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Monday, July 9, 2012

Faith that has worth

I'm at the age of an opinion today, "Place less expectations upon all that you assume you know about yourself and more upon all that Christ and His character teaches you and you'll end up far less frustrated having become a better student".

I used to think that loving relationships provided the strict venue where all that we thought we knew about ourselves and someone else would then be the ONLY attributes we'd then find enjoyable.

The harsh reality though outside of two individuals being equally yoked together in Christ in a said "Relationship" instead becomes, "the venue for discovering everything we Didn't know about the other person as if the limits of all that we assumed Love is and does".

It's far too easy to become frustrated with everything we assumed Love is, does or is supposed to look like when it comes from another person, especially if that persons governance is NOT of Christ the Lord.

Many simply need to accept the "New Standard" of love. One by which they now measure themselves against.

That standard then appears much more like the type of "Ruler" we then measure ourselves by in a relationship which operates in Love.

The beauty of the Christ that is also True, is that He does NOT change and is more than reliable once we truthfully come to know Him.

Simply knowing that particular fact about Him should always make choices which are final so much easier.

A faith that is considered alive in heaven can ONLY be found in Christ AND as one that will never die.

A faith at work as if a verb in action found within a mans heart which pursues all that righteousness truly is as seen through the eyes of God the creator of ALL things.

Prov 15:11

Even the depths of Death and Destruction are known by the LORD. How much more does he know the human heart! 

I love the way apostle Paul more often than not cuts straight to the chase.

1 Cor 15:19
If only for this life we have hope in Christ, we are to be pitied more than all men. 

Just because our opinion doesn't escape the confines of our lips, doesn't also mean that same opinion doesn't rule supreme within the deceived perception of privacy as if somehow hidden within our own minds. 

Here is where Jesus must rule supreme as the highest of opinions which has also been highly esteemed.

I see much of my own frustration as something which stems from everything which I've allowed to date to help form my opinion concerning a hope which rest upon Christ Jesus. Things which result in frustration always prove to NOT be genuine and or full of Truth.

Still what do I do with such considerations? I subject them to the influence of the mind of Christ.

It all boils down to whom you've assumed deals out the results of choices made. NOT being of the Faith (in Christ) can a opinion have any hope that's also true of as if being used as an instrument of righteousness? 

That is to say an instrument of righteousness that gets used for the benefit of another? 

Enough to where the results of having been a messenger of righteousness then produces the reward of a righteous man? 

The same cane ONLY be found "In Christ" as if an integral portion of His person?

Either way they all work together for the Good of those which love the Lord in order to help shape a future opinion of a Christ (savior) that is True. 

True to mean those that are not only in pursuit of His righteousness, but by way the net result Prove to be in and of Christ. Those in pursuit of Him have to allow our naked opinion of Him to be changed in many area's of our mental conditioning much like a diet that produces the specific result(s) of a promise made.

A hope that is "True" should be the only hope you also have in Christ. If your hope is not built based upon the truth should you expect anything less than disappointment once truth does arrive on scene?

This hope as if the ONLY hope that is also real is built upon everything that's been said about Him as if a consideration to ponder. Why? Because of the mouth which spoke such things concerning Christ the Lord all of which having come from the mouth of God. 

The only requirement is truly believing what's been said of Him. Enough that is that we can then be believed in what we testify to. It must be more than having simply mimed a few empty words. 

Here is where the dark cloud of frustration seems to follow many of around day to day.

When I mention frustration I say that to mean, "Frustration which stems from what seems to be a lack of co-operation from the Lord".

Almost as if an expectancy towards His full co-operation from all that He remains in control over. 

Could anything less then truly satisfy Gods likeness if it were to be found within a man? How else could He then find His likeness found within a man also pleasing to himself if it does not desire to shadow His own likeness?

I don't think many are willing to grasp just how far man fell away from the Lord in the Garden. It was surely one small step of mankind, yet that step has proved to be a universal leap away from the mind of the Lord.

Frustration to mean not so much those instances when things don't Seem to want to work out a certain way, but more to mean when everyone else's opinion seems to tug and pull against what I consider to be our own best efforts while attempting to understand a more finite reconciled relationship unto the Lord.

Eph 5:8-14
For you were once darkness, but now you are light in the Lord. Live as children of light (for the fruit of the light consists in all goodness, righteousness and truth) and find out what pleases the Lord. 

Have nothing to do with the fruitless deeds of darkness, but rather expose them.

For it is shameful even to mention what the disobedient do in secret. But everything exposed by the light becomes visible, for it is light that makes everything visible. This is why it is said:

"Wake up, O sleeper, rise from the dead, and Christ will shine on you." 

What owner of any opinion doesn't want to be considered righteous?

I suppose simple logic might suggest an even greater need would be to know not only who is "Right" but also what could possibly establish their opinion as if a ruling made that is truly dominated by all but  blinding "Light of Truth"?

A fragmented analogy might even go as far as to suggest that such a high opinion could have only originated from within God as if its progenitor?

Allow me to ask this, "Do you have and find the mind of Christ functioning harmoniously within you" or "Does the mention of what is considered right or wrong stir up the strongest of negative emotions within you?

Food for thought, God does have enemies, yet those thought to be enemies are simply not in agreement with Him as it pertains to ALL things He has also made and set in motion by giving them life"!

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