I'm sure you've heard before, "The Mind is a terrible thing to Waste" yet how broad is this suggestion when considering how to engage and apply a "New" type of Mind? The type of "Mind" that a believer In Christ not only needs in order to be victorious, but is said to have willingly "Put On?
The same type of mind that has an "Unlimited" amount of resources "Available" that we're ALL surrounded by as if a vein or well waiting to be tapped into? Just think how long electricity was around before reality "Dawned" in the mind of someone who found themselves not only willing to recognize TRUE "Potential" but purse it.
Many are perfectly comfortable with what God is capable of doing, yet how many have stopped to reconsider what may or may NOT take place if God is Only being seen or being cast in type or sense of a "Dim Light"?
Exactly how limiting or maybe transparent are these type of considerations that might otherwise impede those who fail or are 'Unwilling" to SEE anything or anyone for ALL that they truly are (otherwise) in the sight of God?
Many dominate attitudes today seem to be comfortable viewing their said world around them in what they've deemed to be a "Certain" type of Light, yet who's casting not only God in a false sense of Light but the very things God said He created in His Likeness? And because "Certain" things often do get cast in a dim light, what might also might happen to any type of Reward that only presents itself under the terms of certainty that do or were "Intended" to make things clear or "Clearer"?
How many today would you suggest under supposed "Normal" circumstances would also shrink back when and if they did 'See" someone else suffering for doing something? And if suffering it is also assumed they've "Done" something 'Wrong" which "Apparently" resulted in a most "Certain" sense of suffering?
Eph 3:10-13
His (Gods) intent was that now, through the church, the manifold wisdom of God should be made known to the rulers and authorities in the heavenly realms, according to his eternal purpose which he accomplished in Christ Jesus our Lord.
In him and through faith in him we may approach God with freedom and confidence. I ask you, therefore, not to be discouraged because of my sufferings for you, which are your glory.
Truly what has God chosen to hide in Jars of Clay?
Col 1:24-29
Now I rejoice in what was suffered for you, and I fill up in my flesh what is still lacking in regard to Christ's afflictions, for the sake of his body, which is the church.
I have become its servant by the commission God gave me to present to you the word of God in its fullness— the mystery that has been kept hidden for ages and generations, but is now disclosed to the saints.
To them God has chosen to make known among the Gentiles the glorious riches of this mystery, which is Christ in you, the hope of glory.
We proclaim him, admonishing and teaching everyone with all wisdom, so that we may present everyone perfect in Christ. 29 To this end I labor, struggling with all his energy, which so powerfully works in me. NIV
If that's Not the only RIGHT question, WHO has God hidden ANYTHING from for ages and generations in these jars of clay and maybe more importantly WHY? Have you ever encountered the type of people who are so oblivious to the reality of their surroundings that if you ever did to want hide something from Captain Obvious, the best place to hide it would probably right beneath their nose?
My wife and I both enjoy the pleasure of eating chocolate. I'm the type that might buy a candy bar and only eat half and will (TRY) to "Save" the other half for later. Not so with my wife. If there's chocolate Anywhere in the house her "Ant' like senses pick up on the fact. I'll state my case like this, after 20 plus years of living together I've yet to find 'Safe" hiding place. Often times I try to have fun with this "Unsolved" mystery. I'll move my 'Stash" to some pretty ridiculous places. Nearly without fail and when given enough time she will "Sniff Out" my hiding place.
The funny part is she won't eat the whole thing at one setting. She'll usually nibble away at it and try to leave it as if "Undisturbed'. Many parallels could be drawn from this picture, but instead I choose to accept it as One of her "Meaningless" weaknesses in the flesh and move on.
Have you ever considered within any real degree of certainty what exactly happens or NOT when Christ is seen (envisioned) from a worldly "Point of View"? Much less all others who may not be convinced they too were destined to share in the "Inheritance' God set before the First Born of the Beloved of God?
In terms of what we suggest we're willing to believe, how would you also suggest a dim hope might also affect a persons ability to see further into an otherwise uncertain type of darkness? A type of darkness where we can only SEE others "Aimlessly" groping around? Groping as if hoping to somehow take hold of something "Stable" in order to somehow orient their proximity?
In the dark is it possible some have taken hold of the wrong tail? Hoping to take hold of the Lion of Judah who will lead them out of darkness only to realize they've taken hold of a roaring Lion whose been lying in wait hoping to devour the unsuspecting? And what is false light if not "Darkness"?
2 Cor 5:16-17
So from now on we regard no one from a worldly point of view . Though we once regarded Christ in this way, we do so no longer. Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come!
Having Put on this New Mind in order to not only learn from but also be taught 'How and Why" there is a Continuous need to train the soul and body how to participate in whatever it is God would have the "Whole (corporate) Body" do in this world?
