When blame has its way guilt will always join the conversation, yet when it does what does one then say or do in response?
Do you thank God for His tender Mercy as His Grace poured out or do you continue to debate with it?
Now lets talk about sincerity, honesty, authenticity, authority, truth and reality.
What is real? What is true? How do both of those show forth in our daily lives and NOT just when WE alone consider them necessary?
How is authority approved and who assigns it? Is it only demanded or is it followed? Is truth only what we want to consider (believe) as the truth or is authority what we do know to be the truth?
In our present reality who is worthy to speak such demanding words over such vast imperfection?
How does the person prove their sincerity and or authenticity? Is it not by way of evidence? Who decides what is right and who determines us to also be "Righteous" in our decisions made?
Are we judged by those left to our care only to find they don't find what's being said to be worthy of truly being heard? Has the world become a place where everyone IS their own judge and jury? God help us all in our floundering attempts to be like Him...
As a earth bound father I can testify to the incidence's where some of my children occasionally offered to me in the form (pictures) of words as what THEY wanted me to SEE.
But being a father who is also a son who also has limited insight, I knew I would also have to wait in order to SEE (interpret) how they then performed beyond that point in time before adjusting however need be my on going opinion and responses with respect to their said presentation (vision) of "Change".
Could there be more to the said family besides baseball, hot dogs, apple pie and a bunch of Chevrolet's in the drive way?
When a parent who is NOT also asleep at the wheel has had a child lie to them, there's rarely that semi quiet voice that affords you the opportunity to see, "This kid must think their father/mother is either blind, an idiot OR someone that does not know beyond doubt concerning the truthful interpretation about what really is taking place!
As a parent we might think we'd like for these subtle moments of knowing (insight) to stick around, but I rank that right up there with placing hidden nanny cam's throughout the home. What fun would that be right?
A home with no surprises, no getting blind sided, nothing unexpected arising due to deception, simply a home where the all seeing eye can survey and KNOW the facts.
I suppose that's one perspective, yet what if that were possible? What if that is how it was intended to be (the target vision of family)?
1 Peter 1:14-16
As obedient children, do not conform to the evil desires you had when you lived in ignorance. But just as he who called you is holy, so be holy in all you do; for it is written: "Be holy, because I am holy ."
So, are we only toying with this family concept while making excuses on "Behalf" of the influences the surrounding world is having on us as believers as while convincing ourselves we are the "Called out" (Church)?
Are we tempting others while cloaked in deceptive efforts to somehow cause everyone to somehow look like us (the same) so that we won't be found out? Wouldn't that be more accurately defined as camouflage?
Who will we allow to approach us in order to even ask such a question? Did the priest of old also have to offer sacrifices for their sins while serving in the temple?
Are the called out not also described as a kingdom of priest and don't we know the way into the throne room of grace where we too find forgiveness as we look to welcome those we see unclean? Do we only keep them close for obvious contrast or have we only insulted because of how they DON'T see us?
It's easy to preach to a murderer when you're not thought to be one, yet how hard is it to preach to a liar when your also thought to be one? Who has had a spiritual birthday where noticeable change speaks louder than the knowledge of ones past?
Are the called out not also described as a kingdom of priest and don't we know the way into the throne room of grace where we too find forgiveness as we look to welcome those we see unclean? Do we only keep them close for obvious contrast or have we only insulted because of how they DON'T see us?
It's easy to preach to a murderer when you're not thought to be one, yet how hard is it to preach to a liar when your also thought to be one? Who has had a spiritual birthday where noticeable change speaks louder than the knowledge of ones past?
Are we relying on the wide spread imperfections we do see in ourselves as though our own excuse? Are we squelching the voice within those that do desire to consider themselves as Gods children who attempt to give the trumpet sound to move away from what the surrounding world looks like?
God's prophets were the (mouth) instruments used when He would verbalize a message to His people. They were notedly called seers.
This (below) was said to one king who also sat on the throne beneath the watchful eyes of God at one point in time, yet do we over look the same factual nuggets we can come to know about what God does "See" and His intention for having inquired with His eyes?
King Asa didn't like what the said "Seer" told him. He became so angry that he put the seer of God in prison.
If he could have, would he have also put God in prison cell (box)?
The word also goes on to say that he (Asa) brutally oppressed "Some" of the people. I wonder which ones though? Those that listened to the seer or those that agreed with Him?
Would the likes of Stephen be a seer when he spoke what he saw as he was being stoned having accused accurately?
Acts 7:56
"Look," he said, "I see heaven open and the Son of Man standing at the right hand of God."
His message was met with an abrupt and aggressive defense also namely because he was not "Given" the authority to speak which could only come from the ones listening.
