There's certain type of allure or enticement which trails close behind an invitation. One which I think many misinterpret.
There's also an endless number of topic's that can initiate a conversation, yet that number dramatically shrinks in terms of the enjoyment of everyone that also desires to remain as if part of that same conversation.
You may not have experienced one of these types of conversations, but they're ones where "I don't know how we "Got Off" on this topic" usually closes out the conversation.
As if to suggest, "I'm no longer finding enjoyment while having this discussion".
Whether in whole or part, we all long (desire) to be connected to "Something", yet the entirety of that said something is what's really in play in the form of a question. A question in "Common" as if one and the same blue sky which arches above all mankind.
Often times conversations get started because of the allure of a common complaint, yet how many conversations evolve into the realm of reasoning which then leads to the truth being revealed? Wouldn't truth be required as if the nucleus?
That is, "If those two (also being different) desired to become one and the same thing"?
I used to miss the greatest gift that God has given to humanity. IMO that gift is the is the gift of "Truth" otherwise we would have believed "Anything"?
Consider the Atom as well it's orbiting negative or positively charged particles? What are all of its possibilities and or capabilities? Who could one hope to ask in order to discover its limits?
Is it truth which determines the extent of the Atoms usage while in the care of humanity or is it the Matter which determines the cause for which the Atom gets used in accordance with its harmonious mandate established by its creator?
Reasoning together with another is a whole different consideration. Reasoning that is governed only by Truth can't perpetuate itself until and or unless it also proves itself worthy as the "Sound" of something that's worth lending an ear.
Truth in the "form" of a metaphor is more than the likes of puzzle piece that seems to fit.
Instead said "Truth" transcends what can NOT otherwise be seen.
Truth establishes the basis which over shadows ALL of creation. Why? Because truth was there in the beginning before all things were created.
Creation which takes up and then shares the same space (manifest) as something which continues to exist together with its creator.
Exist to mean beyond the limits of time where we are each Given the opportunity to (discover) realize not only our creator but having also been created.
Basically during the course of our existence we become a certain matter that does not change in the face of anything which finds itself to the contrary of its creators original intent.
If you believe that God spoke things into existence by way of words which came from His mouth, why then can't we as Believers then see that "Nothing" will return to Him that His words alone did not also create?
His words towards humanity were intended to create a "New Heart" in mankind.
Isa 55:11 is my word that goes out from my mouth: It will not return to me empty,
but will accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it.
The next time someone "strikes" up a conversation, stop and consider the word match.
Will your exchange of words be a match with the likes of a reckless tongue which ignites, burns and then consumes or will it be the type of match that fits together with the One that also created and designed the intent of a process where your words speak as if His?
As believers we are told that we are to worship Him in spirit and in truth. Our naked soul's are not capable of such a request independent of His spirit.
Only by way His spirit that's taken up a more permanent residency having been given the Invitation which can has been proved to truly be one considered "Agape" (unconditional) are we then lead to see the need for that same (mutual) spirit as if a covenant bond with His Holy Spirit.
There's a law written with ink and there's a law which only the spirit of the Lord within that is able to righteously interpret the only freedom that is Real in Christ Jesus as Lord and Savior.
Pilate was being asked to pass judgement on a law he did not observe, so how could he have found any fault?
The Jews however, couldn't see their creator for all that He IS having come to them to present himself as the great I AM. Why?
Because their OWN laws blinded and prevented them from seeing the beauty of "Their" savior that can only be found In Christ Jesus the messiah (The One sent).
Their own foolishness?
Everything God had historically foretold and or established as their LAW pointed to the One that He would send in order to "Save" them from the effects of themselves.
Food for thought, "What are your thoughts causing your mouth to speak"?
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