The phrase "Par for the Course" is a commonly used analogy when often weighing circumstances and/or people in general terms, yet who establishes what Par is for the said "Course" of Humanity? The word par in Golf speech suggest what a "First Class" player should expect of their performance on a particular course. "Par" is also an often misused word term that is relative to what "Mean Value" or set "Average" suggest in terms of what can be expected.
Wouldn't it depend upon the abilities or gifting's of each individual whose also knowingly 'Engaged" in the 'Same" effort or NOT? As if to suggest the "Given" capacity of each?
What if instead of the word "Humanity" as applied above were replaced with "One Spiritual Man"? By the exchange of these three very simple words, how different does the context or vein of thought somehow translate?
Think on it this way, What if as One man this body were told to "Clap"? Yet the one who instructed this man to clap was NOT aware that one side of this mans body were Paralyzed? This same imagery would also interpret how if this man were tasked with not only walking or running but somehow winning the race? Even if this person wanted MORE than ANYTHING else in this world to WIN the race, what would the statistical wisdom of most people forecast?
In terms of One body, One Christ, One Spirit what does the word of God say about what happens whenever One Part of One body suffers? What happens to the rest of the Body? And when this same potential applies to the success of same who gets to celebrate?
What would you suggest will be the outcome or destiny of ANY Kingdom, Household, Team or double minded "Individual" that's divided in terms of what each hopes to accomplish? It's easy to suggest to an Individual they NEED to stay focused, yet HOW does this same FOCUS find a body made up of many "Members"? Many members that refuse to Cooperate with One and the same HEAD?
Why isn't the lack of cooperation also being seen as though some type of impediment or paralysis?
Would you suggest the One man that's also attempting to identify his person as if THE entirety of the house of God in the earth today is NOT being seen TODAY doing the type of work ONLY the hands of God can do ? The same type of work that also requires agreeing with the type of verbiage that says it is "My Grace That Is Sufficient"?
If God were wanting ONLY to discuss His likeness within ANY group of people, how many other physical considerations would he have to make leave the room before He could even begin to address this SAME likeness? Would he find that He would have to insist thoughts of money would have to be removed? Thoughts relative to Gender, Food for the Belly, Pesky skin color differences or maybe the adverse impact sibling rivalry hopes to present?
All the above before He could cut to the chase and get down to REAL business at hand? Who would be left to meet with if He did?
And without those same hands of god being TOLD or instructed what to do how can those same hands meet with the expectations of what the Head otherwise WANTS those hands to accomplish?
Is it "Possible" non believers who also do NOT believe in the Glory God has given to mankind can join together and collect money to feed hungry Children, Build Hospitals or homeless shelters any better than those who claim they believe "EVERY word (Promise) that has come from the mouth of God"? Exactly "What" does their collective performance also depend on? What each member believes or hopes to accomplish by being a part of these type of 'Organized Efforts"?
Picture this same man as if One Man trying to run a race? The same man who for whatever reason is paralyzed on One side of his body? At what point would you suggest this man could hit "Full" stride within the HONEST mindset (hope) of somehow 'Winning" a race?
Have you ever sat and truly contemplated the differences between a One Man sport verses Team Sports and who the Glory of the victory gets awarded after the so called big "WIN"? Whether comparing the performance of the Race car driver to include His "Pit Crew" or the Golfer and His Caddy?
If you can allow it, what would you suggest a person not only looks like but "Acts" like having failed to "Receive" ANY benefit the Holy Spirit of God has made available? Do some fail to receive the FULL benefit(s) because they've also failed to understand WHO the gifts were given "To" and WHY?
Gifts given to and for the sake of specifically "Intended Recipients"?
Dependent upon what you believe, who would you suggest the gifts of the Spirit were were given to as if the intended recipients? Gifts given to men, yet for whose sake? The individual who's received these said gifts of the Holy Spirit or namely gifts given for the development and maturation of the "Body of Christ?
I think the defining of what every person who's also involved suggest they also Believe to be True is well worth the inquiry? It's easy to say "Yes I Believe" in a group setting for MANY different reasons, yet what is ANYONE truly saying Yes to this side of a soft "Maybe"?
The word maybe to suggest this person may need More proof before they're "ALL IN" or Totally On Board with ONE godly Objective in Mind? What happens when any consideration proves to have become an "Every man for himself" environment?
Who usually devours who in the end where the woman and children are also considered "First" in line ? While also truthfully acknowledging we're living in a world that also insist on making it not only plain and simple that only the Strong will survive but also whose likeness we're supposed to be pursuing because of what we do "Believe" to be True.
Dependent upon Who we individually Choose to "Believe" what has any ONE truly accomplished in the sight of God?
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