Acts 7:51-52
"You stiff-necked people, with uncircumcised hearts and ears! You are just like your fathers: You always resist the Holy Spirit! 52 Was there ever a prophet your fathers did not persecute?
Here we can hopefully see that king Asa also didn't like what He heard as well what was considered evil in the eyes of God as we read of his legacy as king.
2 Chron 16:9
For the eyes of the LORD range throughout the earth to strengthen those whose hearts are fully committed to him.
You have done a foolish thing, and from now on you will be at war.
Asa was angry with the seer because of this; he was so enraged that he put him in prison. At the same time Asa brutally oppressed some of the people.
As a parent are you one of Gods seers while caring for His little bundles of joy OR are you frustrated with the chip off the old block and now find yourself at war with them?
Here is where many begin the Scuttling of their relation-ship.
The words concerning the heart of God have been given to mankind. They were offered as a symbol of His Love as though such that can not otherwise be seen except when we do believe what were told.
In the unfolding truth of His word we can read that it is "Impossible for God to lie" yet do we believe Him when we're presented with these words?
How important is sincerity and authenticity in our relationships, but maybe more importantly are we more not just calling what we do have a relationship even though we do have unwilling passengers on board with us?
We can also read "God does NOT change" yet how do we interpret those words too?
We'll read the history of this Gods interaction with humanity where he brings a flood and kills all but 8 people, yet will we also read how He describes these eight people He does NOT destroy?
How long does the effects of that information then last after we've tried to absorb it as if applicable in our lives today? Will we ever stop to consider what might be missing within us OR do we complete the definition of chaos as was already prophesied as to what chaos (lawlessness) appears as while telling ourselves we are righteous?
Picture an angel sent to wipe out ungodliness and then picture the personage of Lot trying to thwart their being destroyed. The angel then basically says "Step aside or else you too will be taken out".
God does not enjoy collateral damage yet when we like "Lot" (Sodom and Gomorrah) will not separate ourselves from the thing (evil) God intends to destroy what should we expect to also happen to our person when we try to call what is bitter sweet and vice versa simply because we too are their?
We then read how this same God allows mankind to continue forward in this thing called life only then to read mans history after about another 450 years go by and then see something else take place by way of the hand of God which also involves the killing and destruction of even more people (humans).
We'll read about this same God speaking to a man whom he also created through a burning bush while telling him (Moses) the very ground he's standing on is Holy Ground and that only because Gods presence is there in that moment.
Did we miss that part though? That part about Him being Holy?
We'll forget that God says that no murderer will enter the kingdom of God, yet we'll read further on where God uses the murderer named Moses to do His bidding among men.
We'll fail to see it because we didn't read it that this same man (Moses) dropped completely off the radar we have recorded as the bible for some 40 years before God revisited him (Moses) in his life.
Did Moses simply cease to breath, eat and sleep between this time period? Did he cease to have thoughts and maybe revisit the last 40 years as he journeyed to the age of 80 where his interaction with this same God resumes?
We also fail to contemplate that what we read about this man before He was even born was prophesied through the mouth of Joseph.
What we read that is only in the form of words also spoken by a mere mortal. Words which we can only read or hear having them read to us, yet what was said that could lead us that read today to the conclusion God would have us to understand?
Gen 50:24-25
Then Joseph said to his brothers, "I am about to die. But God will surely come to your aid and take you up out of this land to the land he promised on oath to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob." And Joseph made the sons of Israel swear an oath and said, "God will surely come to your aid, and then you must carry my bones up from this place."
This is the life of only one man as great as he may be as highly esteemed in the site of God yet what about all the others we find within the pages of Gods interaction with humanity?
How would you suppose Moses found himself during those 40 years where we do not read where God continually spoke to Him about his future purpose as if to suggest that he knew beyond doubt that he would become the center piece used having fled from the thought of being a murderer back in Egypt?
My point is this, Is it the only crime committed where we discount what Jesus made available the truth (forgiveness that does clear ones conscience) having believed to the point it becomes a LIVING reality OR is the said "Crime" continuing to see as though what God sees as ourselves as though sinners without the Hope that has been made available and that for the salvation of our souls.
We can "Blame" God for a while, yet how long will that maintain itself as the truth while saying we believe that it is impossible for God to Lie?
Continue to read the words of God, heed the words of God if you have any hope of Seeing Him as He is.
God has blessed your journey with the truth, yet it's your portion in this Life to believe and be found usable as an instrument where the direct result of those words are seen as alive in your life.
All of which are His innumerable expressions of Love shared with others who also hold out in this same Hope of our salvation in common. Our target? Maturity and that ONLY in the Lord. The place where childish notions as though potions are emptied from within our being(s).
Who is this God that exceeded our expectations of all that Love is? Jesus the Christ.
Who is he as compared to us all? He is the "The great I Am" that is the Love we sincerely desire for ourselves within.