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Friday, September 19, 2014

What remains as an "Opinion"

I chose this title for various reasons, many of which are only tired because of their seemingly endless years of practice.

Some of my children even to this day have their own subtle way of  pushing back against the opinion that flows against their line of thinking.

When they feel their being confronted they'll drop the words "Here comes Negative Nancy' as if to suggest, "Here we go again" whenever I speak my mind after hearing their thoughts on a particular matter.

There's a near epidemic that spreading like wild fire which suggest everyone is entitled to their own opinion. My version of that is, "Everyone has the entitlement to "suffer' from the net results of their own opinion yet not until those results cease to affect the very REASON for my own opinion".

If it were clearly understood that our opinions were "Intended" only be based upon "What" we believe to be true, but also the reasoning of the person that has made and designed all things to follow the authority of all that is True, how then would we then find ourselves having also been "Created"?

How much more valuable then would the observance of the created world around us become?

The word "Fall" is a deep word. It's essence also suggest the amount of pain and or chance of survival as if the results from that same "fall" are then relative to the height from which someone has fallen from.

How great is the "Net" of tender mercy the love of God has spread abroad in Your heart?

Is it even possible to answer that question without first observing your own Fall?

2 Cor 7:10-11
Godly sorrow brings repentance that leads to salvation and leaves no regret, but worldly sorrow brings death.

See what this godly sorrow has produced in you: what earnestness, what eagerness to clear yourselves, what indignation, what alarm, what longing, what concern, what readiness to see justice done.

1 Peter 4:1-2
Therefore, since Christ suffered in his body, arm yourselves also with the same attitude, because he who has suffered in his body is done with sin. As a result, he does not live the rest of his earthly life for evil human desires, but rather for the will of God.

The mind of this world loves to misinterpret suffering. Suffering more often gets used and applied as if the gauge which then determines who the "Sinners" of this world are. As if also to suggest those who do Not Sin will not suffer.

What many forget is that ALL have sinned and fallen short of the Glory of God".

Gods Glory does not equate to the enjoyment of watching sinners perish, No Gods Glory is observing his sons rise from a world that has been wrongfully filled with sin a though it has already become ashes and that because of what He has accomplished through His sent one "The Christ".

While in this world we love to talk about staying "Positive" yet at what point does all that positive assuming end in the bath house of negative results?

Rom 8:19-21
The creation waits in eager expectation for the sons of God to be revealed. For the creation was subjected to frustration, not by its own choice, but by the will of the one who subjected it, in hope that the creation itself will be liberated from its bondage to decay and brought into the glorious freedom of the children of God.

How does this creation see to it that it has since been "Liberated" from bondage?

I can only suggest what I do with confidence in light of there being 'Laws" already on the books before my physical arrival into this world. Laws which were established as the result of previous conflict also before I was. 

All the above being coupled with a multitude of opinions which then tried to somehow create and define a God whose then held under the LAW of commonality.

A God who is then taxed with not only remaining silent while a particular group of people become united in their thinking and reasoning skills whom also never seem to agree for any meaningful period of time on even fewer topics.

If that were being offered as the ONLY choice which also defines the essence of "Imperfection" I would have to agree.

I want to introduce a thought into the above consideration, "When does any said "organization" leave room for someone to Opt out should they NOT agree with the opinion of the "What is common"?

And if they do opt out do they loose their entitlement to the benefits which are the direct result of being "United" as though One?

What more often happens when someone wants out or others want someone to be considered "Out"?

A polarization usually sets in as this sea of opinions jostles itself and if that doesn't settle the matter an insurrection however large is more often birthed into existence.

If there were only two opinions in this world just think how far less complicated this life would become almost over night?

Let's face it, this world is getting crowded and finding a place where your personal opinion is also "Accepted" by a significant large number of others could be compared to trying to find a parking space for a Semi Trailer in downtown Chicago on Christmas Eve

So what's wrong with considering yourself to be unique as though One of a kind? As if also judged by ones own opinion that found it's way into this realm because of what you believed to be true?

Nothing as long as there's only one version of truth that also governs beyond the reaches of "Till death do we all part"? Without discussing what anyone physically does as such that takes up space and time, how much does an opinion have an effect on the surrounding world?

Just how few choices truly are there in this world when the individual does not agree and then sets out on a campaign to find what they've since determined to be a "Righteous" cause? And why are there LAWS to begin with? If you can believe, In the Beginning there was only One legal stipulation placed on humanity (Adam/Eve) was there not?

When God starts a sentence with "Do Not", does the reasoning of man then "observe" those words as if some decorative word picture that floats around for it's own benefit?

How costly is the budget where there's only ONE that sets out on a journey in order to supposedly find themselves? As if to find themselves within their own "Unique" (world) where they are the only ones that appear to understand of all things? Only then to return with all the problems they could not work out and/or afford on their own?

Was man designed as a Pioneer or a created being that makes discoveries? And where does the truth that also governs all things then fit into the larger scale of that scenery? The once thought large scale that's now getting crowded?

That's not even to mention the scenario where thousands or millions do the same thing every generation who then leave behind their own foot prints as if "The Trail" to follow?

At the risk of tarnishing the image of this thing most choose to view as the opinion held of themselves, where does "Frustration" have its way? Where has guilt gone? Where does suffering get employed? At what point do bad decision come calling for reimbursement?

How long before one household can no longer afford its own sins before having to "Take" instead of borrow from their neighbor in order to pay?

If a person can never be taught to control his mind, body or his desires, what should anyone expect from them in terms of excess and abuse? And what is the purpose of time that's also been afforded to anyone?

Why is it conveniently fitting to suggest at grave side the "Bible" as the words of God says there's a season for everything, yet who decides for the "whole" what each of those seasons looked like leading up to the grave? Is it now appropriate to suggest what most love to offer whenever the results of poor choices manifest, "What's done is Done" or "Why cry over spilled milk"?

Exactly when is the "Season" that changes? Why the importance in the thought that God does NOT change when we think upon the reason for our own existence?

Wouldn't it have to first be determined whether of not we're talking about a sect of people that are outside of Christ or are we talking about a sect that have lived however long they have as though In Christ?

Truly what are we commenting on at the graveside of a persons life lived? Are we truly staring at our own future or are we looking beyond the grave through the eyes of hope that have been founded only upon that which is "True".

It's easy in this world to find someone you can pay to lie as if FOR our benefit with the only requirement being IF that person has no issues with stating what is NOT true as opposed to finding no one at the grave sight also says volumes through silence doesn't it?

How do words at graveside affect the one whose spirit and soul have already crossed over to the next realm?

Aren't words spoken at grave side truly more for the ones the weight of those same words can then have an affect on them?

Luke 20:38
He is not the God of the dead , but of the living, for to him all are alive."

If we do live in  a world that's full of sin and doubt, who are the heralds of what is true? As such that may NOT presently be being observed as though true?

If the voice of truth did not prove to be effectual on the front side of a grave, what makes so many so confident words spoken after their passing will then have any affect on fair well bidding of that same person?

Especially while hoping they'll also be where we hold "Out" in the hope of eventually finding "Ourselves" there too?

How just and how insightful are we as believers when we send someone from this world? When we say only Nice things at the grave when we comment on someone whose lived here as though they've also chosen their destination? Where now is the previous ruling of "Free Will"?

Exactly who today would fit the description of the "They" that is mentioned below? Even more who are they who will NOT listen to the One that has risen from the "Dead" unto True Life?

Luke 16:31
"He said to him, 'If they do not listen to Moses and the Prophets, they will not be convinced even if someone rises from the dead

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