Before I was He was.
Before I drew my first breath His breath was in me.
He was a man who had more than a desire to do good in the hope of walking before the Lord in gladness.
Such an honor bestowed yet rarely realized as a greatness while in its midst.
Honor was upon his head yet such honor that would never completely be realized while in this world.
He had many dreams never fulfilled and twice as many that seemed beyond reach.
He had a calling he alone could never satisfy.
He had care givers assigned yet their blindness was never a hindrance to all they could not see.
This man followed a voice others could only hope to also hear, yet their failure to listen proved to be the very cause of imperfection suffered until the grave.
Though sifted like flour it was never about his imperfection, only the bringing forth of that which was good within Him.
Though assumed a fool and a mad man at nearly every turn he pushed forward only to forge a path that followed the echo of a greater sound.
He desired to have many friends, yet few would choose to accommodate His desire that labored for their sake.
Though living in darkness he dared to enjoy the only hope of light that would help him to see.
I concluded the hope of this mans tomorrow must have been what He saw and enjoyed "Today".
Oh to know such a man while holding onto the hope of knowing the Father every true son can only hope to know. sw
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