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Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Don't expect others to honor your God given right of passage

Encouragement is not simply fluffing another's "Ego" with flattering words. Such an ego as if a set of scales where someone already knows within their heart such flattery is not true.

Encouragement that's true follows suit with teaching the hungry man "How" to fish when you're not there.

Man being part spirit also comes from the womb with some degree of spiritual intuition. That's not to say it will always be accurately applied, but still we all come wired in such a way. Enough that is that we can all at minimum recognize the truth when we hear it.

What we each do with what we hear is a completely different Novel being written.

When could someone insult this spiritual ability as if they were somehow able look into a matter concerning that which is True?

I might suggest, "How can a person weigh or measure the depth of a matter if they don't believe certain things also have a very "Specific" weight or standard against which to measure?

Prov 20:10
Differing weights and differing measures — the LORD detests them both.

Mic 6:11
Shall I acquit a man with dishonest scales, with a bag of false weights ?

What is true and does matter, is speaking only what God has said about another being enough that they're given the opportunity to one day "Realize" the truth within what you've said.

Does the question then arise, "How will I know with enough confidence in order to speak or how can I know what God has said concerning another"?

My answer, "Because of the what you believe to be true which He also spoke about YOU"!

That thought should cause us to mine out what He has said concerning His children and His desires for all those that have not received Him as if their (Divine) Father.

What many shy away from even today some 2.000 years beyond Christ visitation is what the Apostle Paul made mention of concerning that which is from the mouth of God because it is true. 

It points us towards the type and shadow of a very specific form of suffering that also accomplishes Gods desires for us as His children while being formed into mature children (Sons) which are His (that know beyond doubt that they DO belong to Him). 

It's also the least understood process when the thought of suffering cost us nothing in the form of all that we so selfishly desire within an immaturity that so easily can blind as if to prohibit us from seeing the greater depth of that which is True.

Phil 3:15-16
All of us who are mature should take such a view of things. And if on some point you think differently, that too God will make clear to you. Only let us live up to what we have already attained. 

Matt 7:12

So in everything, do to others what you would have them do to you, for this sums up the Law and the Prophets. NIV

The only increase in another persons life which will prove true comes by only by way of the Lord and that being the Holy Spirit.

In economic terms closing (finalizing) a deal takes time. That being said, many find themselves only as good as their last deal that was made within that understood and afforded economic environment..

Finding yourself in agreement with another in the moment is not the end of the matter. Coming to final terms in contractual matters can take much sorting or fleshing out.

Why? Because the results of any dispute which could arise can then be interpreted by a third party that also understands the binding words within the contract (agreement) that was mutually drawn up.

Anything being newly interpreted is just another step taken in the direction of finding justification you then hope to employ as the continuance of what you've already been doing which has zero regard for being considered right or wrong.

The end result(s) of a dispute of any matter will always undergo some form of arbitration which then holds both parties to an agreement accountable. If you can put that question to rest your more than part way to where you need to be.
In my opinion the reason why laws are written in such hard to understand languages is due mostly to a corruption already in the heart(s) we all seem to know that has the propensity to rise up at any "Given" moment should the temptation be given the right of passage enough that it overcomes.

Corruption being understood and seen as if "The ability to change ones mind in the face of a previously made agreement".

Basically the very reason from the beginning where lack of total trust in the character of the individuals involved is never thoroughly examined, otherwise why enter the agreement?

That is to suggest, otherwise a simple hand shake could suffice, solidify and maintain the original deal that was made.

A "Will" on the other hand has a much different heart beat.

In order to receive the dispensation(s) which presents itself by way of the "Will" having been predetermined, requires the recipient do not much more than to be able to prove their identity as the "Intended" recipient.

I once heard an analogy phrased as, "Finding food under the pillow of the orphan should come as no surprise". 

To complex of an example? Not if one knows the behavioral motivations that would cause an orphan to plan ahead for their next meal.

How long does it take to prove your true identity as such that can survive all other accusations to the contrary? Better yet, what would cause anyone to refute your identity being claimed in any matter?

What if it were all about your "Faith" as if to suggest your identity can only be proved by way of the one you have instilled your faith in? What if there is no other way to prove that you're a child of God? 

If it were clearly understood that testimony about you (that is also true) can not come from you? How would you then find yourself? Can any testimony be true that is not recorded in the place where such a claim maintains itself because it validates that which is True?

How difficult would it then be for a said "Child of God" to somehow prove such a claim if the realms of heaven are otherwise invisible to the other person?

Jesus was performing the humanly impossible (unable to explain) which also defines the essence of a miracle.

Jesus basically had His identity summoned as if from the high courts of humanity that also assumed that they understood and held the keys to Godly matters here in the earth better than any others as is recorded here below.

Examine closely how he responded when ask for His Identification?

Matt 21:23-25

Jesus entered the temple courts, and, while he was teaching, the chief priests and the elders of the people came to him. "By what authority are you doing these things?" they asked. "And who gave you this authority ?"

Jesus replied, "I will also ask you one question. If you answer me, I will tell you by what authority I am doing these things. John's baptism — where did it come from? Was it from heaven, or from men?"

Matt 21:25-26

They discussed it among themselves and said, "If we say, 'From heaven,' he will ask, 'Then why didn't you believe him?' But if we say, 'From men'-we are afraid of the people, for they all hold that John was a prophet."

The place where truth is the highest authority of the day which is also "Today" and forever will be should be the only thing that matters.

Such testimony can only be proved true as though it were an entry made about you within the books which also reside in heaven.

What was your last agreement made and were you true as if to yourself?

Being transformed and enjoying the process of being transformed can be worlds apart. One speaks to suffering and the other the denial of your self because you do "Know your right(s)".

On far to many occasions as said believers we've seemed to have fallen in love with the mystery of the words "All things being equal". Being "seen as" and considering only ourselves as something of greater importance is the root of our own corruption.

Either way those rights of others "Should be seen" as if they were your own. What are your God given rights?

If you don't know them how can you share in their benefits having been expressed as if "Equally"?

Man attempts to establish his own rights yet "Will" they hold and support his accompanying theories beyond the grave?

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