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Friday, August 10, 2012

Misinterpreting the obvious while safely assuming

As it pertains to the so called "Obvious" things in this world, how often do they get ignored?

Try and picture an egg held in front of a candle as if trying to see what's on the inside because the outer shell otherwise prohibits (obscures) your eyes from seeing as you consider the image painted below.

Luke 11:36
Therefore, if your whole body is full of light, and no part of it dark, it will be completely lighted, as when the light of a lamp shines on you."  

If the word ignore were describing the action that is NOT taken as the direct result of what we do hear or see, would it describe you as if a non-responder?

Luke 12:47-48
"That servant who knows his master's will and does not get ready or does not do what his master wants will be beaten with many blows. But the one who does not know and does things deserving punishment will be beaten with few blows. From everyone who has been given much , much will be demanded; and from the one who has been entrusted with much, much more will be asked. NIV

Some might argue that being ignorant interprets as someone that doesn't "Know" any "Better"

As if a state of mind that is physically observing with the eyes and ears (taking notice) yet fails to respond according to an otherwise thought standard response because they simply didn't know.

Ignorance has it's place, yet not as something that's going to find itself believable while standing in the "Light" of the "Truth".

Luke 12:46
The master of that servant will come on a day when he does not expect him and at an hour he is not aware of. He will cut him to pieces and assign him a place with the unbelievers. NIV

Many try to hide behind the excuse of what they state they don't know while refusing to allow the light of truth to examine them, yet what will truth have to say when He comes?

I guess you also have to believe what truth says or otherwise be judged an "Unbeliever"?

I suppose as part of such a consideration it would also require the said "Standard" response would also have to be one that is being "Widely" accepted as if the norm of what's commonly acceptable?

I suggest to you that "If" your waiting on the world around you to believe the full force of truth is coming, you'd also need to understand the need for encouragement from those of like mind that DO believe while existing in a world of struggling believers?

I would suggest that YOU do your own survey of those that are NOT doing what they know otherwise they NEED to (should) be doing and tell me what you see and determine what a TRUE believer is and does?

Just make sure you're judging what you see in the light of the (eyes of) "Truth" as well "yourself" within a survey that is also being truthful otherwise don't waste the time.

As part of the truth, when unbelievers judge imperfect (said) believers as if "Hypocrites" they in all truth are passing judgment on themselves as if stating they know more as to what believers are supposed to be doing and acting like enough to where they label them.

Just food for thought.

I remember watching the televised interview of a man that was on the shore of the Potomac river when a airplane crashed in it years ago. Reporters had found out that he had rescued several people (including children) from the plane crash having risk his own life.

They also pointed out that he was also a father having dove into the icy waters only later to be recognized as a Hero.

He was asked, "Can you tell us why you did it"?

He just smiled and responded, "I guess I didn't have time to think about it. What else was I supposed to do, I just dove in because it seemed like the only right thing to do in the moment"!

If the response of this man were to define everything that is NOT ignorant of a matter, how would you compare?

Did he ignore the thought of the icy waters he dove into or did he just "Be" who he "Is" in the moment? Did he ignore the risk of losing his own life responding the way he did?

Where does truth come into play?

Some might suggest that he was foolish for risking his life for a stranger. Some could be critical in his having ignored the thought his children could end up fatherless.

A broad question in light of today's "Accepted" standards, "Are we becoming a people which are comfortable living within the state of mind where we find ourselves maximizing the propensity we all seem to have when we Ignore specific things in life?

Believers today "Know" all to well more about themselves than do "Unbelievers" enough that their own ears repeatedly hear being offered their ready made excuse, "We've ALL have sinned and fallen SHORT of the glory of God".

How dose that square with everything Jesus said he came to destroy as well everything the wrath of God is eventually going to physically destroy?

News flash, "That fall from Gods glory which includes us ALL took place before you were even born".

That is to suggest, "When we ignore a matter does that qualify us as if we didn't know in the moment or one where we make the conscious choice to be ignorant in the "Given" moment we also believe God gave us?

What if later down the road of life a similar episode were to repeat enough to where those same thoughts were tried once more? The thoughts where you DO stop to consider why NOT to respond a certain way?

Would you choose once more to ignore or would you knowingly make the choice to ignore the matter one more time? How many of those type incidents need to occur before you accept that your choice was directly due to choosing to remain "Ignorant" of a matter?

I suppose if we didn't have a conscience that makes attempts to remind us how we "Should or could" have responded or "How" we should have acted?

How does the example of the said "Hero" find itself as if the comparison within the consideration as "What to do"?

Is it that we choose to fail to take notice from day to day as to what or who others remind us of or is it because we've consciously moved such things to a blind spot in our logical reasoning where the bliss of ignorance reigns supreme?

As if to say, "You might say he was a hero, but I don't think he was thinking clearly having done what he did because he didn't first stop to think about......?

Is it that we find ourselves paralyzed by fear or is it that we've become intoxicated with the excuse that we didn't know or didn't see what really "Took" its rightful place in a moment of time?

Want to put it to the test?

Show up on site of a towering burning building where you can hear babies crying out from inside and people (total strangers) hanging outside windows for oxygen which sustains life and then reconsider those that choose to risk everything as their own life that's also been given to them?

Don't wait until the "Reality" of your "Mortality" meets with Truth while standing in the middle of everything you think you've "Safely" assumed.

Allow yourself to be saved from your "Self" by the only one that IS able to SAVE.

Let Him be YOUR standard of everything you consider to be a Hero that's also alive and REAL!

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