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Thursday, December 3, 2015

Hi-Jacking the Infrastructure

First I would like to extend good thoughts and tidings leading into the New Year.

From whose loins does a nation come and even greater who teaches those who suggest they belong to God. sw

Is the question "Do you Know God" or is the eternal question, "Does He know You". sw

For the second time in the last ten years, I had someone attempt to Hi-jack my identity. To this day exactly who that person is still remains a mystery.

The closest I could get to this person was only to find out they did their dirty deeds over the internet somewhere within the state of Florida and they seemed to be better protected by the suggested "Privacy Act" than I was!

After the first time I learned a very valuable lesson and as a result I've since kept a credit Freeze (lock) on my "Social" security" number (which I also highly recommend) which made the latter event no where near as painful.

In the darkness of a fallen world the mere mention of the word security weighs heavy on the minds of many individuals yet when used in conjunction with the word social the defining lines begin to blur even more in increasingly dimmed light.

In terms of the differences between man and God, have you ever sat and contemplated what some of those differences are? Some might ask why the need to know what the differences are?

Differences to mean consideration(s) outside of the divine ability to create universes, found to be in possession of  "Original" thoughts that could suggest divinely appointed wisdom or being able to walk on water, turn it into "Wine" or heal the sick?

Differences that seemed impossible until someone comes along and proves such things to be "Possible"?

Made possible to where the mention of mountains being tossed into the ocean, parting of seas or commanding fig tree's to shrivel is not "Too" far of a stretch of the imagination?

In the context of somehow being "There" verses being down "Here", does being able to see and hear such things in this manner somehow make room for ones faith in/towards God to increase?

Let's look at the one who could do and see such things not only as possible and but under the terms in how He petitioned Our/His Father who sits on THE throne of sovereignty above ALL as if one who did Know His and His Fathers business here on earth.....

Matt 26:39
Going a little farther, he fell with his face to the ground and prayed, "My Father, if it is possible , may this cup be taken from me. Yet not as I will, but as you will."  NIV

Are there times when you know to do right because of all that you do know to be right and the occasion does seem to agree with the will of God and yet you can't seem to find the inner strength to go through with them?

Within the consideration that positions God as being physically absent can just the opposite be assessed here on earth in much the same way? That to mean in terms of how to go about discovering the similarities between God and man?

In terms of "Hope" that's built on "Truth" and the results of that building being the manifestation of a "Faith" that realizes increase, how important is it for some aspects of this type of "Expectation" is the "Need" for certain things to remain otherwise invisible?

At what point is God ever justified in the heart of a man? Notice I didn't say the mind of man, instead in the heart of a "Man" which also suggest the person who has put away childish (like) reasoning?

In terms of the AD of Christ, how does one compare their likeness and to what? Especially in light of Gods physical personage where today He is being preached as if His being Absent and only to be found somewhere above the heavens that CAN be seen?

The Humanity of this day seems to know more about the differences between himself and God than he does the similarities between God and Man.

What if one of the qualities God desires people to discover about His person were His "Dependability"?

There is much talk about "Trust in God", yet what does "Trusting In God" look like here on earth? Enough that is if it were a substance, a sample could be extracted and a "Cup" could be filled with it?

In terms of what this Trust looks like, how about enough to where a child could learn to benefit from it having observed the dynamics of such a mysterious consideration?

In terms of sojourning, how many years before a child could call to remembrance and testify, "This personage in particular taught me How to trust in God"?

Have you asked yourself this lately, "Is God part of my daily planning process?

Or is God only on the working end of things where he carries out the plans that had nothing to do with His "Input" in the planning stages?

How can a man trust a Plan if he's not sure God gave Him those plans? And if a man is NOT sure God gave him those plans how can a man maintain a clear conscience towards God while telling himself he's acting out in this world in a specific fashion and that because of his predetermined Faith in/towards God?

I'm of the opinion all those whose hearts are pure towards God also want to somehow find a way to SEE themselves operating in the will of God (and that for many different reasons).

Rom 14:23
; and everything that does not come from faith is sin .

What happens to the justification process of a person once they've been made aware of the finite meaning as to what God considers to be sin and not only what mere men suggest?

The type of man who enjoys having things his own "Way" also creates an endless list of does and don'ts (Touch NOT eat NOT want NOT waste NOT).

The List made as if FOR soul benefit of their fellow man, yet the individual(s) who place such rules in print more often are NOT capable of adhering to those same rules themselves.

What makes God plan for man so unique? Does God always begin His type of surgery the same way on ALL men? Does God fail to see the steps of the essence (causes) which has lead up to a souls present condition? Especially if there are different types of desires which prove themselves capable of leading a soul to act differently?

Have you ever ask yourself what is so wrong with wanting to be different or unique? Are we talking about different in the eyes of God or men?

What if this same compulsion (desire) to somehow be different was also in the heart of Jesus when He was task with accomplishing ALL that He did and that being ALL that God had assigned for Him to accomplish while here?

Why is it so important to know WHY God is Not afraid of anything? And why did Jesus pray to be made ONE with God as He was before coming into this world?

Not to suggest there is anything wrong with somehow being different as long as being different or unique also plays its role in the Goodness of God that is also expressive of who God is in the earth right?

Yet we as believers must also recall when need be what Jesus also confessed as a being embodied in the flesh, "Only God is Good".....there is also a GOOD reason having said EVERYTHING He did..right?

Titus 2:14
....who gave himself for us to redeem us from all wickedness and to purify for himself a people that are his very own, eager to do what is good. NIV

2 Tim 2:19-21
Nevertheless, God's solid foundation stands firm, sealed with this inscription: "The Lord knows those who are his," and, "Everyone who confesses the name of the Lord must turn away from wickedness ."

In a large house there are articles not only of gold and silver, but also of wood and clay; some are for noble purposes and some for ignoble. If a man cleanses himself from the latter, he will be an instrument for noble purposes, made holy, useful to the Master and prepared to do any good work.

Rom 8:13-15
For if you live according to the sinful nature, you will die; but if by the Spirit you put to death the misdeeds of the body, you will live, because those who are led by the Spirit of God are sons of God.

For you did not receive a spirit that makes you a slave again to fear, but you received the Spirit of sonship NIV

When does a man repent? Only when he's been hemmed in so tight and there is nothing else that comes to his mind he can do in order to find relief from discomfort in his soul and body?

There are times the personalities throughout the entire bible become applicable. Job much like King David and the following version of Solomon believe it or NOT also plays their perspective roles in the formation of the sons of God. nor 

Do we so easily forget when Jesus borrows from the personage and likeness of Peter in telling him (peter) "Satan has requested (asked) to sift you"! Exactly what was Jesus revealing when He did tell Peter such a thing? That only Peter would suffer in this world for doing the will of God?

Does Trust in God look like someone who does nothing because God is going to do it all for them? Some one who secretively prays all their life for God to show himself strong on their behalf, yet nothing ever really seems to take its rightful place here on earth as a result of those prayers?

Enough that it can be something used in a lesson being taught? Lessons taught "Maybe" yet to "Whom"?

Why are the lessons God teaches only perceived as if TOWARDS someone other than ourselves? Could it have anything to do with the propensity of humanity to blame others?

