Is the burglar considered to have broken the "Law" only after they exit a home with the things that don't belong to them Or the moment they broke in? sw
If a person has to "Sneak In" what should that suggest about the Alarm system the "Owner" has installed. sw
Insisting on the use of a foreign language says what to the "Home Town" people. sw
Is gaining entry and paying taxes the only signs and symbols of a "True" citizen. sw
If a man is forced with feeding the entire neighborhood, how long before his own pantry and bank account are emptied. sw
At what point does NOT paying your dues prevent a "Community Member" from losing access to the areas held in "Common". sw
If door knobs were ONLY intended to keep the honest people honest, then why even have laws that WERE intended to enforce prosecution of those who are willing to enter "Illegally". sw
It's one thing to seek asylum from tyranny, yet it's another to come only to take advantage of a benevolence program that was intended to help those who want to be a part of something greater. sw
There is good reasoning involved when the hunter becomes aware of why his "Future Meal" also repeatedly returns to a specific location. sw
Becoming a part of something requires participation which supports the "Whole". sw
Good news travels fast especially when it relates to something that can be had for "Free". sw
Exporting personal resources should also speak to where a persons "Heart" is. sw
If it is "True" that ONLY the strong "Survive", what would make any nation seem weak. sw
Even the "Ant" understands the basic principle of commitment to the queen and protecting the ant hill. sw
If a guest only arrives empty handed and with an appetite what should one expect from them. sw
The rabbit or the deer do not keep returning to the farmers garden because "There is NO free food there". sw
What is the harm of being compared to a "Rodent" if the behavior of the rodent is a"Fitting" word picture? No less than does the narrative that accurately depicts the "Criminal" who performs "Illegal" acts. sw
Who gets to paint the image that unanimously shows forth the type "Mindset" that only looks to put themselves "Ahead" of others? Ahead of those same ones who obviously understand "Why" others choose to patiently wait in line with them. sw
If it's deeply understood that it takes the struggles of several generations to build a great nation, exactly "How Long" does it take to stand by and watch the uncommitted gut a nation from the inside out. sw
At what point does the phrase "It is what it is" become the fitting image of a united people that have internally given in to being defeated by outside influence. sw
Failing to remember "How" the story of "Rome" or the "Trojan Horse" do became such a valuable lessons has everything to do with a type of "History" that has been riddled with the gaping wholes only divine "Wisdom" can fill. sw
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