That being coupled with the vague notions as to "Who" the teachers are at any given moment and by WHOSE AUTHORITY?

Jesus mentions to those during his time of visitation as though those who were "With Him from the beginning, yet how many can reach for this same type of  MODEL in terms of applicable teaching platform TODAY?

of this same understanding today? Who today has also BEEN with WHOM since not only the Beginning, but the beginning of "WHAT"?

The beginning of Time? The Beginning of  His physical appearance? Or could it be since the beginning of His purpose in having COME that ONLY He could make "Obvious"? The truthful question is, what does that same TIME appear as today by those who are claiming to BE teachers today?

what that same "Beginning" looks like today?

John 15:26-27
 "When the Counselor comes, whom I will send to you from the Father, the Spirit of truth who goes out from the Father, he will testify about me. And you also must testify, for you have been with me from the beginning

Exactly Whom also has the SAME "Holy Spirit" also been given unto and how would any one "Know"?

Exactly how JUSTIFIED and equally "Blessed" are those who have learned HOW to "GO and DO Likewise" having "Multiplied" (populated the Earth)?

And as such because it is a Heavenly matter as though a type of spiritual "Being" that has been SEEN clearly having been understood exactly WHO it is that's been entrusted to the immediate Care of those who are also (One With) "In Christ"?

Exactly whose care was Man (Adam) once placed in as care taker? And why also did this angelic (messenger) "Fall" while trying to "Suppress" what is otherwise TRUE?

 And who does ONE model as though ONE who follows the TRUE SOURCE of a "True Salvation" having been "Sanctified"? Surely those sanctified, yet also those who then "Bear Fruit" that will also show forth the goodness having also been Reborn and that of THE incorruptible "Seed" (word)?

Heard enough or has it proven to be the fault of a poor representation God has sent that has lead many to FAIL to see more clearly "Whose Likeness" was TRULY being described "In the Beginning"?

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