Why the importance of being able to somehow "See" what perfection does look like in this world? And who could perform in such a capacity and for what reason?

John 16:33
"I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world."  

Heb 1:3
The Son is the radiance of God's glory and the exact representation of his being, sustaining all things by his powerful word. After he had provided purification for sins, he sat down at the right hand of the Majesty in heaven.

Believers today think highly of themselves yet for what reason(s)? As if to suggest "If God Is for us so who could stand against us"? And how many countless endings are there to these depictions?

Rom 14:17-18
For the kingdom of God is not a matter of eating and drinking, but of righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit , 18 because anyone who serves Christ in this way is pleasing to God and approved by men.

There are many different and unique forms of Cancer and many different reasons people get divorced yet do they seem to differentiate and select any differently between believer and NON-believer when they come into their lives?

The bible warns to NOT think more highly of ourselves than we ought to, yet what does either mean without both of those considerations being directly involved in the development of ones faith towards/in God?

Mankind also seems to know more about the devil and his involvement in this world than he does His creator, yet what's wrong with that in the light of what God says IS True?

And as such (Truth) that will also agree with a more complete spiritual image which then depicts the "Why" God sent His Son in the shape, the form and type that He did in His wisdom having done so?

Sent to humanity "Yes" but in order to accomplish what? Many have a twisted notion they also try to use in order to somehow demonstrate their likeness of God. Some like to label this as "Grace".

What many have failed to truthfully recognize is that without the Mercy of God First being acknowledged (Realized), how can a "Soul" be taught by God alone to see (realize) the expressions of God's grace in its many different shapes forms and sizes?

That to mean before the presentation of their own resurrection from the dead? And that being the ETERNALLY undeniable evidence of that same Grace of God?

Exactly what do you believe Not only about God to be True, even more what about God is like You?

Church "Denominations" not only don't fight over who God is but they're truthfully NOT able to. They can certainly have a bad showing yet in all that will eventually prove itself to belong to God, what has any church proven except that some are different than God?

Truthfully, try and reflect on what the scenario would look like today if Christ would have came and died in the last few centuries?

2 Cor 13:8
For we cannot do anything against the truth, but only for the truth

Even if it did not prove to be the cause of world wars the churches would still more than likely have His body dissected and parted out. Just think what a lock of hair or a sandal he was said to have worn would be valued at, yet why?

There are many things presently being accredited to the doings of God here in the earth, yet how many of those things truly have and are being fueled by the empowerment of Gods grace?

There are so many different versions of what the hand of God on a persons life looks these days it has made room for countless "Counterfeit" versions of the presentation of His (Gods) "Seeming" approval.

There are so many different versions of "Who" Christ WAS that NOW nearly anyone can hide behind what is NOT in the heart of so many. Hide maybe but from whom and for how long?

Clearly there are time recorded in the reflections of Gods activities in the earth where God goes seemingly silent for a period of time, yet what do we also discover when God does "seemingly " stand in silence?

You can walk the streets of nearly any city and see a crucifix hanging around the neck of ALL walks of life and just as many who don't wear outwards signs of the NOT so obvious inner presence that suggest "Christ In them"...

Did the very thing Jesus came to accomplish only take place outside of man in this world? How can one even contemplate such a thing without first knowing "Why" (intent/motive) and by way of "What" methods He (Jesus) came to accomplish?

Plain English to me would express same as "Gods Intent"... the trouble is finding others who will agree with God and NOT just me.....

As believers in Christ Our showing is not only for the sake of has much to do with the Righteousness of God in His having spoken all that He already seen and believed to be well others who have leveled false charges against ALL that His person IS!

Who do you say that God is? The Great I Am or....

have you simply concluded "Things are what they are and IT is what IT is"?

Eph 3:10-13
His intent was that now, through the church, the manifold wisdom of God should be made known to the rulers and authorities in the heavenly realms, according to his eternal purpose which he accomplished in Christ Jesus our Lord.

In him and through faith in him we may approach God with freedom and confidence. I ask you, therefore, not to be discouraged because of my sufferings for you, which are your glory.

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

"First Born" among many

Have you ever wondered "Why" when someone observes another that's sad or looking downcast the person who seems to care and inquires with, 'What's Wrong"?

Instead, why isn't it asked "What's Not Right"? Obviously they know somethings wrong inside, but maybe they've failed to align such thoughts with what is right?

2 Cor 7:10
Godly sorrow brings repentance that leads to salvation and leaves no regret, but worldly sorrow brings death. NIV

In this world and in terms of how a personage justifies the things they do or don't do, how do YOU go about "Finding" the reasoning that has lead a person to "Act" in a specific fashion?

Think about it, society punishes on what basis? Only what people "DO" wrong or what people get caught doing what so many have already judged in advance to be wrong?

"Caught" and "Judged" to mean  specific acts that have been prejudged wrong by society that when or if caught doing them all that's needed is the name and face (address) of the offender who gave life to those type of thoughts.

What does the word "Lurk" or Lurking conjure in your thinking? Exactly where does evil 'Lurk" in this world?

Only in dark allies? In the shadows of some seedy dimly lit night club, strip joint or in some vacant parking lot in the back seat of a car?

Food for thought, if it is Known (accepted) that God is "Spirit" (can't be touched or handled), why do so many look at God's choice of words said to also be His presence only as "Poetic, Lofty, Adrift or Alloof"?

Gen 4:7
But if you do not do what is right, sin is crouching at your door; it desires to have you, but you must master it." NIV

Does it only lurk in the cooler of the liquor store down on the corner? Aren't those mentioned so far only physical addresses?

How about evil at the address of said "church" building?

If evil were to be considered "Lurking" there, where might one find it? Better still, if evil were NOT thought to be lurking in the church building why bother even looking for it?

If private thoughts are only "Thoughts" that also "Pass" who is it that gives them a "Free pass"? Where might the essence of evil hide itself IF it ever were taught it could also be AT a church building?

Do you only look for it in dark places? Maybe in the the broom closet? Maybe over behind the chemical cleaning supplies? Maybe if your stealthy Indian skills are keen you find it hiding and catch it in the food pantry over behind the coffee?

If you can't find it at any of these places, how do you find evil in such a places instead of preaching as if evil is ONLY somewhere out there waiting to jump on you when you leave?

Why NOT bother to look behind the well "Polished" smile or those well dressed with a clean cropped hairdo?

Let's compare the storage place of the mind to some of the the other places mentioned above?

Let's say evil had really hidden itself well, do we then find then in the cooler at the liquor store hidden behind the front row and numerous brands of 12 packs of beer? Has it disguised itself as a bottle of Vodka or maybe that well known evil bottle and devilish Tequila that has the little worm in it?

Don't forget to look over behind the life size display of your favorite football star who has a 6 pack (get your mind out of the gutter I was talking about six pack of beer in his hand)?

Some might suggest "Faith, Morals and/or Principals" prevent them from acting "Out" on thoughts, yet if it had to be One person whose held responsible for instilling such things, who is it and on what basis?

Exactly what is it that prevents someone from doing whatever it is they've been told is also "WRONG"?

