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Wednesday, May 25, 2016

For we cannot do anything against the truth , but only for the truth.

Exactly what would a distorted Image of God look like in this world? Exactly what would motivate however many to try and distort the Image of God in the earth?

If it were thought to be  a crime, how many would continue? How is it possible to distort something that is not tangible that can be seen with natural eyes or be physically touched or handled on demand?

Why is it so easily assessed as cheap entertainment at times when a small child is given a set of crayons or painting instruments and a blank sheet of paper where they're then instructed to illustrate "God" to their best ability?

In terms of distorting the image of God have you ever tried to explain exactly who it is that's guilty of such a crime in a room full of people and that without pointing a finger?

What I mean is simply laying out the charge while trying to "Clearly" articulate exactly why a certain "Few" would choose to continue to distort what is otherwise True in the sight of God? Is it even possible while knowing what God has to say?

The pointing out of certain things that were by design and ave been tasked with aligning themselves with the purposes in having also been created of One and the same Creator?

At what point can situational ethics present the type of venue where another "player" steps in and robs a created being of such glory? A type of glorious day where not only some aspect of God has been accurately revealed, but also one where that revealing gets to be mutually "Enjoyed"?

Gen 1:26
Then God said, "Let us make man in our image , in our likeness, and let them rule over the fish of the sea and the birds of the air, over the livestock, over all the earth, and over all the creatures that move along the ground."  NIV

In terms of dominion, there being an unseen war and a final outcome (whether totally understood or not) why is it essential to recognize not only a God as the Champion of those processes, but even further Jesus as the "Christ" who sustains this often times and otherwise invisible "Hope" ?

Such a "Hope" that also reveals and agree's with the declaration which states, "Christ In You"?

The bulk of mankind is slowly arriving or being turned to such a place where its being ever so slowly understood, that what some can or can NOT see that does pertain to the Truth about God actually does have everything to do with what an individual chooses to believe to be "True" or "Not"?

And as the result a war that is since still being fought that began and continues to be waged through the mere expressions of "Words"?

I used to (skim) read over certain things found in the bible as if insignificant or none applicable. Insignificant to not only interpret as such that has since proven to have everything to do with my personal inability and reason for my own forgetfulness that would otherwise lead me to strain in order to somehow see things take up their rightful place in the sight of God.

A type of forgetfulness that looks much like a person who studies their own reflection in a mirror in the morning and in the evening questions who they then see on the other side of the events of each day and the long term affects of same? How does a man then plead anything that also truthful without the Hope of Christ In them?

Certain things that go on to prove and require more and more as to "Why" they may or may NOT see things in the fashion they do?

The context of the passage below places the author in the throws of trying not only to explain but also to get as many as were "Willing" to "See" why some were failing to recognize the interaction of God among them. That is also to suggest in the fashion He does reveal himself and the reason they did or did NOT see those same things

In no way misunderstand me in that Paul (author) was in NO WAY trying to justify God or what God was doing in their sight, yet how do we know this?

I personally see this passage as Paul's most accurate attempt at expressing the otherwise elusive meaning of the word "Weakness" in Gods sight. Exactly what was at the heart of Paul's weakness, "His inability to "See" God for who He is? And that in order that He might somehow begin to understand God and why He (God) does things the "Way" He does?

Something he (Paul) not only understood on a much deeper level than most but more importantly the why He eventfully does come to a place to where he can see God (Holy Spirit) in motion and that for who He (God) is and understands Him (God) to be?

And all the above being applied and for "Whose" ultimate benefit?

Much like a father, what Paul was trying to teach on was the same thing He also had to go through before God could teach him how to grasp (take hold of) of a more complete scenery of Gods interaction.

A Most certain revealing where he (Paul) knew that God planned to do through not only his personage on earth but also whosoever will pursue those same things in the fashion he (Paul) did and as such that would hopefully become the same "Type" of passion that comes to life within those who have believed?

One more thought before you read what Paul places before those who consider themselves converted as those who also suggest they've believed, "How can or is it even possible for someone who's deceived to then truthfully examine themselves?

2 Cor 13:5-10
Examine yourselves to see whether you are in the faith; test yourselves. Do you not realize that Christ Jesus is in you unless, of course, you fail the test?

(How is Paul so sure they will find that he and others had not "Failed" the testing of their Faith?) 

And I trust that you will discover that we have not failed the test. Now we pray to God that you will not do anything wrong. Not that people will see that we have stood the test but that you will do what is right even though we may seem to have failed.

For we cannot do anything against the truth , but only for the truth.

(In a very nice manner Paul is trying to explain his own likeness unto The Father "God" which came to him by way of his "Great Revelation" that actually does reveal "Christ Within". As if to suggest what you see of Him (Christ) in terms of His behavior towards those HE has been sent and compelled to teach? 

A specific type of spiritual and behavioral change in mindset that will cause the origin of mans overall weakness before "God" to grow pale in comparison to Christ In You! The type of power that ONLY a True King can have and exert over His subjects...

Much like Christ exhibited of Himself in order to reveal his otherwise worldly assumed weakness (Love) so that men would "HOPEFULLY"  receive his likeness unto the Heavenly (Divine) Father). In terms of being absent, we must also remember Christ in his saying "It is better that I should depart so that another should come".

In terms of equality in Gods sight, how is it that Paul or anyone can speak with true "Authority" without it also being Christ who's speaking through a personage?)

We are glad whenever we are weak but you are strong; and our prayer is for your perfection. This is why I write these things when I am absent, that when I come I may not have to be harsh in my use of authority — the authority the Lord gave me for building you up, not for tearing you down.

In a nutshell, one still has to find Paul or anyone else "Believable" in their own accounting of the "Christ".

 Such a man who gave of the life he (Paul) was also given in order to go on to tell of another man namely Jesus the Christ whom also sacrificed in order that some might come to know their corporate "Father" and creator....all of which helps explain "Why" you were put here in the beginning!

In terms of mankind, a man named Paul or Saul surely some of every generation could try and justify themselves as compared, ye what of the man in whom No sin was found and it was impossible for him to Lie and that in the sight of God?

Is your hope based on the lie God can NOT see or has no ears that always hear? Is your hope based on NOT being found to be the worst of the worst among many who are in your opinion?

Now ask yourself as compared to whom?

To then try to name them and then find the one who will accept that list as if somehow they are less worthy of an accounting that is without they're eternal hope of Christ also being found to be in them on a most certain day soon to come?

Luke 23:34
Then said Jesus, Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do . And they parted his raiment, and cast lots. KJV

There is a time in the past of many when these words in red might be true, yet there is a time in everyone's future where it can not be True. A time found on the other side of the revelation of a man Named Jesus the Christ.

A time where all have been told yet only some would choose to believe what they've been told of His coming that should not come as a surprise or thief in the Night!

1 Thess 5:4-5
But you, brothers, are not in darkness so that this day should surprise you like a thief. You are all sons of the light and sons of the day.

A most certain time when every knee will be given to bow before Him that is due to His far exceeding Majesty and Glory. Amen, Lord come quickly!

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