It's one consideration to be "Out Spoken", yet who are the "Ones' who are truly speaking "Into" the realized likeliness of God in others". sw
Without truthful consideration as to who it is that also gets to "Enjoy" the 'Last" say, who has truly misrepresented "What' has been said. sw
Why does any type of symbol or image of an original also require an inscription or narrative as if somehow defining same. To then truly have considered who God is in any given moment. sw
Without truthfully considering how many different type of people there are, who is that also decides who those same 'People" also represent? And that without trying to decide what to do with "Who the liars are". sw
What has "War" got to do with "Anything" except for having to deal with the mess that was left on the Table. sw
Is there truly a need for any "Type" of debate in a society that suggest everything is FREE. sw
Under the defining terms of any particular type of culture, why isn't the ONLY question being asked "What Type of growth does any culture hope to Promote". sw
Is there a difference between "Fostering Care" and "Harboring an enemy" and an "Enemy of the State". sw
How far can "freedom of speech" take any nation without a complete understanding of the type of fire that is capable of setting a mans world on fire. sw
Within a democratic society there will always be those who have to painfully endure the decision's the majority has made, yet what happens when the strength of that process gets burned at the 'Stake'. sw
Is a "United" nation truly considered to be a melting pot also the product of the overwhelming will of the people? More so when it's smaller factions find it a need to deal with each other under the table in order to take the "Pot"? sw
Without two separate names as if two separate meanings, truly who are the 'Ones" who've yet to become United. sw
If a man or entity is Free to take what does NOT rightfully belong to either, who's left to bring the thieves to Justice. sw
Who can hear true wisdom speak if everyone in the room is deemed wiser than the others. sw
What good is any type of anger if it's NOT been focused, forged and brought to bear in order to remove the head of the "Cause" of the "Offense"? sw
Preventing the biting the "Hand" that feeds requires what? Knowing to whom the hand is also attached or keeping in mind what an "Insatiable Appetite" is capable of? sw
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