Exactly how long do these otherwise invisible notions (Faith, Morals or Principals) find themselves able to stand up against what has been prejudged to be evil? As if this dominate Lordship that does "Rule" over ones thought life?

Do thoughts only become sins once they can be "Photographed"?

In terms of judging and weighing things, how long is it before a thought becomes a deed that's done? That question being asked without regard to those said "Deeds" being good or evil?

While in this world and in the scope of what God considers to be sin, what is that would have you to focus only on the action taken? Why not the spirit (essence) that's responsible for the thoughts that lead up to someone acting on those thoughts and gives (lends) there bodies as if a symbol of commitment?

How does God find the thoughts within a man which lead him to do all that he does or doesn't do?

If God loves sacrifice why would someone who brings a sacrifice to the altar of God be found detestable?

For years I couldn't see what made Cains sacrifice he brought before the Lord unacceptable or detestable?

Remember Cain was a man of the soil and not a man who had and kept herds of Cattle, Sheep and Goats so how could he have brought the fattened portions before God?

Prov 21:27
The sacrifice of the wicked is detestable — how much more so when brought with evil intent! NIV

What could possibly have been evil about Cain? He hadn't killed Cain yet had he? So by todays standards technically he wasn't guilty of sin yet was he? So what was God discerning when he did comment about Cains "Offering"?

Wasn't Cain the first born?

The first born which also came with specific birth rights? A certain kind of approval from dad and mom no other sibling could simply take away? So what was "Wrong" with Cain and what wasn't "Right" about him?

If it were present what would malice and jealousy have looked like between Cain and Abel and for what reason? As if such only God could discern no matter how hard Cain tried to cover it up with his offering?

Who were they esteeming when they would bring offerings before God (altar)? Was there so much more hoopla being made over Abel's offerings that would somehow diminish the thoughts of Cains offering?

A certain type of "Praise" which incited jealousy and rage within this man enough to kill his brother? What was so "Right" with Abel's offering.

Gen 4:4
But Abel brought fat portions from some of the firstborn of his flock.NIV

Heb 11:4

By faith Abel offered God a better sacrifice than Cain did. By faith he was commended as a righteous man, when God spoke well of his offerings. And by faith he still speaks, even though he is dead. NIV

Matt 5:23-24
"Therefore, if you are offering your gift at the altar and there remember that your brother has something against you, leave your gift there in front of the altar . First go and be reconciled to your brother; then come and offer your gift. NIV

Ps 50:16-21
But to the wicked, God says:

"What right have you to recite my laws or take my covenant on your lips? 

You hate my instruction and cast my words behind you. When you see a thief, you join with him;
you throw in your lot with adulterers. You use your mouth for evil and harness your tongue to deceit. 

You speak continually against your brother and slander your own mother's son
These things you have done and I kept silent; you thought I was altogether like you.
But I will rebuke you and accuse you to your face

Luke 2:34-35
Then Simeon blessed them and said to Mary, his mother: "This child is destined to cause the falling and rising of many in Israel, and to be a sign that will be spoken against, so that the thoughts of many hearts will be revealed.NIV

For years I've heard (more specifically) supposedly Christian (Christ like)  men make the comment when confronted while they were obviously (caught) lusting after a woman's body respond with, "Hey it doesn't hurt to look as long as you don't touch" or "I was just looking at the menu but didn't place the order'?

Yet what does the Lord have to say about the murderer who in his heart has hatred towards his brother is "Guilty" of murder?

To even further that thought consider the Apostle Paul who may not have physically cast a single stone, yet he made it very easy for others to feel justified after the fact in their "Stoning" (killing) of Stephen.

2 Tim 2:19
Nevertheless, God's solid foundation stands firm, sealed with this inscription: "The Lord knows those who are his ," and, "Everyone who confesses the name of the Lord must turn away from wickedness."

Enough so where we then hear if we continue to listen to this SAME man who SEEMS in the mind of many to be highly exalted say of himself "What a wretch that I am"?

Is the blindness Jesus talks about, only knowing that something IS considered to be sin (wrong) only if you do it?

John 9:41
Jesus said, "If you were blind, you would not be guilty of sin; but now that you claim you can see, your guilt remainsNIV

Ps 94:11-13
The LORD knows the thoughts of man; he knows that they are futile. Blessed is the man you discipline, O LORD, the man you teach from your law; you grant him relief from days of trouble, till a pit is dug for the wicked. NIV

Prov 18:15-16
The heart of the discerning acquires knowledge; the ears of the wise seek it out.

A gift opens the way for the giver and ushers him into the presence of the great.

Is it possible Cain somehow thought within himself he could purchase the favor of God with his offering?

Can such a consideration that can only be seen for what it is and how his offering was seen by God as such that it was only when we also "SEE" Cain for what was in his heart AND as we each then come in order to know and hopefully find ourselves able to see into the heart of God?

1 Cor 3:18-4:2
Do not deceive yourselves. If any one of you thinks he is wise by the standards of this age, he should become a "fool" so that he may become wise.

For the wisdom of this world is foolishness in God's sight. As it is written: "He catches the wise in their craftiness"; and again, "The Lord knows that the thoughts of the wise are futile."

So then, no more boasting about men! All things are yours, whether Paul or Apollos or Cephas or the world or life or death or the present or the future — all are yours, and you are of Christ, and Christ is of God.

1 Corinthians 4
So then, men ought to regard us as servants of Christ and as those entrusted with the secret things of God. Now it is required that those who have been given a trust must prove faithful.

Rom 6:23
3 For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

The Great Vacillation

Rev 3:17-22
You say, 'I am rich; I have acquired wealth and do not need a thing.' But you do not realize that you are wretched, pitiful, poor, blind and naked. 

I counsel you to buy from me gold refined in the fire, so you can become rich; and white clothes to wear, so you can cover your shameful nakedness; and salve to put on your eyes, so you can see.

Those whom I love I rebuke and discipline

So be earnest, and repent. Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with him, and he with me. 

To him who overcomes, I will give the right to sit with me on my throne, just as I overcame and sat down with my Father on his throne. He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches." 

Over the course of time as a man hopes to stumble upon answers he can walk through many doorways, yet the act of walking through those doorways does not somehow make him any wiser. sw

The bible states many things in as many different ways, yet do they all speak on the same "Terms" that have ONLY to do with one and the same being who's eventually "Revealed"?

In terms of being "Reconciled" to God and if you have need of others going through that God seeking process with you, know that you will encounter a "Religious" spirit.

The more souls that are involved with you in this seeking out the potential also increases. That particular potential being one that's fed by way of those who are like minded.

In terms of this potential what hasn't been discussed is what causes those minds to be considered "Alike".

In terms of God remaining an absolute mystery by way of His divine orchestration is this summation one that's also over flowing with the "Truth"?

In terms of the physical absence of the son of man (Jesus) then why send the Holy spirit if Gods word holds all one needs in order to know God?

In terms of knowing God is that possible to have one and NOT the other (His words and His spirit)?

In terms of the words of God (Bible) speaking what IS in the heart of God, clearly God is either saying many different things or many different people are hearing God differently?

Jesus didn't have this problem in terms of Being One with God, nor did His apostle's especially after Jesus eventually spent quality time sorting out those things within them that were trying to bring confusion into the bigger God like image.

John 16:13-15
He will not speak on his own; he will speak only what he hears, and he will tell you what is yet to come. He will bring glory to me by taking from what is mine and making it known to you. 

All that belongs to the Father is mine. That is why I said the Spirit will take from what is mine and make it known to you. 

Most all have heard "Two wrongs don't make a Right"? The word "Right" being understood  "Authorization, Absolute, Legitimate, Validated or Confirmed beyond doubt".

If you've ever spent time in any organization where "Assembly" is part of protocol, what is more often observed when given enough time AND opportunity? Does the establishment of what many refer to as "Cliques" begin to manifest?

Many would suggest this practice "Should" or could be considered "Normal".

I personally would refute that by saying, "I  too should have been a millionaire years ago" and that because of all the great idea's I've had pass "Through" my mind over the years!

What I'm suggesting is, there's very little evidence in this world that also has to do with specific beings who are in deed "Christ Like" (Christian). Enough that is to where those who are Like Him having been made disciples in His likeness also become the "Norm" where Christ is the "Prime Standard"!

And that especially being TRUE at those places where Christ is suggested to be the center of Attention that does "Involve" (notice I did NOT say include) those that have gathered.

plural noun: cliques
  1. a small group of people, with shared interests or other features in common, who spend time together and do not readily allow others to join them.

What many Christians today are NOT asking is specifics such as "Why NOT allow "Homosexuals" to be placed in leadership?

Appropriate positions of leadership within a "Given" group of people who have not only given themselves to but have also assembled in order to Honor Christ Jesus who is Lord over HIS Kingdom having been recognized as Lord?

"Lord" meaning one who does dominate, leads by way of example, oversee's, controls, guides, admonishes and disciplines if need be.

But let's not stop there! Why would the church that belongs to Christ NOT want to install a Liar in the place of Leadership?

Only because such a person does tell the truth or because they never been "Caught" in a lie?

Truth about what though?  Wouldn't you want to know more about whether of not this person WOULD yield if ever they were involuntarily proved to be wrong? What about "Pride"?

Why are their still so many who refuse to "Yield" to Christ? Who's doing the teaching? Whose example are these souls following? Assuming we all follow someone or the self taught grand delusions dredged from the depths of our "Individual" minds the surrounding world has encouraged?

Teaching to mean being taught by way of truthful interpretation? Making disciples who will ONLY follow Christ and those who've been made Like Him? Think about examples this way if you doubt what I'm suggesting?

Why send Christ if man doesn't need another (Different) One to follow?

Is it any wonder why under the denominational (divided) style of representation of not only the Kingdom of God that is in part here, but even greater as such that has come forth ONLY under the authority of Christ so many today are only willing to claim exist ONLY in Heaven?

What about what resides at the depth of what these individual believes to be True about God, Christ Jesus which includes the dynamics of every aspect of the kingdom Christ preached and taught His disciples to teach and preach?

Whose handling these specific type of inquiries today and why? Who truthfully appointed them? God or the democratic process(s) men have created and seem to love to worship (observe) more than Christ?

In terms of comparison, how well does anybody truly know their "Elected" politicians? Down to what level of understanding and enough to where their person gets revealed?

Is there truly such a thing as the lessor of two evils in Gods sight or is this yet another quirky phrase man has drafted to justify himself? What's the difference between a murderer and a liar in Gods sight? Truly what is the ETERNAL difference between those who indulge in fornication, adultery as if so far away from the otherwise thought demonic homosexual life style?

And what do demons do best?

I'm simply supplying the picture frame, yet you need to decide and NOT only FOR yourself who fits in the picture below.....Remember do NOT get caught up in the delusion of considering (including) those who refuse and/or do NOT  believe there is only ONE True God or a man that same TRUE God assigned the name "Jesus" the Christ who also walked on water and raised dead people during his visitation here on earth!

What is Faith and who has yours been placed in?

Starting off with Jesus and ending up in Hell is no better than rejecting half of all that He did say is True......Is there such a thing as the lessor of Two "Evils"?....and as such which has to do with His Kingdom being preached and about the one who is King over that same Kingdom only God can establish!

2 Cor 11:13-15
For such men are false apostles, deceitful workmen, masquerading as apostles of Christ. And no wonder, for Satan himself masquerades as an angel of light . It is not surprising, then, if his servants masquerade as servants of righteousness. Their end will be what their actions deserve.

Thursday, October 29, 2015

Double Minded

Have you ever studied the "Man" Job?

The biblical telling of a man more often seen as a man of sorrow once his person is seen situated amid the struggle of two opinions.

A man who when judged by worldly standards is seen as doing alright until his name was mentioned on high. Some might observe the shifted focus on Job as misfortune, yet when kept in the "Righteous Light" what ultimately gets brought into focus?

The enemies of God choose to judge His decisions to be wrong as if God is somehow going blind. They're always laying in wait for the opportunity to present their cause in false "Light", the conclusions of their own inner challenges as if they have successfully weighed the mind of the "Almighty".

What happens when you only look at the man instead of the "PLAN" which involves man, both of which God established?

How is a man noticed while observed? As if a man without a plan or a man that knows the plan and the heart of the one that made those plans?

Where do those plans begin? As a thought?

And where do those thoughts stem from, if not inner "Desires"? And where are those desires stored and kept? Who is able to dredge them out? A more precise question, "Who is the one responsible for putting (inciting) those desires there"?

What is Job seen regularly doing and thinking about? What His children are doing? And as a father who does understand the Godly nature of things what do we read and hopefully "SEE" Job doing after having such thoughts?

Is God considered a good God only as one who responds or is God proactive as Father?

Job 1:4-5
His sons used to take turns holding feasts in their homes, and they would invite their three sisters to eat and drink with them. When a period of feasting had run its course, Job would send and have them purified. Early in the morning he would sacrifice a burnt offering for each of them, thinking, "Perhaps my children have sinned and cursed God in their hearts." This was Job's regular custom. NIV

Is Jobs concern for what His children are doing? And as a father who does understand not only the Godly nature of things, but also the worldly nature and those affects on mankind? What do we read and are hopefully able to "SEE" why Job is doing what he does after having observed the daily activities of His children?

What could Job NOT see or hear as encouragement beyond doubt prior to His person being chosen to be sifted?

Not only that but how did the counsel of his "Wife" and supposed "Friends" in turn encroach upon Job's Godly reasoning and how do we find them at the end of this story? It would take even longer than I have if I tried to focus on Elihu (and what was once important about a given name) in Jobs story, but if it this does continue to "Interest" you look up his person in chapter 32).

Do you find it hard to see anything wrong in what Jobs supposed wife and friends were telling Job?

If satan were to be able to influence and speak through humans who also believe in God, which ones in the story of Job can be heard speaking as what they were doing was speaking as if the counsel of satan

2 Cor 11:14-15
And no wonder, for Satan himself masquerades as an angel of light. It is not surprising, then, if his servants masquerade as servants of righteousness. Their end will be what their actions deserve.

Job 2:9
His wife said to him, "Are you still holding on to your integrity? Curse God and die!"

What if Job "Knew" in advance what believers In Christ today know on the other side of such great revelation that's since come down from heaven?

The following was said of Job BEFORE Job was tested, yet we must also remember who is the Alpha and Omega.....

What if evil today were looked upon as results of the inability to hear the spirit of Christ? And that while denying He speaks to men today? Well enough that is where men CAN hear his spirit speak because they DO believe He IS speaking and that not only in times of trouble and testing but also prior to?

Why else can it be said of God as if an unyielding statement "ALL wrong doing is sin" which swallows up every excuse being presented that might suggest something to the contrary?

(1 John 5:17 ..All wrongdoing is sin , and there is sin that does not lead to death. NIV)

Ps 25:3
No one whose hope is in you will ever be put to shame, but they will be put to shame who are treacherous without excuse . NIV

Rom 1:20
For since the creation of the world God's invisible qualities — his eternal power and divine nature — have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that men are without excuse .

Job 2:3
Then the LORD said to Satan, "Have you considered my servant Job? There is no one on earth like him; he is blameless and upright, a man who fears God and shuns evil. And he still maintains his integrity, though you incited me against him to ruin him without any reason."

Mic 4:12
But they do not know the thoughts of the LORD; they do not understand his plan ,
he who gathers them like sheaves to the threshing floor.

Eph 2:10
For we are God's workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.

Job 7:20
O watcher of men? Why have you made me your target?

Ps 37:4
Delight yourself in the LORD and he will give you the desires of your heart .

Job 38:36
Who endowed the heart with wisdom or gave understanding to the mind ?

Jer 17:10
"I the LORD search the heart and examine the mind , to reward a man according to his conduct,
according to what his deeds deserve."

Rom 8:6-8
The mind of sinful man is death, but the mind controlled by the Spirit is life and peace; the sinful mind is hostile to God. It does not submit to God's law, nor can it do so. Those controlled by the sinful nature cannot please God. NIV

Why do so many seem to practically NEED the spirit of Christ to be seen as if ONLY in heaven? Instead of the overwhelming belief of "Christ in You"?

Does this notion of Christ being far off in Heaven while interceding somehow provide many with a false sense of security? As if they've somehow cloaked their inner thoughts that has lead their reasoning and in turn convince their bodies to ACT upon while here on earth? As if somehow hidden behind a "Blind"?

How strong is the bond of "Believing" when truly observed within a heart?

How does the spirit intercede if one can NOT hear the voice of the spirit?

Is heaven that far away? Is there too much noise between heaven and earth which obscures or hinders the the distinct sound, hearing and reminding voice of Christ spirit? The same voice who says...My sheep hear my voice?

And if the will of God is NOT being dispensed in the form f a voice in the midst of trials whose voice IS being heard and observed in the moment?

Is Christ only interceding from Heaven? Yes?

And if heaven is wherever Christ truly is present, how hard is the understanding the "Kingdom of Heaven is within You"? That place where we go to and pray as if into the throne room of grace "Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven"?

John 3:3
"I tell you the truth, no one can see the kingdom of God unless he is born again."

Acts 28:31
Boldly and without hindrance he preached the kingdom of God and taught about the Lord Jesus Christ.

Or is He (Christ) interceding from within? As if the throne room of grace where sins are remembered NO MORE? And what is the value of the forgiveness of God as a Promise made and kept?

Rom 8:27
And he who searches our hearts knows the mind of the Spirit, because the Spirit intercedes for the saints in accordance with God's will. NIV

2 Cor 13:5

Examine yourselves to see whether you are in the faith; test yourselves. Do you not realize that Christ Jesus is in you unless, of course, you fail the test?


But will ALL men "Receive" this mercy with open minds and hearts spoken of below?

Rom 11:31-36
For God has bound all men over to disobedience so that he may have mercy on them all. 

Oh, the depth of the riches of the wisdom and knowledge of God! 
How unsearchable his judgments, and his paths beyond tracing out! 

"Who has known the mind of the Lord? 
Or who has been his counselor? "Who has ever given to God, that God should repay him?"   

For from him and through him and to him are all things. 
To him be the glory forever! Amen. 

1 Cor 2:15-16
The spiritual man makes judgments about all things, but he himself is not subject to any man's judgment: 

"For who has known the mind of the Lord that he may instruct him?" 

But we have the mind of Christ. NIV

Ps 65:1
Hear me, O God, as I voice my complaint; protect my life from the threat of the enemy. Hide me from the conspiracy of the wicked, from that noisy crowd of evildoers.

They sharpen their tongues like swords and aim their words like deadly arrows. They shoot from ambush at the innocent man; they shoot at him suddenly, without fear.

They encourage each other in evil plans, they talk about hiding their snares; they say, "Who will see them?"

They plot injustice and say,"We have devised a perfect plan! "Surely the mind and heart of man are cunning.

But God will shoot them with arrows;suddenly they will be struck down. 8 He will turn their own tongues against them and bring them to ruin; all who see them will shake their heads in scorn.

All mankind will fear; they will proclaim the works of God and ponder what he has done. 10 Let the righteous rejoice in the LORD and take refuge in him; let all the upright in heart praise him! NIV

Isa 33:1
See, a king will reign in righteousness and rulers will rule with justice. Each man will be like a shelter from the wind and a refuge from the storm, like streams of water in the desert and the shadow of a great rock in a thirsty land. 

Then the eyes of those who see will no longer be closed, and the ears of those who hear will listen. The mind of the rash will know and understand, and the stammering tongue will be fluent and clear. 

No longer will the fool be called noble nor the scoundrel be highly respected. For the fool speaks folly,his mind is busy with evil: He practices ungodliness and spreads error concerning the LORD; the hungry he leaves empty and from the thirsty he withholds water...... 

(John 4:14 ...but whoever drinks the water I give him will never thirst NIV)

The scoundrel's methods are wicked, he makes up evil schemes to destroy the poor with lies, even when the plea of the needy is just

But the noble man makes noble plans, and by noble deeds he stands

You women who are so complacent, rise up and listen to me;you daughters who feel secure,hear what I have to say! 

In little more than a year you who feel secure will tremble; the grape harvest will fail, and the harvest of fruit will not come. 

Tremble, you complacent women;shudder, you daughters who feel secure!Strip off your clothes,put sackcloth around your waists. 12 Beat your breasts for the pleasant fields,for the fruitful vines and for the land of my people,a land overgrown with thorns and briers — yes, mourn for all houses of merriment and for this city of revelry. 14 The fortress will be abandoned,the noisy city deserted;citadel and watchtower will become a wasteland forever,the delight of donkeys, a pasture for flocks, till the Spirit is poured upon us from on high and the desert becomes a fertile field,and the fertile field seems like a forest. 

Justice will dwell in the desert and righteousness live in the fertile field. 17 The fruit of righteousness will be peace; the effect of righteousness will be quietness and confidence forever. 

My people will live in peaceful dwelling places, in secure homes, in undisturbed places of rest. 19 Though hail flattens the forest and the city is leveled completely, how blessed you will be,sowing your seed by every stream and letting your cattle and donkeys range free. 


Isa 40:13-15
Who has understood the mind  of the LORD, or instructed him as his counselor? 
Whom did the LORD consult to enlighten him, and who taught him the right way?
Who was it that taught him knowledge or showed him the path of understanding? 

Surely the nations are like a drop in a bucket; they are regarded as dust on the scales; he weighs the islands as though they were fine dust. 

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Let's make it Official


  • A person or thing from which a person, animal, or plant is descended or originates; an ancestor or parent.

  • A
     person who originates an artistic, political, or intellectual movement.

Why does trying to explain all that God has done in a lifetime seem like it would take more time than any one person has available in a lifetime?

Could that be part of the over all plan of God where He stretches out the process which does require a "Personal" Investigation or maybe better stated a life time "Interrogation" of His person?

Why is this thing most personalities acknowledge as "Life" NOT seen or observed as a plan? A plan where you and I are given an opportunity to participate within that plan?

Why is it our existence  is always being discussed and/or observed as if it's "My life or Our Lives"? Is it any wonder why anything beyond that type of a thought gets headed or can easily get lead astray?

Why does God not simply put everything He's done or intends to do in capsule form? Such a dosage where anyone who chooses to take that pill  is suddenly made aware of everything God has to say? Where does that leave room for a voluntary discovery made?

Sounds like something out of the Matrix movie to me?

What is it that defines any man who does NOT walk according to the law of the spirit God says ONLY He can provide?

Ps 119:1-2
Blessed are they whose ways are blameless, who walk according to the law of the LORD.

Blessed are they who keep his statutes and seek him with all their heart. NIV

2 Cor 6:16-18
As God has said: "I will live with them and walk among them, and I will be their God, and they will be my people."

"Therefore come out from them and be separate, says the Lord.

Touch no unclean thing, and I will receive you."   "I will be a Father to you,
and you will be my sons and daughters, NIV

Consider the likes of Moses, the one man most who claim Christianity as their faith of Choice also believe recorded in writing(s) the very foundations upon which Christianity is built. The telling of what most believe to be a true accounting of the interaction of God with a particular sect of humanity often referred to as "Israel".

The name Israel also believed to be a said "God" assigned New Name that was representative of a man who once endured many challenges who existed and encountered his life under the watchful eyes of that same God.

This same man  who became the Father of twelve tribes one of which later produced the resulting people who became what Christianity also refers to as "Gods chosen people".

Why the importance in knowing of any mans Father? Why did the whole of this nation known as Israel acknowledge their progenitor (Father) as the God of Abraham, Issac and Jacob (Israel)?

Not only is this a great story but one that's hard to track if the lineage is ever broken or mans progenitor ever gets brought into question.

When placed in that kind of light I can see why it's easy where some to suggest there's not some form of a God, but more importantly I could see how much room it leaves for a God who is also observed as "Vague" or NOT precisely defined? How does the word "Absolute" find a home in your thinking?

The type of vague God (for lack of a better term) who can't be thoroughly explained based on a blurred lineage? Especially under the terms of undeniable "Proof " being remotely possible that same progenitor (Father) also truly exist.

Why is it the human physical body more often ends being the dominate consideration which then defines who a person is?

Why doesn't the human body get perceived as a specific physical address that's been strategically situated on a large globe (earth) as part of a much larger plan?

People have no problem making light of the imagery while suggesting with words such as the "Bigger Picture" or greater "Scheme" of things, yet what does the word of God teach about schemes He did NOT plan or intend for man to participate in?

The apostle Paul was NOT writing as he did  ONLY to discuss those who WERE so OBVIOUSLY walking in the wisdom of God did he?

2 Cor 2:8-11
The reason I wrote you was to see if you would stand the test and be obedient in everything. If you forgive anyone, I also forgive him. And what I have forgiven — if there was anything to forgive — I have forgiven in the sight of Christ for your sake, in order that Satan might not outwit us. For we are not unaware of his schemes .

Acts 17:25-28
From one man he made every nation of men, that they should inhabit the whole earth; and he determined the times set for them and the exact places where they should live.

God did this so that men would seek him and perhaps reach out for him and find him, though he is not far from each one of us. 'For in him we live and move and have our being.' As some of your own poets have said, 'We are his offspring.'

Eccl 7:25
So I turned my mind to understand, to investigate and to search out wisdom and the scheme of things
and to understand the stupidity of wickedness and the madness of folly.

In this present life, is it the case of what you "Find" or instead the truthful matter that only has concern for what you believe to be True. sw

James 1:2-8
Consider it pure joy, my brothers, whenever you face trials of many kinds, 3 because you know that the testing of your faith develops perseverance. Perseverance must finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything.

If any of you lacks wisdom, he should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to him.

But when he asks, he must believe and not doubt, because he who doubts is like a wave of the sea, blown and tossed by the wind. That man should not think he will receive anything from the Lord; 8 he is a double-minded man, unstable in all he does.

In terms of an introduction made consider this, what value does the story Moses told hold if ever the Father before the one presently being written about is disregarded or could be discredited?

Who was the Father of Israel and who was His Father before him all the way back to the very "First" man birthed into this world? That is also assuming the theory that all mankind came from one man doesn't get abandoned?

That same conversation being one where time didn't permit discussing exactly what that very FIRST "Birth" looked like or who his mother was or where she came from?

Just think, even today with all the supposed "Technology" and scientifically acquired knowledge mankind assumes is trust worthy, beyond theory he (mankind) still can't explain without a replacement theory where he came from?

Theory to interpret as what each man believes without some type of faith in everything he's been told from one generation to the next having accepted same as the "Truth" that hasn't been thoroughly investigated?

Have you ever wondered why there's holes in Swiss cheese? Especially that synthetic Swiss cheese they produce today? Honestly I have no clue, yet at a "Glance" how many people have been trained  to recognize "Swiss" cheese from those same holes that can't be explained without some type of accompanied theory?

Maybe because no ones asking? Just food for thought...but let's get back to the topic of progenitor (Father).

Provided you could trace the progenitor consideration out as far back as Tangible records could also support those claims, how far back do present day records go? When was the first birth certificate issued?

That question doesn't even include how many bastard or undocumented children there were between the first recorded birth of a man and the most recent child born?

Could you imagine trying to retell the story of a progenitor in reverse order today? And that while not only trying to trace out but trust the lineage of a person based on what is "Said' in the absence of official records?

That order beginning from such supposedly well kept, trusted and safe guarded records "Kept" we have on file today?

Talk about having "faith" in something or due diligence and process.....

Some today assume they can dissect and explain "Away" what has taken God thousands of years to bring to pass in the short amount of time required not only to "Perform" their own research but prepare their informative "Exegesis" for the consideration of as many that will seek it out.

In an effort to know more about yourself who does a person seek out for those details?

How do you personally find such efforts?

Is your theory one that based on what you been told or what has been revealed to you and that beyond doubting?

Exactly why is it NOT being seen as important enough to know more about a name today? Why have names become meaningless to so many people beyond the recognition where "Hey You" or "Excuse Me" can arrest your attention?

Does the importance of name recognition end with you or does it begin with the clarification of the name of your God?

Is your God only a G-O-D entity easily confused with the performance of another God whose been generated from moral and/or mortal theories?

Who is your father and who is the Father of your spirit you have accepted that gives your mortal body Life as the ONE you've chosen to listen to?

It's too easy to justify one thing by denying another that would otherwise explain so much more? As if a "Thing" or someone as a person who is vague who then turns out NOT be a Good description of a Good Father?

Have you considered the meaning of the Name of "Christ" recently? Have you made the determination as to who sent Him? If yes what is His name? The same Father who gave you and your earthly father's mortal bodies the experience of a physical existence?

In this particular address God was talking to the proverbial "Them", yet does what Christ say somehow excuse or exclude you from the consideration of being a Son? Notice Christ didn't name names of point at any one man, instead He simply faithfully declared the truth as to what defines the enemies of His Father!

John 8:44-47
You belong to your father, the devil, and you want to carry out your father's desire. 

He was a murderer from the beginning, not holding to the truth, for there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks his native language, for he is a liar and the father of lies . Yet because I tell the truth, you do not believe me! 

Can any of you prove me guilty of sin? If I am telling the truth, why don't you believe me? He who belongs to God hears what God says. The reason you do not hear is that you do not belong to God."  

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Internal and external "Religion"

Without exposure to others how can man see and "Realize" the application of everything found to be in him. sw 

Gen 2:18
The LORD God said, "It is not good for the man to be alone . I will make a helper suitable for him." NIV

People will always want answers, yet will they always accept the righteous reasoning which looks to lead them to the righteous response. sw

Job 38:2-3
"Who is this that darkens my counsel with words without knowledge? Brace yourself like a man; I will question you, and you shall answer me. 

"Where were you when I laid the earth's foundation? Tell me, if you understand. NIV

There are times when a man wants to find his direction, yet he refuses to investigate a matter forward and backwards. sw 

Rev 1:8
"I am the Alpha and the Omega," says the Lord God, "who is, and who was, and who is to come, the Almighty."  NIV

Is there any point where gender gets in the way of receiving righteous counsel. sw

Gal 3:28
There is neither Jew nor Greek, slave nor free, male nor female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus.

At what point is the Holy spirit recognized for who "He is" when speaking "through" a person and to whom does He speak if NOT to those who can NOT hear. sw

2 Tim 4:3-5
For the time will come when men will not put up with sound doctrine. Instead, to suit their own desires, they will gather around them a great number of teachers to say what their itching ears want to hear. They will turn their ears away from the truth and turn aside to myths.

But you, keep your head in all situations, endure hardship, do the work of an evangelist, discharge all the duties of your ministry. NIV

In terms of bias, what is it that skews the opinion of ones soul in "Any" specific direction. sw

Gal 4:17-20
Those people are zealous to win you over, but for no good. What they want is to alienate you [from us], so that you may be zealous for them.

It is fine to be zealous, provided the purpose is good, and to be so always and not just when I am with you.

My dear children, for whom I am again in the pains of childbirth until Christ is formed in you , how I wish I could be with you now and change my tone, because I am perplexed about you! NIV

Have you ever wondered what was in the sifter the personage of "Peter" was being separated from. sw

Under the terms of becoming "One" with God so that in this world we are like Him, what needs to be removed as if the dross of impurities. sw

At what point does Due diligence convert to doing yourself a favor today you'll benefit from tomorrow. sw

Prov 29:7
The righteous care about justice for the poor, but the wicked have no such concern.

There's nothing wrong with loving yourself as long as you do it through the Lord. sw

Prov 11:25
A generous man will prosper; he who refreshes others will himself be refreshed.

John 3:21
But whoever lives by the truth comes into the light, so that it may be seen plainly that what he has done has been done through God ."

Recognizing true poverty for all that it is spiritually is the opportunity to introduce the Gospel of Christ. sw

A seeker friendly God suggest "Seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness". sw

When the wealth of what has made a people strong in their own eyes is taken away what is left when exiting this present existence and venue of a previous life lived. sw

Eph 3:7-13
I became a servant of this gospel by the gift of God's grace given me through the working of his power.

Although I am less than the least of all God's people, this grace was given me: to preach to the Gentiles the unsearchable riches of Christ, and to make plain to everyone the administration of this mystery, which for ages past was kept hidden in God, who created all things.

His intent was that now, through the church, the manifold wisdom of God should be made known to the rulers and authorities in the heavenly realms, according to his eternal purpose which he accomplished in Christ Jesus our Lord. In him and through faith in him we may approach God with freedom and confidence. I ask you, therefore, not to be discouraged because of my sufferings for you, which are your glory.


Truly what is the source of power that's also found in the testimony of ones own witness, especially when considering the "Rest" of all that is found in what has been said. sw

James 1:1
James, a servant of God and of the Lord Jesus Christ,

Sunday, October 18, 2015

The growth of a thought

Is God truly a mystery or does man need Him to be so he'll never run out of excuses once tasked with doing what is right. sw

The seduction is "It's all about you", the fruit of deception comes when you believed that to be true. sw

Eph 3:10-11
His intent was that now, through the church, the manifold wisdom of God should be made known to the rulers and authorities in the heavenly realms, according to his eternal purpose which he accomplished in Christ Jesus our Lord. NIV

What is the difference between receiving a gift and sharing it because it's needed versus getting a gift and giving it away because it's no longer needed. sw

For the sake of motive and what you refuse to believe you've also given authority over to the teacher who now tells you what you want to hear. sw

You've killed the need for Apostle's, you've denied the vision given to the Prophets and have sent away the evangelist while the fields are ripe at home. sw

Is a widow's house without headship only when the husband is physically away. sw

Luke 20:45-47
While all the people were listening, Jesus said to his disciples, "Beware of the teachers of the law. They like to walk around in flowing robes and love to be greeted in the marketplaces and have the most important seats in the synagogues and the places of honor at banquets. They devour widows' houses and for a show make lengthy prayers. Such men will be punished most severely." NIV

Has God truly kept what is true about His person secret or is it part of the sinful nature to try and suppress what is True. sw

Rom 1:18-19
The wrath of God is being revealed from heaven against all the godlessness and wickedness of men who suppress the truth by their wickedness, since what may be known about God is plain to them, because God has made it plain to them. NIV

Is Life truly what you make of it or is it all that you've been taught that causes you to misinterpret the interaction of God with man. sw

If there is no harm in thinking evil thoughts at what point is sin conceived and given an existence to then live "Through". sw

Why is it when a man speaks what is true his own life gets sifted in order to find his faults. sw

Want to examine your daily opinion of God? Survey your days work as if everything you'v done has been done to the best of your God given ability unto the Lord. sw

Is there any where a man can hide once convicted in his heart. sw

A level playing field is where the One True God has well established the boundaries. sw

The farmer knows that rocks do not procreate nor weeds to be fruitful, yet he finds new ones every rear in his garden. sw

Men have many teachers yet few have been given the authority to teach of the things that are everlasting. sw

A man that dances alone in the rain is thought crazy, yet add the Godly beauty of a woman and they're both seen as crazy in love. sw

Silence may be considered a virtue yet the power of silence only when wisdom has advised it. sw

Man does not live because he has bread, he also has to consume it. sw

John 6:49-51
Your forefathers ate the manna in the desert, yet they died. But here is the bread that comes down from heaven, which a man may eat and not die. I am the living bread that came down from heaven. If anyone eats of this bread, he will live forever. This bread is my flesh, which I will give for the life of the world."  NIV

How can a man be made to remember what he's refused to listen to. sw

If a man doesn't believe in evil he won't see the actions which prove it as such. sw

Who is it that determines how long Love should patiently wait in the hope of being discovered for all that it is. sw

Is it true there's power in words or what words are capable of conjuring in the absence of truth. sw

Anger lies dormant until it's been called upon to respond to the role that's in play, whereas evil doesn't need or wait on anger. sw

Does a soldier become a killer because he's accepted the label, the blade, the shield and taken a life or because he enjoyed the assignment. sw

The true leader does not demand to be made the leader nor does a jealous coward accept his role of subjection. sw

Fishing in the sea of emotions in the hope of catching a particular fish requires using the right bait. sw

In the days when men are placed in prison for the things they've believed are true, is but a reflection of another day where men have been tried for the things they have done which prove what they've chosen to believe are true. sw

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

'The breath of the Heart"

How can the son recognize who he is when the son refuses to recognize his fathers "Glory" for ALL that it is. sw

Gal 4:3-7
But when the time had fully come, God sent his Son, born of a woman, born under law, to redeem those under law, that we might receive the full rights of sons.

Because you are sons, God sent the Spirit of his Son into our hearts, the Spirit who calls out, "Abba, Father." So you are no longer a slave , but a son; and since you are a son, God has made you also an heir. NIV

Are you waiting on a day yet to be realized where you take hold of such a great promise? What holds you back if NOT what others think and believe to be true? And what is ANY faith God has NOT found pleasing?

What is the glory found in the wisdom of God that has taken hold and possessed the maturity that's also found in a son of God. sw

What invasive thoughts could possibly "Prove" themselves effectual which labor against what God says is true? What is it about any series of words that look to oppose what Gods says is true and effectual?

It's easy to read of someone other than ourselves, "You have been Found highly favored of God", yet what has proved to be the history of "Selfish" souls who then turn and torment such praise?

The way only a selfish soul knows to twist and bend words to where nearly every surrounding soul also finds it nearly impossible to please God but even worse able to "Believe" the words of God the WAY He has gone to great lengths in order to present those same words?

Where do words get their breath when spoken? Does this peculiar wind originate only from a set of lungs?

Luke 6:45
The good man brings good things out of the good stored up in his heart, and the evil man brings evil things out of the evil stored up in his heart. For out of the overflow of his heart his mouth speaks .

In terms making the discovery as to who God IS (Love) who also tells those who seek Him, "In THIS world we are Like Him"?

1 John 4:16-18
God is love. Whoever lives in love lives in God, and God in him. In this way, love is made complete among us so that we will have confidence on the day of judgment, because in this world we are like him.

That to me would be not only an impossible task but even more the kind of thought that is "Unapproachable" WITHOUT the ever increasing awareness and promise of His grace which does inform ones soul of His presence within. (Christ in You)

1 John 4:16-17
God is love. Whoever lives in love lives in God, and God in him. In this way, love is made complete among us so that we will have confidence on the day of judgment, because in this world we are like him. NIV

In terms of a 'WE" exactly what is it that defines the truthful consideration of the "We"? Further to mean One with Christ?

While finding ones self encased in a body that's also surrounded by and being bombarded by many different things which oppose this promised "Growth" also being observed as "Christ In You", how do you find and what is your commentary about such an event?

Have you determined the evidence of that to interpret as selective good deeds that are done on His behalf? The type of deeds done where You are the one who determines when, where and how they come into being?

Plans that ONLY you could have master minded and brought to pass having managed and manipulated the world around you which includes the souls of others?

I once heard a preacher on a christian radio state, God is in control of EVERY possible set of circumstances.

This thought seemed peculiar and challenging in the moment, yet the life raft came in the form of a question, "Is it also your opinion God is in control of every soul found to be a part of ones circumstances?

In my own life I've personally had to make the determination in those times and circumstances where I'd found myself being deceived and lied to, cursed, slapped, spat on, kicked, punched, Shot at, hand cuffed, beaten (on more than one occasion to the point of unconsciousness) whether or NOT God was in control in those moments.

You can call it reflecting, retrospect or whatever seems fitting, but I can say with all honesty I didn't enjoy the vast majority of those circumstances nor to this day do I blame OR credit God for ANY of them.

I believe the life of a fool finds a person as much as I do a wisdom that comes from God that calls out to all men from every roof top if need be where there is also a Hope that has been based on all that is True "In Him".

I chose to believe it a great loss in those circumstances because I was NOT "In Christ" during those moments. I consider it unfortunate that I was beaten and spat on etc yet an even greater loss because I wasn't living a "Truthful Life" that can only be found as a Joy while In Christ.

"Do all things as if unto the Lord" is a huge bedrock. I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me" is another yet the fact God spoke those words about the spirit He alone can provide should be seen as the mortar (Identity) which holds them together.

I believe foolishness persuades those who choose to live the  life "Style" that God determines to be that of a "Fool". I believe that not all pain that one endures in this world should be counted as a loss or a sign of failure.

We all struggle in this life as each looks to find their beloved identity. God will continue to be the God you suggest you serve and that because of the way YOU see Him.

In terms of believing in an invisible God who says to walk by faith and NOT by sight, what have you believed to be True about Him?

Whose breath is breathing life into the words you've chosen to "Believe" to be True?

Your accounting of God has everything to do with the type of God you suggest You serve.

You will more often find yourself ultimately disappointed when you try to compare the type of Love man has conditioned himself to express in this world and that because of his own needs to the type of Love that God speaks of Himself which surpasses ALL understanding.

Are there ever times in the life you NOW live when the Wisdom of God surpasses the emotion of "Feeling" Good about yourself?

Are there times when you only feel Good about yourself when You know beyond doubt that ONLY God is Good?

You can't see what You haven't heard and that "With your heart".

God is more than rules and regulations handed down that have been tainted to suit the purpose of selfish souls. Trusting that ONLY God is Good and Only God can truly depict "Love" at that all times is a Good Place to begin and end within our present circumstances many are trying to fit into a "Life" lived that is based on who it is that's "True, Righteous and Faithful".

When each day becomes  a holy day which urges you to see that "Today is the Day", then each morning you rise and ask for your daily bread will begin to usher in a whole New Light where ALL things are made New!

Gal 6:15-18
Neither circumcision nor uncircumcision means anything; what counts is a new creation . Peace and mercy to all who follow this rule, even to the Israel of God.

Finally, let no one cause me trouble, for I bear on my body the marks of Jesus.

The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with your spirit, brothers. Amen.

Isa 58:13-14
"If you keep your feet from breaking the Sabbath and from doing as you please on my holy day,
if you call the Sabbath a delight and the LORD's holy day honorable, and if you honor it by not going your own way and not doing as you please or speaking idle words, then you will find your joy in the LORD, and I will cause you to ride on the heights of the land and to feast on the inheritance of your father Jacob."

The mouth of the LORD has spoken.